'jetpack_options', 'private' => 'jetpack_private_options' ); public static function get_option_names( $type = 'compact' ) { switch ( $type ) { case 'non-compact' : case 'non_compact' : return array( 'activated', 'active_modules', 'available_modules', 'do_activate', 'log', 'publicize', 'slideshow_background_color', 'widget_twitter', 'wpcc_options', 'relatedposts', 'file_data', 'autoupdate_plugins', // (array) An array of plugin ids ( eg. jetpack/jetpack ) that should be autoupdated 'autoupdate_themes', // (array) An array of theme ids ( eg. twentyfourteen ) that should be autoupdated 'autoupdate_core', // (bool) Whether or not to autoupdate core 'json_api_full_management', // (bool) Allow full management (eg. Activate, Upgrade plugins) of the site via the JSON API. 'sync_non_public_post_stati', // (bool) Allow synchronisation of posts and pages with non-public status. 'site_icon_url', // (string) url to the full site icon 'site_icon_id', // (int) Attachment id of the site icon file 'dismissed_manage_banner', // (bool) Dismiss Jetpack manage banner allows the user to dismiss the banner permanently 'restapi_stats_cache', // (array) Stats Cache data. 'unique_connection', // (array) A flag to determine a unique connection to wordpress.com two values "connected" and "disconnected" with values for how many times each has occured 'protect_whitelist', // (array) IP Address for the Protect module to ignore 'sync_error_idc', // (bool|array) false or array containing the site's home and siteurl at time of IDC error 'safe_mode_confirmed', // (bool) True if someone confirms that this site was correctly put into safe mode automatically after an identity crisis is discovered. 'migrate_for_idc', // (bool) True if someone confirms that this site should migrate stats and subscribers from its previous URL 'connection_banner_ab', // (int) 1 or 2, which will represent which connection banner to show. ); case 'private' : return array( 'register', 'authorize', 'activate_manage', 'blog_token', // (string) The Client Secret/Blog Token of this site. 'user_token', // (string) The User Token of this site. (deprecated) 'user_tokens' // (array) User Tokens for each user of this site who has connected to jetpack.wordpress.com. ); } return array( 'id', // (int) The Client ID/WP.com Blog ID of this site. 'publicize_connections', // (array) An array of Publicize connections from WordPress.com 'master_user', // (int) The local User ID of the user who connected this site to jetpack.wordpress.com. 'version', // (string) Used during upgrade procedure to auto-activate new modules. version:time 'old_version', // (string) Used to determine which modules are the most recently added. previous_version:time 'fallback_no_verify_ssl_certs', // (int) Flag for determining if this host must skip SSL Certificate verification due to misconfigured SSL. 'time_diff', // (int) Offset between Jetpack server's clocks and this server's clocks. Jetpack Server Time = time() + (int) Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'time_diff' ) 'public', // (int|bool) If we think this site is public or not (1, 0), false if we haven't yet tried to figure it out. 'videopress', // (array) VideoPress options array. 'is_network_site', // (int|bool) If we think this site is a network or a single blog (1, 0), false if we haven't yet tried to figue it out. 'social_links', // (array) The specified links for each social networking site. 'identity_crisis_whitelist', // (array) An array of options, each having an array of the values whitelisted for it. 'gplus_authors', // (array) The Google+ authorship information for connected users. 'last_heartbeat', // (int) The timestamp of the last heartbeat that fired. 'jumpstart', // (string) A flag for whether or not to show the Jump Start. Accepts: new_connection, jumpstart_activated, jetpack_action_taken, jumpstart_dismissed. 