# ChangeLog for media-libs/libwmf # Copyright 2002-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/libwmf/ChangeLog,v 1.11 2003/02/12 07:13:30 vapier Exp $ 06 Dec 2002; Rodney Rees : changed sparc ~sparc keywords *libwmf-0.2.7 (27 Nov 2002) 05 Dec 2002; George Shapovalov libwmf-0.2.7.ebuild : Incorporated changes by Lapo Calamandrei (bug #9080). Basically made jpeg and X headers support optional, depending on jped and X use falgs. *Not* upping the revision number - there is no new functionality/interface changes, no need to force rebuild on users. 05 Dec 2002; Jon Nall libwmf-0.2.7.ebuild : keyworded ~ppc 27 Nov 2002; Brad Cowan libwmf-0.2.7.ebuild, files/digest-0.2.7: Version bump. *libwmf-0.2.6 (10 July 2002) 05 Dec 2002; Jon Nall libwmf-0.2.6.ebuild : keyworded ~ppc 10 July 2002; G shapovalov libwmf-0.2.6.ebuild, files/digest-0.2.6 : new version. 0.2.5 ebuild submitted by Mark Gilbert upped to 0.2.6 by Paul de Vrieze *libwmf-0.2.2-pre1 (7 Feb 2002) 19 Apr 2002; G.Shapovalov all_files : initial release. This library is necessary for building wv, so that it can correctly parse MSWord files containing wmf images. 1 Feb 2002; G.Bevin ChangeLog : Added initial ChangeLog which should be updated whenever the package is updated in any way. This changelog is targetted to users. This means that the comments should well explained and written in clean English. The details about writing correct changelogs are explained in the skel.ChangeLog file which you can find in the root directory of the portage repository.