From caa9bafa89e86a14ac407f24bd3d43709c7ce5df Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Mair-Keimberger <>
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2022 19:18:20 +0200
Subject: dev-lang/elixir: remove unused patches

Signed-off-by: Michael Mair-Keimberger <>
Portage 3.0.36 / pkgdev 0.2.1 / pkgcheck 0.10.14
Signed-off-by: Joonas Niilola <>
 dev-lang/elixir/files/elixir-1.11.2-mksh.patch     |  81 -------------
 ...4-fix-logger-translator-with-otp-24-11222.patch |  64 -----------
 ...11.4-update-warnings-for-OTP-master-10807.patch | 125 ---------------------
 3 files changed, 270 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 dev-lang/elixir/files/elixir-1.11.2-mksh.patch
 delete mode 100644 dev-lang/elixir/files/elixir-1.11.4-fix-logger-translator-with-otp-24-11222.patch
 delete mode 100644 dev-lang/elixir/files/elixir-1.11.4-update-warnings-for-OTP-master-10807.patch

(limited to 'dev-lang/elixir')

diff --git a/dev-lang/elixir/files/elixir-1.11.2-mksh.patch b/dev-lang/elixir/files/elixir-1.11.2-mksh.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fda43156890..000000000000
--- a/dev-lang/elixir/files/elixir-1.11.2-mksh.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-From 69bb81635a77afb28419103bdb02867b48994d4a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: "Haelwenn (lanodan) Monnier" <>
-Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2020 18:21:34 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] bin/elixir: Rename erl() function to erl_set()
-MIME-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
-It conflicted with the erl executable for Korn-derived shells where a function
-can be used in `exec command`.
-It isn't clear which behavior is expected from reading the POSIX specification
-but "Shell Command Language § 2.9.1 Simple Commands" clears the usage of
-the term `command` quite well.
-And even with excluding functions from the `command` operand of `exec`,
-why are aliases accepted? (in most if not all shells)
- bin/elixir | 28 ++++++++++++++--------------
- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
---- a/bin/elixir
-+++ b/bin/elixir
-@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ readlink_f () {
- ERL=""
- # Stores erl arguments preserving spaces/quotes (mimics an array)
--erl () {
-+erl_set () {
-   eval "E${E}=\$1"
-   E=$((E + 1))
- }
-@@ -137,34 +137,34 @@ while [ $I -le $LENGTH ]; do
-         ;;
-     --cookie)
-         S=2
--        erl "-setcookie"
--        erl "$2"
-+        erl_set "-setcookie"
-+        erl_set "$2"
-         ;;
-     --sname|--name)
-         S=2
--        erl "$(echo "$1" | cut -c 2-)"
--        erl "$2"
-+        erl_set "$(echo "$1" | cut -c 2-)"
-+        erl_set "$2"
-         ;;
-     --erl-config)
-         S=2
--        erl "-config"
--        erl "$2"
-+        erl_set "-config"
-+        erl_set "$2"
-         ;;
-     --vm-args)
-         S=2
--        erl "-args_file"
--        erl "$2"
-+        erl_set "-args_file"
-+        erl_set "$2"
-         ;;
-     --boot)
-         S=2
--        erl "-boot"
--        erl "$2"
-+        erl_set "-boot"
-+        erl_set "$2"
-         ;;
-     --boot-var)
-         S=3
--        erl "-boot_var"
--        erl "$2"
--        erl "$3"
-+        erl_set "-boot_var"
-+        erl_set "$2"
-+        erl_set "$3"
-         ;;
-     --pipe-to)
-         S=3
diff --git a/dev-lang/elixir/files/elixir-1.11.4-fix-logger-translator-with-otp-24-11222.patch b/dev-lang/elixir/files/elixir-1.11.4-fix-logger-translator-with-otp-24-11222.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 428e7ceb3ab4..000000000000
--- a/dev-lang/elixir/files/elixir-1.11.4-fix-logger-translator-with-otp-24-11222.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-From b1492cb0cfa689c4c098761a375d5cb728d3c175 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Matteo <>
-Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2021 23:46:27 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Fix logger translator with otp-24  (#11222)
-MIME-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
-* Handle new significant key in sasl reports
-* Add OTP-24.0 to CI matrix
-Co-authored-by: José Valim <>
- .github/workflows/ci.yml            |  2 +-
- lib/logger/lib/logger/translator.ex | 13 ++++++++++---
- 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
-index f43a9ff62..a4bc8dbeb 100644
---- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml
-+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
-@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ jobs:
-     strategy:
-       fail-fast: false
-       matrix:
--        otp_release: ['OTP-23.0', 'OTP-22.3', 'OTP-22.0', 'OTP-21.3.8', 'OTP-21.0']
-+        otp_release: ['OTP-24.0', 'OTP-23.0', 'OTP-22.3', 'OTP-22.0', 'OTP-21.3.8', 'OTP-21.0']
-         development: [false]
-         include:
-           - otp_release: master
-diff --git a/lib/logger/lib/logger/translator.ex b/lib/logger/lib/logger/translator.ex
-index d1d7e62f1..8afd79436 100644
---- a/lib/logger/lib/logger/translator.ex
-+++ b/lib/logger/lib/logger/translator.ex
-@@ -357,15 +357,22 @@ defp child_info(_min_level, _child) do
-     []
-   end
--  defp child_debug(:debug, restart_type: restart, shutdown: shutdown, child_type: type) do
--    ["\nRestart: ", inspect(restart), "\nShutdown: ", inspect(shutdown)] ++
--      ["\nType: ", inspect(type)]
-+  defp child_debug(:debug, opts) do
-+    for {key, value} <- opts do
-+      child_debug_key(key, value)
-+    end
-   end
-   defp child_debug(_min_level, _child) do
-     []
-   end
-+  defp child_debug_key(:restart_type, value), do: ["\nRestart: " | inspect(value)]
-+  defp child_debug_key(:shutdown, value), do: ["\nShutdown: " | inspect(value)]
-+  defp child_debug_key(:child_type, value), do: ["\nType: " | inspect(value)]
-+  defp child_debug_key(:significant, value), do: if(value, do: "\nSignificant: true", else: [])
-+  defp child_debug_key(_, _), do: []
-   defp report_crash(min_level, [[{:initial_call, initial_call} | crashed], linked]) do
-     mfa = initial_call_to_mfa(initial_call)
-     report_crash(min_level, crashed, [{:initial_call, mfa}], linked)
diff --git a/dev-lang/elixir/files/elixir-1.11.4-update-warnings-for-OTP-master-10807.patch b/dev-lang/elixir/files/elixir-1.11.4-update-warnings-for-OTP-master-10807.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cc0b217cbb1..000000000000
--- a/dev-lang/elixir/files/elixir-1.11.4-update-warnings-for-OTP-master-10807.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-From 237a71311c5ae4fc5dd3c7a590a7b6dab97a664a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Wojtek Mach <>
-Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2021 17:40:04 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Update warnings for OTP master (#10807)
- lib/elixir/src/elixir_erl_compiler.erl        | 34 ++++++++++++-------
- .../test/elixir/kernel/warning_test.exs       | 25 --------------
- 2 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/lib/elixir/src/elixir_erl_compiler.erl b/lib/elixir/src/elixir_erl_compiler.erl
-index 7010b59fd..e0aa05114 100644
---- a/lib/elixir/src/elixir_erl_compiler.erl
-+++ b/lib/elixir/src/elixir_erl_compiler.erl
-@@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ handle_file_warning(true, _File, {_Line, sys_core_fold, {nomatch_shadow, _}}) ->
- %% Those we implement ourselves
- handle_file_warning(_, _File, {_Line, v3_core, {map_key_repeated, _}}) -> ok;
-+handle_file_warning(_, _File, {_Line, sys_core_fold, {ignored, useless_building}}) -> ok;
-+%% TODO: remove when we require Erlang/OTP 24
- handle_file_warning(_, _File, {_Line, sys_core_fold, useless_building}) -> ok;
- %% Ignore all linting errors (only come up on parse transforms)
-@@ -112,11 +114,11 @@ handle_file_error(File, {Line, Module, Desc}) ->
-   elixir_errors:compile_error([{line, Line}], File, Message).
