# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. package Bugzilla::CGI; use 5.10.1; use strict; use warnings; use parent qw(CGI); use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::Error; use Bugzilla::Util; use Bugzilla::Hook; use Bugzilla::Search::Recent; use File::Basename; sub _init_bz_cgi_globals { my $invocant = shift; # We need to disable output buffering - see bug 179174 $| = 1; # Ignore SIGTERM and SIGPIPE - this prevents DB corruption. If the user closes # their browser window while a script is running, the web server sends these # signals, and we don't want to die half way through a write. $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE'; $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; # We don't precompile any functions here, that's done specially in # mod_perl code. $invocant->_setup_symbols(qw(:no_xhtml :oldstyle_urls :private_tempfiles :unique_headers)); } BEGIN { __PACKAGE__->_init_bz_cgi_globals() if i_am_cgi(); } sub new { my ($invocant, @args) = @_; my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant; # Under mod_perl, CGI's global variables get reset on each request, # so we need to set them up again every time. $class->_init_bz_cgi_globals() if $ENV{MOD_PERL}; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args); # Make sure our outgoing cookie list is empty on each invocation $self->{Bugzilla_cookie_list} = []; # Path-Info is of no use for Bugzilla and interacts badly with IIS. # Moreover, it causes unexpected behaviors, such as totally breaking # the rendering of pages. my $script = basename($0); if (my $path_info = $self->path_info) { my @whitelist = ("rest.cgi"); Bugzilla::Hook::process('path_info_whitelist', {whitelist => \@whitelist}); if (!grep($_ eq $script, @whitelist)) { # IIS includes the full path to the script in PATH_INFO, # so we have to extract the real PATH_INFO from it, # else we will be redirected outside Bugzilla. my $script_name = $self->script_name; $path_info =~ s/^\Q$script_name\E//; if ($script_name && $path_info) { print $self->redirect($self->url(-path => 0, -query => 1)); } } } # Send appropriate charset $self->charset(Bugzilla->params->{'utf8'} ? 'UTF-8' : ''); # Redirect to urlbase/sslbase if we are not viewing an attachment. if ($self->url_is_attachment_base and $script ne 'attachment.cgi') { $self->redirect_to_urlbase(); } # Check for errors # All of the Bugzilla code wants to do this, so do it here instead of # in each script my $err = $self->cgi_error; if ($err) { # Note that this error block is only triggered by CGI.pm for malformed # multipart requests, and so should never happen unless there is a # browser bug. print $self->header(-status => $err); # ThrowCodeError wants to print the header, so it grabs Bugzilla->cgi # which creates a new Bugzilla::CGI object, which fails again, which # ends up here, and calls ThrowCodeError, and then recurses forever. # So don't use it. # In fact, we can't use templates at all, because we need a CGI object # to determine the template lang as well as the current url (from the # template) # Since this is an internal error which indicates a severe browser bug, # just die. die "CGI parsing error: $err"; } return $self; } # We want this sorted plus the ability to exclude certain params sub canonicalise_query { my ($self, @exclude) = @_; # Reconstruct the URL by concatenating the sorted param=value pairs my @parameters; foreach my $key (sort($self->param())) { # Leave this key out if it's in the exclude list next if grep { $_ eq $key } @exclude; # Remove the Boolean Charts for standard query.cgi fields # They are listed in the query URL already next if $key =~ /^(field|type|value)(-\d+){3}$/; my $esc_key = url_quote($key); foreach my $value ($self->param($key)) { # Omit params with an empty value if (defined($value) && $value ne '') { my $esc_value = url_quote($value); push(@parameters, "$esc_key=$esc_value"); } } } return join("&", @parameters); } sub clean_search_url { my $self = shift; # Delete any empty URL parameter. my @cgi_params = $self->param; foreach my $param (@cgi_params) { if (defined $self->param($param) && $self->param($param) eq '') { $self->delete($param); $self->delete("${param}_type"); } # Custom Search stuff is empty if it's "noop". We also keep around # the old Boolean Chart syntax for backwards-compatibility. if ( ($param =~ /\d-\d-\d/ || $param =~ /^[[:alpha:]]\d+$/) && defined $self->param($param) && $self->param($param) eq 'noop') { $self->delete($param); } # Any "join" for custom search that's an AND can be removed, because # that's the default. if (($param =~ /^j\d+$/ || $param eq 'j_top') && $self->param($param) eq 'AND') { $self->delete($param); } } # Delete leftovers from the login form $self->delete('Bugzilla_remember', 'GoAheadAndLogIn'); # Delete the token if we're not performing an action which needs it unless ( ( defined $self->param('remtype') && ( $self->param('remtype') eq 'asdefault' || $self->param('remtype') eq 'asnamed') ) || (defined $self->param('remaction') && $self->param('remaction') eq 'forget') ) { $self->delete("token"); } foreach my $num (1, 2, 3) { # If there's no value in the email field, delete the related fields. if (!$self->param("email$num")) { foreach my $field (qw(type assigned_to reporter qa_contact cc longdesc)) { $self->delete("email$field$num"); } } } # chfieldto is set to "Now" by default in query.cgi. But if none # of the other chfield parameters are set, it's meaningless. if ( !defined $self->param('chfieldfrom') && !$self->param('chfield') && !defined $self->param('chfieldvalue') && $self->param('chfieldto') && lc($self->param('chfieldto')) eq 'now') { $self->delete('chfieldto'); } # cmdtype "doit" is the default from query.cgi, but it's only meaningful # if there's a remtype parameter. if ( defined $self->param('cmdtype') && $self->param('cmdtype') eq 'doit' && !defined $self->param('remtype')) { $self->delete('cmdtype'); } # "Reuse same sort as last time" is actually the default, so we don't # need it in the URL. if ( $self->param('order') && $self->param('order') eq 'Reuse same sort as last time') { $self->delete('order'); } # list_id is added in buglist.cgi after calling clean_search_url, # and doesn't need to be saved in saved searches. $self->delete('list_id'); # no_redirect is used internally by redirect_search_url(). $self->delete('no_redirect'); # And now finally, if query_format is our only parameter, that # really means we have no parameters, so we should delete query_format. if ($self->param('query_format') && scalar($self->param()) == 1) { $self->delete('query_format'); } } sub check_etag { my ($self, $valid_etag) = @_; # ETag support. my $if_none_match = $self->http('If-None-Match'); return if !$if_none_match; my @if_none = split(/[\s,]+/, $if_none_match); foreach my $possible_etag (@if_none) { # remove quotes from begin and end of the string $possible_etag =~ s/^\"//g; $possible_etag =~ s/\"$//g; if ($possible_etag eq $valid_etag or $possible_etag eq '*') { return 1; } } return 0; } # Have to add the cookies in. sub multipart_start { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; # CGI.pm::multipart_start doesn't honour its own charset information, so # we do it ourselves here if (defined $self->charset() && defined $args{-type}) { # Remove any existing charset specifier $args{-type} =~ s/;.*$//; # and add the specified one $args{-type} .= '; charset=' . $self->charset(); } my $headers = $self->SUPER::multipart_start(%args); # Eliminate the one extra CRLF at the end. $headers =~ s/$CGI::CRLF$//; # Add the cookies. We have to do it this way instead of # passing them to multpart_start, because CGI.pm's multipart_start # doesn't understand a '-cookie' argument pointing to an arrayref. foreach my $cookie (@{$self->{Bugzilla_cookie_list}}) { $headers .= "Set-Cookie: ${cookie}${CGI::CRLF}"; } $headers .= $CGI::CRLF; $self->{_multipart_in_progress} = 1; return $headers; } sub close_standby_message { my ($self, $contenttype, $disp, $disp_prefix, $extension) = @_; $self->set_dated_content_disp($disp, $disp_prefix, $extension); if ($self->{_multipart_in_progress}) { print $self->multipart_end(); print $self->multipart_start(-type => $contenttype); } elsif (!$self->{_header_done}) { print $self->header($contenttype); } } our $ALLOW_UNSAFE_RESPONSE = 0; # responding to text/plain or text/html is safe # responding to any request with a referer header is safe # some things need to have unsafe responses (attachment.cgi) # everything else should get a 403. sub _prevent_unsafe_response { my ($self, $headers) = @_; my $safe_content_type_re = qr{ ^ (*COMMIT) # COMMIT makes the regex faster # by preventing back-tracking. see also perldoc pelre. # application/x-javascript, xml, atom+xml, rdf+xml, xml-dtd, and json (?: application/ (?: x(?: -javascript | ml (?: -dtd )? ) | (?: atom | rdf) \+ xml | json ) # text/csv, text/calendar, text/plain, and text/html | text/ (?: c (?: alendar | sv ) | plain | html ) # used