# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apache/mod_perl/mod_perl-2.0.4.ebuild,v 1.4 2008/11/18 16:23:09 tove Exp $ inherit apache-module perl-module eutils multilib DESCRIPTION="An embedded Perl interpreter for Apache2" SRC_URI="mirror://apache/perl/${P}.tar.gz" HOMEPAGE="http://perl.apache.org/" LICENSE="GPL-2" KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86" IUSE="" SLOT="1" # see bug 30087 for why sudo is in here DEPEND=">=dev-perl/Apache-Test-1.27 >=virtual/perl-CGI-3.08 >=virtual/perl-Compress-Zlib-1.09 app-admin/sudo" RDEPEND="${DEPEND}" APACHE2_MOD_FILE="${S}/src/modules/perl/mod_perl.so" APACHE2_MOD_CONF="2.0.3/75_${PN}" APACHE2_MOD_DEFINE="PERL" DOCFILES="Changes INSTALL LICENSE README STATUS" need_apache2 pkg_setup() { has_apache_threads_in dev-lang/perl ithreads } src_unpack() { unpack ${A} cd "${S}" # I am not entirely happy with this solution, but here's what's # going on here if someone wants to take a stab at another # approach. When userpriv compilation is off, then the make # process drops to user "nobody" to run the test servers. This # server is closed, and then the socket is rebound using # SO_REUSEADDR. If the same user does this, there is no problem, # and the socket may be rebound immediately. If a different user # (yes, in my testing, even root) attempts to rebind, it fails. # Since the "is the socket available yet" code and the # second-batch bind call both run as root, this will fail. # The upstream settings on my test machine cause the second batch # of tests to fail, believing the socket to still be in use. I # tried patching various parts to make them run as the user # specified in $config->{vars}{user} using getpwnam, but found # this patch to be fairly intrusive, because the userid must be # restored and the patch must be applied to multiple places. # For now, we will simply extend the timeout in hopes that in the # non-userpriv case, the socket will clear from the kernel tables # normally, and the tests will proceed. # If anybody is still having problems, then commenting out "make # test" below should allow the software to build properly. # Robert Coie <rac@gentoo.org> 2003.05.06 sed -i -e "s/sleep \$_/sleep \$_ << 2/" \ "${S}"/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/TestServer.pm \ || die "problem editing TestServer.pm" # rendhalver - this got redone for 2.0.1 and seems to fix the make test problems epatch "${FILESDIR}"/mod_perl-2.0.1-sneak-tmpdir.patch } src_compile() { perl Makefile.PL \ PREFIX="${D}"/usr \ MP_TRACE=1 \ MP_DEBUG=1 \ MP_USE_DSO=1 \ MP_APXS=${APXS} \ INSTALLDIRS=vendor </dev/null || die # reported that parallel make is broken in bug 30257 emake -j1 || die } src_test() { # make test notes whether it is running as root, and drops # privileges all the way to "nobody" if so, so we must adjust # write permissions accordingly in this case. # IF YOU SUDO TO EMERGE AND HAVE !env_reset set testing will fail! if [[ "$(id -u)" == "0" ]]; then chown nobody:nobody "${WORKDIR}" chown nobody:nobody "${T}" fi # this does not || die because of bug 21325. kudos to smark for # the idea of setting HOME. TMPDIR="${T}" HOME="${T}/" make test } src_install() { apache-module_src_install dodir "${APACHE_MODULESDIR}" make install \ MODPERL_AP_LIBEXECDIR="${D}${APACHE_MODULESDIR}" \ MODPERL_AP_INCLUDEDIR="${D}${APACHE_INCLUDEDIR}" \ MP_INST_APACHE2=1 \ INSTALLDIRS=vendor || die # rendhalver - fix the perllocal.pod that gets installed # it seems to me that this has been getting installed for ages fixlocalpod insinto "${APACHE_MODULES_CONFDIR}" doins "${FILESDIR}"/2.0.3/apache2-mod_perl-startup.pl cp -pPR docs "${D}"/usr/share/doc/${PF} cp -pPR todo "${D}"/usr/share/doc/${PF} # this is an attempt to get @INC in line with /usr/bin/perl. # there is blib garbage in the mainstream one that can only be # useful during internal testing, so we wait until here and then # just go with a clean slate. should be much easier to see what's # happening and revert if problematic. for FILE in $(grep -lr portage "${D}"/*|grep -v ".so"); do sed -i -e "s:${D}:/:g" ${FILE} done }