diff options
authorLuis Francisco Araujo <>2006-02-16 00:11:15 +0000
committerLuis Francisco Araujo <>2006-02-16 00:11:15 +0000
commit13de8eef60bae72f470322836c64f5ecb960e8e3 (patch)
tree917d0a6de77fa2cdd8519a88e8246ab8b8231bd5 /dev-lang
parentRemoving virtual/libpcap wrt bug #117898 (diff)
Adding new ebuild with modular X support
(Portage version: 2.1_pre4-r1)
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-lang')
4 files changed, 273 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/dev-lang/ghc/ChangeLog b/dev-lang/ghc/ChangeLog
index 9e0f2c7428e4..2752c87707f3 100644
--- a/dev-lang/ghc/ChangeLog
+++ b/dev-lang/ghc/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
# ChangeLog for dev-lang/ghc
# Copyright 2002-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-lang/ghc/ChangeLog,v 1.76 2006/02/10 12:48:39 dcoutts Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-lang/ghc/ChangeLog,v 1.77 2006/02/16 00:11:15 araujo Exp $
+*ghc-6.4.1-r2 (16 Feb 2006)
+ 16 Feb 2006; Luis F. Araujo <> +ghc-6.4.1-r2.ebuild:
+ Added support for modular X. New flags support to enable/disable X, hgl and
+ openal
10 Feb 2006; <> -ghc-6.0.1.ebuild:
Remove the last ghc-6.0.x version. (There's no way to bootstrap it anyway)
diff --git a/dev-lang/ghc/Manifest b/dev-lang/ghc/Manifest
index 5203296f1c28..fe6da52c878a 100644
--- a/dev-lang/ghc/Manifest
+++ b/dev-lang/ghc/Manifest
@@ -1,25 +1,51 @@
-Hash: SHA1
MD5 25a01d5d27a2d479876b4b0b65f8860e ChangeLog 13472
+RMD160 707d39e598e6da5262ab7cf3b87f0fe54347b654 ChangeLog 13472
+SHA256 f83f02997b4a009261c6a4f71c7d1f9898f1e3d8edd0075bed05b7dd426c2641 ChangeLog 13472
MD5 7e423c353b08a2c05693d13f21e067d0 files/ 1958
+RMD160 4192ad9ed14064a9da42ce1faedcf28996094da3 files/ 1958
+SHA256 7406f639d17b8acab6a1db7e398e74379b44950d4821bc36901abd3455d63b3d files/ 1958
MD5 9e9c22452b545fd9ec1367155c15d8e2 files/digest-ghc-6.2.2 67
+RMD160 f7d90455b23505bebec1c10b96f63f28812db205 files/digest-ghc-6.2.2 67
+SHA256 8dcc9591644345db37aa15ef7ee91a72f2bc358653565d4aadfcf85264f41d9b files/digest-ghc-6.2.2 67
MD5 75417bc4dea34cd08ea105457ccd3032 files/digest-ghc-6.4 65
+RMD160 da3f7883200986441fcccd20fcc0efcedbb8b223 files/digest-ghc-6.4 65
+SHA256 e64b36910754f2b2cf4b82aa22ed5bb4394d9971fb8de08f41cde286caf9170a files/digest-ghc-6.4 65
MD5 7c38a5e2d5ecf8446f38ff41fa4d4152 files/digest-ghc-6.4.1 67
+RMD160 232a1ace169fa7f49b88e032565d82a3d4285051 files/digest-ghc-6.4.1 67
+SHA256 1c8b5dc526b93d9a85915fa851511c0d4f86928206f748d42e48a747a7aaf760 files/digest-ghc-6.4.1 67
MD5 7c38a5e2d5ecf8446f38ff41fa4d4152 files/digest-ghc-6.4.1-r1 67
+RMD160 232a1ace169fa7f49b88e032565d82a3d4285051 files/digest-ghc-6.4.1-r1 67
+SHA256 1c8b5dc526b93d9a85915fa851511c0d4f86928206f748d42e48a747a7aaf760 files/digest-ghc-6.4.1-r1 67
+MD5 67634d2dcbaa8444838580a45ac915d3 files/digest-ghc-6.4.1-r2 247
+RMD160 3a660bda8203ea505f0ae443df45b679d80fe6f3 files/digest-ghc-6.4.1-r2 247
+SHA256 8d86b8d15bea6298f853e838c5d0800e21ad2a4e3eaebfb6ba3c7a75768ec5c5 files/digest-ghc-6.4.1-r2 247
MD5 9c15b50bf0b73b7d70a06fd47510a3ef files/ghc-6.0.1.haddock.patch 380
+RMD160 a2c000c5217ead5c223280153a4de9c649f01dcf files/ghc-6.0.1.haddock.patch 380
