diff options
authorTom Knight <>2013-02-24 13:07:47 +0000
committerTom Knight <>2013-02-24 13:07:47 +0000
commit9f4ca05d3726c3c807a56352a44ad6f646e92043 (patch)
parentallow profile edits when registration is disabled (diff)
Script to retire devs on the forums
1 files changed, 390 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9ffbeacf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# date : 2013-02-18
+# copyright : Tom Knight <>
+# version : 0.1
+# license : GPL2
+# description : This script retires developers from the forums.
+# return code : 0 on success, 1 on error, 2 on success but with action required by forums staff.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use DBI;
+use File::Basename;
+use Net::LDAP;
+use Net::LDAP::Util qw(ldap_error_text);
+my $DEBUG = 0;
+#my $DEBUG = 1;
+my $PRETEND = 0;
+#my $PRETEND = 1;
+my $LDAP_SERVER = "ldap://";
+my $LDAP_BASEDN = "dc=gentoo, dc=org";
+my $RANK_ADMIN = 1;
+my $RANK_MOD = 3;
+my $RANK_DEV = 9;
+my $LEVEL_ADMIN = 1;
+my $LEVEL_MOD = 2;
+my $LEVEL_USER = 0;
+my $GROUP_DEVS = 24;
+my $GROUP_MODS = 970;
+my $EXIT_SUCCESS = 0;
+my $EXIT_ERROR = 1;
+my $EXIT_NOTIFY = 2;
+#my $connect_string = "DBI:mysql:;mysql_read_default_file=~/.my.cnf;mysql_read_default_group=testforum_rw";
+my $connect_string = "DBI:mysql:;mysql_read_default_file=~/.my.cnf;mysql_read_default_group=forum_rw";
+my $username;
+my $user_id;
+my $mail;
+my $sql;
+my $user_ref;
+my $users_ref;
+my $new_rank;
+my $new_email;
+my $new_level;
+my $make_includes = 0;
+my $dbh;
+my @rows;
+my $count;
+my $ldap;
+my $msg;
+my $filter;
+my @attrs;
+if (@ARGV != 1) {
+ quit($dbh, $EXIT_ERROR, "usage: " . basename($0) . " username\n");
+$username = $ARGV[0];
+# get forumsUID, mail from LDAP based on passed in username
+$ldap = Net::LDAP->new($LDAP_SERVER, version => 3, onerror => "die") || die "Connection Failed";
+$msg = $ldap->start_tls(verify => 'required',
+ clientcert => '/etc/openldap/ssl/',
+ clientkey => '/etc/openldap/ssl/',
+ cafile => '/etc/openldap/ssl/ca.pem');
+if ($msg->is_error) {
+ die ldap_error_text($msg->code);
+$msg = $ldap->bind;
+if ($msg->is_error) {
+ die ldap_error_text($msg->code);
+$filter = "(uid=$username)";
+$msg = $ldap->search(filter => $filter, base => $LDAP_BASEDN, attrs => ['forumsUID', 'mail']);
+if ($msg->is_error) {
+ die ldap_error_text($msg->code);
+foreach my $entry ($msg->entries) {
+ @attrs = $entry->attributes;
+ foreach my $attr (@attrs) {
+ foreach my $val (@{$entry->get_value($attr, asref => 1)}) {
+ if ($attr eq "forumsUID") {
+ $user_id = $val;
+ last;
+ } elsif ($attr eq "mail" && $val !~ /\@gentoo\.org$/) {
+ $mail = $val;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# if forumsUID is not set, exit
+if (!defined $user_id) {
+ quit($dbh, $EXIT_SUCCESS, "forumsUID not set in LDAP for $username - nothing left to do\n");
+# connect to DB and begin transaction
+$dbh = DBI->connect($connect_string, '', '', { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 } ) || die("Could not connect to database!");
+$sql = "SELECT user_id, username, user_level, user_rank, user_email FROM phpbb_users WHERE user_id = $user_id;";
+$users_ref = execute_sql_select_hashref($dbh, $sql, "user_id");
+# check we have a user
+if (%{$users_ref}) {
+ $user_ref = $users_ref->{$user_id};
+} else {
+ quit($dbh, $EXIT_ERROR, "forums user not found for user_id $user_id\n");
+# username might be different on the forums
+$username = get_username($username, $user_ref->{'username'});
+# user rank
+if ($user_ref->{'user_rank'} == $RANK_ADMIN || $user_ref->{'user_rank'} == $RANK_MOD) {
+ $new_rank = $RANK_BODHISATTVA;
+} elsif ($user_ref->{'user_rank'} == $RANK_DEV) {
+ $new_rank = $RANK_RETIRED_DEV;
+} else {
+ # they already have the correct rank
+ $new_rank = $user_ref->{'user_rank'};
+# user level
+if ($user_ref->{'user_level'} == $LEVEL_ADMIN || $user_ref->{'user_level'} == $LEVEL_MOD) {
+ $new_level = $LEVEL_USER;
+ $make_includes = 1;
+} else {
+ # they already have the correct level
+ $new_level = $user_ref->{'user_level'};
+# user e-mail
+$new_email = $user_ref->{'user_email'};
+if ($user_ref->{'user_email'} =~ '@gentoo\.org$' && defined $mail) {
+ # set to alternative mail from LDAP if we have it
+ $new_email = $mail;
+# user groups
+$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM phpbb_groups WHERE group_moderator = $user_id;";
+@rows = execute_sql_select($dbh, $sql);
+$count = $rows[0];
+if ($count > 0) {
+ # poke f-mods
+ quit($dbh, $EXIT_NOTIFY, "$username is a group moderator for $count groups\n$username cannot be automatically retired, notify #gentoo-forums on freenode or forum-mods\\n");
+print "deleting $username from groups\n";
