CATALYST(1) =========== :man source: catalyst {catalystversion} :man manual: catalyst {catalystversion} NAME ---- catalyst - The Gentoo Linux Release Engineering meta-tool SYNOPSIS -------- *catalyst* ['OPTIONS'] [*-f* 'FILE' | *-C* 'KEY'='VALUE' ... | *-s* 'DATE'] DESCRIPTION ----------- *catalyst* is the tool that the Gentoo Release Engineering team utilizes to build all Gentoo Linux releases. It is capable of building installation stages, bootable LiveCDs, and netboot images. For more information, please visit the *catalyst* project page on the web at ''. OPTIONS ------- *--clear-autoresume*:: *-a*:: This option is to be used to clear any autoresume points that have been saved for this target. It is used in conjunction with *-f*, *-C*, or both. *--config*|*-c* 'FILE':: Tell *catalyst* to use a user-defined configuration file. A sample configuration file is installed at '/etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf'. *--debug*:: *-d*:: Enable debugging mode *--enter-chroot*:: Enter the chroot before starting the build. *--fetchonly*:: *-F*:: This tells *catalyst* to only fetch distfiles for the given packages without performing any building. *--file*|*-f* 'FILE':: Tell *catalyst* to use the user supplied specfile. *--help*:: *-h*:: Print the help message and exit *--purge*:: *-p*:: Tell *catalyst* to clear all temporary directories, package caches, and autoresume flags for the given target. *--snapshot*|*-s* 'DATE':: Create a Portage snapshot using the specified identifier stamp. *--verbose*:: *-v*:: Enable verbose mode. *--version*:: *-V*:: Print the version information and exit EXAMPLES -------- Using the specfile option (*-f*, *--file*) to build a stage target: --------------------------------------------------- # catalyst -f stage1-specfile.spec --------------------------------------------------- Using the snapshot option (*-s*, *--snapshot*) to package a Portage snapshot using the datestamp 20051208: --------------------------------------------------- # catalyst -s 20051208 --------------------------------------------------- FILES ----- Example specfiles can be found in '/usr/share/doc/catalyst-{catalystversion}/examples'. An example configuration file can be found at '/etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf'. SUPPORTED ARCHITECTURES ----------------------- The following table shows the list of supported architectures as well as the list of valid strings for key 'subarch'. include::subarches.generated.txt[tabsize=4] BUGS ---- An up-to-date list of Catalyst bugs can always be found listed on the Gentoo Linux bug-tracking system at ''. NOTES ----- *catalyst* is conceptually derived from the Gentoo livecd-ng and Gentoo stager projects, both of which were used to create pre-1.4 Gentoo releases. *catalyst* was originally conceived and coded by both Daniel Robbins and John Davis. It is currently maintained by the Catalyst Project Team and has been mostly re-written. AUTHORS ------- - John Davis - Chris Gianelloni - Raul Porcel - Sebastian Pipping - Matt Turner SEE ALSO -------- *catalyst-config(5)* *catalyst-spec(5)* Also, a more in-depth examination of Catalyst options and procedures can be found linked from the *catalyst* project page, which is located at ''.