diff options
authorspiros <>2011-07-13 23:35:33 +0200
committerspiros <>2011-07-13 23:35:33 +0200
commit56517b3b1f1bf491217abfbc0977e8e61a4e3216 (patch)
treecfa2868deff24c9fcc1be250cdc2189ca019c7ec /
parentBugfix (diff)
Removed tree for inclusion in proj/sci.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 226 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..561d5d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python2
+import os, sys, shlex, time
+from os.path import join as pjoin
+import subprocess as sp
+def print_usage():
+ print "Usage: benchmarks [blas|cblas|lapack] file args"
+if len(sys.argv) < 3:
+ print_usage()
+ exit(1)
+from PortageUtils import *
+import benchconfig as cfg
+from benchprint import Print
+# Import the desired module or print help and exit
+ cfg.inputfile = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[2])
+ os.chdir(cfg.scriptdir)
+ tmp = __import__(sys.argv[1], fromlist = ['Module'])
+ mod = tmp.Module(sys.argv[3:])
+ del tmp
+ cfg.makedirs()
+except ImportError, IndexError:
+ print e
+ print_usage()
+ exit(1)
+def tests_from_input(input):
+ tests = {}
+ for line in input.split('\n'):
+ line = line.strip()
+ spl = [i.strip() for i in shlex.split(line)]
+ if len(spl) < 2:
+ continue
+ if line[0] == '#':
+ continue
+ env = {}
+ # TODO: add @file for env set based on external file
+ skip = []
+ change = {}
+ descr = None
+ for var in spl[2:]:
+ if var[0] == '-':
+ skip.append(var[1:])
+ elif ':' in var and not '=' in var:
+ c_0, c_1 = var.split(':', 1)
+ change[c_0] = c_1
+ elif var[:6] == 'descr|':
+ descr = var[6:]
+ else:
+ e_0, e_1 = var.split('=', 1)
+ env[e_0] = e_1
+ avail = available_packages(spl[1])
+ if len(avail) > 1:
+ for n,p in enumerate(avail):
+ tests[spl[0]+"_%02i"%n] = {'package':p , 'env':env, \
+ 'skip':skip, 'changes':change, 'descr':descr}
+ elif len(avail) == 1:
+ tests[spl[0]] = {'package':avail[0] , 'env':env, 'skip':skip, \
+ 'changes':change, 'descr':descr}
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write('Error: package ' + spl[1] + ' not found\n')
+ return tests
+The test is the main configuration variable. Every entry in this dictionary
+represents a package that has to be tested with his special environment,
+which can contain information about the compiler, the flags,...
+The dictionary key (e.g. "abcde" here) is just an identification method for
+the test; it is safe to generate a random key, with some attention to avoid
+overlapping keys.
+Every entry (which is a dictionary itself) has to contain the item "package" in
+the form of a tuple (category, package, version, revision) [see
+portage.catpkgsplit], and the item "env", which describes the environment to be
+used at compile-time as dictionary (it can just be a void one).
+After the tests every successful tested item will contain the item "result",
+which can contain any type of data and will be used for the final report.
+#tests = {
+# "reference-gfortran" : {
+# "package" : ('sci-libs', 'blas-reference', '3.3.1', 'r1'),
+# "env" : {'FC' : 'gfortran'}
+# },
+# "eigen-gcc" : {
+# "package" : ('dev-cpp', 'eigen', '3.0.0', 'r1'),
+# "env" : {'CXX' : 'g++', 'CXXFLAGS' : '-O2'}
+# },
+# "eigen-icc" : {
+# "package" : ('dev-cpp', 'eigen', '3.0.0', 'r1'),
+# "env" : {'CXX' : 'icc', 'CXXFLAGS' : '-O3'}
+# },
+# "reference-ifort" : {
+# "package" : ('sci-libs', 'blas-reference', '3.3.1', 'r1'),
+# "env" : {'FC' : 'ifort'}
+# }
+The test variable is generated from a string which can be read from the file.
+Here is an example of the parsed input.
