# ChangeLog for app-text/calibre # Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-text/calibre/ChangeLog,v 1.6 2008/07/04 14:42:25 flameeyes Exp $ *calibre-0.4.76 (04 Jul 2008) 04 Jul 2008; Diego Pettenò -calibre-0.4.53.ebuild, -calibre-0.4.54.ebuild, -calibre-0.4.64.ebuild, -calibre-0.4.73.ebuild, +calibre-0.4.76.ebuild: Version bump, remove old versions. *calibre-0.4.73 (24 Jun 2008) 24 Jun 2008; Diego Pettenò +calibre-0.4.73.ebuild: Update calibre to version 0.4.73. *calibre-0.4.64 (30 May 2008) 30 May 2008; Diego Pettenò +calibre-0.4.64.ebuild: Version bump. *calibre-0.4.54 (15 May 2008) 15 May 2008; Diego Pettenò +calibre-0.4.54.ebuild: Version bump. 14 May 2008; Diego Pettenò calibre-0.4.53.ebuild: Depend on Python 2.5, see bug #221935. *calibre-0.4.53 (12 May 2008) 12 May 2008; Diego Pettenò +metadata.xml, +calibre-0.4.53.ebuild: Initial import of calibre (formerly libprs500), software to handle PRS-500 and PRS-505 e-Book readers by Sony. Thanks to drac who committed the xdg-utils patch it can finally enter the tree.