# ChangeLog for app-emulation/basiliskII-jit # Copyright 2000-2004 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/basiliskII-jit/ChangeLog,v 1.3 2004/09/02 15:47:46 dholm Exp $ *basiliskII-jit-1.0.0-r1 (02 Sep 2004) 02 Sep 2004; David Holm +basiliskII-jit-1.0.0-r1.ebuild, -basiliskII-jit-1.0.0.ebuild: Renamed binary to BasiliskII-jit in order to avoid name conflict (bug #62571). *basiliskII-jit-1.0.0 (21 Mar 2004) 21 Mar 2004; David Holm basiliskII-jit-1.0.0.ebuild, metadata.xml: This ebuild was incorrectly placed in the basiliskII directory. I have moved it here since it is a fork of basiliskII and not the same project.