# ChangeLog for virtual/modutils
# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/virtual/modutils/ChangeLog,v 1.6 2013/07/23 11:14:54 ssuominen Exp $

  23 Jul 2013; Samuli Suominen <ssuominen@gentoo.org> modutils-0.ebuild:
  Remove sys-apps/module-init-tools from the || ( ).

  09 May 2012; Mike Frysinger <vapier@gentoo.org> modutils-0.ebuild:
  Require kmod provide the tools that the virtual implies #409351 by nzqr.

  19 Mar 2012; Samuli Suominen <ssuominen@gentoo.org> modutils-0.ebuild:
  Move sys-apps/kmod before sys-apps/module-init-tools in the RDEPEND wrt

  25 Feb 2012; Robin H. Johnson <robbat2@gentoo.org> modutils-0.ebuild:
  sys-apps/modutils still exists for those on 2.4.x kernels.

  25 Feb 2012; Robin H. Johnson <robbat2@gentoo.org> modutils-0.ebuild:
  Per Bug #405687 migration to the virtual, some of the deps were version-
  specific to an old version, so lets just upgrade everybody on older module-
  init-tools anyway.

*modutils-0 (03 Feb 2012)

  03 Feb 2012; William Hubbs <williamh@gentoo.org> +metadata.xml,
  initial import for bug #401899