#!/bin/sh # Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-mail/xmail/files/xmailwizard,v 1.3 2003/07/25 21:15:43 raker Exp $ MAIL_ROOT=/chroot/xmail/var/MailRoot MAIL_CONF=/etc/xmail echo "Configuring XMail server ..." echo "" read -p "Create CtrlClnt login name: " LOGIN echo "" PASSWD1=1 until read -s -p "Enter CtrlClnt password: " PASSWD echo "" read -s -p "Enter password again: " PASSWD1 echo "" [ $PASSWD1 == $PASSWD ] do echo "Passwords do not match, please try again!" done read -p "Enter fully-qualified domain name (e.g. xmailserver.org): " MYDN echo "" ## process with files echo -e "\"$LOGIN\"\t\"`$MAIL_ROOT/bin/XMCrypt $PASSWD`\"\n" >$MAIL_CONF/ctrlaccounts.tab cp $MAIL_CONF/server.tab $MAIL_CONF/server.tab.orig sed -e "s:xmailserver.test:$MYDN:" <$MAIL_CONF/server.tab.orig >$MAIL_CONF/server.tab cp /etc/mail/aliases $MAIL_CONF/aliases.tab perl -n -i'.orig' -e "if (!/^\$/ and ! /^#/) {s/: */\t/;s/^/${MYDN}\t/;print}" $MAIL_CONF/aliases.tab /etc/init.d/xmail start NETSTAT=`netstat -an | grep -c ":29617"` while [ $NETSTAT -eq 0 ]; do echo "XMail Ctrl server not yet running ... sleeping 10 seconds." sleep 10 NETSTAT=`netstat -an | grep -c ":29617"` done $MAIL_ROOT/bin/CtrlClnt -n 29617 -s localhost -u $LOGIN -p $PASSWD domainadd $MYDN read -n 1 -p "Do you want to add mailusers to $MYDN domain? (y/n): " YESNO echo "" while [ $YESNO == 'Y' -o $YESNO == 'y' ] do read -p "Enter mailuser login: " USER echo "" PASS=1 until read -s -p "Enter mailuser password: " PASS echo "" read -s -p "Enter password again: " PASS1 echo "" [ "$PASS" == "$PASS1" ] do echo "Passwords do not match, please try again!" done $MAIL_ROOT/bin/CtrlClnt -n 29617 -s localhost -u $LOGIN -p $PASSWD useradd $MYDN $USER $PASS U read -n 1 -p "Do you want to add more mailusers to $MYDN domain? (y/n): " YESNO echo "" done /etc/init.d/xmail stop NETSTAT=`netstat -an | grep -c ":29617"` while [ $NETSTAT -ne 0 ]; do echo "There is(are) still $NETSTAT open connection(s) ... sleeping 10 seconds." sleep 10 NETSTAT=`netstat -an | grep -c ":29617"` done echo "Edit the MAIL_CMD_LINE property in /etc/conf.d/xmail to configure logging, TCP/IP bindings, threads, etc."