# ChangeLog for sys-fs/unionfs-fuse # Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-fs/unionfs-fuse/ChangeLog,v 1.5 2012/02/04 01:15:07 sping Exp $ *unionfs-fuse-0.25 (04 Feb 2012) 04 Feb 2012; Sebastian Pipping +unionfs-fuse-0.25.ebuild: Bump to 0.25 *unionfs-fuse-0.24 (21 May 2010) 21 May 2010; Sebastian Pipping +unionfs-fuse-0.24.ebuild: Bump to 0.24 18 Mar 2010; Sebastian Pipping metadata.xml: Put myself in as maintainer 17 Jan 2010; Alex Legler unionfs-fuse-0.23.ebuild: Keyword ~amd64, bug 301207 by Martin Väth. *unionfs-fuse-0.23 (12 Jan 2010) 12 Jan 2010; Sebastian Pipping +unionfs-fuse-0.23.ebuild, +files/unionfs-fuse-0.23-makefile.patch, +metadata.xml: New package (fixes bug #143026)