diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-python/pyode/files/')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-python/pyode/files/ b/dev-python/pyode/files/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d91d870e15e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-python/pyode/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# setup script for the Python wrapper of ODE
+from distutils.core import setup, Extension
+import distutils.sysconfig
+import shutil, os, os.path, sys, glob
+from stat import *
+# Windows?
+if sys.platform=="win32":
+ try:
+ base = [ODE_BASE]
+ except NameError:
+ base = []
+ base.append("../ode_single_trimesh")
+ base.append("../ode_double_notrimesh")
+ LIBS = ["ode", "user32"] # user32 because of the MessageBox() call
+ CC_ARGS = ["/ML"]
+# Linux (and other)
+ LIBS = ["ode", "stdc++"]
+ CC_ARGS = []
+ INC_DIRS = ['/usr/include/ode']
+ LIB_DIRS = ['/usr/lib']
+# Generate the C source file (if necessary)
+def generate(name, trimesh_support):
+ # Generate the trimesh_switch file
+ f = file("_trimesh_switch.pyx", "wt")
+ print >>f, '# This file was generated by the setup script and is included in ode.pyx.\n'
+ if (trimesh_support):
+ print >>f, 'include "trimeshdata.pyx"'
+ print >>f, 'include "trimesh.pyx"'
+ else:
+ print >>f, 'include "trimesh_dummy.pyx"'
+ f.close()
+ cmd = "pyrexc -o %s -I. -Isrc src/ode.pyx" % name
+ pyrex_out = name
+ # Check if the pyrex output is still up to date or if it has to be generated
+ # (ode.c will be updated if any of the *.pyx files in the directory "src"
+ # is newer than ode.c)
+ if os.access(pyrex_out, os.F_OK):
+ ctime = os.stat(pyrex_out)[ST_MTIME]
+ for pyx in glob.glob("src/*.pyx"):
+ pytime = os.stat(pyx)[ST_MTIME]
+ if pytime>ctime:
+ print "Updating",pyrex_out
+ print cmd
+ err = os.system(cmd)
+ break
+ else:
+ print pyrex_out,"is up to date"
+ err = 0
+ else:
+ print "Creating",pyrex_out
+ print cmd
+ err = os.system(cmd)
+ # Check if calling pyrex produced an error
+ if err!=0:
+ print "An error occured while generating the C source file."
+ sys.exit(err)
+wrap_trimesh = not os.system('objdump --syms /usr/lib/libode.a | grep -q libOPCODE')
+if (wrap_trimesh):
+ print "Installing with trimesh support."
+ generate('ode_trimesh.c', True)
+ install = 'ode_trimesh.c'
+ print "Installing without trimesh support."
+ generate('ode_notrimesh.c', False)
+ install = 'ode_notrimesh.c'
+# Compile the module
+setup(name = "PyODE",
+ version = "1.1.0",
+ description = "Python wrapper for the Open Dynamics Engine",
+ author = "see file AUTHORS",
+ author_email = "",
+ license = "BSD or LGPL",
+ url = "",
+ packages = ["xode"],
+ ext_modules = [Extension("ode", [install]
+ ,libraries=LIBS
+ ,include_dirs=INC_DIRS
+ ,library_dirs=LIB_DIRS
+ ,extra_compile_args=CC_ARGS)
+ ])