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Diffstat (limited to 'portage_with_autodep/pym/portage/dep/__init__.py')
1 files changed, 2432 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/portage_with_autodep/pym/portage/dep/__init__.py b/portage_with_autodep/pym/portage/dep/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd5ad30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/portage_with_autodep/pym/portage/dep/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2432 @@
+# deps.py -- Portage dependency resolution functions
+# Copyright 2003-2011 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+__all__ = [
+ 'Atom', 'best_match_to_list', 'cpvequal',
+ 'dep_getcpv', 'dep_getkey', 'dep_getslot',
+ 'dep_getusedeps', 'dep_opconvert', 'flatten',
+ 'get_operator', 'isjustname', 'isspecific',
+ 'isvalidatom', 'match_from_list', 'match_to_list',
+ 'paren_enclose', 'paren_normalize', 'paren_reduce',
+ 'remove_slot', 'strip_empty', 'use_reduce',
+ '_repo_separator', '_slot_separator',
+# 'use?' only affects the immediately following word!
+# Nesting is the only legal way to form multiple '[!]use?' requirements.
+# Where: 'a' and 'b' are use flags, and 'z' is a depend atom.
+# "a? z" -- If 'a' in [use], then b is valid.
+# "a? ( z )" -- Syntax with parenthesis.
+# "a? b? z" -- Deprecated.
+# "a? ( b? z )" -- Valid
+# "a? ( b? ( z ) ) -- Valid
+import re, sys
+import warnings
+from itertools import chain
+from portage import _unicode_decode
+from portage.eapi import eapi_has_slot_deps, eapi_has_src_uri_arrows, \
+ eapi_has_use_deps, eapi_has_strong_blocks, eapi_has_use_dep_defaults
+from portage.exception import InvalidAtom, InvalidData, InvalidDependString
+from portage.localization import _
+from portage.versions import catpkgsplit, catsplit, \
+ pkgcmp, ververify, _cp, _cpv
+import portage.cache.mappings
+if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000:
+ basestring = str
+# Api consumers included in portage should set this to True.
+# Once the relevant api changes are in a portage release with
+# stable keywords, make these warnings unconditional.
+_internal_warnings = False
+def cpvequal(cpv1, cpv2):
+ """
+ @param cpv1: CategoryPackageVersion (no operators) Example: "sys-apps/portage-2.1"
+ @type cpv1: String
+ @param cpv2: CategoryPackageVersion (no operators) Example: "sys-apps/portage-2.1"
+ @type cpv2: String
+ @rtype: Boolean
+ @returns:
+ 1. True if cpv1 = cpv2
+ 2. False Otherwise
+ 3. Throws PortageException if cpv1 or cpv2 is not a CPV
+ Example Usage:
+ >>> from portage.dep import cpvequal
+ >>> cpvequal("sys-apps/portage-2.1","sys-apps/portage-2.1")
+ >>> True
+ """
+ split1 = catpkgsplit(cpv1)
+ split2 = catpkgsplit(cpv2)
+ if not split1 or not split2:
+ raise portage.exception.PortageException(_("Invalid data '%s, %s', parameter was not a CPV") % (cpv1, cpv2))
+ if split1[0] != split2[0]:
+ return False
+ return (pkgcmp(split1[1:], split2[1:]) == 0)
+def strip_empty(myarr):
+ """
+ Strip all empty elements from an array
+ @param myarr: The list of elements
+ @type myarr: List
+ @rtype: Array
+ @return: The array with empty elements removed
+ """
+ warnings.warn(_("%s is deprecated and will be removed without replacement.") % \
+ ('portage.dep.strip_empty',), DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ return [x for x in myarr if x]
+def paren_reduce(mystr):
+ """
+ Take a string and convert all paren enclosed entities into sublists and
+ split the list elements by spaces. All redundant brackets are removed.
+ Example usage:
+ >>> paren_reduce('foobar foo? ( bar baz )')
+ ['foobar', 'foo?', ['bar', 'baz']]
+ @param mystr: The string to reduce
+ @type mystr: String
+ @rtype: Array
+ @return: The reduced string in an array
+ """
+ if _internal_warnings:
+ warnings.warn(_("%s is deprecated and will be removed without replacement.") % \
+ ('portage.dep.paren_reduce',), DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ mysplit = mystr.split()
+ level = 0
+ stack = [[]]
+ need_bracket = False
+ for token in mysplit:
+ if token == "(":
+ need_bracket = False
+ stack.append([])
+ level += 1
+ elif token == ")":
+ if need_bracket:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("malformed syntax: '%s'") % mystr)
+ if level > 0:
+ level -= 1
+ l = stack.pop()
+ is_single = (len(l) == 1 or (len(l)==2 and (l[0] == "||" or l[0][-1] == "?")))