'hide_jitm' // (array) A list of just in time messages that we should not show because they have been dismissed by the user ); } public static function is_valid( $name, $group = null ) { if ( is_array( $name ) ) { $compact_names = array(); foreach ( array_keys( self::$grouped_options ) as $_group ) { $compact_names = array_merge( $compact_names, self::get_option_names( $_group ) ); } $result = array_diff( $name, self::get_option_names( 'non_compact' ), $compact_names ); return empty( $result ); } if ( is_null( $group ) || 'non_compact' === $group ) { if ( in_array( $name, self::get_option_names( $group ) ) ) { return true; } } foreach ( array_keys( self::$grouped_options ) as $_group ) { if ( is_null( $group ) || $group === $_group ) { if ( in_array( $name, self::get_option_names( $_group ) ) ) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Returns the requested option. Looks in jetpack_options or jetpack_$name as appropriate. * * @param string $name Option name * @param mixed $default (optional) */ public static function get_option( $name, $default = false ) { if ( self::is_valid( $name, 'non_compact' ) ) { return get_option( "jetpack_$name", $default ); } foreach ( array_keys( self::$grouped_options ) as $group ) { if ( self::is_valid( $name, $group ) ) { return self::get_grouped_option( $group, $name, $default ); } } trigger_error( sprintf( 'Invalid Jetpack option name: %s', $name ), E_USER_WARNING ); return $default; } /** * Returns the requested option, and ensures it's autoloaded in the future. * This does _not_ adjust the prefix in any way (does not prefix jetpack_%) * * @param string $name Option name * @param mixed $default (optional) * * @return mixed|void */ public static function get_option_and_ensure_autoload( $name, $default ) { $value = get_option( $name ); if ( $value === false && $default !== false ) { update_option( $name, $default ); $value = $default; } return $value; } private static function update_grouped_option( $group, $name, $value ) { $options = get_option( self::$grouped_options[ $group ] ); if ( ! is_array( $options ) ) { $options = array(); } $options[ $name ] = $value; return update_option( self::$grouped_options[ $group ], $options ); } /** * Updates the single given option. Updates jetpack_options or jetpack_$name as appropriate. * * @param string $name Option name * @param mixed $value Option value * @param string $autoload If not compact option, allows specifying whether to autoload or not. */ public static function update_option( $name, $value, $autoload = null ) { /** * Fires before Jetpack updates a specific option. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param str $name The name of the option being updated. * @param mixed $value The new value of the option. */ do_action( 'pre_update_jetpack_option_' . $name, $name, $value ); if ( self::is_valid( $name, 'non_compact' ) ) { return update_option( "jetpack_$name", $value, $autoload ); } foreach ( array_keys( self::$grouped_options ) as $group ) { if ( self::is_valid( $name, $group ) ) { return self::update_grouped_option( $group, $name, $value ); } } trigger_error( sprintf( 'Invalid Jetpack option name: %s', $name ), E_USER_WARNING ); return false; } /** * Updates the multiple given options. Updates jetpack_options and/or jetpack_$name as appropriate. * * @param array $array array( option name => option value, ... ) */ public static function update_options( $array ) { $names = array_keys( $array ); foreach ( array_diff( $names, self::get_option_names(), self::get_option_names( 'non_compact' ), self::get_option_names( 'private' ) ) as $unknown_name ) { trigger_error( sprintf( 'Invalid Jetpack option name: %s', $unknown_name ), E_USER_WARNING ); unset( $array[ $unknown_name ] ); } foreach ( $names as $name ) { self::update_option( $name, $array[ $name ] ); } } /** * Deletes the given option. May be passed multiple option names as an array. * Updates jetpack_options and/or deletes jetpack_$name as appropriate. * * @param string|array $names */ public static function delete_option( $names ) { $result = true; $names = (array) $names; if ( ! self::is_valid( $names ) ) { trigger_error( sprintf( 'Invalid Jetpack option names: %s', print_r( $names, 1 ) ), E_USER_WARNING ); return false; } foreach ( array_intersect( $names, self::get_option_names( 'non_compact' ) ) as $name ) { if ( ! delete_option( "jetpack_$name" ) ) { $result = false; } } foreach ( array_keys( self::$grouped_options ) as $group ) { if ( ! self::delete_grouped_option( $group, $names ) ) { $result = false; } } return $result; } private static function get_grouped_option( $group, $name, $default ) { $options = get_option( self::$grouped_options[ $group ] ); if ( is_array( $options ) && isset( $options[ $name ] ) ) { return $options[ $name ]; } return $default; } private static function delete_grouped_option( $group, $names ) { $options = get_option( self::$grouped_options[ $group ], array() ); $to_delete = array_intersect( $names, self::get_option_names( $group ), array_keys( $options ) ); if ( $to_delete ) { foreach ( $to_delete as $name ) { unset( $options[ $name ] ); } return update_option( self::$grouped_options[ $group ], $options ); } return true; } }