# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/src/catalyst/modules/Attic/catalyst_support.py,v 1.76 2006/10/02 20:41:53 wolf31o2 Exp $ import sys,string,os,types,re,signal,traceback,time #import md5,sha selinux_capable = False #userpriv_capable = (os.getuid() == 0) #fakeroot_capable = False BASH_BINARY = "/bin/bash" try: import resource max_fd_limit=resource.getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE) except SystemExit, e: raise except: # hokay, no resource module. max_fd_limit=256 # pids this process knows of. spawned_pids = [] try: import urllib except SystemExit, e: raise def cleanup(pids,block_exceptions=True): """function to go through and reap the list of pids passed to it""" global spawned_pids if type(pids) == int: pids = [pids] for x in pids: try: os.kill(x,signal.SIGTERM) if os.waitpid(x,os.WNOHANG)[1] == 0: # feisty bugger, still alive. os.kill(x,signal.SIGKILL) os.waitpid(x,0) except OSError, oe: if block_exceptions: pass if oe.errno not in (10,3): raise oe except SystemExit: raise except Exception: if block_exceptions: pass try: spawned_pids.remove(x) except IndexError: pass # a function to turn a string of non-printable characters into a string of # hex characters def hexify(str): hexStr = string.hexdigits r = '' for ch in str: i = ord(ch) r = r + hexStr[(i >> 4) & 0xF] + hexStr[i & 0xF] return r # hexify() def generate_hash(file,hash_function="crc32",verbose=False): try: return hash_map[hash_function][0](file,hash_map[hash_function][1],hash_map[hash_function][2],\ hash_map[hash_function][3],verbose) except: raise CatalystError,"Error generating hash, is appropriate utility installed on your system?" def calc_hash(file,cmd,cmd_args,id_string="MD5",verbose=False): a=os.popen(cmd+" "+cmd_args+" "+file) mylines=a.readlines() a.close() mylines=mylines[0].split() result=mylines[0] if verbose: print id_string+" (%s) = %s" % (file, result) return result def calc_hash2(file,cmd,cmd_args,id_string="MD5",verbose=False): a=os.popen(cmd+" "+cmd_args+" "+file) header=a.readline() mylines=a.readline().split() hash=mylines[0] short_file=os.path.split(mylines[1])[1] a.close() result=header+hash+" "+short_file+"\n" if verbose: print header+" (%s) = %s" % (short_file, result) return result #This has map must be defined after the function calc_hash #It is possible to call different functions from this but they must be defined before hash_map # Key,function,cmd,cmd_args,Print string hash_map={ "adler32":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a ADLER32","ADLER32"],\ "crc32":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a CRC32","CRC32"],\ "crc32b":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a CRC32B","CRC32B"],\ "gost":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a GOST","GOST"],\ "haval128":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a HAVAL128","HAVAL128"],\ "haval160":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a HAVAL160","HAVAL160"],\ "haval192":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a HAVAL192","HAVAL192"],\ "haval224":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a HAVAL224","HAVAL224"],\ "haval256":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a HAVAL256","HAVAL256"],\ "md2":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a MD2","MD2"],\ "md4":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a MD4","MD4"],\ "md5":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a MD5","MD5"],\ "ripemd128":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a RIPEMD128","RIPEMD128"],\ "ripemd160":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a RIPEMD160","RIPEMD160"],\ "ripemd256":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a RIPEMD256","RIPEMD256"],\ "ripemd320":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a RIPEMD320","RIPEMD320"],\ "sha1":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a SHA1","SHA1"],\ "sha224":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a SHA224","SHA224"],\ "sha256":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a SHA256","SHA256"],\ "sha384":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a SHA384","SHA384"],\ "sha512":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a SHA512","SHA512"],\ "snefru128":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a SNEFRU128","SNEFRU128"],\ "snefru256":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a SNEFRU256","SNEFRU256"],\ "tiger":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a TIGER","TIGER"],\ "tiger128":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a TIGER128","TIGER128"],\ "tiger160":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a TIGER160","TIGER160"],\ "whirlpool":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a WHIRLPOOL","WHIRLPOOL"],\ } def read_from_clst(file): line = '' myline = '' try: myf=open(file,"r") except: return -1 #raise CatalystError, "Could not open file "+file for line in myf.readlines(): #line = string.replace(line, "\n", "") # drop newline myline = myline + line myf.close() return myline # read_from_clst # these should never be touched required_build_targets=["generic_target","generic_stage_target"] # new build types should be added here valid_build_targets=["stage1_target","stage2_target","stage3_target","stage4_target","grp_target", "livecd_stage1_target","livecd_stage2_target","embedded_target", "tinderbox_target","snapshot_target","netboot_target","netboot2_target"] required_config_file_values=["storedir","sharedir","distdir","portdir"] valid_config_file_values=required_config_file_values[:] valid_config_file_values.append("PKGCACHE") valid_config_file_values.append("KERNCACHE") valid_config_file_values.append("CCACHE") valid_config_file_values.append("DISTCC") valid_config_file_values.append("ENVSCRIPT") valid_config_file_values.append("AUTORESUME") valid_config_file_values.append("FETCH") valid_config_file_values.append("CLEAR_AUTORESUME") valid_config_file_values.append("options") valid_config_file_values.append("DEBUG") valid_config_file_values.append("VERBOSE") valid_config_file_values.append("PURGE") valid_config_file_values.append("SNAPCACHE") valid_config_file_values.append("snapshot_cache") valid_config_file_values.append("hash_function") valid_config_file_values.append("digests") valid_config_file_values.append("SEEDCACHE") verbosity=1 def list_bashify(mylist): if type(mylist)==types.StringType: mypack=[mylist] else: mypack=mylist[:] for x in range(0,len(mypack)): # surround args with quotes for passing to bash, # allows things like "<" to remain intact mypack[x]="'"+mypack[x]+"'" mypack=string.join(mypack) return mypack def list_to_string(mylist): if type(mylist)==types.StringType: mypack=[mylist] else: mypack=mylist[:] for x in range(0,len(mypack)): # surround args with quotes for passing to bash, # allows things like "<" to remain intact mypack[x]=mypack[x] mypack=string.join(mypack) return mypack class CatalystError(Exception): def __init__(self, message): if message: (type,value)=sys.exc_info()[:2] if value!=None: print print traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) print print "!!! catalyst: "+message print class LockInUse(Exception): def __init__(self, message): if message: #(type,value)=sys.exc_info()[:2] #if value!=None: #print #kprint traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) print print "!!! catalyst lock file in use: "+message print def die(msg=None): warn(msg) sys.exit(1) def warn(msg): print "!!! catalyst: "+msg def find_binary(myc): """look through the environmental path for an executable file named whatever myc is""" # this sucks. badly. p=os.getenv("PATH") if p == None: return None for x in p.split(":"): #if it exists, and is executable if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (x,myc)) and os.stat("%s/%s" % (x,myc))[0] & 0x0248: return "%s/%s" % (x,myc) return None def spawn_bash(mycommand,env={},debug=False,opt_name=None,**keywords): """spawn mycommand as an arguement to bash""" args=[BASH_BINARY] if not opt_name: opt_name=mycommand.split()[0] if not env.has_key("BASH_ENV"): env["BASH_ENV"] = "/etc/spork/is/not/valid/profile.env" if debug: args.append("-x") args.append("-c") args.append(mycommand) return spawn(args,env=env,opt_name=opt_name,**keywords) #def spawn_get_output(mycommand,spawn_type=spawn,raw_exit_code=False,emulate_gso=True, \ # collect_fds=[1],fd_pipes=None,**keywords): def spawn_get_output(mycommand,raw_exit_code=False,emulate_gso=True, \ collect_fds=[1],fd_pipes=None,**keywords): """call spawn, collecting the output to fd's specified in collect_fds list emulate_gso is a compatability hack to emulate commands.getstatusoutput's return, minus the requirement it always be a bash call (spawn_type controls the actual spawn call), and minus the 'lets let log only stdin and let stderr slide by'. emulate_gso was deprecated from the day it was added, so convert your code over. spawn_type is the passed in function to call- typically spawn_bash, spawn, spawn_sandbox, or spawn_fakeroot""" global selinux_capable pr,pw=os.pipe() #if type(spawn_type) not in [types.FunctionType, types.MethodType]: # s="spawn_type must be passed a function, not",type(spawn_type),spawn_type # raise Exception,s if fd_pipes==None: fd_pipes={} fd_pipes[0] = 0 for x in collect_fds: fd_pipes[x] = pw keywords["returnpid"]=True mypid=spawn_bash(mycommand,fd_pipes=fd_pipes,**keywords) os.close(pw) if type(mypid) != types.ListType: os.close(pr) return [mypid, "%s: No such file or directory" % mycommand.split()[0]] fd=os.fdopen(pr,"r") mydata=fd.readlines() fd.close() if emulate_gso: mydata=string.join(mydata) if len(mydata) and mydata[-1] == "\n": mydata=mydata[:-1] retval=os.waitpid(mypid[0],0)[1] cleanup(mypid) if raw_exit_code: return [retval,mydata] retval=process_exit_code(retval) return [retval, mydata] # base spawn function def spawn(mycommand,env={},raw_exit_code=False,opt_name=None,fd_pipes=None,returnpid=False,\ uid=None,gid=None,groups=None,umask=None,logfile=None,path_lookup=True,\ selinux_context=None, raise_signals=False, func_call=False): """base fork/execve function. mycommand is the desired command- if you need a command to execute in a bash/sandbox/fakeroot environment, use the appropriate spawn call. This is a straight fork/exec code path. Can either have a tuple, or a string passed in. If uid/gid/groups/umask specified, it changes the forked process to said value. If path_lookup is on, a non-absolute command will be converted to an absolute command, otherwise it returns None. selinux_context is the desired context, dependant on selinux being available. opt_name controls the name the processor goes by. fd_pipes controls which file descriptor numbers are left open in the forked process- it's a dict of current fd's raw fd #, desired #. func_call is a boolean for specifying to execute a python function- use spawn_func instead. raise_signals is questionable. Basically throw an exception if signal'd. No exception is thrown if raw_input is on. logfile overloads the specified fd's to write to a tee process which logs to logfile returnpid returns the relevant pids (a list, including the logging process if logfile is on). non-returnpid calls to spawn will block till the process has exited, returning the exitcode/signal raw_exit_code controls whether the actual waitpid result is returned, or intrepretted.""" myc='' if not func_call: if type(mycommand)==types.StringType: mycommand=mycommand.split() myc = mycommand[0] if not os.access(myc, os.X_OK): if not path_lookup: return None myc = find_binary(myc) if myc == None: return None mypid=[] if logfile: pr,pw=os.pipe() mypid.extend(spawn(('tee','-i','-a',logfile),returnpid=True,fd_pipes={0:pr,1:1,2:2})) retval=os.waitpid(mypid[-1],os.WNOHANG)[1] if retval != 0: # he's dead jim. if raw_exit_code: return retval return process_exit_code(retval) if fd_pipes == None: fd_pipes={} fd_pipes[0] = 0 fd_pipes[1]=pw fd_pipes[2]=pw if not opt_name: opt_name = mycommand[0] myargs=[opt_name] myargs.extend(mycommand[1:]) global spawned_pids mypid.append(os.fork()) if mypid[-1] != 0: #log the bugger. spawned_pids.extend(mypid) if mypid[-1] == 0: if func_call: spawned_pids = [] # this may look ugly, but basically it moves file descriptors around to ensure no # handles that are needed are accidentally closed during the final dup2 calls. trg_fd=[] if type(fd_pipes)==types.DictType: src_fd=[] k=fd_pipes.keys() k.sort() #build list of which fds will be where, and where they are at currently for x in k: trg_fd.append(x) src_fd.append(fd_pipes[x]) # run through said list dup'ing descriptors so that they won't be waxed # by other dup calls. for x in range(0,len(trg_fd)): if trg_fd[x] == src_fd[x]: continue if trg_fd[x] in src_fd[x+1:]: new=os.dup2(trg_fd[x],max(src_fd) + 1) os.close(trg_fd[x]) try: while True: src_fd[s.index(trg_fd[x])]=new except SystemExit, e: raise except: pass # transfer the fds to their final pre-exec position. for x in range(0,len(trg_fd)): if trg_fd[x] != src_fd[x]: os.dup2(src_fd[x], trg_fd[x]) else: trg_fd=[0,1,2] # wax all open descriptors that weren't requested be left open. for x in range(0,max_fd_limit): if x not in trg_fd: try: os.close(x) except SystemExit, e: raise except: pass # note this order must be preserved- can't change gid/groups if you change uid first. if selinux_capable and selinux_context: import selinux selinux.setexec(selinux_context) if gid: os.setgid(gid) if groups: os.setgroups(groups) if uid: os.setuid(uid) if umask: os.umask(umask) try: #print "execing", myc, myargs if func_call: # either use a passed in func for interpretting the results, or return if no exception. # note the passed in list, and dict are expanded. if len(mycommand) == 4: os._exit(mycommand[3](mycommand[0](*mycommand[1],**mycommand[2]))) try: mycommand[0](*mycommand[1],**mycommand[2]) except Exception,e: print "caught exception",e," in forked func",mycommand[0] sys.exit(0) #os.execvp(myc,myargs) os.execve(myc,myargs,env) except SystemExit, e: raise except Exception, e: if not func_call: raise str(e)+":\n "+myc+" "+string.join(myargs) print "func call failed" # If the execve fails, we need to report it, and exit # *carefully* --- report error here os._exit(1) sys.exit(1) return # should never get reached # if we were logging, kill the pipes. if logfile: os.close(pr) os.close(pw) if returnpid: return mypid # loop through pids (typically one, unless logging), either waiting on their death, or waxing them # if the main pid (mycommand) returned badly. while len(mypid): retval=os.waitpid(mypid[-1],0)[1] if retval != 0: cleanup(mypid[0:-1],block_exceptions=False) # at this point we've killed all other kid pids generated via this call. # return now. if raw_exit_code: return retval return process_exit_code(retval,throw_signals=raise_signals) else: mypid.pop(-1) cleanup(mypid) return 0 def cmd(mycmd,myexc="",env={}): try: sys.stdout.flush() retval=spawn_bash(mycmd,env) if retval != 0: raise CatalystError,myexc except: raise def process_exit_code(retval,throw_signals=False): """process a waitpid returned exit code, returning exit code if it exit'd, or the signal if it died from signalling if throw_signals is on, it raises a SystemExit if the process was signaled. This is intended for usage with threads, although at the moment you can't signal individual threads in python, only the master thread, so it's a questionable option.""" if (retval & 0xff)==0: return retval >> 8 # return exit code else: if throw_signals: #use systemexit, since portage is stupid about exception catching. raise SystemExit() return (retval & 0xff) << 8 # interrupted by signal def file_locate(settings,filelist,expand=1): #if expand=1, non-absolute paths will be accepted and # expanded to os.getcwd()+"/"+localpath if file exists for myfile in filelist: if not settings.has_key(myfile): #filenames such as cdtar are optional, so we don't assume the variable is defined. pass else: if len(settings[myfile])==0: raise CatalystError, "File variable \""+myfile+"\" has a length of zero (not specified.)" if settings[myfile][0]=="/": if not os.path.exists(settings[myfile]): raise CatalystError, "Cannot locate specified "+myfile+": "+settings[myfile] elif expand and os.path.exists(os.getcwd()+"/"+settings[myfile]): settings[myfile]=os.getcwd()+"/"+settings[myfile] else: raise CatalystError, "Cannot locate specified "+myfile+": "+settings[myfile]+" (2nd try)" """ Spec file format: The spec file format is a very simple and easy-to-use format for storing data. Here's an example file: item1: value1 item2: foo bar oni item3: meep bark gleep moop This file would be interpreted as defining three items: item1, item2 and item3. item1 would contain the string value "value1". Item2 would contain an ordered list [ "foo", "bar", "oni" ]. item3 would contain an ordered list as well: [ "meep", "bark", "gleep", "moop" ]. It's important to note that the order of multiple-value items is preserved, but the order that the items themselves are defined are not preserved. In other words, "foo", "bar", "oni" ordering is preserved but "item1" "item2" "item3" ordering is not, as the item strings are stored in a dictionary (hash). """ def parse_spec(mylines): myspec = {} cur_array = [] trailing_comment=re.compile("#.