+SHA256 075fa83c84ad1d7136b94b6ce13c2d03fc08bcee1d7998264e4bdf23d85f065d files/ghc-6.0.1.haddock.patch 380
MD5 1ae8c6b539b6706ba0e8b988a918a944 files/ghc-6.2.hardened.patch 525
+RMD160 499210730c5b7578f1fe371b9304db65b00f59cc files/ghc-6.2.hardened.patch 525
+SHA256 ed4c94ceb8e4749bd4d37a1542f5958175f0972b93a7137c5541698007b93d26 files/ghc-6.2.hardened.patch 525
MD5 ffd472c0685cf2766ce6533265f9a3c9 files/ghc-6.4-powerpc.patch 908
+RMD160 007429fa9383eb214d3ee14dbb3ab6814788a3c9 files/ghc-6.4-powerpc.patch 908
+SHA256 9406b0fa32d19bfbd55e6635070f3bdb57bd061a599924d940c8af8e34f36d3d files/ghc-6.4-powerpc.patch 908
MD5 af174f2e566a288f0e2276883a866827 files/ghc-updater 9075
+RMD160 8fd05ff7a0bdc19b5d0041906de8c6f7e1b99a8f files/ghc-updater 9075
+SHA256 3da2c1642c63c98e2b2fa8634496ad5e0a62404aaf4775c9a2eee6463c036216 files/ghc-updater 9075
MD5 49113531ecf3c15247194f067ffe00bd ghc-6.2.2.ebuild 5582
+RMD160 b028ea26d634687c73fd8d688f6088d253230f33 ghc-6.2.2.ebuild 5582
+SHA256 4473941a958beec2da286f5823b62def6737504cd0524a4dcd6aa777847ccd1d ghc-6.2.2.ebuild 5582
MD5 a611160c6db54dc55d0599a7f53e3655 ghc-6.4.1-r1.ebuild 6306
+RMD160 7dee0194ab66ab61591661b787d7a6bfba9b32cd ghc-6.4.1-r1.ebuild 6306
+SHA256 d3241dd376e8ec319fa0b0b2941d17cda7ecda7ccf398b94b3d90591368ad6a5 ghc-6.4.1-r1.ebuild 6306
+MD5 ad5549df94575c267863b5af1c340c70 ghc-6.4.1-r2.ebuild 6911
+RMD160 2c1c20a97e1770e929f713679825ede7a5c364a8 ghc-6.4.1-r2.ebuild 6911
+SHA256 519fde1c1199a9b30e56bfd1e4b42e3d3fc55e475fbd9df87253e551b3eb2b22 ghc-6.4.1-r2.ebuild 6911
MD5 670ea0013a01dc7771a7ee918ae62187 ghc-6.4.1.ebuild 5943
+RMD160 f1991110799fe8e21417f774888aa0e6b05b166a ghc-6.4.1.ebuild 5943
+SHA256 9eaf0673a3bb7f468111379a87917fb26b5fa5ed28e4c14d0b72c0f1ed006e1c ghc-6.4.1.ebuild 5943
MD5 9620778937a1aff6ef88863c81222cfc ghc-6.4.ebuild 6109
+RMD160 a6588f6fdd9d5420e13ba1ef545ae35cf647a523 ghc-6.4.ebuild 6109
+SHA256 8bd0631d7a331b61f8686d8c1db0ed7d30a689a723ff53d9a029e3f8ea406a25 ghc-6.4.ebuild 6109
MD5 a769ecfcd1cdd2d40986627df7dfb249 metadata.xml 224
-Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)
+RMD160 57bc74b2471cd3dba6dcdcce531df8eb82893cee metadata.xml 224
+SHA256 2b30834e4d9f141a1e1b63457d4af1f6a8cb6d4a47f8dd3b14e726277079769b metadata.xml 224
diff --git a/dev-lang/ghc/files/digest-ghc-6.4.1-r2 b/dev-lang/ghc/files/digest-ghc-6.4.1-r2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..47c2c92a66b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/ghc/files/digest-ghc-6.4.1-r2
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 fd289bc7c3afa272ff831a71a50b5b00 ghc-6.4.1-src.tar.bz2 6826112
+RMD160 b6167e3d197bd461f46f860a37fff749bf3aa076 ghc-6.4.1-src.tar.bz2 6826112
+SHA256 4079fa6fe4dc3b0577e1e60167569c02469d46fbd31fbff3a31406000c1ccb36 ghc-6.4.1-src.tar.bz2 6826112
diff --git a/dev-lang/ghc/ghc-6.4.1-r2.ebuild b/dev-lang/ghc/ghc-6.4.1-r2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8547997a4773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/ghc/ghc-6.4.1-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-lang/ghc/ghc-6.4.1-r2.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/02/16 00:11:15 araujo Exp $
+# Brief explanation of the bootstrap logic:
+# ghc requires ghc-bin to bootstrap.
