# ChangeLog for dev-dotnet/log4net # Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-dotnet/log4net/ChangeLog,v 1.3 2007/06/26 01:00:24 jurek Exp $ *log4net-1.2.10-r1 (26 Jun 2007) 26 Jun 2007; Jurek Bartuszek files/log4net.pc.in, -log4net-1.2.10.ebuild, +log4net-1.2.10-r1.ebuild: - Installing separate DLLs for different .NET versions - Removed assembly from GAC 25 Jun 2007; Jurek Bartuszek +files/log4net.pc.in, -files/log4net-1.2.10.pc, log4net-1.2.10.ebuild: Generation of the .pc file is now more universal *log4net-1.2.10 (24 Jun 2007) 24 Jun 2007; Jurek Bartuszek +files/log4net-1.2.10.pc, +metadata.xml, +log4net-1.2.10.ebuild: Initial version (fixing bug #63395). Credit goes to Tim Rädisch , Travis Hansen and Toffanin [WiredTEK] for providing the ebuilds slightly modified by yours truly