diff options
authorSeemant Kulleen <>2003-09-12 11:34:13 +0000
committerSeemant Kulleen <>2003-09-12 11:34:13 +0000
commit5752037a0cacfa8a4fed1ee3cdda0593484e0037 (patch)
treeeb084a7158282bd9576a2becd5c3155d272ec1e8 /sys-apps
parent-r3 to stable, -r4 with ACL support (diff)
-r3 to stable, -r4 with ACL support
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-apps')
5 files changed, 141 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/ChangeLog b/sys-apps/coreutils/ChangeLog
index b8500d82db74..778c27657c73 100644
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/ChangeLog
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
# ChangeLog for sys-apps/coreutils
# Copyright 2000-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/coreutils/ChangeLog,v 1.26 2003/08/28 13:54:06 gmsoft Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/coreutils/ChangeLog,v 1.27 2003/09/12 11:34:11 seemant Exp $
+*coreutils-5.0-r4 (12 Sep 2003)
+ 12 Sep 2003; Seemant Kulleen <> coreutils-5.0-r4.ebuild:
+ ACL patches _finally_ added into coreutils. A note about this. If "acl"
+ and "selinux" are both in USE, then "selinux" will be preferred and "acl"
+ discarded. Also, the progress-bar patch has been modified to work with
+ the acl stuff. This modification was done by: Marcin Wisnicki
+ <> in bug #18151. What I have done is put the acl
+ patches into the gentoo patch tarball and changed the layout. Patches are
+ numbered to work with epatch's directory patching functionality, and if
+ acl is used, then the original progresspatch is discarded. Marked -r3
+ stable on x86
*coreutils-5.0-r3 (26 Aug 2003)
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest b/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
index 1756b811f7eb..eaa3ef56b3ad 100644
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
MD5 81aee4964c34d6d2c265ad36c9e34241 coreutils-4.5.11-r1.ebuild 2509
-MD5 febe473efa0380a4c11eb8e20235b46a coreutils-5.0-r4.ebuild 3074
+MD5 97462911b742ced5e195d8e9065e151c coreutils-5.0-r4.ebuild 3005
MD5 c1a61b5e143228990ad9ace27f5155d3 coreutils-5.0-r1.ebuild 2728
-MD5 6287e1d2366edf5306fdb5d69a946d29 coreutils-5.0-r3.ebuild 2764
-MD5 d9b43e50a27df1fb8033441f30fc08fb ChangeLog 4387
+MD5 21d695f3a413c292ae88efdbdd37810b coreutils-5.0-r3.ebuild 2762
+MD5 838c689e027333c8b5f406b5d67814ea ChangeLog 5105
MD5 8f2bc7ec86685c4ae093a5f5c4f59f82 coreutils-5.0-r2.ebuild 2765
MD5 0ff5f66b1d04c85d2434fa73547e67f3 files/digest-coreutils-4.5.11-r1 207
MD5 d0d4edd45d2bebd31947fec9818be33e files/digest-coreutils-5.0-r1 213
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-5.0-r3.ebuild b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-5.0-r3.ebuild
index b69830c1203b..f7c972de3e77 100644
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-5.0-r3.ebuild
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-5.0-r3.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-5.0-r3.ebuild,v 1.3 2003/09/07 01:16:18 msterret Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-5.0-r3.ebuild,v 1.4 2003/09/12 11:34:11 seemant Exp $
inherit eutils
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ SRC_URI="${P}.tar.bz2
-KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64 ~ppc ~sparc alpha hppa ~arm ~mips"
+KEYWORDS="x86 ~amd64 ~ppc ~sparc alpha hppa ~arm ~mips"
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-5.0-r4.ebuild b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-5.0-r4.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0eea458e98ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-5.0-r4.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-5.0-r4.ebuild,v 1.1 2003/09/12 11:34:11 seemant Exp $
+inherit eutils
+IUSE="nls build acl selinux"
+DESCRIPTION="Standard GNU file utilities (chmod, cp, dd, dir, ls...), text utilities (sort, tr, head, wc..), and shell utilities (whoami, who,...)"
+ mirror://gentoo/${PN}-gentoo-${PATCH_VER}.tar.bz2
+ selinux? mirror://gentoo/${P}-r2-selinux.patch.bz2"
+KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64 ~ppc ~sparc alpha hppa ~arm ~mips"
+ >=sys-apps/portage-2.0.49
+ nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
+ selinux? ( >=sys-apps/selinux-small-2003011510-r2 )"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd ${S}
+ if use acl && use selinux
+ then
+ ewarn "Both ACL and SELINUX are not supported together!"
+ ewarn "Will Select SELINUX instead"
+ fi
+ # HPPA and ARM platforms do not work well with the uname patch
+ # (see below about it)
+ if use hppa || use arm
+ then
+ mv ${PATCHDIR}/004* ${PATCHDIR}/excluded
+ fi
+ # Apply the ACL patches.
+ # WARNING: These CONFLICT with the SELINUX patches
+ if use acl
+ then
+ mv ${PATCHDIR}/001* ${PATCHDIR}/excluded
+ use selinux || EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" epatch ${PATCHDIR}/acl
+ fi
+ # patch to remove Stallman's su/wheel group rant (which doesn't apply,
+ # since Gentoo's su is not GNU/su, but that from shadow.
+ # do not include su infopage, as it is not valid for the su
+ # from sys-apps/shadow that we are using.
+ # Patch to add processor specific info to the uname output
+ EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" epatch ${PATCHDIR}
+ use selinux && epatch ${WORKDIR}/${P}-r2-selinux.patch
+src_compile() {
+ local myconf=""
+ use nls || myconf="--disable-nls"
+ econf \
+ --bindir=/bin \
+ ${myconf} || die
+ if [ "`use static`" ]
+ then
+ emake LDFLAGS=-static || die
+ else
+ emake || die
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ einstall \
+ bindir=${D}/bin || die
+ # hostname comes from net-base
+ # hostname does not work with the -f switch, which breaks gnome2
+ # amongst other things
+ rm -f ${D}/{bin,usr/bin}/hostname ${D}/usr/share/man/man1/hostname.*
+ # /bin/su comes from sys-apps/shadow
+ rm -f ${D}/{bin,usr/bin}/su ${D}/usr/share/man/man1/su.*
+ # /usr/bin/uptime comes from the sys-apps/procps packaga
+ rm -f ${D}/{bin,usr/bin}/uptime ${D}/usr/share/man/man1/uptime*
+ cd ${D}
+ dodir /usr/bin
+ rm -rf usr/lib
+ cd usr/bin
+ ln -s ../../bin/* .
+ if [ -z "`use build`" ]
+ then
+ cd ${S}
+ else
+ rm -rf ${D}/usr/share
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ # hostname does not get removed as it is included with older stage1
+ # tarballs, and net-tools installs to /bin
+ if [ -e ${ROOT}/usr/bin/hostname ] && [ ! -L ${ROOT}/usr/bin/hostname ]
+ then
+ rm -f ${ROOT}/usr/bin/hostname
+ fi
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/digest-coreutils-5.0-r4 b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/digest-coreutils-5.0-r4
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..86e66c61a8e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/digest-coreutils-5.0-r4
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 94e5558ee2a65723d4840bfde2d323f0 coreutils-5.0.tar.bz2 3952653
+MD5 b0038cb7da4db6b0bfe38ad11d8610fa coreutils-gentoo-1.5.tar.bz2 37929
+MD5 56309285e57c7175a993c20a2084c0e3 coreutils-5.0-r2-selinux.patch.bz2 20091