--- a/IGC/BiFModule/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/IGC/BiFModule/CMakeLists.txt @@ -19,24 +19,10 @@ if(UNIX) if(NOT ${CCLANG_BUILD_INTREE_LLVM}) - # Get common clang library soname - get_target_property(CCLANG_LIB_PATH opencl-clang-lib "IMPORTED_LOCATION") - execute_process( - COMMAND readelf -d ${CCLANG_LIB_PATH} - RESULT_VARIABLE CCLANG_READELF_RESULT - OUTPUT_VARIABLE CCLANG_READELF_CALL) - if(CCLANG_READELF_RESULT AND NOT CCLANG_READELF_RESULT EQUAL 0) - message(FATAL_ERROR "[IGC\\BiFModule] : Error occurred while executing readelf: ${CCLANG_READELF_RESULT}") - endif() - string(REGEX MATCH "\\[${COMMON_CLANG_LIB_FULL_NAME}\\.([0-9](\\.[0-9]*)*[a-zA-Z0-9]*)\\]" CCLANG_SONAME_VERSION "${CCLANG_READELF_CALL}") - set(CCLANG_SONAME_VERSION "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") - - # Check if common clang library is newer than 5.0.0 version on which we have SPIR-V support - if("${CCLANG_SONAME_VERSION}" VERSION_GREATER "5.0.0") - set_property(TARGET opencl-clang-lib PROPERTY "IMPORTED_SONAME" "${COMMON_CLANG_LIB_FULL_NAME}.${CCLANG_SONAME_VERSION}") - else() - message(FATAL_ERROR "[IGC\\BiFModule] : Version ${CCLANG_SONAME_VERSION} of library ${COMMON_CLANG_LIB_FULL_NAME} is below version 5.0.0 (where it's starts support of SPIR-V), please upgrade this library at least to version 5.0.0") - endif() + # Workaround for https://bugs.gentoo.org/739138 : instead of checking + # the version of opencl-clang, have ebuilds set CCLANG_SONAME_VERSION + # for us. + set_property(TARGET opencl-clang-lib PROPERTY "IMPORTED_SONAME" "${COMMON_CLANG_LIB_FULL_NAME}.${CCLANG_SONAME_VERSION}") endif() if (NOT CCLANG_FROM_SYSTEM) install(FILES $<TARGET_FILE:opencl-clang-lib> DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBDIR} COMPONENT igc-opencl)