Before you can run WebDAV CGI you need to configure your web server and WebDAV
CGI itself.

The following configuration snippet serves as an example for the Apache HTTPD
web server. You will have to adapt it to suite your own server and configuration

    ScriptAlias  /cgi-bin/ "${VHOST_CGIBINDIR}/"

    <Location /${VHOST_CGIBINDIR##*/}/>
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName "WebDAV-CGI"
        AuthUserFile ${VHOST_ROOT}/etc/users.htpasswd
        Require valid-user
        Order Allow,Deny
        Allow from all

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^/${VHOST_APPDIR}/logout /${VHOST_CGIBINDIR##*/}/logout [PT,E=REALM:WebDAV-CGI,E=HOMEURL:/${VHOST_APPDIR},L]
    RewriteRule ^/${VHOST_APPDIR} /${VHOST_CGIBINDIR##*/}/ [PT,E=WEBDAVCONF:${VHOST_ROOT}/etc/webdav.conf,E=PERLLIB:${VHOST_ROOT}/lib/perl,L]

Afterwards you need to copy the default configuration file and edit it:
cp -p ${VHOST_ROOT}/etc/{webdav.conf-dist,webdav.conf}
\$EDITOR ${VHOST_ROOT}/etc/webdav.conf

For further informations study the online documentation which is located at: