diff options
authorJörg Bornkessel <>2008-03-18 22:19:07 +0000
committerJörg Bornkessel <>2008-03-18 22:19:07 +0000
commita2cadfff44eb526c0399d593ae046fa8b705b7b3 (patch)
tree8a596235e9a4ca2745d0b67c03ca94f214b726cb /media-plugins
parentppc stable, bug #212363 (diff)
stable on x86; cleanup old version
(Portage version:
Diffstat (limited to 'media-plugins')
5 files changed, 12 insertions, 202 deletions
diff --git a/media-plugins/vdr-image/ChangeLog b/media-plugins/vdr-image/ChangeLog
index 8695570de33e..7a08ea1fbbf9 100644
--- a/media-plugins/vdr-image/ChangeLog
+++ b/media-plugins/vdr-image/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for media-plugins/vdr-image
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-plugins/vdr-image/ChangeLog,v 1.22 2007/07/28 12:01:15 zzam Exp $
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-plugins/vdr-image/ChangeLog,v 1.23 2008/03/18 22:19:06 hd_brummy Exp $
+ 18 Mar 2008; Joerg Bornkessel <>
+ -files/vdr-image-0.2.4-gentoo.diff, -files/vdr-image-0.2.5-gentoo.diff,
+ -vdr-image-0.2.4.ebuild, vdr-image-0.2.7-r1.ebuild:
+ stable on x86; cleanup old version
28 Jul 2007; Matthias Schwarzott <>
diff --git a/media-plugins/vdr-image/files/vdr-image-0.2.4-gentoo.diff b/media-plugins/vdr-image/files/vdr-image-0.2.4-gentoo.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 226a8868a66c..000000000000
--- a/media-plugins/vdr-image/files/vdr-image-0.2.4-gentoo.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
---- control-image.c 2005-10-29 21:36:43.000000000 +0200
-+++ control-image-gentoo.c 2006-01-03 15:12:21.803187500 +0100
-@@ -622,7 +622,7 @@
- return osContinue;
- // Load additional Commands
-- pCmd->Load(AddDirectory(cPlugin::ConfigDirectory(g_szConfigDirectory), "imagecmds.conf"));
-+ pCmd->Load(AddDirectory(cPlugin::ConfigDirectory(g_szConfigDirectory), "image/imagecmds.conf"));
- if(pCmd->Count() <= 0) {
- delete pCmd;
---- image.c 2005-10-29 21:50:31.000000000 +0200
-+++ image-gentoo.c 2006-01-03 15:34:01.632421750 +0100
-@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
- return false;
- }
-- ImageSources.Load(AddDirectory(ConfigDirectory(g_szConfigDirectory), "imagesources.conf"));
-+ ImageSources.Load(AddDirectory(ConfigDirectory(g_szConfigDirectory), "image/imagesources.conf"));
- if(ImageSources.Count()<1) {
- esyslog("imageplugin: you must have defined at least one source in imagesources.conf");
- return false;
---- libimage/Makefile.orig 2005-09-11 17:51:12.000000000 +0200
-+++ libimage/Makefile 2006-01-03 15:36:56.307338250 +0100
-@@ -3,19 +3,19 @@
- #
- # $Id: vdr-image-0.2.4-gentoo.diff,v 1.1 2006/01/04 17:03:52 hd_brummy Exp $
--VDRDIR = ../../../..
-+VDRDIR = /usr/include
- ### The C++ compiler and options:
- CXX ?= g++
--CXXFLAGS ?= -O0 -g -Wall -Woverloaded-virtual
-+#CXXFLAGS ?= -O0 -g -Wall -Woverloaded-virtual
---include $(VDRDIR)/Make.config
-+-include $(VDRDIR)/vdr/Make.config
- ### The directory environment:
--INCLUDES += -I$(VDRDIR)/include
---- liboutput/Makefile.orig 2005-10-22 11:49:03.000000000 +0200
-+++ liboutput/Makefile 2006-01-03 15:36:56.299337750 +0100
-@@ -3,21 +3,21 @@
- #
- # $Id: vdr-image-0.2.4-gentoo.diff,v 1.1 2006/01/04 17:03:52 hd_brummy Exp $
--VDRDIR = ../../../..
