diff options
authorRobin H. Johnson <>2006-02-11 10:35:51 +0000
committerRobin H. Johnson <>2006-02-11 10:35:51 +0000
commit4e53c8c6566669c9cfc922e0e6f8aff2b045eb9c (patch)
parentblock new nullmailer versions for mailer-config. (diff)
Fix bugs raised by #121587 - Numerous issues, fixed in >=1.02-r1. 1.00-r2 and 1.02-r2 implement the new mailer-config system, and are in package.mask.
(Portage version: 2.1_pre4-r1)
11 files changed, 479 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/ChangeLog b/mail-mta/nullmailer/ChangeLog
index b3647e2e8b62..f672a24e4036 100644
--- a/mail-mta/nullmailer/ChangeLog
+++ b/mail-mta/nullmailer/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,17 @@
# ChangeLog for mail-mta/nullmailer
# Copyright 2000-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-mta/nullmailer/ChangeLog,v 1.21 2006/01/30 04:04:28 robbat2 Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-mta/nullmailer/ChangeLog,v 1.22 2006/02/11 10:35:51 robbat2 Exp $
+*nullmailer-1.02-r2 (11 Feb 2006)
+*nullmailer-1.02-r1 (11 Feb 2006)
+*nullmailer-1.00-r2 (11 Feb 2006)
+ 11 Feb 2006; Robin H. Johnson <> files/mailer.conf,
+ nullmailer-1.00.ebuild, +nullmailer-1.00-r2.ebuild,
+ nullmailer-1.02.ebuild, +nullmailer-1.02-r1.ebuild,
+ +nullmailer-1.02-r2.ebuild:
+ Fix bugs raised by #121587 - Numerous issues, fixed in >=1.02-r1. 1.00-r2
+ and 1.02-r2 implement the new mailer-config system, and are in package.mask.
30 Jan 2006; Robin H. Johnson <>
-nullmailer-1.00_rc7.ebuild, -nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r1.ebuild,
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/Manifest b/mail-mta/nullmailer/Manifest
index 4476bba08697..35b124336b17 100644
--- a/mail-mta/nullmailer/Manifest
+++ b/mail-mta/nullmailer/Manifest
@@ -4,15 +4,24 @@ SHA256 03fca3c2867b1c863be4f31c24f5ba1357254df090fde0cfe765a406edc8a2f1 ChangeLo
MD5 06a9baa1496bffaed64ef1891cbe1d13 files/digest-nullmailer-1.00 247
RMD160 e472f735603df6e727cf722e00c7d325a1fcfa69 files/digest-nullmailer-1.00 247
SHA256 d65c51d9ad82d8df49abd94224a889e9ffa2748dc7953574c9371bc2716f0378 files/digest-nullmailer-1.00 247
+MD5 06a9baa1496bffaed64ef1891cbe1d13 files/digest-nullmailer-1.00-r2 247
+RMD160 e472f735603df6e727cf722e00c7d325a1fcfa69 files/digest-nullmailer-1.00-r2 247
+SHA256 d65c51d9ad82d8df49abd94224a889e9ffa2748dc7953574c9371bc2716f0378 files/digest-nullmailer-1.00-r2 247
MD5 43920fd55d8bc46cbd5a9e49eb36571b files/digest-nullmailer-1.02 500
RMD160 9709467371178f6b5d91a069679b62235837da0a files/digest-nullmailer-1.02 500
SHA256 2210806664c8cb8c20146cff21be42c1f46ca311959019e19299f2c939db8ff6 files/digest-nullmailer-1.02 500
+MD5 43920fd55d8bc46cbd5a9e49eb36571b files/digest-nullmailer-1.02-r1 500
+RMD160 9709467371178f6b5d91a069679b62235837da0a files/digest-nullmailer-1.02-r1 500
+SHA256 2210806664c8cb8c20146cff21be42c1f46ca311959019e19299f2c939db8ff6 files/digest-nullmailer-1.02-r1 500
+MD5 43920fd55d8bc46cbd5a9e49eb36571b files/digest-nullmailer-1.02-r2 500
+RMD160 9709467371178f6b5d91a069679b62235837da0a files/digest-nullmailer-1.02-r2 500
+SHA256 2210806664c8cb8c20146cff21be42c1f46ca311959019e19299f2c939db8ff6 files/digest-nullmailer-1.02-r2 500
MD5 768cc69776bc3034147bfdc17b8b92f2 files/init.d-nullmailer 1221
RMD160 9e793a57acc9f2123c75e5a27f4b6123ce1d171a files/init.d-nullmailer 1221
SHA256 279dd0519b62b57b4f5f6a7bcbfcd8337dd3d5e6e785de1d443f2005def64d72 files/init.d-nullmailer 1221
-MD5 4a2517a7b69e06ec8f1dcc634f1f9f28 files/mailer.conf 1588
