diff options
authorTom William Payne <>2003-12-22 18:53:22 +0000
committerTom William Payne <>2003-12-22 18:53:22 +0000
commite1505e105bb4afe79f5487e9693e14fab9ebee6a (patch)
tree8dc27884881e00a16b62aa85fe4e25b8f9ef6201 /x11-wm/ion-devel
parentVersion bump and ebuild improvements (diff)
Version bump and ebuild improvements
Diffstat (limited to 'x11-wm/ion-devel')
5 files changed, 253 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/x11-wm/ion-devel/ChangeLog b/x11-wm/ion-devel/ChangeLog
index d8e99ccfe459..e5d17a332825 100644
--- a/x11-wm/ion-devel/ChangeLog
+++ b/x11-wm/ion-devel/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
# ChangeLog for x11-wm/ion-devel
# Copyright 2002-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-wm/ion-devel/ChangeLog,v 1.21 2003/12/07 16:07:28 twp Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-wm/ion-devel/ChangeLog,v 1.22 2003/12/22 18:53:13 twp Exp $
+*ion-devel-20031211 (21 Dec 2003)
+ 21 Dec 2003; Tom Payne <> ion-devel-20031211.ebuild :
+ Version bump. Many ebuild improvements. Install headers and Makefiles instead
+ of using eclass.
*ion-devel-20031121 (03 Dec 2003)
diff --git a/x11-wm/ion-devel/Manifest b/x11-wm/ion-devel/Manifest
index 0dbf958fa41d..3f28be1af2a6 100644
--- a/x11-wm/ion-devel/Manifest
+++ b/x11-wm/ion-devel/Manifest
@@ -1,24 +1,19 @@
-MD5 8478e4c4725659e17c095cbf83c24465 ChangeLog 2854
+MD5 f12998f3b245d98d59290a99526eb193 ChangeLog 3059
MD5 2312c521f3268fb034b7532fa6f68fbf ion-devel-20030814-r4.ebuild 1992
MD5 e820a923b42459fbf9b6de037a71fb0a ion-devel-20030814-r5.ebuild 2045
MD5 1eef30dc0886afa4e83ced96b5b2cbaa ion-devel-20030814-r3.ebuild 1950
MD5 69f95dd36c690bf33e41672b7097e67b ion-devel-20031121.ebuild 785
MD5 d992d28bec4a3bfd72b441145091a58e metadata.xml 244
-MD5 2cbfeaed7548cab44b25d69f8cb26928 ion-devel-20031121-r1.ebuild 865
-MD5 ffe674bb486e030de5e8a6001607851f ion-devel-20031211.ebuild 4446
-MD5 795c805fc1148261d88b7cca98447276 ion-devel-20031211-r1.ebuild 4451
+MD5 0b0a9b9fd291425ba8eadd94c34a28f8 ion-devel-20031211.ebuild 4677
MD5 8fdcbc4385bc96bf46343ecdec97d02b files/stripws-20030814.patch 321
-MD5 5078e1702700c31091a7e11de503d9e2 files/check_version.patch 537
MD5 e37cf29e6d41d4c538ccd03e6f068f64 files/stacking-20030814.patch 5037
MD5 7f3e096c736a8cea2eeae99794a863ff files/digest-ion-devel-20030814-r4 70
MD5 7f3e096c736a8cea2eeae99794a863ff files/digest-ion-devel-20030814-r5 70
MD5 cc554204fb26ff1144a2b2507bcfed89 files/tabdrag-20030814.patch 398
MD5 92fa5501b1cf9ff2611093ea30d87b71 files/digest-ion-devel-20031121 70
MD5 7f3e096c736a8cea2eeae99794a863ff files/digest-ion-devel-20030814-r3 70
-MD5 92fa5501b1cf9ff2611093ea30d87b71 files/digest-ion-devel-20031121-r1 70
MD5 98c71f87e862ab99debe159d501d166a files/ 2206
MD5 5eef2ffb8c8102e7751915ab51851cb1 files/ 1799
MD5 0c8bc4fbe8043890bef1030f3dbb5d72 files/find-suitable-screen-20030814.patch 820
MD5 62369ae49848ca05d5229b9d457d60f3 files/digest-ion-devel-20031211 70
MD5 0b598be81d448ccf53ff99340dba5f05 files/ion-devel-20031211-miscellaneous.patch 2169
-MD5 62369ae49848ca05d5229b9d457d60f3 files/digest-ion-devel-20031211-r1 70
diff --git a/x11-wm/ion-devel/files/digest-ion-devel-20031211 b/x11-wm/ion-devel/files/digest-ion-devel-20031211
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..840aa1037e64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-wm/ion-devel/files/digest-ion-devel-20031211
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MD5 1b9bde573838f2ecc68a6d9f89f13437 ion-devel-20031211.tar.gz 313355
diff --git a/x11-wm/ion-devel/files/ion-devel-20031211-miscellaneous.patch b/x11-wm/ion-devel/files/ion-devel-20031211-miscellaneous.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2fb8d6f84047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-wm/ion-devel/files/ion-devel-20031211-miscellaneous.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+--- ion-devel-20031211/ion/ion.c 2003-12-09 20:05:34.000000000 +0100
++++ ion/ion/ion.c 2003-12-11 19:03:07.000000000 +0100
+@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
+ * but that would mean yet another script...