--DVBDIR = ../../../../../DVB
-+VDRDIR = /usr/include
-+DVBDIR = /usr/include
- #FFMDIR = ../../../../../ffmpeg
- ### The C++ compiler and options:
- CXX ?= g++
--CXXFLAGS ?= -O0 -g -Wall -Woverloaded-virtual
-+#CXXFLAGS ?= -O0 -g -Wall -Woverloaded-virtual
---include $(VDRDIR)/Make.config
-+-include $(VDRDIR)/vdr/Make.config
- ### The directory environment:
--INCLUDES += -I$(VDRDIR)/include -I.
- ifdef FFMDIR
- INCLUDES += -I$(FFMDIR)/libavcodec -I$(FFMDIR)/libavutil
- endif
---- examples/imagecmds.conf.DE 2005-09-11 17:51:12.000000000 +0200
-+++ examples/imagecmds-gentoo.conf.DE 2006-01-04 13:39:57.836373750 +0100
-@@ -11,6 +11,6 @@
- Informationen über das Bild : identify -verbose
- Größe des Bildes : du -chs %s
- Exif Informationen des JPEG-Bildes ausgeben : jpegtopnm -dumpexif %s >/dev/null 2> $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/exif.tmp && cat $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/exif.tmp && rm -f $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/exif.tmp
--Rotatiere JPEG Bildes verlustlos um 90° nach Rechts : jpegtran -rotate 90 %s > $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/tmp.jpg && mv $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/tmp.jpg %s
--Rotatiere JPEG Bildes verlustlos um 90° nach Links : jpegtran -rotate 270 %s > $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/tmp.jpg && mv $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/tmp.jpg %s
-+Rotiere JPEG Bildes verlustlos um 90° nach Rechts : jpegtran -rotate 90 %s > $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/tmp.jpg && mv $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/tmp.jpg %s
-+Rotiere JPEG Bildes verlustlos um 90° nach Links : jpegtran -rotate 270 %s > $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/tmp.jpg && mv $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/tmp.jpg %s
- Lösche Bild ?: rm -f %s
diff --git a/media-plugins/vdr-image/files/vdr-image-0.2.5-gentoo.diff b/media-plugins/vdr-image/files/vdr-image-0.2.5-gentoo.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f07df90090d..000000000000
--- a/media-plugins/vdr-image/files/vdr-image-0.2.5-gentoo.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-diff -Naur image-0.2.5.orig/control-image.c image-0.2.5/control-image.c
---- image-0.2.5.orig/control-image.c 2006-03-06 13:53:36.131134750 +0100
-+++ image-0.2.5/control-image.c 2006-03-06 13:57:06.248266250 +0100
-@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@
- return osContinue;
- // Load additional Commands
-- pCmd->Load(AddDirectory(cPlugin::ConfigDirectory(g_szConfigDirectory), "imagecmds.conf"));
-+ pCmd->Load(AddDirectory(cPlugin::ConfigDirectory(g_szConfigDirectory), "image/imagecmds.conf"));
- if(pCmd->Count() <= 0) {
- delete pCmd;
-diff -Naur image-0.2.5.orig/examples/imagecmds.conf image-0.2.5/examples/imagecmds.conf
---- image-0.2.5.orig/examples/imagecmds.conf 2006-03-06 13:53:36.131134750 +0100
-+++ image-0.2.5/examples/imagecmds.conf 2006-03-06 14:10:06.753044750 +0100
-@@ -20,3 +20,5 @@
- Rotate JPEG picture lossless by 90 degrees to the right : jpegtran -rotate 90 %s > $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/tmp.jpg && mv $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/tmp.jpg %s
- Rotate JPEG picture lossless by 90 degrees to the left : jpegtran -rotate 270 %s > $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/tmp.jpg && mv $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/tmp.jpg %s
- Delete picture ?: rm -f %s
-+Change burn template : echo ln -fs '%s' '/usr/share/vdr/burn/menu-bg.png' | /bin/bash
-+Change burn template (button) : echo ln -fs '%s' '/usr/share/vdr/burn/menu-button.png' | /bin/bash
-diff -Naur image-0.2.5.orig/examples/imagecmds.conf.DE image-0.2.5/examples/imagecmds.conf.DE
---- image-0.2.5.orig/examples/imagecmds.conf.DE 2006-03-06 13:53:36.131134750 +0100
-+++ image-0.2.5/examples/imagecmds.conf.DE 2006-03-06 14:09:52.112129750 +0100
-@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
- Informationen über das Bild : identify -verbose
- Größe des Bildes : du -chs %s
