# ChangeLog for sci-misc/netlogo-bin # Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-misc/netlogo-bin/ChangeLog,v 1.2 2006/02/06 23:01:51 humpback Exp $ *netlogo-bin-3.0.2 (06 Feb 2006) 06 Feb 2006; Gustavo Felisberto ; +netlogo-bin-3.0.2.ebuild: Bump of version 2.1 to 3.0.2 and some cosmetic changes. *netlogo-bin-2.1 (16 Mar 2005) 16 Mar 2005; Gustavo Felisberto ; +metadata.xml, +files/netlogo.gif, +files/netlogo.sh, +netlogo-bin-2.1.ebuild: Inittial import. Thanks to axxo for the help with the deps and java eclasses.