+ */
+ mkdir(userdir, 0700);
+- if(open(oldbeard, O_CREAT|O_RDWR)<0)
++ if(open(oldbeard, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600)<0)
+ warn_err_obj(oldbeard);
+ }
+--- ion-devel-20031211/ioncore/eventh.c 2003-12-01 20:09:50.000000000 +0100
++++ ion/ioncore/eventh.c 2003-12-14 12:52:23.000000000 +0100
+@@ -412,10 +412,10 @@
+ return;
+ do{
+- /*if(eev->mode!=NotifyNormal && !wglobal.warp_enabled)
+- return;*/
++ if(eev->mode!=NotifyNormal && !wglobal.warp_enabled)
++ continue;
+ /*if(eev->detail==NotifyNonlinearVirtual)
+- return;*/
++ continue;*/
+ reg=FIND_WINDOW_T(eev->window, WRegion);
+--- ion-devel-20031211/query/querylib.lua 2003-12-07 23:01:37.000000000 +0100
++++ ion/query/querylib.lua 2003-12-11 22:31:54.000000000 +0100
+@@ -152,20 +152,23 @@
+ -- Parameter & Description \\
+ -- \hline
+ -- \var{prompt} & The prompt \\
+--- \var{init} & A function that returns initial input when called. \\
++-- \var{dflt} & Default value to call \var{prog} with \\
+ -- \var{prog} & Program name or a function that returns it when called. \\
+ -- \var{completor} & A completor function. \\
+ -- \end{tabularx}
+-function querylib.make_execwith_fn(prompt, init, prog, completor)
++function querylib.make_execwith_fn(prompt, dflt, prog, completor)
+ local function handle_execwith(frame, str)
+ local p, err=getprog(prog)
+ if p then
++ if not str or str=="" then
++ str=dflt
++ end
+ exec_in(frame, p.." "..string.shell_safe(str))
+ else
+ query_fwarn(frame, err)
+ end
+ end
+- return querylib.make_frame_fn(prompt, init, handle_execwith, completor)
++ return querylib.make_frame_fn(prompt, nil, handle_execwith, completor)
+ end
+ --DOC
+@@ -554,7 +557,7 @@
+ --}
+ --\end{verbatim}
+ querylib.query_man=querylib.make_execwith_fn(
+- "Manual page (ion):", nil,
++ "Manual page (ion):", "ion",
+ querylib.make_script_lookup_fn("ion-man"),
+ querylib.man_completor
+ )
diff --git a/x11-wm/ion-devel/ion-devel-20031211.ebuild b/x11-wm/ion-devel/ion-devel-20031211.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..360cb4bf10eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-wm/ion-devel/ion-devel-20031211.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-wm/ion-devel/ion-devel-20031211.ebuild,v 1.1 2003/12/22 18:53:13 twp Exp $
+inherit eutils
+DESCRIPTION="A tiling tabbed window manager designed with keyboard users in mind"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~arm ~hppa ~mips ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
+ app-misc/run-mailcap
+ >=dev-lang/lua-5.0.1_beta20031003"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${P}.tar.gz
+ cat >${T}/ <<EOP
+--- ion-devel-20031211/ 2003-12-11 18:16:16.000000000 +0100
++++ ion-devel/ 2003-12-17 18:05:02.000000000 +0100
+@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
+ ## Installation paths
+ ##
+ # Unless you are creating a package conforming to some OS's standards, you
+ # probably do not want to modify the following directories:
+@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@
+ # Main binaries
+ # Configuration .lua files
+ # Some .lua files and ion-* shell scripts
+ SHAREDIR=\$(PREFIX)/share/ion
+ # Manual pages
+ # Some documents
+ # Nothing at the moment
+ INCDIR=\$(PREFIX)/include/ion
+ # Nothing at the moment
+@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
+ # If you have installed Lua 5.0 from the official tarball without changing
+ # paths, this so do it.
