# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=5 inherit check-reqs cuda unpacker versionator MYD=$(get_version_component_range 1)_$(get_version_component_range 2) DESCRIPTION="NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit (compiler and friends)" HOMEPAGE="http://developer.nvidia.com/cuda" CURI="http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/${MYD}/rel/installers" SRC_URI=" amd64? ( ${CURI}/cuda_${PV}_linux_64.run ) x86? ( ${CURI}/cuda_${PV}_linux_32.run )" SLOT="0/${PV}" LICENSE="NVIDIA-CUDA" KEYWORDS="-* amd64 x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux" IUSE="debugger doc eclipse profiler" DEPEND="" RDEPEND="${DEPEND} <sys-devel/gcc-4.9[cxx] debugger? ( sys-libs/libtermcap-compat sys-libs/ncurses[tinfo] ) eclipse? ( >=virtual/jre-1.6 ) profiler? ( >=virtual/jre-1.6 ) amd64? ( >=x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-343.22[uvm] ) x86? ( <x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-346.35[uvm] ) " S="${WORKDIR}" QA_PREBUILT="opt/cuda/*" CHECKREQS_DISK_BUILD="1500M" pkg_setup() { # We don't like to run cuda_pkg_setup as it depends on us check-reqs_pkg_setup if use x86; then ewarn "Starting with version 6.5 NVIDIA dropped more and more" ewarn "the support for 32bit linux." ewarn "Be aware that bugfixes and new features may not be available." ewarn "https://dev.gentoo.org/~jlec/distfiles/CUDA_Toolkit_Release_Notes.pdf" fi } src_unpack() { unpacker unpacker run_files/cuda-linux*.run } src_prepare() { local cuda_supported_gcc cuda_supported_gcc="4.7 4.8" sed \ -e "s:CUDA_SUPPORTED_GCC:${cuda_supported_gcc}:g" \ "${FILESDIR}"/cuda-config.in > "${T}"/cuda-config || die } src_install() { local i j local remove="doc jre run_files install-linux.pl " local cudadir=/opt/cuda local ecudadir="${EPREFIX}"${cudadir} # dodoc doc/*txt if use doc; then dodoc doc/pdf/* dohtml -r doc/html/* fi if use amd64; then mv doc/man/man3/{,cuda-}deprecated.3 || die doman doc/man/man*/* fi use debugger || remove+=" bin/cuda-gdb extras/Debugger" ( use profiler || use eclipse ) || remove+=" libnsight" use amd64 || remove+=" cuda-installer.pl" if use profiler; then # hack found in install-linux.pl for j in nvvp nsight; do cat > bin/${j} <<- EOF #!${EPREFIX}/bin/sh LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${ecudadir}/lib:${ecudadir}/lib64 \ UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=0 \ ${ecudadir}/lib${j}/${j} -vm ${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/java EOF chmod a+x bin/${j} done else use eclipse || remove+=" libnvvp" remove+=" extras/CUPTI" fi for i in ${remove}; do ebegin "Cleaning ${i}..." if [[ -e ${i} ]]; then find ${i} -delete || die eend else eend $1 fi done ln -sf lib lib32 || die dodir ${cudadir} mv * "${ED}"${cudadir} || die cat > "${T}"/99cuda <<- EOF PATH=${ecudadir}/bin$(use profiler && echo ":${ecudadir}/libnvvp") ROOTPATH=${ecudadir}/bin LDPATH=${ecudadir}/lib$(use amd64 && echo "64:${ecudadir}/lib") EOF doenvd "${T}"/99cuda use profiler && \ make_wrapper nvprof "${EPREFIX}"${cudadir}/bin/nvprof "." ${ecudadir}/lib$(use amd64 && echo "64:${ecudadir}/lib") dobin "${T}"/cuda-config } pkg_postinst_check() { local a b a="$(version_sort $(cuda-config -s))"; a=( $a ) # greatest supported version b=${a[${#a[@]}-1]} # if gcc and if not gcc-version is at least greatesst supported if [[ $(tc-getCC) == *gcc* ]] && \ ! version_is_at_least $(gcc-version) ${b}; then echo ewarn "gcc >= ${b} will not work with CUDA" ewarn "Make sure you set an earlier version of gcc with gcc-config" ewarn "or append --compiler-bindir= pointing to a gcc bindir like" ewarn "--compiler-bindir=${EPREFIX}/usr/*pc-linux-gnu/gcc-bin/gcc${b}" ewarn "to the nvcc compiler flags" echo fi } pkg_postinst() { if [[ ${MERGE_TYPE} != binary ]]; then pkg_postinst_check fi }