Replace some GNOME icons with their FreeDesktop equivalents
so that it works with oxygen as a theme.

--- specto-0.4.1/spectlib/
+++ specto-0.4.1/spectlib/
@@ -213,11 +213,11 @@
         """ show the right icon for the status from the watch. """
         watch = self.specto.watch_db[id]
         statusbar = self.builder.get_object("statusbar1")
-        icon = self.get_icon("error", 50, False)
+        icon = self.get_icon("dialog-error", 50, False)
             if status == "checking":
-                icon = self.get_icon("reload", 0, False)
+                icon = self.get_icon("view-refresh", 0, False)
                 statusbar.push(0, ("%H:%M") + " - " + _('The watch "%s" is checking.') %
             elif status == "idle":
@@ -242,8 +242,8 @@
             elif status == "error":
                 statusbar.push(0, ("%H:%M") + " - " + _('The watch "%s" has a problem.') %
-                balloon_icon = self.get_icon("error", 0, True)
-                icon = self.get_icon("error", 50, False)
+                balloon_icon = self.get_icon("dialog-error", 0, True)
+                icon = self.get_icon("dialog-error", 50, False)
                 if self.specto.specto_gconf.get_entry("pop_toast") == True:
                     body = watch.escape(watch.error_message)
                     self.balloon.show_toast(body, balloon_icon, urgency="critical", summary=(_("%s encountered a problem") %