# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-lang/php/Attic/php-4.4.2-r6.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/07/14 16:04:37 chtekk Exp $ CGI_SAPI_USE="discard-path force-cgi-redirect" APACHE2_SAPI_USE="concurrentmodphp threads" IUSE="cli cgi ${CGI_SAPI_USE} ${APACHE2_SAPI_USE} fastbuild" KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd" # NOTE: Portage doesn't support setting PROVIDE based on the USE flags # that have been enabled, so we have to PROVIDE everything for now # and hope for the best PROVIDE="virtual/php virtual/httpd-php" # php package settings SLOT="4" MY_PHP_PV="${PV}" MY_PHP_P="php-${MY_PHP_PV}" PHP_PACKAGE="1" # php patch settings, general PHP_PATCHSET_REV="7" HARDENEDPHP_PATCH="hardening-patch-${MY_PHP_PV}-0.4.11-gentoo-r1.patch.gz" MULTILIB_PATCH="${MY_PHP_PV}/opt/php${MY_PHP_PV}-multilib-search-path.patch" # php patch settings, ebuild specific FASTBUILD_PATCH="${MY_PHP_PV}/opt/php${MY_PHP_PV}-fastbuild.patch" CONCURRENTMODPHP_PATCH="${MY_PHP_PV}/opt/php${MY_PHP_PV}-concurrent_apache_modules.patch" inherit php4_4-sapi apache-module want_apache DESCRIPTION="The PHP language runtime engine: CLI, CGI and Apache SAPIs." DEPEND="app-admin/php-toolkit" RDEPEND="${DEPEND}" pkg_setup() { PHPCONFUTILS_AUTO_USE="" # Make sure the user has specified at least one SAPI einfo "Determining SAPI(s) to build" phpconfutils_require_any " Enabled SAPI:" " Disabled SAPI:" cli cgi apache apache2 # Threaded Apache2 support if useq apache2 ; then if [[ "${APACHE_VERSION}" != "0" ]] ; then if ! useq threads ; then APACHE2_SAFE_MPMS="itk peruser prefork" else APACHE2_SAFE_MPMS="event leader metuxmpm perchild threadpool worker" fi ewarn ewarn "If this package fails with a fatal error about Apache2 not having" ewarn "been compiled with a compatible MPM, this is normally because you" ewarn "need to toggle the 'threads' USE flag." ewarn ewarn "If 'threads' is off, try switching it on." ewarn "If 'threads' is on, try switching it off." ewarn apache-module_pkg_setup fi fi # Concurrent PHP Apache2 modules support if useq apache2 ; then if [[ "${APACHE_VERSION}" != "0" ]] ; then if useq concurrentmodphp ; then ewarn ewarn "'concurrentmodphp' makes it possible to load multiple, differently" ewarn "versioned mod_php's into the same Apache instance. This is done with" ewarn "a few linker tricks and workarounds, and is not guaranteed to always" ewarn "work correctly, so use it at your own risk. Especially, do not use" ewarn "this in conjunction with PHP modules (PECL, ...) other than the ones" ewarn "you may find in the Portage tree or the PHP Overlay!" ewarn "This is an experimental feature, so please rebuild PHP" ewarn "without the 'concurrentmodphp' USE flag if you experience" ewarn "any problems, and then reproduce any bugs before filing" ewarn "them in Gentoo's Bugzilla or bugs.php.net." ewarn "If you have conclusive evidence that a bug directly" ewarn "derives from 'concurrentmodphp', please file a bug in" ewarn "Gentoo's Bugzilla only." ewarn ebeep 5 fi fi fi # fastbuild support if useq fastbuild ; then ewarn ewarn "'fastbuild' attempts to build all SAPIs in a single pass." ewarn "This is an experimental feature, so please rebuild PHP" ewarn "without the 'fastbuild' USE flag if you experience" ewarn "any problems, and then reproduce any bugs before filing" ewarn "them in Gentoo's Bugzilla or bugs.php.net." ewarn "If you