# ChangeLog for app-emulation/winex-cvs
# Copyright 2002-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/winex-cvs/ChangeLog,v 1.22 2005/01/01 14:20:38 eradicator Exp $

  14 Aug 2004; Sven Wegener <swegener@gentoo.org> winex-cvs-3000.ebuild:
  Fixed CVS Header.

  02 Aug 2003; Sergey Kuleshov <svyatogor@gentoo.org> winex-cvs-3000.ebuild:
  Fixed a small typo in einfo message.

*winex-cvs-3000 (29 Jul 2003)

  29 Jul 2003; Alex Veber <coronalvr@gentoo.org> winex-cvs-2.2.1.ebuild,
  winex-cvs-3.0.ebuild, winex-cvs-3.1.ebuild, winex-cvs-3000.ebuild,
  files/winex-cvs-3.0_pre1.patch, files/winex-cvs-fake_windows.tar.bz2,
  files/winex-cvs-regedit, files/winex-cvs-winex:
  bye bye winex-cvs, only a fake version is left.

  17 Jul 2003; Alex Veber <coronalvr@gentoo.org> winex-cvs-2.2.1.ebuild,
  winex-cvs-3.0.ebuild, winex-cvs-3.1.ebuild:
  added !>=sys-libs/glibc-2.3.2

*winex-cvs-3.1 (24 Jun 2003)

  12 Jul 2003; Stefan Jones <cretin@gentoo.org> :
  Addded --enable-pthreads for nptl threads

  02 Jul 2003; Svyatogor <svyatogor@gentoo.org> :
  Added threaded perl fix.

  24 Jun 2003; Alex Veber <coronalvr@gentoo.org> winex-cvs-3.1.ebuild:
  version bump.

  15 Jun 2003; Martin Holzer <mholzer@gentoo.org> winex-cvs-3.0.ebuild:
  Added wine.conf man page to be installed. Closes #22848.

*winex-cvs-3.0 (17 Apr 2003)

  17 Apr 2003; Martin Holzer <mholzer@gentoo.org> Manifest,
  winex-cvs-2.0.ebuild, winex-cvs-2.0.ebuild, winex-cvs-2.1.ebuild,
  winex-cvs-2.1.ebuild, winex-cvs-2.2.ebuild, winex-cvs-2.2.ebuild,
  Version bumped. Cleanup. Thx to phoen][x.

*winex-cvs-3.0_pre1 (16 Mar 2003)

  23 Mar 2003; phoen][x <phoenix@gentoo.org> winex-cvs-3.0_pre1.ebuild,
  files/winex-cvs-3.0_pre1.patch :
  Incorporated patch to prevent building of programs/{wcmd,winhelp}. These
  two targets made winex break during compilation.
  16 Mar 2003; phoen][x <phoenix@gentoo.org> winex-cvs-3.0_pre1.ebuild :
  Version bump. Minor modification to the ebuild to make it work: Portage does
  not allow the ebuild to be called exactly like the CVS-branch
  (winex-cvs-3-0-pre-1) so i worked around it. 

*winex-cvs-2.2.1 (13 Nov 2002)

  05 Feb 2003; phoen][x <phoenix@gentoo.org> winex-cvs-2.2.1.ebuild :
  Modified X dependencies. You can build winex without X now (for commandline
  applications) - this closes bug #14651.

  13 Nov 2002; Stefan Jones<cretin@gentoo.org> winex-cvs-2.2.1.ebuild :
  Added winex-cvs.2.2.1 and fixed bug in regex for cvs tag use //./- not /./-

*winex-cvs-2.2 (10 October 2002)

  05 Feb 2003; phoen][x <phoenix@gentoo.org> winex-cvs-2.2 :
  Modified X dependencies. You can build winex without X now (for commandline
  applications) - this closes bug #14651.

  10 Oct 2002; phoen][x <phoenix@gentoo.org> winex-cvs-2.2.ebuild :
  Added winex-cvs.2.2.

*winex-cvs-2.1 (08 September 2002)

  05 Feb 2003; phoen][x <phoenix@gentoo.org> winex-cvs-2.1 :
  Modified X dependencies. You can build winex without X now (for commandline
  applications) - this closes bug #14651.

  13 Sep 2002; phoen][x <phoenix@gentoo.org> winex-cvs-2.1.ebuild :
  Added manpage installation. This installs the manpage of wine as ${PN}.

  13 Sep 2002; Dan Armak <danarmak@gentoo.org> winex-cvs-2.1.ebuild :

  Fix issue discussed in comments of bug #7319 where dev-util/cvs was missing
  from the dep list.

  08 Sep 2002; phoen][x <phoenix@gentoo.org> winex-cvs-2.1.ebuild,
  files/digest-winex-cvs-2.1, files/winex-cvs-fake_windows.tar.bz2,
  files/winex-cvs-regedit, files/winex-cvs-winex :

  This is the new winex-2.1 CVS ebuild. Implemented Dan Armaks new ECVS_BRANCH setting. 
  Thanks Dan. I overwrote the ECVS_TOP_DIR to be able to have multiple versions of
  a local cvs tree on the users harddrive - each branch has its own tree. That should
  speed things up if you often switch between branches; If you dont switch it won't
  waste HD space because you didn't fetch different branches in the first place. :)

*winex-cvs-2.0 (08 September 2002)

  05 Feb 2003; phoen][x <phoenix@gentoo.org> winex-cvs-2.0 :
  Modified X dependencies. You can build winex without X now (for commandline
  applications) - this closes bug #14651.

  13 Sep 2002; phoen][x <phoenix@gentoo.org> winex-cvs-2.0.ebuild :

  Added manpage installation. This installs the manpage of wine as ${PN}.
  Removed obsolete RDEPEND tag.

  13 Sep 2002; Dan Armak <danarmak@gentoo.org> winex-cvs-2.0.ebuild :

  Fix issue discussed in comments of bug #7319 where dev-util/cvs was missing
  from the dep list.

  08 Sep 2002; phoen][x <phoenix@gentoo.org> winex-cvs-2.0.ebuild,
  files/digest-winex-cvs-2.0, files/winex-cvs-fake_windows.tar.bz2,
  files/winex-cvs-regedit, files/winex-cvs-winex :

  This ebuild is identical to the winex-cvs-2.1 ebuild. The name of the ebuild 
  tells portage to fetch the winex-2.0 branch instead. (A simple symlink would
  have done the trick, yes)

*winex-cvs-20020831 (01 September 2002)

  08 Sep 2002; phoen][x <phoenix@gentoo.org> winex-cvs-20020831.ebuild :
  This ebuild is now obsolete. The name puzzled quite a few users.
  There should be no problems with the new naming convention.

  01 Sep 2002; phoen][x <phoenix@gentoo.org> ChangeLog, winex-cvs-20020831.ebuild,
  files/winex-cvs-20020831-fake_windows.tar.bz2, files/winex-cvs-20020831-regedit,
  files/winex-cvs-20020831-winex :
  Initial release of the winex-cvs package. In order to have both winex versions
  (the normal one and the cvs one) installed at the same time, i made this one go
  into /usr/lib/winex-cvs. The wrapper is called /usr/bin/winex-cvs and the 
  regedit is named /usr/bin/regedit-winex-cvs.