import os import signal import pytest from snakeoil import process from snakeoil.contexts import chdir from snakeoil.process import spawn BASH_BINARY = process.find_binary("bash", fallback="") @pytest.mark.skipif(not BASH_BINARY, reason="missing bash binary") class TestSpawn: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, tmp_path): orig_path = os.environ["PATH"] os.environ["PATH"] = ":".join([str(tmp_path)] + orig_path.split(":")) yield os.environ["PATH"] = orig_path @pytest.fixture def dev_null(self): """Return an open write file descriptor to `/dev/null`.""" with open("/dev/null", "w") as null_file: yield null_file.fileno() def generate_script(self, tmp_path, filename, text): assert not os.path.isabs(filename) fp = tmp_path / filename fp.write_text("#!/usr/bin/env bash\n" + text) fp.chmod(0o750) assert fp.stat().st_mode & 0o750 == 0o750 return fp def test_get_output(self, tmp_path, dev_null): filename = "" for r, s, text, args in ( [0, ["dar\n"], "echo dar\n", {}], [0, ["dar"], "echo -n dar", {}], [1, ["blah\n", "dar\n"], "echo blah\necho dar\nexit 1", {}], [0, [], "echo dar 1>&2", {"fd_pipes": {1: 1, 2: dev_null}}], ): fp = self.generate_script(tmp_path, filename, text) assert (r, s) == spawn.spawn_get_output( str(fp), spawn_type=spawn.spawn_bash, **args ) os.unlink(fp) @pytest.mark.skipif(not spawn.is_sandbox_capable(), reason="missing sandbox binary") def test_sandbox(self, tmp_path): fp = self.generate_script(tmp_path, "", "echo $LD_PRELOAD") ret = spawn.spawn_get_output(str(fp), spawn_type=spawn.spawn_sandbox) assert ret[1], "no output; exit code was %s; script location %s" % (ret[0], fp) assert "" in [ os.path.basename(x.strip()) for x in ret[1][0].split() ] os.unlink(fp) @pytest.mark.skipif(not spawn.is_sandbox_capable(), reason="missing sandbox binary") def test_sandbox_empty_dir(self, tmp_path): """sandbox gets pissy if it's ran from a nonexistent dir this verifies our fix works. """ fp = self.generate_script(tmp_path, "", "echo $LD_PRELOAD") dpath = tmp_path / "dar" dpath.mkdir() with chdir(dpath): dpath.rmdir() assert "" in [ os.path.basename(x.strip()) for x in spawn.spawn_get_output( str(fp), spawn_type=spawn.spawn_sandbox, cwd="/" )[1][0].split() ] fp.unlink() def test_process_exit_code(self): assert spawn.process_exit_code(0) == 0 assert spawn.process_exit_code(16 << 8) == 16 def generate_background_pid(self): try: return spawn.spawn(["sleep", "5s"], returnpid=True)[0] except process.CommandNotFound: pytest.skip("can't complete the test, sleep binary doesn't exist") def test_spawn_returnpid(self): pid = self.generate_background_pid() try: assert os.kill(pid, 0) is None, "returned pid was invalid, or sleep died" assert pid in spawn.spawned_pids, "pid wasn't recorded in global pids" finally: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL) def test_cleanup_pids(self): pid = self.generate_background_pid() spawn.cleanup_pids([pid]) with pytest.raises(OSError): os.kill(pid, 0) assert pid not in spawn.spawned_pids, "pid wasn't removed from global pids" def test_spawn_bash(self, capfd): # bash builtin for true without exec'ing true (eg, no path lookup) assert 0 == spawn.spawn_bash("echo bash") out, _err = capfd.readouterr() assert out.strip() == "bash" def test_umask(self, tmp_path): fp = self.generate_script(tmp_path, "", f"#!{BASH_BINARY}\numask") try: old_umask = os.umask(0) if old_umask == 0: # crap. desired = 0o22 os.umask(desired) else: desired = 0 assert str(desired).lstrip("0") == spawn.spawn_get_output(str(fp))[1][ 0 ].strip().lstrip("0") finally: os.umask(old_umask)