
  <!-- you can add elogger and rlogger entries here if
       you don't want the main Jabber server do the
  <log id='elogger'>
    <format>%d: [%t] (%h): %s</format>

  <log id='rlogger'>
    <format>%d %h %s</format>
  </log> -->

  <!-- Some Jabber server implementations do not
     provide XDB services (for example jabberd 2.0).
     Configure XDB here to have the transport's
     jabberd 1.4.x handle all XDB requests. This
     is strongly recommended if you use xdb_ldap,
     xdb_sql or other non-file XDB implementations,
  <xdb id="xdb">
    <xdb_file xmlns="jabber:config:xdb_file">
      <spool><jabberd:cmdline flag='s'>./spool</jabberd:cmdline></spool>
  </xdb> -->

     Replace "localhost" by the full host name of your server
     and have all host names here resolveable via DNS if you
     want the transport to be available to the public.
  <service id="msn.localhost">
    <msntrans xmlns="jabber:config:msntrans">
     <instructions>Enter your MSN Messenger account and password. Example: user1@hotmail.com.  Nickname is optional.</instructions>

      <!-- the transport vCard -->
        <FN>MSN Transport</FN>
        <DESC>This is MSN Transport</DESC>

      <!-- Conference support allows you to create groupchat rooms on MSN
           transport and invite MSN users to join. -->
      <conference id="conference.msn.localhost">

        <!-- This will make MSN transport invite you to a special groupchat
             room when more then one user joins a normal one-on-one session.
             Joining this room will make MSN transport "switch" the session
             into groupchat mode.  If you ignore it, MSN transport will
             continue to send the messages as one-on-one chats. -->
        <invite>More then one user has joined this chat session.  Join this room to switch into groupchat mode.</invite>

          <join> has become available</join>
          <leave> has left</leave>


      <!-- Enable Hotmail inbox notification -->

      <!-- Set options for CURL library -->
	<!-- Use insecure mode for SSL transactions (see man curl for -k option)
	     Note, this is BAD. Fix your OpenSSL certificates, unless you
	     really don't care about the passport accounts that will be used
	     by this server -->

     Here the jabberd 1.4.x that runs the MSN Transport
     module is instructed to uplink to the main Jabber
     The settings here have to match the setting you made
     in your main Jabber server's configuration.
  <service id="msnlinker">