*$") white_space=re.compile("\s+") while len(mylines): myline = mylines.pop(0).strip() # Force the line to be clean # Remove Comments ( anything following # ) myline = trailing_comment.sub("", myline) # Skip any blank lines if not myline: continue # Look for colon msearch = myline.find(':') # If semicolon found assume its a new key # This may cause problems if : are used for key values but works for now if msearch != -1: # Split on the first semicolon creating two strings in the array mobjs mobjs = myline.split(':', 1) mobjs[1] = mobjs[1].strip() # Start a new array using the first element of mobjs cur_array = [mobjs[0]] if mobjs[1]: # split on white space creating additional array elements subarray = white_space.split(mobjs[1]) if subarray: if len(subarray)==1: # Store as a string if only one element is found. # this is to keep with original catalyst behavior # eventually this may go away if catalyst just works # with arrays. cur_array.append(subarray[0]) else: cur_array += subarray # Else add on to the last key we were working on else: mobjs = white_space.split(myline) cur_array += mobjs # XXX: Do we really still need this "single value is a string" behavior? if len(cur_array) == 2: myspec[cur_array[0]] = cur_array[1] else: myspec[cur_array[0]] = cur_array[1:] for x in myspec.keys(): # Delete empty key pairs if not myspec[x]: print "\n\tWARNING: No value set for key " + x + "...deleting" del myspec[x] return myspec def parse_makeconf(mylines): mymakeconf={} pos=0 pat=re.compile("([a-zA-Z_]*)=(.*)") while pos=verblevel: print mymsg def pathcompare(path1,path2): # Change double slashes to slash path1 = re.sub(r"//",r"/",path1) path2 = re.sub(r"//",r"/",path2) # Removing ending slash path1 = re.sub("/$","",path1) path2 = re.sub("/$","",path2) if path1 == path2: return 1 return 0 def ismount(path): "enhanced to handle bind mounts" if os.path.ismount(path): return 1 a=os.popen("mount") mylines=a.readlines() a.close() for line in mylines: mysplit=line.split() if pathcompare(path,mysplit[2]): return 1 return 0 def arg_parse(cmdline): #global required_config_file_values mydict={} for x in cmdline: foo=string.split(x,"=",1) if len(foo)!=2: raise CatalystError, "Invalid arg syntax: "+x else: mydict[foo[0]]=foo[1] # if all is well, we should return (we should have bailed before here if not) return mydict def addl_arg_parse(myspec,addlargs,requiredspec,validspec): "helper function to help targets parse additional arguments" global valid_config_file_values for x in addlargs.keys(): if x not in validspec and x not in valid_config_file_values and x not in requiredspec: raise CatalystError, "Argument \""+x+"\" not recognized." else: myspec[x]=addlargs[x] for x in requiredspec: if not myspec.has_key(x): raise CatalystError, "Required argument \""+x+"\" not specified." def spec_dump(myspec): for x in myspec.keys(): print x+": "+repr(myspec[x]) def touch(myfile): try: myf=open(myfile,"w") myf.close() except IOError: raise CatalystError, "Could not touch "+myfile+"." def countdown(secs=5, doing="Starting"): if secs: print ">>> Waiting",secs,"seconds before starting..." print ">>> (Control-C to abort)...\n"+doing+" in: ", ticks=range(secs) ticks.reverse() for sec in ticks: sys.stdout.write(str(sec+1)+" ") sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) print def normpath(mypath): TrailingSlash=False if mypath[-1] == "/": TrailingSlash=True newpath = os.path.normpath(mypath) if len(newpath) > 1: if newpath[:2] == "//": newpath = newpath[1:] if TrailingSlash: newpath=newpath+'/' return newpath