# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-antivirus/clamav/clamav-0.80.ebuild,v 1.11 2005/01/01 11:39:02 eradicator Exp $ inherit eutils flag-o-matic #MY_P="${PN}-0.80rc3" MY_P="${P}" DESCRIPTION="Clam Anti-Virus Scanner" HOMEPAGE="http://www.clamav.net/" SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/clamav/${MY_P}.tar.gz" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="x86 ~ppc sparc amd64 hppa ~alpha ~ppc64" IUSE="milter crypt" DEPEND="virtual/libc crypt? ( >=dev-libs/gmp-4.1.2 )" PROVIDE="virtual/antivirus" S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" pkg_setup() { enewgroup clamav enewuser clamav -1 /bin/false /dev/null clamav pwconv || die } src_compile() { has_version =sys-libs/glibc-2.2* && filter-lfs-flags local myconf use milter && myconf="--enable-milter" econf ${myconf} --with-dbdir=/var/lib/clamav || die emake || die } src_install() { make DESTDIR=${D} install || die dodoc AUTHORS BUGS NEWS README ChangeLog TODO FAQ INSTALL exeinto /etc/init.d ; newexe ${FILESDIR}/clamd.rc clamd insinto /etc/conf.d ; newins ${FILESDIR}/clamd.conf clamd dodoc ${FILESDIR}/clamav-milter.README.gentoo } pkg_postinst() { einfo "NOTE: As of clamav-0.80, the config file for clamd is no longer" einfo " /etc/clamav.conf, but /etc/clamd.conf. Adjust your" einfo " configuration accordingly before (re)starting clamd." einfo "" ewarn "Warning: clamd and/or freshclam have not been restarted." ewarn "You should restart them with: /etc/init.d/clamd restart" einfo "" if use milter ; then einfo "For simple instructions howto setup the clamav-milter..." einfo "" einfo "less /usr/share/doc/${PF}/clamav-milter.README.gentoo.gz" fi }