+Every line contains a configuration and will be an entry in the tests
+dictionary; the line has to contain:
+- an identification string
+- a package description, which can, but does not must to, contain a version
+- a list of environment variables separated by means of spaces
+if not os.path.exists(cfg.inputfile):
+ sys.stderr.write("File not found: " + cfg.inputfile)
+ print_usage()
+ exit(1)
+input = file(cfg.inputfile).read()
+cfg.tests = tests_from_input(input)
+# Write summary
+print 80*'='
+print "The following tests will be run:"
+for tname, ttest in cfg.tests.items():
+ print "Test: " + tname
+ if ttest['descr'] is not None:
+ print " - Description: " + ttest['descr']
+ print " - Package: " + normalize_cpv(ttest['package'])
+ if len(ttest['env']) != 0:
+ print " - Environment: " + \
+ ' '.join([n+'="'+v+'"' for n,v in ttest['env'].items()])
+ if len(ttest['skip']) != 0:
+ print " - Skip implementations: " + ' '.join(ttest['skip'])
+ if len(ttest['changes']) != 0:
+ print " - Dependency specifications:",
+ for c_0, c_1 in ttest['changes'].items():
+ print c_0 + ':' + c_1,
+ print
+ print
+print 80*'='
+for tn,(name,test) in enumerate(cfg.tests.items(),1):
+ Print._level = 0
+ Print("BEGIN TEST %i - %s" % (tn, name))
+ pkgdir = pjoin(cfg.pkgsdir, name)
+ root = pjoin(cfg.rootsdir, name)
+ tlogdir = pjoin(cfg.logdir, name)
+ os.path.exists(tlogdir) or os.makedirs(tlogdir)
+ # Emerge package
+ Print.down()
+ package = normalize_cpv(test['package'])
+ archive = pjoin(pkgdir, package+".tbz2")
+ Print("Emerging package %s" % package)
+ if os.path.exists(archive):
+ Print("Package already emerged - skipping")
+ else:
+ try:
+ logfile = pjoin(tlogdir, 'emerge.log')
+ Print("(Run 'tail -f " + logfile + " | less' on another terminal" \
+ + " to see the progress)")
+ install_package( \
+ test['package'], env=test['env'], root=root, pkgdir=pkgdir, \
+ logfile=logfile
+ )
+ # Unpack the archive onto the given root directory
+ os.path.exists(root) or os.makedirs(root)
+ tarcmd = ['tar', 'xjf', archive, '-C', root]
+ logfile = file(pjoin(tlogdir, 'tar.log'), 'w')
+ tarp = sp.Popen(tarcmd, stdout=logfile, stderr=sp.STDOUT)
+ tarp.wait()
+ logfile.close()
+ if tarp.returncode != 0:
+ raise InstallException(tarcmd,
+ except InstallException as e:
+ Print("Package %s failed to emerge" % package)
+ Print("Error log: " + e.logfile)
+ Print.up()
+ print
+ continue
+ Print("Package emerged")
+ # Find implementations
+ impls = [i for i in mod.get_impls(root) if not i in test['skip']]
+ test['implementations'] = impls
+ # Test every implementation
+ test['results'] = {}
+ if len(impls) == 0:
+ Print("No implementation found")
+ for impl in impls:
+ Print("Testing " + impl)
+ Print.down()
+ # Run the test suite
+ testdir = os.path.join(cfg.testsdir, name, impl)
+ t = mod.getTest(root, impl, testdir, logdir=tlogdir)
+ test['results'][impl] = t.run_test(test['changes'])
+ Print.up()
+ Print.up()
+ print
+# Reports will be saved in cfg.reportdir
+# Results are reordered:
+# results
+# |-(name1, impl1) -> resultobject11
+# |-(name1, impl2) -> resultobject12
+# |-(name2, impl1) -> resultobject21
+results = {}
+for (name,test) in cfg.tests.items():
+ if test.has_key('implementations'):
+ for impl in test['implementations']:
+ results[(name, impl)] = test['results'][impl]