+ def ends_in_any_of_dep(k):
+ return k>=0 and stack[k] and stack[k][-1] == "||"
+ def ends_in_operator(k):
+ return k>=0 and stack[k] and (stack[k][-1] == "||" or stack[k][-1][-1] == "?")
+ def special_append():
+ """
+ Use extend instead of append if possible. This kills all redundant brackets.
+ """
+ if is_single and (not stack[level] or not stack[level][-1][-1] == "?"):
+ if len(l) == 1 and isinstance(l[0], list):
+ # l = [[...]]
+ stack[level].extend(l[0])
+ else:
+ stack[level].extend(l)
+ else:
+ stack[level].append(l)
+ if l:
+ if not ends_in_any_of_dep(level-1) and not ends_in_operator(level):
+ #Optimize: ( ( ... ) ) -> ( ... ). Make sure there is no '||' hanging around.
+ stack[level].extend(l)
+ elif not stack[level]:
+ #An '||' in the level above forces us to keep to brackets.
+ special_append()
+ elif len(l) == 1 and ends_in_any_of_dep(level):
+ #Optimize: || ( A ) -> A
+ stack[level].pop()
+ special_append()
+ elif len(l) == 2 and (l[0] == "||" or l[0][-1] == "?") and stack[level][-1] in (l[0], "||"):
+ #Optimize: || ( || ( ... ) ) -> || ( ... )
+ # foo? ( foo? ( ... ) ) -> foo? ( ... )
+ # || ( foo? ( ... ) ) -> foo? ( ... )
+ stack[level].pop()
+ special_append()
+ else:
+ special_append()
+ else:
+ if stack[level] and (stack[level][-1] == "||" or stack[level][-1][-1] == "?"):
+ stack[level].pop()
+ else:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("malformed syntax: '%s'") % mystr)
+ elif token == "||":
+ if need_bracket:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("malformed syntax: '%s'") % mystr)
+ need_bracket = True
+ stack[level].append(token)
+ else:
+ if need_bracket:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("malformed syntax: '%s'") % mystr)
+ if token[-1] == "?":
+ need_bracket = True
+ stack[level].append(token)
+ if level != 0 or need_bracket:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("malformed syntax: '%s'") % mystr)
+ return stack[0]
+class paren_normalize(list):
+ """Take a dependency structure as returned by paren_reduce or use_reduce
+ and generate an equivalent structure that has no redundant lists."""
+ def __init__(self, src):
+ if _internal_warnings:
+ warnings.warn(_("%s is deprecated and will be removed without replacement.") % \
+ ('portage.dep.paren_normalize',), DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ list.__init__(self)
+ self._zap_parens(src, self)
+ def _zap_parens(self, src, dest, disjunction=False):
+ if not src:
+ return dest
+ i = iter(src)
+ for x in i:
+ if isinstance(x, basestring):
+ if x in ('||', '^^'):
+ y = self._zap_parens(next(i), [], disjunction=True)
+ if len(y) == 1:
+ dest.append(y[0])
+ else:
+ dest.append(x)
+ dest.append(y)
+ elif x.endswith("?"):
+ dest.append(x)
+ dest.append(self._zap_parens(next(i), []))
+ else:
+ dest.append(x)
+ else:
+ if disjunction:
+ x = self._zap_parens(x, [])
+ if len(x) == 1:
+ dest.append(x[0])
+ else:
+ dest.append(x)
+ else:
+ self._zap_parens(x, dest)
+ return dest
+def paren_enclose(mylist, unevaluated_atom=False):
+ """
+ Convert a list to a string with sublists enclosed with parens.
