# ChangeLog for app-crypt/johntheripper # Copyright 2002-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-crypt/johntheripper/ChangeLog,v 1.28 2005/08/23 14:04:28 dragonheart Exp $ *johntheripper-1.6.38 (23 Aug 2005) *johntheripper-1.6.37_p11 (23 Aug 2005) 23 Aug 2005; Daniel Black -johntheripper-1.6.37_p1.ebuild, +johntheripper-1.6.37_p11.ebuild, +johntheripper-1.6.38.ebuild: fixes to bug #76399 (removed johntheripper-1.6.37_p1). replaced with johntheripper-1.6.37_p11 and johntheripper-1.6.38 21 Apr 2005; Simon Stelling johntheripper-1.6.37_p1.ebuild: stable on amd64 29 Mar 2005; Markus Rothe johntheripper-1.6.37_p1.ebuild: Stable on ppc64 01 Jan 2005; Markus Rothe johntheripper-1.6.37_p1.ebuild: Added ~ppc64 to KEYWORDS *johntheripper-1.6.37_p1 (01 Jan 2005) 01 Jan 2005; Daniel Black -johntheripper-1.6-r1.ebuild, -johntheripper-1.6.37-r1.ebuild, +johntheripper-1.6.37_p1.ebuild, metadata.xml: Version bump removes old version. New _p1 version contains new patches and fixes bug #59195 (by Benoit Izac ) and bug #56528 (Alexander Holler ) 28 Nov 2004; Simon Stelling johntheripper-1.6.37-r1.ebuild: added ~amd64 01 Nov 2004; Lars Weiler johntheripper-1.6.37-r1.ebuild: Fixed ebuild so that the patch applies correctly. Also marked stable on ppc, as requested in Bug #44203. 02 Oct 2004; Aaron Walker johntheripper-1.6.37-r1.ebuild: Compress gentoo patch; fixes bug #61804 19 Sep 2004; Tom Gall johntheripper-1.6-r3.ebuild: stable on ppc64, bug #60890 29 Jun 2004; Aron Griffis johntheripper-1.6-r1.ebuild, johntheripper-1.6-r3.ebuild, johntheripper-1.6.ebuild: sync IUSE (+kerberos, +mysql, -samba), add sed-4 dep 01 Jun 2004; Aron Griffis johntheripper-1.6-r1.ebuild, johntheripper-1.6.ebuild: Fix use invocation 25 May 2004; Daniel Black johntheripper-1.6.37-r1.ebuild: Fix for bug #51795. generic make target for x86(non-mmx/non-k6) changed to linux-x86-any-elf. hppa and mips removed from keywords until generic target has been fixed. Added missing kerberos use flag too. Thanks to Owen Ford and others for the bug report. *johntheripper-1.6.37-r1 (24 May 2004) 24 May 2004; Daniel Black +johntheripper-1.6.37-r1.ebuild, -johntheripper-1.6.37.ebuild: Fixed patches *johntheripper-1.6.37 (22 May 2004) 22 May 2004; Daniel Black -johntheripper-1.6-r2.ebuild, johntheripper-1.6-r3.ebuild, +johntheripper-1.6.37.ebuild: version bump to solve bug #44203. johntheripper-1.6-r3 small dependancy fix. *johntheripper-1.6-r3 (20 May 2004) 20 May 2004; Daniel Black +johntheripper-1.6-r3.ebuild: fixes to bug #51442 and bug #49988. Thanks to Ghislain Bourgeois *johntheripper-1.6-r2 (18 May 2004) 18 May 2004; Daniel Black +files/john-ntlm.skey.patch, +johntheripper-1.6-r2.ebuild +metadata.xml: fixes thanks to Ghislain Bourgeois ghislain48@hotmail.com in bug #49988. All patches are patching the same area of code. mysql dropped due conficts with other patches. 01 Oct 2003; Tavis Ormandy johntheripper-1.6.ebuild: Stable on alpha 13 Feb 2003; Guy Martin johntheripper-1.6.ebuild : Changed keyword ~hppa to hppa. *johntheripper-1.6-r1 (13 Feb 2003) 13 Feb 2003; johntheripper-1.6-r1.ebuild files/digest-johntheripper-1.6-r1 : new version that uses patches for ntlm, mysql, etc password cracking 13 Feb 2003; johntheripper-1.6-r1.ebuild files/digest-johntheripper-1.6-r1 : new *johntheripper-1.6 (22 May 2002) 28 Mar 2003; Pieter Van den Abeele johntheripper-1.6.ebuild : Moved to stable ppc 09 Feb 2003; Seemant Kulleen johntheripper-1.6.ebuild : Changed to use epatch. Also, changed sed expression delimiters from / to :, closing bug #15006 by Blu3 06 Dec 2002; Rodney Rees : changed sparc ~sparc keywords 22 May 2002; Grant Goodyear New package. I use the debian patch because it contains some useful hacks to make john fit in an LFS filesystem (not to mention man pages). -- Explanation of ChangeLog format: Every new version or revision of the package should be marked by a '*' seperator line as above. Changes since the last revision have to be added to the top of the file, underneath the initial copyright and cvs header comments, in exactly the same format as this comment. This means that you start with header line that has the following format, indented two spaces: DD MMM YYYY; your_name changed_file1, changed_file2: Your explanation should follow. It should be indented and wrapped at a line width of 80 characters. The changed_files can be omitted if they are obvious; for example, if you are only modifying the .ebuild file and committing a new rev of a package. Any details about what exactly changed in the code should be added as a message when the changes are committed to cvs, not in this file.