-RMD160 d97614351170338d47f7f852e3e8282882ea03a9 files/mailer.conf 1588
-SHA256 2a10a9f1b8086c4c3c0d49b4788895d9d70338d93dc87d738f10257b18fbff30 files/mailer.conf 1588
+MD5 945ef92bf546f27d7862d5223b45d5a2 files/mailer.conf 1568
+RMD160 af22c3b8d7057af9bb49ddb81db6f477a97eb296 files/mailer.conf 1568
+SHA256 56e2c23e127b1e05f65fb86d0bff4a7766fab2df5760cfbecbd8b1ca79f3a85f files/mailer.conf 1568
MD5 8fec0281a21917aa07f71f32877486d6 files/nullmailer-1.00-gcc34-fix.patch 618
RMD160 e294a7728b968b70e88f3882994c766eabd46e24 files/nullmailer-1.00-gcc34-fix.patch 618
SHA256 41f25b50859cf391ca8f9f9163bd5ce05553b70acef4413930a85e6df6b61ddb files/nullmailer-1.00-gcc34-fix.patch 618
@@ -28,9 +37,18 @@ SHA256 c3c6b0efc100142ecbe65b9af3e20900f9b21449619f35ef3ba2334dd0888b1f files/re
MD5 9d0c568ea32cf6b45797c6e7c82b4a67 metadata.xml 280
RMD160 9f5cd4ae71c9c7e45161110dd38d67f6604cd7b8 metadata.xml 280
SHA256 1e7cf6dbb378d12f4d6569350ba23c49aa55a855240b78b5487532028b0ff540 metadata.xml 280
-MD5 d4e805efb1d3b2e50c998385b843eaf8 nullmailer-1.00.ebuild 4063
-RMD160 f0cae7caed44de2bcb8f7973c930797f0ecbd1f7 nullmailer-1.00.ebuild 4063
-SHA256 475d36030ac457fe80f07bb5f18d59047da0ceb29cbe8bf4159c8f38f6a986dd nullmailer-1.00.ebuild 4063
-MD5 5506bf114c5fb6e918ac444ad8a47f5c nullmailer-1.02.ebuild 4441
-RMD160 c122c3394febf10a4e731e364c78ced0c4cd99ca nullmailer-1.02.ebuild 4441
-SHA256 74454d1e67ca9eb84779dbe2658b135aec9166735d9afdbf7263e6db38412202 nullmailer-1.02.ebuild 4441
+MD5 cce228b50c7b6a8d7b2af2e6ad879df7 nullmailer-1.00-r2.ebuild 3979
+RMD160 7c91f431cb78b7e7ec7f7436e68d609bc13e5708 nullmailer-1.00-r2.ebuild 3979
+SHA256 398d20884af7851b491b6e40b1035b39f940d6635bbd4c4af6442f912f9b5ac8 nullmailer-1.00-r2.ebuild 3979
+MD5 c4e64995ac98d079b8bb1ac552e23592 nullmailer-1.00.ebuild 4029
+RMD160 ad42858907b968bf2636499d3f8279737f2134cf nullmailer-1.00.ebuild 4029
+SHA256 e8e893e1eb1b1d4875bc8f26392a79df75c28bba8f3082a22049ece2d57ebf2f nullmailer-1.00.ebuild 4029
+MD5 ae190406d9c78bbdf7d78a997c53f8d8 nullmailer-1.02-r1.ebuild 4568
+RMD160 ce02074c52042c6252f301d89f6eeac3ea9f073c nullmailer-1.02-r1.ebuild 4568
+SHA256 a32b4f008fec615d9e4a15cd913a765ce8a6f2a4bb3e69f9f0482f2f8f3eabb2 nullmailer-1.02-r1.ebuild 4568
+MD5 4edf1943e269b0a2b2b79e1bfba19967 nullmailer-1.02-r2.ebuild 4499
+RMD160 b7bb51a3bdd2c2b9e916515b478a7db3d02f7aeb nullmailer-1.02-r2.ebuild 4499
+SHA256 75cd380979566df4eed58722734886d4a037f7c132a28be857f5c14351695c7c nullmailer-1.02-r2.ebuild 4499
+MD5 4d35636d7421b5f96a15f329f8b41185 nullmailer-1.02.ebuild 4628
+RMD160 60ff516e45edbecbf6bf3d8cf1b7c9bece77ff4c nullmailer-1.02.ebuild 4628
+SHA256 710ab506ab2a51f7210721ba93ea235fc65f0be79eb88a83cfa7997edb3cc29a nullmailer-1.02.ebuild 4628
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/digest-nullmailer-1.00-r2 b/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/digest-nullmailer-1.00-r2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e8e6c303fe66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/digest-nullmailer-1.00-r2
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 ead32b3543ef652891edf3856ec759dd nullmailer-1.00.tar.gz 170605
+RMD160 cd45934be7a8a9391f31452fe56b6166cb730306 nullmailer-1.00.tar.gz 170605
+SHA256 1ebb63f010a46dce9559b1025f76e74741429071cd2d4f380a63a5ced3ce8340 nullmailer-1.00.tar.gz 170605
