{ "name": "CheckUser", "version": "2.4", "author": [ "Tim Starling", "Aaron Schulz" ], "url": "https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:CheckUser", "descriptionmsg": "checkuser-desc", "license-name": "GPL-2.0-or-later", "type": "specialpage", "requires": { "MediaWiki": ">= 1.31.0" }, "ExtensionMessagesFiles": { "CheckUserAliases": "CheckUser.alias.php" }, "config": { "CheckUserCIDRLimit": { "value": { "IPv4": 16, "IPv6": 19 }, "description": "Shortest CIDR limits that can be checked in any individual range check" }, "CheckUserMaxBlocks": { "value": 200, "description": "Maximum number of users that can be mass blocked simultaneously" }, "CUPublicKey": { "value": "", "description": "Public key to encrypt private data that may need to be read later. Generate a public key with something like: `openssl genrsa -out cu.key 2048; openssl rsa -in cu.key -pubout > cu.pub` and paste the contents of cu.pub here." }, "CUDMaxAge": { "value": 7776000, "description": "How long to keep CheckUser data (in seconds)" }, "CheckUserForceSummary": { "value": false, "description": "Whether to force checkusers into giving a reason for each check they do through Special:CheckUser." }, "CheckUserCAMultiLock": { "value": false, "description": "Whether to add a link to Special:MultiLock by CentralAuth to the Special:CheckUser's mass block form. This requires CentralAuth extension to be installed on the wiki. To enable this, set this to an array with a central wiki's database name and an array with the name(s) of the global group(s) to add the link for. Example: [ 'centralDB' => 'metawiki', 'groups' => [ 'steward' ] ]" }, "CheckUserCAtoollink": { "value": false, "description": "Whether to add links to CentralAuth in Special:CheckUser results" }, "CheckUserGBtoollink": { "value": false, "description": "Whether to add links for glboally blocking accounts shown in Special:CheckUser results" }, "CheckUserLogLogins": { "value": false, "description": "Whether login attempts should be logged in CheckUser logs" } }, "APIListModules": { "checkuser": "ApiQueryCheckUser", "checkuserlog": "ApiQueryCheckUserLog" }, "Hooks": { "RecentChange_save": [ "CheckUserHooks::updateCheckUserData" ], "EmailUser": [ "CheckUserHooks::updateCUEmailData" ], "User::mailPasswordInternal": [ "CheckUserHooks::updateCUPasswordResetData" ], "LocalUserCreated": [ "CheckUserHooks::onLocalUserCreated" ], "UserMergeAccountFields": [ "CheckUserHooks::onUserMergeAccountFields" ], "RenameUserSQL": [ "CheckUserHooks::onRenameUserSQL" ], "ArticleEditUpdatesDeleteFromRecentchanges": [ "CheckUserHooks::maybePruneIPData" ], "ParserTestTables": [ "CheckUserHooks::checkUserParserTestTables" ], "LoadExtensionSchemaUpdates": [ "CheckUserHooks::onLoadExtensionSchemaUpdates" ], "ContributionsToolLinks": [ "CheckUserHooks::checkUserContributionsLinks" ], "PerformRetroactiveAutoblock": [ "CheckUserHooks::doRetroactiveAutoblock" ], "AuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit": [ "CheckUserHooks::onAuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit" ] }, "MessagesDirs": { "CheckUser": [ "i18n" ] }, "ResourceModules": { "ext.checkUser": { "scripts": "modules/ext.checkuser.cidr.js", "dependencies": [ "mediawiki.util" ] }, "ext.checkUser.caMultiLock": { "scripts": "modules/ext.checkuser.caMultiLock.js", "dependencies": [ "mediawiki.util" ], "messages": [ "checkuser-centralauth-multilock" ] } }, "ResourceFileModulePaths": { "localBasePath": "", "remoteExtPath": "CheckUser" }, "GroupPermissions": { "checkuser": { "checkuser": true, "checkuser-log": true } }, "AvailableRights": [ "checkuser", "checkuser-log" ], "SpecialPages": { "CheckUser": "SpecialCheckUser", "CheckUserLog": "SpecialCheckUserLog" }, "AutoloadClasses": { "CheckUserHooks": "includes/CheckUserHooks.php", "CheckUserLogPager": "includes/CheckUserLogPager.php", "SpecialCheckUser": "includes/specials/SpecialCheckUser.php", "SpecialCheckUserLog": "includes/specials/SpecialCheckUserLog.php", "CheckUserEncryptedData": "includes/CheckUserEncryptedData.php", "ApiQueryCheckUser": "includes/api/ApiQueryCheckUser.php", "ApiQueryCheckUserLog": "includes/api/ApiQueryCheckUserLog.php", "PopulateCheckUserTable": "maintenance/populateCheckUserTable.php" }, "manifest_version": 2 }