for HTTP push responses | multipart/x-mixed-replace) }sx; my $safe_referer_re = do { # Note that urlbase must end with a /. # It almost certainly does, but let's be extra careful. my $urlbase = correct_urlbase(); $urlbase =~ s{/$}{}; qr{ # Begins with literal urlbase ^ (*COMMIT) \Q$urlbase\E # followed by a slash or end of string (?: / | $ ) }sx }; return if $ALLOW_UNSAFE_RESPONSE; if (Bugzilla->usage_mode == USAGE_MODE_BROWSER) { # Safe content types are ones that arn't images. # For now let's assume plain text and html are not valid images. my $content_type = $headers->{'-type'} // $headers->{'-content_type'} // 'text/html'; my $is_safe_content_type = $content_type =~ $safe_content_type_re; # Safe referers are ones that begin with the urlbase. my $referer = $self->referer; my $is_safe_referer = $referer && $referer =~ $safe_referer_re; if (!$is_safe_referer && !$is_safe_content_type) { print $self->SUPER::header(-type => 'text/html', -status => '403 Forbidden'); if ($content_type ne 'text/html') { print "Untrusted Referer Header\n"; if ($ENV{MOD_PERL}) { my $r = $self->r; $r->rflush; $r->status(200); } } exit; } } } # Override header so we can add the cookies in sub header { my $self = shift; my %headers; my $user = Bugzilla->user; # If there's only one parameter, then it's a Content-Type. if (scalar(@_) == 1) { %headers = ('-type' => shift(@_)); } else { %headers = @_; } $self->_prevent_unsafe_response(\%headers); if ($self->{'_content_disp'}) { $headers{'-content_disposition'} = $self->{'_content_disp'}; } if (!$user->id && $user->authorizer->can_login && !$self->cookie('Bugzilla_login_request_cookie')) { my %args; $args{'-secure'} = 1 if Bugzilla->params->{ssl_redirect}; $self->send_cookie( -name => 'Bugzilla_login_request_cookie', -value => generate_random_password(), -httponly => 1, %args ); } # Add the cookies in if we have any if (scalar(@{$self->{Bugzilla_cookie_list}})) { $headers{'-cookie'} = $self->{Bugzilla_cookie_list}; } # Add Strict-Transport-Security (STS) header if this response # is over SSL and the strict_transport_security param is turned on. if ( $self->https && !$self->url_is_attachment_base && Bugzilla->params->{'strict_transport_security'} ne 'off') { my $sts_opts = 'max-age=' . MAX_STS_AGE; if (Bugzilla->params->{'strict_transport_security'} eq 'include_subdomains') { $sts_opts .= '; includeSubDomains'; } $headers{'-strict_transport_security'} = $sts_opts; } # Add X-Frame-Options & CSP headers to prevent framing and subsequent # possible clickjacking problems. unless ($self->url_is_attachment_base) { $headers{'-x_frame_options'} = 'SAMEORIGIN'; $headers{'-content_security_policy'} = "frame-ancestors 'self'"; } # Add X-XSS-Protection header to prevent simple XSS attacks # and enforce the blocking (rather than the rewriting) mode. $headers{'-x_xss_protection'} = '1; mode=block'; # Add X-Content-Type-Options header to prevent browsers sniffing # the MIME type away from the declared Content-Type. $headers{'-x_content_type_options'} = 'nosniff'; Bugzilla::Hook::process('cgi_headers', {cgi => $self, headers => \%headers}); $self->{_header_done} = 1; return $self->SUPER::header(%headers) || ""; } sub param { my $self = shift; local $CGI::LIST_CONTEXT_WARN = 0; # When we are just requesting the value of a parameter... if (scalar(@_) == 1) { my @result = $self->SUPER::param(@_); # Also look at the URL parameters, after we look at the POST # parameters. This is to allow things like login-form submissions # with URL parameters in the form's "target" attribute. if ( !scalar(@result) && $self->request_method && $self->request_method eq 'POST') { @result = $self->url_param(@_); } # Fix UTF-8-ness of input parameters. if (Bugzilla->params->{'utf8'}) { @result = map { _fix_utf8($_) } @result; } return wantarray ? @result : $result[0]; } # And for various other functions in CGI.pm, we need to correctly # return the URL parameters in addition to the POST parameters when # asked for the list of parameters. elsif (!scalar(@_) && $self->request_method && $self->request_method eq 'POST') { my @post_params = $self->SUPER::param; my @url_params = $self->url_param; my %params = map { $_ => 1 } (@post_params, @url_params); return keys %params; } return $self->SUPER::param(@_); } sub url_param { my $self = shift; # Some servers fail to set the QUERY_STRING parameter, which # causes undef issues $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} //= ''; return $self->SUPER::url_param(@_); } sub _fix_utf8 { my $input = shift; # The is_utf8 is here in case CGI gets smart about utf8 someday. utf8::decode($input) if defined $input && !ref $input && !utf8::is_utf8($input); return $input; } sub should_set { my ($self, $param) = @_; my $set = (defined $self->param($param) or defined $self->param("defined_$param")) ? 1 : 0; return $set; } # The various parts of Bugzilla which create cookies don't want to have to # pass them around to all of the callers. Instead, store them locally here, # and then output as required from |header|. sub send_cookie { my $self = shift; # Move the param list into a hash for easier handling. my %paramhash; my @paramlist; my ($key, $value); while ($key = shift) { $value = shift; $paramhash{$key} = $value; } # Complain if -value is not given or empty (bug 268146). if (!exists($paramhash{'-value'}) || !$paramhash{'-value'}) { ThrowCodeError('cookies_need_value'); } # Add the default path and the domain in. $paramhash{'-path'} = Bugzilla->params->{'cookiepath'}; $paramhash{'-domain'} = Bugzilla->params->{'cookiedomain'} if Bugzilla->params->{'cookiedomain'}; # Move the param list back into an array for the call to cookie(). foreach (keys(%paramhash)) { unshift(@paramlist, $_ => $paramhash{$_}); } push(@{$self->{'Bugzilla_cookie_list'}}, $self->cookie(@paramlist)); } # Cookies are removed by setting an expiry date in the past. # This method is a send_cookie wrapper doing exactly this. sub remove_cookie { my $self = shift; my ($cookiename) = (@_); # Expire the cookie, giving a non-empty dummy value (bug 268146). $self->send_cookie( '-name' => $cookiename, '-expires' => 'Tue, 15-Sep-1998 21:49:00 GMT', '-value' => 'X' ); } # This helps implement Bugzilla::Search::Recent, and also shortens search # URLs that get POSTed to buglist.cgi. sub redirect_search_url { my $self = shift; # If there is no parameter, there is nothing to do. return unless $self->param; # If we're retreiving an old list, we never need to redirect or # do anything related to Bugzilla::Search::Recent. return if $self->param('regetlastlist'); my $user = Bugzilla->user; if ($user->id) { # There are two conditions that could happen here--we could get a URL # with no list id, and we could get a URL with a list_id that isn't # ours. my $list_id = $self->param('list_id'); if ($list_id) { # If we have a valid list_id, no need to redirect or clean. return if Bugzilla::Search::Recent->check_quietly({id => $list_id}); } } elsif ($self->request_method ne 'POST') { # Logged-out users who do a GET don't get a list_id, don't get # their URLs cleaned, and don't get redirected. return; } my $no_redirect = $self->param('no_redirect'); $self->clean_search_url(); # Make sure we still have params still after cleaning otherwise we # do not want to store a list_id for an empty search. if ($user->id && $self->param) { # Insert a placeholder Bugzilla::Search::Recent, so that we know what # the id of the resulting search will be. This is then pulled out # of the Referer header when viewing show_bug.cgi to know what # bug list we came from. my $recent_search = Bugzilla::Search::Recent->create_placeholder; $self->param('list_id', $recent_search->id); } # Browsers which support history.replaceState do not need to be # redirected. We can fix the URL on the fly. return if $no_redirect; # GET requests that lacked a list_id are always redirected. POST requests # are only redirected if they're under the CGI_URI_LIMIT though. my $self_url = $self->self_url(); if ($self->request_method() ne 'POST' or length($self_url) < CGI_URI_LIMIT) { print $self->redirect(-url => $self_url); exit; } } sub redirect_to_https { my $self = shift; my $sslbase = Bugzilla->params->{'sslbase'}; # If this is a POST, we don't want ?POSTDATA in the query string. # We expect the client to re-POST, which may be a violation of # the HTTP spec, but the only time we're expecting it often is # in the WebService, and WebService clients usually handle this # correctly. $self->delete('POSTDATA'); my $url = $sslbase . $self->url('-path_info' => 1, '-query' => 1, '-relative' => 1); # XML-RPC clients (SOAP::Lite at least) require a 301 to redirect properly # and do not work with 302. Our redirect really is permanent anyhow, so # it doesn't hurt to make it a 301. print $self->redirect(-location => $url, -status => 301); # When using XML-RPC with mod_perl, we need the headers sent immediately. $self->r->rflush if $ENV{MOD_PERL}; exit; } # Redirect to the urlbase version of the current