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/digest-nullmailer-1.02-r1 b/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/digest-nullmailer-1.02-r1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e29631efde49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/digest-nullmailer-1.02-r1
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+MD5 848d5c1f41a78e6897aeeb615e484d38 nullmailer-1.02.tar.gz 171591
+RMD160 5be509670c0524bec7d7e664901f88f0872536bf nullmailer-1.02.tar.gz 171591
+SHA256 a35298470ba5e0f7f14d17f4a2e76039413b214c7b80921fa9a00598ecf6243d nullmailer-1.02.tar.gz 171591
+MD5 f9a7c953683682eb797841fd80ee3a95 nullmailer_1.02-1.diff.gz 21242
+RMD160 152b8336e7f041cf0ad3f7058e1e81b8a99dcb1e nullmailer_1.02-1.diff.gz 21242
+SHA256 a19b36e872880757626c7151d6e0d942ccd2d462929fe873f2d9be5eed18a07a nullmailer_1.02-1.diff.gz 21242
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/digest-nullmailer-1.02-r2 b/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/digest-nullmailer-1.02-r2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e29631efde49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/digest-nullmailer-1.02-r2
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+MD5 848d5c1f41a78e6897aeeb615e484d38 nullmailer-1.02.tar.gz 171591
+RMD160 5be509670c0524bec7d7e664901f88f0872536bf nullmailer-1.02.tar.gz 171591
+SHA256 a35298470ba5e0f7f14d17f4a2e76039413b214c7b80921fa9a00598ecf6243d nullmailer-1.02.tar.gz 171591
+MD5 f9a7c953683682eb797841fd80ee3a95 nullmailer_1.02-1.diff.gz 21242
+RMD160 152b8336e7f041cf0ad3f7058e1e81b8a99dcb1e nullmailer_1.02-1.diff.gz 21242
+SHA256 a19b36e872880757626c7151d6e0d942ccd2d462929fe873f2d9be5eed18a07a nullmailer_1.02-1.diff.gz 21242
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/mailer.conf b/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/mailer.conf
index b0cf9d9ed28b..5e8f474bc723 100644
--- a/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/mailer.conf
+++ b/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/mailer.conf
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/mailer.conf,v 1.4 2004/07/18 03:25:51 dragonheart Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/mailer.conf,v 1.5 2006/02/11 10:35:51 robbat2 Exp $
# $OpenBSD: mailer.conf,v 1.3 2000/04/06 18:24:19 millert Exp $
# Execute the "real" sendmail program from nullmailer
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail.nullmailer
send-mail /usr/sbin/sendmail.nullmailer
mailq /usr/bin/mailq.nullmailer
-newaliases /usr/sbin/sendmail.nullmailer
+newaliases /bin/true
# Execute the "real" sendmail program from exim,
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.00-r2.ebuild b/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.00-r2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ff82eefac70d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.00-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.00-r2.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/02/11 10:35:51 robbat2 Exp $
+inherit eutils flag-o-matic mailer
+DESCRIPTION="Simple relay-only local mail transport agent"
+KEYWORDS="x86 ~ppc"
+ sys-apps/groff"
+ >=sys-process/supervise-scripts-3.2
+ >=sys-process/daemontools-0.76-r1
+ sys-apps/shadow"
+setupuser() {
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${MY_P}.tar.gz
+ EPATCH_OPTS="-d ${S} -p0" \
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-smtp-auth.patch" || die "SMTP auth patch failed"
+ EPATCH_OPTS="-d ${S} -p1" \
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-syslog.patch" || die "syslog patch failed"
