# ChangeLog for dev-libs/commonc++ # Copyright 2002-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-libs/commonc++/ChangeLog,v 1.9 2003/05/09 03:12:49 heim Exp $ *commonc++-1.9.7-r3 (08 May 2003) 08 May 2003; Todd Heim commonc++-1.9.7-r3.ebuild: patched to compile on ppc. cleaned up hard-coded version number in ${S}. uses epatch now. *commonc++-1.9.7-r2 (03 Oct 2002) 06 Dec 2002; Rodney Rees : changed sparc ~sparc keywords 03 Oct 2002; Matt Keadle commonc++-1.9.7-r2: Updated to resolv Bug #6115 *commonc++-1.9.7-r1 (13 Jul 2002) 07 Jul 2002; Michael Nazaroff commonc++-1.9.7-r1: Modified make prefix=${D} install to make DESTDIR=${D} install. This fixes the include install path so everything works. *commonc++-1.9.7 (07 Jul 2002) 07 Jul 2002; Michael Nazaroff commonc++-1.9.7: Added a small patch so it compiles since it was broke before. I also added license and slot to the ebuild and included the doc's along with the ebuild. *commonc++-1.9.7 (05 Jul 2002) 05 Jul 2002; Michael Nazaroff commonc++-1.9.7: This changelog is for the initial release of commonc++-1.9.7.ebuild which is just a library needed for a few gnu applications.