+$sql = "DELETE FROM phpbb_user_group WHERE group_id = $GROUP_DEVS AND user_id = $user_id;";
+$count = execute_sql($dbh, $sql);
+if ($DEBUG) {
+ if ($count > 0) {
+ print "deleted $username from Developers group\n";
+ } else {
+ print "$username not found in Developers group\n";
+ }
+$sql = "DELETE FROM phpbb_user_group WHERE group_id = $GROUP_GLOBAL_MODS AND user_id = $user_id;";
+$count = execute_sql($dbh, $sql);
+if ($DEBUG) {
+ if ($count > 0) {
+ print "deleted $username from Global Moderators group\n";
+ } else {
+ print "$username not found in Global Moderators group\n";
+ }
+$sql = "DELETE FROM phpbb_user_group WHERE group_id = $GROUP_MODS AND user_id = $user_id;";
+$count = execute_sql($dbh, $sql);
+if ($DEBUG) {
+ if ($count > 0) {
+ print "deleted $username from Moderators group\n";
+ } else {
+ print "$username not found in Moderators group\n";
+ }
+if ($make_includes) {
+ # user was a moderator/admin so add to Bodhisattva group
+ $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM phpbb_user_group WHERE group_id = $GROUP_BODHISATTVA AND user_id = $user_id;";
+ @rows = execute_sql_select($dbh, $sql);
+ $count = $rows[0];
+ if ($count == 0) {
+ $sql = "INSERT INTO phpbb_user_group SET group_id = $GROUP_BODHISATTVA, user_id = $user_id, user_pending = 0;";
+ execute_sql($dbh, $sql);
+ }
+# permissions
+# If the user has been given individual permissions, this will be through their personal group
+$sql = "SELECT group_id FROM phpbb_auth_access aa
+ LEFT JOIN phpbb_groups g USING (group_id)
+ LEFT JOIN phpbb_user_group ug USING (group_id)
+ WHERE ug.user_id = $user_id
+ AND g.group_single_user = 1;";
+# if there are any then delete them from phpbb_auth_access
+my @groups = execute_sql_select($dbh, $sql);
+if (@groups) {
+ print "deleting forum permissions for $username\n";
+ foreach my $group (@groups) {
+ $sql = "DELETE FROM phpbb_auth_access WHERE group_id = $group;";
+ $count = execute_sql($dbh, $sql);
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ if ($count > 0) {
+ print "deleting $username permissions for group $group\n";
+ } else {
+ print "group $group not found in permissions table\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+print "updating forums status for $username\n";
+# update user
+$sql = "UPDATE phpbb_users SET user_rank = $new_rank, user_level = $new_level, user_email = '$new_email' WHERE user_id = $user_id;";
+execute_sql($dbh, $sql);
+# make includes
+if ($make_includes) {
+ # poke f-mods
+ quit($dbh, $EXIT_NOTIFY, "$username was a forums moderator - so the forums 'make includes' function needs to be run\nnotify #gentoo-forums on freenode or forum-mods\\n");
+quit($dbh, $EXIT_SUCCESS, "done");
+sub execute_sql {
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ my $sql = shift;
+ my $rows = -1;
+ my $sth;
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ print "" . (caller(0))[3] . ": $sql\n";
+ }
+ if (!$PRETEND) {
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare("$sql");
+ $rows = $sth->execute();
+ }
+ return $rows;
+sub execute_sql_select {
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ my $sql = shift;
+ my @read_data = ();
+ my @return_values = ();
+ my $sth;
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ print "" . (caller(0))[3] . ": $sql\n";
+ }
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare("$sql");
+ $sth->execute();
+ while (@read_data = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
+ push (@return_values, @read_data);
+ }
+ return @return_values;
+sub execute_sql_select_hashref {
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ my $sql = shift;
+ my $key_field = shift;
+ my $return_values_ref;
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ print "" . (caller(0))[3] . ": $sql\n";
+ }
+ $return_values_ref = $dbh->selectall_hashref($sql, $key_field);
+ return $return_values_ref;
+sub get_username {
+ my $gentoo_username = shift;
+ my $forums_username = shift;
+ if ($gentoo_username ne $forums_username) {
+ return $gentoo_username . " (forums username $forums_username)";
+ }
+ return $gentoo_username;
+sub quit {
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ my $return_code = shift;
+ my $message = shift;
+ # commit or rollback
+ if (defined $dbh) {
+ if ($return_code == $EXIT_SUCCESS || $return_code == $EXIT_NOTIFY) {
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ print "committing tranaction\n";
+ }
+ $dbh->commit();
+ } elsif ($return_code == $EXIT_ERROR) {
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ print "rolling back tranaction\n";
+ }
+ $dbh->rollback();
+ }
+ $dbh->disconnect();
+ }
+ if (defined $message) {
+ print {$return_code ? *STDOUT : *STDERR} $message;
+ }
+ exit $return_code;