+ EPATCH_OPTS="-d ${S} -p0" \
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-gcc34-fix.patch" || die "GCC-3.4 patch failed"
+pkg_setup() {
+ setupuser
+src_compile() {
+ append-ldflags $(bindnow-flags)
+ # Note that we pass a different directory below due to bugs in the makefile!
+ econf --localstatedir=/var || die "econf failed"
+ emake || die "emake failed"
+src_install () {
+ einstall localstatedir=${D}/var/nullmailer || die "einstall failed"
+ if use mailwrapper; then
+ mv ${D}/usr/sbin/sendmail ${D}/usr/sbin/sendmail.nullmailer
+ mv ${D}/usr/bin/mailq ${D}/usr/bin/mailq.nullmailer
+ insinto /etc/mail
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/mailer.conf
+ mailer_install_conf
+ fi
+ # A small bit of sample config
+ dodir /etc/nullmailer
+ insinto /etc/nullmailer
+ newins ${FILESDIR}/remotes.sample remotes
+ # daemontools stuff
+ dodir /var/nullmailer/service{,/log}
+ insinto /var/nullmailer/service
+ newins scripts/ run
+ fperms 700 /var/nullmailer/service/run
+ insinto /var/nullmailer/service/log
+ newins scripts/ run
+ fperms 700 /var/nullmailer/service/log/run
+ # usablity
+ dodir /usr/lib
+ dosym /usr/sbin/sendmail usr/lib/sendmail
+ # permissions stuff
+ keepdir /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue}
+ fperms 770 /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue}
+ fowners nullmail:nullmail /usr/sbin/nullmailer-queue /usr/bin/mailq
+ fperms 4711 /usr/sbin/nullmailer-queue /usr/bin/mailq
+ fowners nullmail:nullmail /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue,trigger}
+ fperms 660 /var/nullmailer/trigger
+ msg_mailerconf
+pkg_config() {
+ [ ! -s /etc/nullmailer/me ] && /bin/hostname --fqdn >/etc/nullmailer/me
+ [ ! -s /etc/nullmailer/defaultdomain ] && /bin/hostname --domain >/etc/nullmailer/defaultdomain
+ msg_svscan
+ msg_mailerconf
+msg_svscan() {
+ einfo "To start nullmailer at boot you have to enable the /etc/init.d/svscan rc file"
+ einfo "and create the following link :"
+ einfo "ln -fs /var/nullmailer/service /service/nullmailer"
+msg_mailerconf() {
+ use mailwrapper && \
+ ewarn "Please ensure you have selected nullmailer in your /etc/mailer.conf"
+pkg_postinst() {
+ setupuser
+ # Do this again for good measure
+ [ ! -e /var/nullmailer/trigger ] && mkfifo /var/nullmailer/trigger
+ chown nullmail:nullmail /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue,trigger}
+ chmod 770 /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue}
+ chmod 660 /var/nullmailer/trigger
+ use mailwrapper && dosym /usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/bin/mailq
+ einfo "To create an initial setup, please do:"
+ einfo "emerge --config =${PF}"
+ msg_svscan
+ msg_mailerconf
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.00.ebuild b/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.00.ebuild
index 9c81c66f848d..e2a73680f14a 100644
--- a/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.00.ebuild
+++ b/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.00.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.00.ebuild,v 1.6 2005/12/31 14:18:03 flameeyes Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.00.ebuild,v 1.7 2006/02/11 10:35:51 robbat2 Exp $
inherit eutils flag-o-matic
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ pkg_postinst() {
use mailwrapper && dosym /usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/bin/mailq
einfo "To create an initial setup, please do:"
- einfo "ebuild /var/db/pkg/${CATEGORY}/${PF}/${PF}.ebuild config"
+ einfo "emerge --config =${PF}"
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.02-r1.ebuild b/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.02-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6be957d33f15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.02-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.02-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/02/11 10:35:51 robbat2 Exp $
+inherit eutils flag-o-matic
+DESCRIPTION="Simple relay-only local mail transport agent"
+ mirror://debian/pool/main/n/${PN}/${DEBIAN_SRC}"
+KEYWORDS="~x86 ~ppc ~amd64"
+ sys-apps/groff"
+RDEPEND="!mailwrapper? ( !virtual/mta )
+ mailwrapper? ( >=net-mail/mailwrapper-0.2 )
+ virtual/libc
+ >=sys-process/supervise-scripts-3.2
+ >=sys-process/daemontools-0.76-r1
+ sys-apps/shadow"
+setupuser() {
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${MY_P}.tar.gz
+ EPATCH_OPTS="-d ${S} -p1" \
+ epatch ${DISTDIR}/${DEBIAN_SRC}
+ EPATCH_OPTS="-d ${S} -p1" \
+ epatch ${S}/debian/patches/03ipv6.diff || die "IPV6 patch failed"
+ EPATCH_OPTS="-d ${S} -p1" \
+ epatch ${S}/debian/patches/05syslog.diff || die "daemon/syslog patch failed"
+ # this fixes the debian daemon/syslog to actually compile
+ sed -i.orig \
+ -e '/^nullmailer_send_LDADD/s, =, = ../lib/cli++/libcli++.a,' \
+ ${S}/src/ || die "Sed failed"
+pkg_setup() {
+ setupuser
+src_compile() {
+ append-ldflags $(bindnow-flags)
+ # Note that we pass a different directory below due to bugs in the makefile!
+ econf --localstatedir=/var || die "econf failed"
+ emake || die "emake failed"
+src_install () {
+ einstall localstatedir=${D}/var/nullmailer || die "einstall failed"
+ local mailqloc=/usr/bin/mailq
+ if use mailwrapper; then
+ mv ${D}/usr/sbin/sendmail ${D}/usr/sbin/sendmail.nullmailer
+ mailqloc=/usr/bin/mailq.nullmailer
+ mv ${D}/usr/bin/mailq ${D}/usr/bin/mailq.nullmailer
+ insinto /etc/mail
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/mailer.conf
+ fi
+ # A small bit of sample config
+ dodir /etc/nullmailer
+ insinto /etc/nullmailer
+ newins ${FILESDIR}/remotes.sample remotes
+ # daemontools stuff
+ dodir /var/nullmailer/service{,/log}
+ insinto /var/nullmailer/service
+ newins scripts/ run
+ fperms 700 /var/nullmailer/service/run
+ insinto /var/nullmailer/service/log
+ newins scripts/ run
+ fperms 700 /var/nullmailer/service/log/run
+ # usablity
+ dodir /usr/lib
+ dosym /usr/sbin/sendmail usr/lib/sendmail
+ # permissions stuff
+ keepdir /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue}
+ fperms 770 /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue}
+ fowners nullmail:nullmail /usr/sbin/nullmailer-queue ${mailqloc}
+ fperms 4711 /usr/sbin/nullmailer-queue ${mailqloc}
+ fowners nullmail:nullmail /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue,trigger}
+ fperms 660 /var/nullmailer/trigger
+ msg_mailerconf
+ newinitd ${FILESDIR}/init.d-nullmailer nullmailer
+pkg_config() {
+ [ ! -s /etc/nullmailer/me ] && /bin/hostname --fqdn >/etc/nullmailer/me
+ [ ! -s /etc/nullmailer/defaultdomain ] && /bin/hostname --domain >/etc/nullmailer/defaultdomain
+ msg_svscan
+ msg_mailerconf
+msg_svscan() {
+ einfo "To start nullmailer at boot you have to enable the /etc/init.d/svscan rc file"
+ einfo "and create the following link :"
+ einfo "ln -fs /var/nullmailer/service /service/nullmailer"
+ einfo "As an alternative, we also provide an init.d script."