+# Therefore,
+# (1) both ghc-bin and ghc provide virtual/ghc
+# (2) virtual/ghc *must* default to ghc-bin
+# (3) ghc depends on virtual/ghc
+# This solution has the advantage that the binary distribution
+# can be removed once an forall after the first succesful install
+# of ghc.
+inherit base flag-o-matic eutils autotools ghc-package check-reqs
+IUSE="doc X opengl openal"
+#java use flag disabled because of bug #106992
+DESCRIPTION="The Glasgow Haskell Compiler"
+# discover if this is a snapshot release
+IS_SNAPSHOT="${PV%%*pre*}" # zero if snapshot
+[[ -z "${IS_SNAPSHOT}" ]] && EXTRA_SRC_URI="stable/dist"
+# re-add ~ppc64 once dependencies are fulfilled
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~x86 ~sparc ~ppc"
+ >=sys-devel/gcc-2.95.3
+ >=dev-lang/perl-5.6.1
+ >=dev-libs/gmp-4.1
+ >=sys-libs/readline-4.2
+ X? ( || ( x11-libs/libX11 virtual/x11 ) )
+ opengl? ( virtual/opengl virtual/glu virtual/glut )
+ openal? ( media-libs/openal )"
+# ghc cannot usually be bootstrapped using later versions ...
+ <virtual/ghc-6.5
+ !>=virtual/ghc-6.6
+ doc? ( ~app-text/docbook-xml-dtd-4.2
+ app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets
+ >=dev-libs/libxslt-1.1.2
+ >=dev-haskell/haddock-0.6-r2 )"
+# removed: java? ( >=dev-java/fop-0.20.5 )
+# Setup supported CFLAGS.
+check_cflags() {
+ CFLAGS="$1"
+ strip-unsupported-flags
+setup_cflags() {
+ check_cflags "-nopie -fno-stack-protector -fno-stack-protector-all"
+# Portage's resolution of virtuals fails on virtual/ghc in some Portage releases,
+# the following function causes the build to fail with an informative error message
+# in such a case.
+# pkg_setup() {
+# if ! has_version virtual/ghc; then
+# eerror "This ebuild needs a version of GHC to bootstrap from."
+# eerror "Please emerge dev-lang/ghc-bin to get a binary version."
+# eerror "You can either use the binary version directly or emerge"
+# eerror "dev-lang/ghc afterwards."
+# die "virtual/ghc version required to build"
+# fi
+# }
+src_unpack() {
+ base_src_unpack
+ # TODO: test if ppc/ppc64 works without patch now ...
+ cd ${S}
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-6.4.1-configure.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-6.4.1-openal.patch"
+ # hardened-gcc needs to be disabled, because the
+ # mangler doesn't accept its output; yes, the 6.2 version
+ # should do ...
