# ChangeLog for app-admin/eselect-maven # Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/eselect-maven/ChangeLog,v 1.4 2009/10/18 22:14:38 betelgeuse Exp $ 18 Oct 2009; Petteri Räty <betelgeuse@gentoo.org> eselect-maven-0.1.ebuild: add maven-bin:2.2 and fix so that the latest version is the first to be matched. 13 May 2009; Alistair Bush <ali_bush@gentoo.org> eselect-maven-0.1.ebuild: Restrict blocker to slot. 12 May 2009; Alistair Bush <ali_bush@gentoo.org> eselect-maven-0.1.ebuild: Update blocker on maven-bin. We have versionbumped maven-bin in tree. 12 May 2009; Alistair Bush <ali_bush@gentoo.org> +eselect-maven-0.1.ebuild, +files/maven.eselect, +metadata.xml: Move eselect-maven from java-experimental overlay. *eselect-maven-0.1 (08 May 2009) 08 May 2009; Jesse Farinacci <jieryn@gmail.com> +eselect-maven-0.1.ebuild, +files/maven.eselect, +metadata.xml: initial import, related to bug #264027