+ einfo
+ einfo "If the nullmailer service is already running, please restart it now,"
+ einfo "using 'svc-restart nullmailer' or the init.d script."
+ einfo
+msg_mailerconf() {
+ use mailwrapper && \
+ ewarn "Please ensure you have selected nullmailer in your /etc/mail/mailer.conf"
+pkg_postinst() {
+ setupuser
+ # Do this again for good measure
+ [ ! -e /var/nullmailer/trigger ] && mkfifo /var/nullmailer/trigger
+ chown nullmail:nullmail /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue,trigger}
+ chmod 770 /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue}
+ chmod 660 /var/nullmailer/trigger
+ einfo "To create an initial setup, please do:"
+ einfo "emerge --config =${PF}"
+ msg_svscan
+ msg_mailerconf
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.02-r2.ebuild b/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.02-r2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..15b897db9b23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.02-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.02-r2.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/02/11 10:35:51 robbat2 Exp $
+inherit eutils flag-o-matic mailer
+DESCRIPTION="Simple relay-only local mail transport agent"
+ mirror://debian/pool/main/n/${PN}/${DEBIAN_SRC}"
+KEYWORDS="~x86 ~ppc ~amd64"
+ sys-apps/groff"
+ >=sys-process/supervise-scripts-3.2
+ >=sys-process/daemontools-0.76-r1
+ sys-apps/shadow"
+setupuser() {
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${MY_P}.tar.gz
+ EPATCH_OPTS="-d ${S} -p1" \
+ epatch ${DISTDIR}/${DEBIAN_SRC}
+ EPATCH_OPTS="-d ${S} -p1" \
+ epatch ${S}/debian/patches/03ipv6.diff || die "IPV6 patch failed"
+ EPATCH_OPTS="-d ${S} -p1" \
+ epatch ${S}/debian/patches/05syslog.diff || die "daemon/syslog patch failed"
+ # this fixes the debian daemon/syslog to actually compile
+ sed -i.orig \
+ -e '/^nullmailer_send_LDADD/s, =, = ../lib/cli++/libcli++.a,' \
+ ${S}/src/ || die "Sed failed"
+pkg_setup() {
+ setupuser
+src_compile() {
+ append-ldflags $(bindnow-flags)
+ # Note that we pass a different directory below due to bugs in the makefile!
+ econf --localstatedir=/var || die "econf failed"
+ emake || die "emake failed"
+src_install () {
+ einstall localstatedir=${D}/var/nullmailer || die "einstall failed"
+ local mailqloc=/usr/bin/mailq
+ if use mailwrapper; then
+ mv ${D}/usr/sbin/sendmail ${D}/usr/sbin/sendmail.nullmailer
+ mailqloc=/usr/bin/mailq.nullmailer
+ mv ${D}/usr/bin/mailq ${D}/usr/bin/mailq.nullmailer
+ insinto /etc/mail
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/mailer.conf
+ mailer_install_conf
+ fi
+ # A small bit of sample config
+ dodir /etc/nullmailer
+ insinto /etc/nullmailer
+ newins ${FILESDIR}/remotes.sample remotes
+ # daemontools stuff
+ dodir /var/nullmailer/service{,/log}
+ insinto /var/nullmailer/service
+ newins scripts/ run
+ fperms 700 /var/nullmailer/service/run
+ insinto /var/nullmailer/service/log
+ newins scripts/ run
+ fperms 700 /var/nullmailer/service/log/run
+ # usablity
+ dodir /usr/lib
+ dosym /usr/sbin/sendmail usr/lib/sendmail
+ # permissions stuff
+ keepdir /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue}
+ fperms 770 /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue}
+ fowners nullmail:nullmail /usr/sbin/nullmailer-queue ${mailqloc}
+ fperms 4711 /usr/sbin/nullmailer-queue ${mailqloc}
+ fowners nullmail:nullmail /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue,trigger}
+ fperms 660 /var/nullmailer/trigger
+ msg_mailerconf
+ newinitd ${FILESDIR}/init.d-nullmailer nullmailer
+pkg_config() {
+ [ ! -s /etc/nullmailer/me ] && /bin/hostname --fqdn >/etc/nullmailer/me
+ [ ! -s /etc/nullmailer/defaultdomain ] && /bin/hostname --domain >/etc/nullmailer/defaultdomain
+ msg_svscan
+ msg_mailerconf
+msg_svscan() {
+ einfo "To start nullmailer at boot you have to enable the /etc/init.d/svscan rc file"
+ einfo "and create the following link :"
+ einfo "ln -fs /var/nullmailer/service /service/nullmailer"
+ einfo "As an alternative, we also provide an init.d script."
