#! /usr/bin/python # # repcacheman ver 0.21 # # Cache Manager for Http-Replicator # deletes duplicate files in PORTDIR. # imports authenticated (md5 + listed in portage) # files from PORTDIR to replicator's cache directory. # # MD5, and database routines ripped from Portage # All else, Copyright(C)2004 Tom Poplawski (poplawtm@earthlink.net) # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. import os,string,pwd,sys,optparse if os.getuid(): print"Must be root" sys.exit(1) # sys.path = ["/usr/lib/portage/pym"]+sys.path # Perform the Checksum on a file def perform_checksum(filename): import md5 myfilename=filename f = open(myfilename, 'rb') blocksize=327680 data = f.read(blocksize) sum = md5.new() while data: sum.update(data) data = f.read(blocksize) f.close() return (sum.hexdigest()) # Import http-replicator settings parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('-d', '--dir', type='string', default="/var/cache/http-replicator", help='http-replicators cache DIR') parser.add_option('-u','--user', type='string', default="portage", help='http-replicator USER') options, args = parser.parse_args() # parse command line DIR=options.dir USER=options.user user=USER if user: try: uid=pwd.getpwnam(user)[2] gid=pwd.getpwnam(user)[3] except: print "User \'" + user + "\' Doesn't exist on system - edit config or add user to system." sys.exit(1) else: print "Error\n\tunable to get USER from /etc/http-replicator.conf" sys.exit(1) # DIR is replicator's cache directory dir=DIR+"/" if os.path.isdir(dir): newdir=0 else: print"\n\nBegin Http-Replicator Setup...." try: os.makedir(dir) print "\tcreated " + dir newdir=1 except: print "\tcreate " + dir + " failed" print '\terror:', sys.exc_info()[1] sys.exit(1) try: os.chown(dir,uid,gid) print "\tchanged owner of " + dir + " to " + user except: print "\tchange owner " + dir + " to " + user + " failed:" print '\terror:', sys.exc_info()[1] print "\n\nReplicator's cache directory: " + dir # Portage settings import portage distdir=portage.settings["DISTDIR"]+"/" if distdir: print "Portage's DISTDIR: " + distdir else: print"Unable to get Portage's DISTDIR" sys.exit(1) print "\nComparing directories...." # Create filecmp object with import filecmp dc=filecmp.dircmp (distdir,dir,['cvs-src']) print "Done!" #def __getattr__(self,common): #print dc.left_only dupes=dc.common deleted=0 if dupes: print "\nDeleting duplicate file(s) in " + distdir for s in dupes: print s try: os.remove(distdir + s ) deleted +=1 except: print "\tdelete " + distdir + s + " failed:" print '\terror:', sys.exc_info()[1] print "Done!" newfiles=dc.left_only if newfiles: print "\nNew files in DISTDIR:" for s in newfiles: print s print"\nChecking authenticity and integrity of new files..." print "Searching for ebuilds..." md5_list = {} # get all ebuilds? ebuildlist = [] for mycp in portage.db["/"]["porttree"].dbapi.cp_all(): ebuildlist += portage.db["/"]["porttree"].dbapi.cp_list(mycp) ebuildlist.sort() print "Done!" print "\nFound " + str(len(ebuildlist)) + " ebuilds." # mycpv =app-admin/ulogd-0.89 # pv = ulogd-0.89 print "\nExtracting the checksums...." for mycpv in ebuildlist: pv = string.split(mycpv, "/")[-1] # lookup each ebuild digest and md5sums digestpath = portage.db["/"]["porttree"].dbapi.findname(mycpv) digestpath = os.path.dirname(digestpath)+"/files/digest-"+pv md5sums = portage.digestParseFile(digestpath) if md5sums == None: portage.writemsg("Missing digest: %s\n" % mycpv) md5sums = {} for x in md5sums.keys(): if x[0] == '/': del md5sums[x] for k, v in md5sums.iteritems(): md5_list[k]= v del ebuildlist print "Done!\n\nVerifying checksum's...." added=0 rejected=0 suspect=0 missing=0 for file in newfiles: if not md5_list.has_key (file): print "\nWARNING " + file + " is not in portage!!!\n" suspect +=1 continue myfile=distdir + file if os.path.isdir(myfile): print "\nskipping directory:",myfile continue mymd5=perform_checksum(myfile) print myfile # print "md5 is " + mymd5 t= md5_list[file] if t[0]: if t[0] == mymd5: print "MD5 OK" try: os.rename(distdir+file,dir+file) added += 1 except: try: import shutil shutil.copyfile(distdir+file,dir+file) added += 1 os.remove(distdir+file) except: print "\tmove/copy " + file + " failed:" print '\terror:', sys.exc_info()[1] continue try: os.chown(dir+file,uid,gid) except: print "\tchown " + file + " failed:" print '\terror:', sys.exc_info()[1] else: print "CORRUPT or INCOMPLETE " rejected +=1 else: missing +=1 print "\nEbuild missing digest for " +file print "\nSUMMARY:\nFound " + str(len(dupes)) + " duplicate file(s)." print "\tDeleted " + str(deleted) + " dupe(s)." if newfiles: print "Found " + str(len(newfiles)) + " new file(s)." print "\tAdded " + str(added) + " of those file(s) to the cache." print "\tRejected " + str(rejected) + " corrupt or incomplete file(s)." if missing: print "\tCan't check " +str(missing) + " file(s) because of missing digest." if suspect: print "\t" + str(suspect) + " Unknown file(s) that are not listed in portage\ \n\tYou may want to delete them yourself...." if newdir: print"\n\nexecute:\n/etc/init.d/http-replicator start" print"to run http-replicator.\n\nexecute:\nrc-update add http-replicator default" print"to make http-replicator start at boot" print"\n\nexecute:\n/usr/bin/repcacheman\nafter emerge's on the server to delete" print"dup files and add new files to the cache" print "\n\nDone!\n\n"