have conclusive evidence that a bug directly" ewarn "derives from 'fastbuild', please file a bug in" ewarn "Gentoo's Bugzilla only." ewarn fi php4_4-sapi_pkg_setup } php_determine_sapis() { # holds the list of sapis that we want to build PHPSAPIS= if useq cli || phpconfutils_usecheck cli ; then PHPSAPIS="${PHPSAPIS} cli" fi if useq cgi ; then PHPSAPIS="${PHPSAPIS} cgi" fi # note - we can only build one apache sapi for now # note - apache SAPI comes after the simpler cli/cgi sapis if useq apache || useq apache2 ; then if [[ "${APACHE_VERSION}" != "0" ]] ; then PHPSAPIS="${PHPSAPIS} apache${APACHE_VERSION}" fi fi } src_unpack() { if [[ "${PHP_PACKAGE}" == 1 ]] ; then unpack ${A} fi cd "${S}" # Concurrent PHP Apache2 modules support if useq apache2 ; then if [[ "${APACHE_VERSION}" != "0" ]] ; then if useq concurrentmodphp ; then if [[ -n "${CONCURRENTMODPHP_PATCH}" ]] && [[ -f "${WORKDIR}/${CONCURRENTMODPHP_PATCH}" ]] ; then epatch "${WORKDIR}/${CONCURRENTMODPHP_PATCH}" else ewarn "There is no concurrent mod_php patch available for this PHP release yet!" fi fi fi fi # fastbuild support if useq fastbuild ; then if [[ -n "${FASTBUILD_PATCH}" ]] && [[ -f "${WORKDIR}/${FASTBUILD_PATCH}" ]] ; then epatch "${WORKDIR}/${FASTBUILD_PATCH}" else ewarn "There is no fastbuild patch available for this PHP release yet!" fi fi # Now let the eclass do the rest and regenerate the configure php4_4-sapi_src_unpack } src_compile() { if useq fastbuild && [[ -n "${FASTBUILD_PATCH}" ]] ; then src_compile_fastbuild else src_compile_normal fi } src_compile_fastbuild() { php_determine_sapis build_cli=0 build_cgi=0 build_apache1=0 build_apache2=0 my_conf="" for x in ${PHPSAPIS} ; do case ${x} in cli) build_cli=1 ;; cgi) build_cgi=1 ;; apache1) build_apache1=1 ;; apache2) build_apache2=1 ;; esac done if [[ ${build_cli} = 1 ]] ; then my_conf="${my_conf} --enable-cli" else my_conf="${my_conf} --disable-cli" fi if [[ ${build_cgi} = 1 ]] ; then my_conf="${my_conf} --enable-cgi --enable-fastcgi" phpconfutils_extension_enable "discard-path" "discard-path" 0 phpconfutils_extension_enable "force-cgi-redirect" "force-cgi-redirect" 0 else my_conf="${my_conf} --disable-cgi" fi if [[ ${build_apache1} = 1 ]] ; then my_conf="${my_conf} --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs" fi if [[ ${build_apache2} = 1 ]] ; then my_conf="${my_conf} --with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs2" # Threaded Apache2 support if useq threads ; then my_conf="${my_conf} --enable-experimental-zts" ewarn "Enabling ZTS for Apache2 MPM" fi # Concurrent PHP Apache2 modules support if useq concurrentmodphp ; then append-ldflags "-Wl,--version-script=${FILESDIR}/php4-ldvs" fi fi # Now we know what we are building, build it php4_4-sapi_src_compile # To keep the separate php.ini files for each SAPI, we change the # build-defs.h and recompile if [[ ${build_cli} = 1 ]] ; then einfo einfo "Building CLI SAPI" einfo sed -e 's|^#define PHP_CONFIG_FILE_PATH.*|#define PHP_CONFIG_FILE_PATH "/etc/php/cli-php4"|g;' -i main/build-defs.h sed -e 's|^#define PHP_CONFIG_FILE_SCAN_DIR.*|#define PHP_CONFIG_FILE_SCAN_DIR "/etc/php/cli-php4/ext-active"|g;' -i main/build-defs.h for x in main/main.o main/main.lo main/php_ini.o main/php_ini.lo ; do [[ -f ${x} ]] && rm -f ${x} done make sapi/cli/php || die "Unable to make CLI SAPI" cp sapi/cli/php php-cli || die "Unable to copy CLI SAPI" fi if [[ ${build_cgi} = 1 ]] ; then einfo einfo "Building CGI SAPI" einfo sed -e 's|^#define PHP_CONFIG_FILE_PATH.