+ einfo
+ einfo "If the nullmailer service is already running, please restart it now,"
+ einfo "using 'svc-restart nullmailer' or the init.d script."
+ einfo
+msg_mailerconf() {
+ use mailwrapper && \
+ ewarn "Please ensure you have selected nullmailer in your /etc/mail/mailer.conf"
+pkg_postinst() {
+ setupuser
+ # Do this again for good measure
+ [ ! -e /var/nullmailer/trigger ] && mkfifo /var/nullmailer/trigger
+ chown nullmail:nullmail /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue,trigger}
+ chmod 770 /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue}
+ chmod 660 /var/nullmailer/trigger
+ einfo "To create an initial setup, please do:"
+ einfo "emerge --config =${PF}"
+ msg_svscan
+ msg_mailerconf
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.02.ebuild b/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.02.ebuild
index a4f92b72828e..cbea8116f0a2 100644
--- a/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.02.ebuild
+++ b/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.02.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.02.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/01/30 03:50:34 robbat2 Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.02.ebuild,v 1.2 2006/02/11 10:35:51 robbat2 Exp $
inherit eutils flag-o-matic
@@ -69,8 +69,10 @@ src_compile() {
src_install () {
einstall localstatedir=${D}/var/nullmailer || die "einstall failed"
+ local mailqloc=/usr/bin/mailq
if use mailwrapper; then
mv ${D}/usr/sbin/sendmail ${D}/usr/sbin/sendmail.nullmailer
+ mailqloc=/usr/bin/mailq.nullmailer
mv ${D}/usr/bin/mailq ${D}/usr/bin/mailq.nullmailer
insinto /etc/mail
doins ${FILESDIR}/mailer.conf
@@ -94,8 +96,8 @@ src_install () {
# permissions stuff
keepdir /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue}
fperms 770 /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue}
- fowners nullmail:nullmail /usr/sbin/nullmailer-queue /usr/bin/mailq
- fperms 4711 /usr/sbin/nullmailer-queue /usr/bin/mailq
+ fowners nullmail:nullmail /usr/sbin/nullmailer-queue ${mailqloc}
+ fperms 4711 /usr/sbin/nullmailer-queue ${mailqloc}
fowners nullmail:nullmail /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue,trigger}
fperms 660 /var/nullmailer/trigger
@@ -113,11 +115,15 @@ msg_svscan() {
einfo "To start nullmailer at boot you have to enable the /etc/init.d/svscan rc file"
einfo "and create the following link :"
einfo "ln -fs /var/nullmailer/service /service/nullmailer"
+ einfo
+ einfo "If the nullmailer service is already running, please restart it now,"
+ einfo "using 'svc-restart nullmailer' or the init.d script."
+ einfo
einfo "As an alternative, we also provide an init.d script."
msg_mailerconf() {
use mailwrapper && \
- ewarn "Please ensure you have selected nullmailer in your /etc/mailer.conf"
+ ewarn "Please ensure you have selected nullmailer in your /etc/mail/mailer.conf"
pkg_postinst() {
@@ -131,7 +137,7 @@ pkg_postinst() {
use mailwrapper && dosym /usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/bin/mailq
einfo "To create an initial setup, please do:"
- einfo "ebuild /var/db/pkg/${CATEGORY}/${PF}/${PF}.ebuild config"
+ einfo "emerge --config =${PF}"