+ cd "${S}/ghc/driver"
+ setup_cflags
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-6.2.hardened.patch"
+ sed -i -e "s|@GHC_CFLAGS@|${SUPPORTED_CFLAGS// -/ -optc-}|" ghc/
+ sed -i -e "s|@GHC_CFLAGS@|${SUPPORTED_CFLAGS// -/ -optc-}|" ghci/
+src_compile() {
+ local mydoc
+ # initialize
+ echo '# Gentoo changes' > mk/
+ # determine what to do with documentation
+ if use doc; then
+ mydoc="html"
+# if use java; then
+# mydoc="${mydoc} ps"
+# fi
+ else
+ mydoc=""
+ # needed to prevent haddock from being called
+ echo NO_HADDOCK_DOCS=YES >> mk/
+ fi
+ echo XMLDocWays="${mydoc}" >> mk/
+ # disable the automatic PIC building which is considered as Prologue Junk by the Haskell Compiler
+ # thanks to Peter Simons for finding this and giving notice on
+ # (this is still necessary, even though we have the patch, because
+ # we might be bootstrapping from a version that didn't have the
+ # patch included)
+ setup_cflags
+ echo "SRC_CC_OPTS+=${SUPPORTED_CFLAGS}" >> mk/
+ echo "SRC_HC_OPTS+=${SUPPORTED_CFLAGS// -/ -optc-}" >> mk/
+ # circumvent a very strange bug that seems related with ghc producing too much
+ # output while being filtered through tee (e.g. due to portage logging)
+ # reported as bug #111183
+ echo "SRC_HC_OPTS+=-fno-warn-deprecations" >> mk/
+ # force the config variable ArSupportsInput to be unset;
+ # ar in binutils >= seems to be classified
+ # incorrectly by the configure script
+ echo "ArSupportsInput:=" >> mk/
+ # Required for some architectures, because they don't support ghc fully ...
+ use alpha || use ppc64 && echo "GhcWithInterpreter=NO" >> mk/
+ use alpha && echo "GhcUnregisterised=YES" >> mk/
+ # The SplitObjs feature doesn't work on several arches and it makes
+ # 'ar' take loads of RAM:
+ if use alpha || use ppc || use ppc64 || use sparc; then
+ echo "SplitObjs=NO" >> mk/
+ elif ! check_reqs_conditional; then
+ einfo "Turning off ghc's 'Split Objs' feature because this machine"
+ einfo "does not have enough RAM for it. This will have the effect"
+ einfo "of making binaries produced by ghc considerably larger."
+ echo "SplitObjs=NO" >> mk/
+ fi
+ # we've patched some files do allow us to enable/disable the
+ # X11 and HGL packages, so we need to autoreconf.
+ eautoreconf
+ econf \
+ $(use_enable opengl opengl) \
+ $(use_enable opengl glut) \
+ $(use_enable openal openal) \
+ $(use_enable X x11) \
+ $(use_enable X hgl) \
+ || die "econf failed"
+ # the build does not seem to work all that
+ # well with parallel make
+ emake -j1 all datadir="/usr/share/doc/${PF}" || die "make failed"
+ # the explicit datadir is required to make the haddock entries
+ # in the package.conf file point to the right place ...
+src_install () {
+ local insttarget
+ insttarget="install"
+ use doc && insttarget="${insttarget} install-docs"
+ # the libdir0 setting is needed for amd64, and does not
+ # harm for other arches
+ emake -j1 ${insttarget} \
+ prefix="${D}/usr" \
+ datadir="${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}" \
+ infodir="${D}/usr/share/info" \
+ mandir="${D}/usr/share/man" \
+ libdir0="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" \
+ || die "make ${insttarget} failed"
+ #need to remove ${D} from ghcprof script
+ cd "${D}/usr/bin"
+ mv ghcprof ghcprof-orig
+ sed -e 's:$FPTOOLS_TOP_ABS:#$FPTOOLS_TOP_ABS:' ghcprof-orig > ghcprof
+ chmod a+x ghcprof
+ rm -f ghcprof-orig
+ cd "${S}/ghc"
+ dosbin ${FILESDIR}/ghc-updater
+pkg_postinst () {
+ ebegin "Unregistering ghc's built-in cabal "
+ $(ghc-getghcpkg) unregister Cabal > /dev/null
+ eend $?
+ ghc-reregister
+ einfo "If you have dev-lang/ghc-bin installed, you might"
+ einfo "want to unmerge it. It is no longer needed."
+ einfo
+ ewarn "IMPORTANT:"
+ ewarn "If you upgrade from another ghc version, please run"
+ ewarn "/usr/sbin/ghc-updater to re-merge all ghc-based"
+ ewarn "Haskell libraries."