- %% Mention the capture operator in make_fun
--custom_format(sys_core_fold, {no_effect, {erlang, make_fun, 3}}) ->
-+custom_format(sys_core_fold, {ignored, {no_effect, {erlang, make_fun, 3}}}) ->
-   "the result of the capture operator & (:erlang.make_fun/3) is never used";
- %% Make no_effect clauses pretty
--custom_format(sys_core_fold, {no_effect, {erlang, F, A}}) ->
-+custom_format(sys_core_fold, {ignored, {no_effect, {erlang, F, A}}}) ->
-   {Fmt, Args} = case erl_internal:comp_op(F, A) of
-     true -> {"use of operator ~ts has no effect", [elixir_utils:erlang_comparison_op_to_elixir(F)]};
-     false ->
-@@ -127,12 +129,20 @@ custom_format(sys_core_fold, {no_effect, {erlang, F, A}}) ->
-   end,
-   io_lib:format(Fmt, Args);
--%% Rewrite nomatch_guard to be more generic it can happen inside if, unless, and the like
--custom_format(sys_core_fold, nomatch_guard) ->
-+%% Rewrite nomatch to be more generic, it can happen inside if, unless, and the like
-+custom_format(sys_core_fold, {nomatch, X}) when X == guard; X == no_clause ->
-   "this check/guard will always yield the same result";
-+custom_format(sys_core_fold, {nomatch, {shadow, Line, {ErlName, ErlArity}}}) ->
-+  {Name, Arity} = elixir_utils:erl_fa_to_elixir_fa(ErlName, ErlArity),
-+  io_lib:format(
-+    "this clause for ~ts/~B cannot match because a previous clause at line ~B always matches",
-+    [Name, Arity, Line]
-+  );
- %% Handle literal eval failures
--custom_format(sys_core_fold, {eval_failure, {Mod, Name, Arity}, Error}) ->
-+custom_format(sys_core_fold, {failed, {eval_failure, {Mod, Name, Arity}, Error}}) ->
-   #{'__struct__' := Struct} = 'Elixir.Exception':normalize(error, Error),
-   {ExMod, ExName, ExArgs} = elixir_rewrite:erl_to_ex(Mod, Name, lists:duplicate(Arity, nil)),
-   Call = 'Elixir.Exception':format_mfa(ExMod, ExName, length(ExArgs)),
-@@ -143,18 +153,16 @@ custom_format(sys_core_fold, {eval_failure, {Mod, Name, Arity}, Error}) ->
-   ["the call to ", Trimmed, " will fail with ", elixir_aliases:inspect(Struct)];
- %% TODO: remove when we require OTP 24
-+custom_format(sys_core_fold, {nomatch_shadow, Line, FA}) ->
-+  custom_format(sys_core_fold, {nomatch, {shadow, Line, FA}});
-+custom_format(sys_core_fold, nomatch_guard) ->
-+  custom_format(sys_core_fold, {nomatch, guard});
-+custom_format(sys_core_fold, {no_effect, X}) ->
-+  custom_format(sys_core_fold, {ignored, {no_effect, X}});
- custom_format(sys_core_fold, {eval_failure, Error}) ->
-   #{'__struct__' := Struct} = 'Elixir.Exception':normalize(error, Error),
-   ["this expression will fail with ", elixir_aliases:inspect(Struct)];
--custom_format(sys_core_fold, {nomatch_shadow,Line,{ErlName,ErlArity}}) ->
--  {Name, Arity} = elixir_utils:erl_fa_to_elixir_fa(ErlName, ErlArity),
--  io_lib:format(
--    "this clause for ~ts/~B cannot match because a previous clause at line ~B always matches",
--    [Name, Arity, Line]
--  );
- custom_format([], Desc) ->
-   io_lib:format("~p", [Desc]);
-diff --git a/lib/elixir/test/elixir/kernel/warning_test.exs b/lib/elixir/test/elixir/kernel/warning_test.exs
-index 15a984a54..37334ff65 100644
---- a/lib/elixir/test/elixir/kernel/warning_test.exs
-+++ b/lib/elixir/test/elixir/kernel/warning_test.exs
-@@ -1154,31 +1154,6 @@ def foo(x), do: :ok
-     purge(Sample)
-   end
--  test "with and do clauses emit errors, else clauses do not" do
--    assert capture_err(fn ->
--             Code.compile_string("""
--             with {:first, int} when is_integer(int) <- {:second, Integer.gcd(2, 4)} do
--               int
--             end
--             """)
--           end) =~ "this clause cannot match"
--    assert capture_err(fn ->
--             Code.compile_string("""
--             with {:first, int1} when is_integer(int1) <- {:first, Integer.gcd(2, 4)},
--                  {:second, int2} when is_integer(int2) <- {:second, Integer.gcd(2, 4)} do
--               {:ok, int1 + int2}
--             else
--               {:first, nil} -> {:error, "first number is not integer"}
--               {:second, nil} -> {:error, "second number is not integer"}
--             end
--             """)
--           end) == ""
--  after
--    purge(Sample1)
--    purge(Sample2)
--  end
-   test "warning on code point escape" do
-     assert capture_err(fn ->
-              Code.eval_string("? ")
cgit v1.2.3-65-gdbad