+ LUA_LIBS = -L\$(LUA_DIR)/lib -R\$(LUA_DIR)/lib -llua -llualib
+ LUA_INCLUDES = -I\$(LUA_DIR)/include
+ LUA=\$(LUA_DIR)/bin/lua
+@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
+ # asprintf and vasprintf in the c library. (gnu libc has.)
+ # If HAS_SYSTEM_ASPRINTF is not defined, an implementation
+ # in sprintf_2.2/ is used.
+ ##
+@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
+ # it so it is perhaps better not using anything at all.
+ # Most systems
+ # sunos, (irix)
+@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@
+ # following should optimize function calls to Lua a little.
+ #C99_SOURCE=-std=c99 -DCF_HAS_VA_COPY
+ ##
+ epatch ${T}/
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-miscellaneous.patch
+ cd ${S}
+ if [ `use xinerama` ]; then
+ einfo Enabling Xinerama support
+ eend 0
+ else
+ einfo Disabling Xinerama support
+ sed -i \
+ -e 's/\(XINERAMA_LIBS=-lXinerama\)/#\1/' \
+ -e 's/#\(DEFINES += -DCF_NO_XINERAMA\)/\1/'
+ eend $?
+ fi
+ if has_version '<x11-base/xfree-4.3.0'; then
+ einfo Enabling Xfree\<4.3.0/Opera/UTF-8 bug workaround
+ eend 0
+ else
+ einfo Disabling Xfree\<4.3.0/Opera/UTF-8 bug workaround
+ sed -i \
+ eend $?
+ fi
+ if has_version '>=sys-devel/gcc-3'; then
+ einfo Enabling Lua function call optimizations
+ sed -i \
+ -e 's/#\(C99_SOURCE=-std=c99 -DCF_HAS_VA_COPY\)/\1/'
+ eend $?
+ fi
+src_compile() {
+ emake || die
+src_install() {
+ make PREFIX=${D}/usr ETCDIR=${D}/etc/X11/ion install || die
+ insinto /usr/include/ion
+ doins *.h *.mk mkexports.lua
+ for i in de floatws ioncore ionws luaextl menu query; do
+ insinto /usr/include/ion/${i}
+ doins ${i}/*.h
+ done
+ insinto /usr/include/ion/libtu
+ doins libtu/include/libtu/*
+ echo -e "#!/bin/sh\n/usr/bin/ion" > ${T}/ion
+ echo -e "#!/bin/sh\n/usr/bin/pwm" > ${T}/pwm
+ exeinto /etc/X11/Sessions
+ doexe ${T}/ion ${T}/pwm
+pkg_postinst() {
+ einfo "The configuration files have moved and some have been renamed."
+ einfo "To remove stale system-wide files and update user configurations run"
+ einfo " ebuild /var/db/pkg/${CATEGORY}/${PF}/${PF}.ebuild config"
+pkg_config() {
+ einfo "Removing stale system-wide configuration files"
+ rm -Rf ${R}/etc/X11/ion-devel ${R}/etc/X11/Sessions/ion-devel
+ eend 0
+ einfo "Updating user configurations..."
+ for h in $(cut -d: -f6 ${R}/etc/passwd); do
+ if test -d ${R}${h}/.ion-devel; then
+ test -d ${R}${h}/.ion2 && break
+ einfo ${h}
+ cp -a ${R}${h}/.ion-devel ${R}${h}/.ion2
+ for i in ${R}${h}/.ion2/ioncore*.lua; do
+ sed -i ${i} -e 's/ioncore/ion/g'
+ mv ${i} ${i/ioncore/ion}
+ done
+ rm -f ${R}${h}/.ion2/ioncore*.lua
+ eend 0
+ fi
+ done