*|#define PHP_CONFIG_FILE_PATH "/etc/php/cgi-php4"|g;' -i main/build-defs.h sed -e 's|^#define PHP_CONFIG_FILE_SCAN_DIR.*|#define PHP_CONFIG_FILE_SCAN_DIR "/etc/php/cgi-php4/ext-active"|g;' -i main/build-defs.h for x in main/main.o main/main.lo main/php_ini.o main/php_ini.lo ; do [[ -f ${x} ]] && rm -f ${x} done make sapi/cgi/php || die "Unable to make CGI SAPI" cp sapi/cgi/php php-cgi || die "Unable to copy CGI SAPI" fi if [[ ${build_apache1} = 1 ]] || [[ ${build_apache2} = 1 ]] ; then einfo einfo "Building apache${APACHE_VERSION} SAPI" einfo sed -e "s|^#define PHP_CONFIG_FILE_PATH.*|#define PHP_CONFIG_FILE_PATH \"/etc/php/apache${APACHE_VERSION}-php4\"|g;" -i main/build-defs.h sed -e "s|^#define PHP_CONFIG_FILE_SCAN_DIR.*|#define PHP_CONFIG_FILE_SCAN_DIR \"/etc/php/apache${APACHE_VERSION}-php4/ext-active\"|g;" -i main/build-defs.h for x in main/main.o main/main.lo main/php_ini.o main/php_ini.lo ; do [[ -f ${x} ]] && rm -f ${x} done make || die "Unable to make apache${APACHE_VERSION} SAPI" fi } src_compile_normal() { php_determine_sapis CLEAN_REQUIRED=0 my_conf="" # Support the Apache2 extras, they must be set globally for all # SAPIs to work correctly, especially for external PHP extensions if useq apache2 ; then if [[ "${APACHE_VERSION}" != "0" ]] ; then # Concurrent PHP Apache2 modules support if useq concurrentmodphp ; then append-ldflags "-Wl,--version-script=${FILESDIR}/php4-ldvs" fi fi fi for x in ${PHPSAPIS} ; do # Support the Apache2 extras, they must be set globally for all # SAPIs to work correctly, especially for external PHP extensions if useq apache2 ; then if [[ "${APACHE_VERSION}" != "0" ]] ; then # Threaded Apache2 support if useq threads ; then my_conf="${my_conf} --enable-experimental-zts" ewarn "Enabling ZTS for Apache2 MPM" fi fi fi if [[ "${CLEAN_REQUIRED}" = 1 ]] ; then make clean fi PHPSAPI="${x}" case ${x} in cli) my_conf="${my_conf} --enable-cli --disable-cgi" php4_4-sapi_src_compile cp sapi/cli/php php-cli || die "Unable to copy CLI SAPI" ;; cgi) my_conf="${my_conf} --disable-cli --enable-cgi --enable-fastcgi" phpconfutils_extension_enable "discard-path" "discard-path" 0 phpconfutils_extension_enable "force-cgi-redirect" "force-cgi-redirect" 0 php4_4-sapi_src_compile cp sapi/cgi/php php-cgi || die "Unable to copy CGI SAPI" ;; apache1) my_conf="${my_conf} --disable-cli --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs" php4_4-sapi_src_compile ;; apache2) my_conf="${my_conf} --disable-cli --with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs2" php4_4-sapi_src_compile ;; esac CLEAN_REQUIRED=1 my_conf="" done } src_install() { php_determine_sapis destdir=/usr/$(get_libdir)/php4 # Let the eclass do the common work php4_4-sapi_src_install einfo einfo "Installing SAPI(s) ${PHPSAPIS}" einfo for x in ${PHPSAPIS} ; do PHPSAPI="${x}" case ${x} in cli) einfo "Installing CLI SAPI" into ${destdir} newbin php-cli php || die "Unable to install ${x} sapi" php4_4-sapi_install_ini ;; cgi) einfo "Installing CGI SAPI" into ${destdir} dobin php-cgi || die "Unable to install ${x} sapi" php4_4-sapi_install_ini ;; apache1) einfo "Installing Apache${APACHE_VERSION} SAPI" make INSTALL_ROOT="${D}" install-sapi || die "Unable to install ${x} SAPI" einfo "Installing Apache${APACHE_VERSION} config file for PHP4 (70_mod_php.conf)" insinto ${APACHE_MODULES_CONFDIR} newins "${FILESDIR}/70_mod_php.conf-apache1" "70_mod_php.conf" php4_4-sapi_install_ini ;; apache2) einfo "Installing Apache${APACHE_VERSION} SAPI" make INSTALL_ROOT="${D}" install-sapi || die "Unable to install ${x} SAPI" if useq concurrentmodphp ; then einfo "Installing Apache${APACHE_VERSION} config file for PHP4-concurrent (70_mod_php_concurr.conf)" insinto ${APACHE_MODULES_CONFDIR} newins "${FILESDIR}/70_mod_php_concurr.conf-apache2" "70_mod_php_concurr.conf" # Put the ld version script in the right place so it's always accessible insinto "/var/lib/php-pkg/${CATEGORY}/${PN}-${PVR}/" doins "${FILESDIR}/php4-ldvs" # Redefine the extension dir to have the modphp suffix PHPEXTDIR="`"${D}/${destdir}/bin/php-config" --extension-dir`-versioned" else einfo "Installing Apache${APACHE_VERSION} config file for PHP4 (70_mod_php.conf)" insinto ${APACHE_MODULES_CONFDIR} newins "${FILESDIR}/70_mod_php.conf-apache2" "70_mod_php.conf" fi php4_4-sapi_install_ini ;; esac done } pkg_postinst() { # Output some general info to the user if useq apache || useq apache2 ; then APACHE1_MOD_DEFINE="PHP4" APACHE1_MOD_CONF="70_mod_php" APACHE2_MOD_DEFINE="PHP4" if useq concurrentmodphp ; then APACHE2_MOD_CONF="70_mod_php_concurr" else APACHE2_MOD_CONF="70_mod_php" fi apache-module_pkg_postinst fi # Update Apache1 to use mod_php if useq apache ; then "${ROOT}/usr/sbin/php-select" -t apache1 php4 > /dev/null 2>&1 exitStatus=$? if [[ ${exitStatus} == 2 ]] ; then php-select apache1 php4 elif [[ ${exitStatus} == 4 ]] ; then ewarn ewarn "Apache1 is configured to load a different version of PHP." ewarn "To make Apache1 use PHP v4, use php-select:" ewarn ewarn " php-select apache1 php4" ewarn fi fi # Update Apache2 to use mod_php if useq apache2 ; then "${ROOT}/usr/sbin/php-select" -t apache2 php4 > /dev/null 2>&1 exitStatus=$? if [[ ${exitStatus} == 2 ]] ; then php-select apache2 php4 elif [[ ${exitStatus} == 4 ]] ; then ewarn ewarn "Apache2 is configured to load a different version of PHP." ewarn "To make Apache2 use PHP v4, use php-select:" ewarn ewarn " php-select apache2 php4" ewarn fi fi # Create the symlinks for php-cli if useq cli || phpconfutils_usecheck cli ; then "${ROOT}/usr/sbin/php-select" -t php php4 > /dev/null 2>&1 exitStatus=$? if [[ ${exitStatus} == 5 ]] ; then php-select php php4 elif [[ ${exitStatus} == 4 ]] ; then ewarn ewarn "/usr/bin/php links to a different version of PHP." ewarn "To make /usr/bin/php point to PHP v4, use php-select:" ewarn ewarn " php-select php php4" ewarn fi fi # Create the symlinks for php-cgi if useq cgi ; then "${ROOT}/usr/sbin/php-select" -t php-cgi php4 > /dev/null 2>&1 exitStatus=$? if [[ ${exitStatus} == 5 ]] ; then php-select php-cgi php4 elif [[ ${exitStatus} == 4 ]] ; then ewarn ewarn "/usr/bin/php-cgi links to a different version of PHP." ewarn "To make /usr/bin/php-cgi point to PHP v4, use php-select:" ewarn ewarn " php-select php-cgi php4" ewarn fi fi # Create the symlinks for php-devel "${ROOT}/usr/sbin/php-select" -t php-devel php4 > /dev/null 2>&1 exitStatus=$? if [[ $exitStatus == 5 ]] ; then php-select php-devel php4 elif [[ $exitStatus == 4 ]] ; then ewarn ewarn "/usr/bin/php-config and/or /usr/bin/phpize are linked to a" ewarn "different version of PHP. To make them point to PHP v4, use" ewarn "php-select:" ewarn ewarn " php-select php-devel php4" ewarn fi php4_4-sapi_pkg_postinst }