# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=7 WX_GTK_VER="3.0-gtk3" inherit cmake fcaps flag-o-matic git-r3 toolchain-funcs wxwidgets DESCRIPTION="A PlayStation 2 emulator" HOMEPAGE="https://pcsx2.net/" EGIT_REPO_URI="https://github.com/PCSX2/${PN}.git" EGIT_SUBMODULES=( 3rdparty/glslang/glslang # needs StandAlone/ResourceLimits.h 3rdparty/imgui/imgui # not made to be system-wide 3rdparty/vulkan-headers # to keep in sync with glslang ) LICENSE="GPL-3 Apache-2.0 OFL-1.1" # TODO: needs review for a full list SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="" IUSE="pulseaudio test" RESTRICT="!test? ( test )" RDEPEND=" app-arch/xz-utils dev-cpp/rapidyaml:= dev-libs/glib:2 dev-libs/libaio dev-libs/libchdr >=dev-libs/libfmt-7.1.3:= dev-libs/libxml2:2 media-libs/alsa-lib media-libs/cubeb media-libs/freetype media-libs/libglvnd media-libs/libpng:= media-libs/libsamplerate media-libs/libsdl2[haptic,joystick,sound] media-libs/libsoundtouch:= net-libs/libpcap sys-libs/zlib virtual/libudev:= x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf:2 x11-libs/gtk+:3 x11-libs/libICE x11-libs/libX11 x11-libs/libXext x11-libs/libXrandr x11-libs/wxGTK:${WX_GTK_VER}[X] pulseaudio? ( media-sound/pulseaudio ) " DEPEND=" ${RDEPEND} x11-base/xorg-proto" BDEPEND="test? ( dev-cpp/gtest )" FILECAPS=( -m 755 "CAP_NET_RAW+eip CAP_NET_ADMIN+eip" usr/bin/pcsx2 ) pkg_setup() { if [[ ${MERGE_TYPE} != binary && $(tc-getCC) == *gcc* ]]; then # -mxsave flag is needed when GCC >= 8.2 is used # https://bugs.gentoo.org/685156 if [[ $(gcc-major-version) -gt 8 || $(gcc-major-version) == 8 && $(gcc-minor-version) -ge 2 ]]; then append-flags -mxsave fi fi } src_prepare() { cmake_src_prepare # unbundle, use sed over patch for less chances to break -9999 sed -e '/add_subdir.*cubeb/c\find_package(cubeb REQUIRED)' \ -e '/add_subdir.*libchdr/c\pkg_check_modules(chdr REQUIRED IMPORTED_TARGET libchdr)' \ -i cmake/SearchForStuff.cmake || die sed -i 's/chdr-static/PkgConfig::chdr/' pcsx2/CMakeLists.txt || die # pulseaudio is only used for usb-mic, not audio output use pulseaudio || > cmake/FindPulseAudio.cmake || die } src_configure() { # Build with ld.gold fails # https://github.com/PCSX2/pcsx2/issues/1671 tc-ld-disable-gold # pcsx2 build scripts will force CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Devel # if it something other than "Devel|Debug|Release" local CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" local mycmakeargs=( -DARCH_FLAG= -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=FALSE -DDISABLE_BUILD_DATE=TRUE -DDISABLE_PCSX2_WRAPPER=TRUE -DDISABLE_SETCAP=TRUE -DENABLE_TESTS="$(usex test)" -DPACKAGE_MODE=TRUE -DXDG_STD=TRUE -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}" -DUSE_SYSTEM_YAML=TRUE -DUSE_VTUNE=FALSE ) setup-wxwidgets cmake_src_configure }