URL. sub redirect_to_urlbase { my $self = shift; my $path = $self->url('-path_info' => 1, '-query' => 1, '-relative' => 1); print $self->redirect('-location' => correct_urlbase() . $path); exit; } sub url_is_attachment_base { my ($self, $id) = @_; return 0 if !use_attachbase() or !i_am_cgi(); my $attach_base = Bugzilla->params->{'attachment_base'}; # If we're passed an id, we only want one specific attachment base # for a particular bug. If we're not passed an ID, we just want to # know if our current URL matches the attachment_base *pattern*. my $regex; if ($id) { $attach_base =~ s/\%bugid\%/$id/; $regex = quotemeta($attach_base); } else { # In this circumstance we run quotemeta first because we need to # insert an active regex meta-character afterward. $regex = quotemeta($attach_base); $regex =~ s/\\\%bugid\\\%/\\d+/; } $regex = "^$regex"; return ($self->url =~ $regex) ? 1 : 0; } sub set_dated_content_disp { my ($self, $type, $prefix, $ext) = @_; my @time = localtime(time()); my $date = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d", 1900 + $time[5], $time[4] + 1, $time[3]; my $filename = "$prefix-$date.$ext"; $filename =~ s/\s/_/g; # Remove whitespace to avoid HTTP header tampering $filename =~ s/\\/_/g; # Remove backslashes as well $filename =~ s/"/\\"/g; # escape quotes my $disposition = "$type; filename=\"$filename\""; $self->{'_content_disp'} = $disposition; } ########################## # Vars TIEHASH Interface # ########################## # Fix the TIEHASH interface (scalar $cgi->Vars) to return and accept # arrayrefs. sub STORE { my $self = shift; my ($param, $value) = @_; if (defined $value and ref $value eq 'ARRAY') { return $self->param(-name => $param, -value => $value); } return $self->SUPER::STORE(@_); } sub FETCH { my ($self, $param) = @_; return $self if $param eq 'CGI'; # CGI.pm did this, so we do too. my @result = $self->param($param); return undef if !scalar(@result); return $result[0] if scalar(@result) == 1; return \@result; } # For the Vars TIEHASH interface: the normal CGI.pm DELETE doesn't return # the value deleted, but Perl's "delete" expects that value. sub DELETE { my ($self, $param) = @_; my $value = $self->FETCH($param); $self->delete($param); return $value; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Bugzilla::CGI - CGI handling for Bugzilla =head1 SYNOPSIS use Bugzilla::CGI; my $cgi = new Bugzilla::CGI(); =head1 DESCRIPTION This package inherits from the standard CGI module, to provide additional Bugzilla-specific functionality. In general, see L for documention. =head1 CHANGES FROM L Bugzilla::CGI has some differences from L. =over 4 =item C is automatically checked After creating the CGI object, C automatically checks I, and throws a CodeError if a problem is detected. =back =head1 ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS I also includes additional functions. =over 4 =item C This returns a sorted string of the parameters whose values are non-empty, suitable for use in a url. Values in C<@exclude> are not included in the result. =item C This routine is identical to the cookie generation part of CGI.pm's C routine, except that it knows about Bugzilla's cookie_path and cookie_domain parameters and takes them into account if necessary. This should be used by all Bugzilla code (instead of C or the C<-cookie> argument to C
), so that under mod_perl the headers can be sent correctly, using C or the mod_perl APIs as appropriate. To remove (expire) a cookie, use C. =item C This is a wrapper around send_cookie, setting an expiry date in the past, effectively removing the cookie. As its only argument, it takes the name of the cookie to expire. =item C This routine redirects the client to the https version of the page that they're looking at, using the C parameter for the redirection. Generally you should use L instead of calling this directly. =item C Redirects from the current URL to one prefixed by the urlbase parameter. =item C Starts a new part of the multipart document using the specified MIME type. If not specified, text/html is assumed. =item C Ends a part of the multipart document, and starts another part. =item C Sets an appropriate date-dependent value for the Content Disposition header for a downloadable resource. =back =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =head1 B =over =item check_etag =item clean_search_url =item url_is_attachment_base =item should_set =item redirect_search_url =item param =item url_param =item header =back