#!/bin/bash # Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/eclass/tests/eutils_path_exists.sh,v 1.2 2015/05/10 16:38:08 ulm Exp $ source tests-common.sh inherit eutils test-path_exists() { local exp=$1; shift tbegin "path_exists($*) == ${exp}" path_exists "$@" [[ ${exp} -eq $? ]] tend $? } test-path_exists 1 test-path_exists 1 -a test-path_exists 1 -o good="/ . tests-common.sh /bin/bash" test-path_exists 0 ${good} test-path_exists 0 -a ${good} test-path_exists 0 -o ${good} bad="/asjdkfljasdlfkja jlakjdsflkasjdflkasdjflkasdjflaskdjf" test-path_exists 1 ${bad} test-path_exists 1 -a ${bad} test-path_exists 1 -o ${bad} test-path_exists 1 ${good} ${bad} test-path_exists 1 -a ${good} ${bad} test-path_exists 0 -o ${good} ${bad} texit