- Exif Informationen des JPEG-Bildes ausgeben : jpegtopnm -dumpexif %s >/dev/null 2> $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/exif.tmp && cat $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/exif.tmp && rm -f $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/exif.tmp
--Rotatiere JPEG Bildes verlustlos um 90° nach Rechts : jpegtran -rotate 90 %s > $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/tmp.jpg && mv $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/tmp.jpg %s
--Rotatiere JPEG Bildes verlustlos um 90° nach Links : jpegtran -rotate 270 %s > $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/tmp.jpg && mv $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/tmp.jpg %s
-+Rotiere JPEG Bildes verlustlos um 90° nach Rechts : jpegtran -rotate 90 %s > $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/tmp.jpg && mv $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/tmp.jpg %s
-+Rotiere JPEG Bildes verlustlos um 90° nach Links : jpegtran -rotate 270 %s > $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/tmp.jpg && mv $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/tmp.jpg %s
- Lösche Bild ?: rm -f %s
-+Hintergrund vdr-burn ändern : echo ln -fs '%s' '/usr/share/vdr/burn/menu-bg.png' | /bin/bash
-+Button vdr-burn ändern : echo ln -fs '%s' '/usr/share/vdr/burn/menu-button.png' | /bin/bash
-diff -Naur image-0.2.5.orig/image.c image-0.2.5/image.c
---- image-0.2.5.orig/image.c 2006-03-06 13:53:36.143135500 +0100
-+++ image-0.2.5/image.c 2006-03-06 13:57:59.203575750 +0100
-@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
- return false;
- }
-- ImageSources.Load(AddDirectory(ConfigDirectory(g_szConfigDirectory), "imagesources.conf"));
-+ ImageSources.Load(AddDirectory(ConfigDirectory(g_szConfigDirectory), "image/imagesources.conf"));
- if(ImageSources.Count()<1) {
- esyslog("imageplugin: you must have defined at least one source in imagesources.conf");
- return false;
diff --git a/media-plugins/vdr-image/vdr-image-0.2.4.ebuild b/media-plugins/vdr-image/vdr-image-0.2.4.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 19f85e1e83d0..000000000000
--- a/media-plugins/vdr-image/vdr-image-0.2.4.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-plugins/vdr-image/vdr-image-0.2.4.ebuild,v 1.9 2007/07/10 23:08:59 mr_bones_ Exp $
-inherit vdr-plugin eutils
-DESCRIPTION="Video Disk Recorder Image Plugin"
-KEYWORDS="x86 ~amd64"
- >=media-video/ffmpeg-0.4.8
- >=media-libs/netpbm-10.0"
- >=media-tv/gentoo-vdr-scripts-0.2.2"
-src_unpack() {
- vdr-plugin_src_unpack
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-gentoo.diff
-src_install() {
- vdr-plugin_src_install
- insinto /etc/vdr/imagecmds
- newins examples/imagecmds.conf imagecmds.example.conf
- newins examples/imagecmds.conf.DE
- insinto /etc/vdr/plugins/image
- doins examples/imagesources.conf
- into /usr/share/vdr/image
- dobin scripts/
- newbin scripts/
-pkg_postinst() {
- vdr-plugin_pkg_postinst
- echo
- elog "Also check /etc/vdr/plugins/image/imagesources.conf"
- echo
- elog "Multilanguage will automaticly supported, just take a look in"
- elog "/etc/vdr/imagecmds/* how it works"
- elog "By the moment only EN + DE"
- echo
diff --git a/media-plugins/vdr-image/vdr-image-0.2.7-r1.ebuild b/media-plugins/vdr-image/vdr-image-0.2.7-r1.ebuild
index 5f0768f3c325..72ebb163d7f3 100644
--- a/media-plugins/vdr-image/vdr-image-0.2.7-r1.ebuild
+++ b/media-plugins/vdr-image/vdr-image-0.2.7-r1.ebuild
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-plugins/vdr-image/vdr-image-0.2.7-r1.ebuild,v 1.3 2007/07/28 12:01:15 zzam Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-plugins/vdr-image/vdr-image-0.2.7-r1.ebuild,v 1.4 2008/03/18 22:19:06 hd_brummy Exp $
inherit vdr-plugin eutils
-DESCRIPTION="Video Disk Recorder Image Plugin"
+DESCRIPTION="VDR plugin: display of digital images, like jpeg, tiff, png, bmp"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 x86"
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ src_unpack() {
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-gentoo.diff
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-gentoo.diff"
use !exif && sed -i "s:#WITHOUT_LIBEXIF:WITHOUT_LIBEXIF:" Makefile
if has_version "<=media-video/ffmpeg-0.4.9_p20061016"; then