+ Example usage:
+ >>> test = ['foobar','foo',['bar','baz']]
+ >>> paren_enclose(test)
+ 'foobar foo ( bar baz )'
+ @param mylist: The list
+ @type mylist: List
+ @rtype: String
+ @return: The paren enclosed string
+ """
+ mystrparts = []
+ for x in mylist:
+ if isinstance(x, list):
+ mystrparts.append("( "+paren_enclose(x)+" )")
+ else:
+ if unevaluated_atom:
+ x = getattr(x, 'unevaluated_atom', x)
+ mystrparts.append(x)
+ return " ".join(mystrparts)
+def use_reduce(depstr, uselist=[], masklist=[], matchall=False, excludeall=[], is_src_uri=False, \
+ eapi=None, opconvert=False, flat=False, is_valid_flag=None, token_class=None, matchnone=False):
+ """
+ Takes a dep string and reduces the use? conditionals out, leaving an array
+ with subarrays. All redundant brackets are removed.
+ @param deparray: depstring
+ @type deparray: String
+ @param uselist: List of use enabled flags
+ @type uselist: List
+ @param masklist: List of masked flags (always treated as disabled)
+ @type masklist: List
+ @param matchall: Treat all conditionals as active. Used by repoman.
+ @type matchall: Bool
+ @param excludeall: List of flags for which negated conditionals are always treated as inactive.
+ @type excludeall: List
+ @param is_src_uri: Indicates if depstr represents a SRC_URI
+ @type is_src_uri: Bool
+ @param eapi: Indicates the EAPI the dep string has to comply to
+ @type eapi: String
+ @param opconvert: Put every operator as first element into it's argument list
+ @type opconvert: Bool
+ @param flat: Create a flat list of all tokens
+ @type flat: Bool
+ @param is_valid_flag: Function that decides if a given use flag might be used in use conditionals
+ @type is_valid_flag: Function
+ @param token_class: Convert all non operator tokens into this class
+ @type token_class: Class
+ @param matchnone: Treat all conditionals as inactive. Used by digestgen().
+ @type matchnone: Bool
+ @rtype: List
+ @return: The use reduced depend array
+ """
+ if isinstance(depstr, list):
+ if _internal_warnings:
+ warnings.warn(_("Passing paren_reduced dep arrays to %s is deprecated. " + \
+ "Pass the original dep string instead.") % \
+ ('portage.dep.use_reduce',), DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ depstr = paren_enclose(depstr)
+ if opconvert and flat:
+ raise ValueError("portage.dep.use_reduce: 'opconvert' and 'flat' are mutually exclusive")
+ if matchall and matchnone:
+ raise ValueError("portage.dep.use_reduce: 'matchall' and 'matchnone' are mutually exclusive")
+ useflag_re = _get_useflag_re(eapi)
+ def is_active(conditional):
+ """
+ Decides if a given use conditional is active.
+ """
+ if conditional.startswith("!"):
+ flag = conditional[1:-1]
+ is_negated = True
+ else:
+ flag = conditional[:-1]
+ is_negated = False
+ if is_valid_flag:
+ if not is_valid_flag(flag):
+ msg = _("USE flag '%s' referenced in " + \
+ "conditional '%s' is not in IUSE") \
+ % (flag, conditional)
+ e = InvalidData(msg, category='IUSE.missing')
+ raise InvalidDependString(msg, errors=(e,))
+ else:
+ if useflag_re.match(flag) is None:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("invalid use flag '%s' in conditional '%s'") % (flag, conditional))
+ if is_negated and flag in excludeall:
+ return False
+ if flag in masklist:
+ return is_negated
+ if matchall:
+ return True
+ if matchnone:
+ return False
+ return (flag in uselist and not is_negated) or \
+ (flag not in uselist and is_negated)
+ def missing_white_space_check(token, pos):
+ """
+ Used to generate good error messages for invalid tokens.
+ """
+ for x in (")", "(", "||"):
+ if token.startswith(x) or token.endswith(x):
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("missing whitespace around '%s' at '%s', token %s") % (x, token, pos+1))
+ mysplit = depstr.split()
+ #Count the bracket level.
+ level = 0
+ #We parse into a stack. Every time we hit a '(', a new empty list is appended to the stack.
+ #When we hit a ')', the last list in the stack is merged with list one level up.
+ stack = [[]]
+ #Set need_bracket to True after use conditionals or ||. Other tokens need to ensure
+ #that need_bracket is not True.
+ need_bracket = False
+ #Set need_simple_token to True after a SRC_URI arrow. Other tokens need to ensure
+ #that need_simple_token is not True.
+ need_simple_token = False
+ for pos, token in enumerate(mysplit):
+ if token == "(":
+ if need_simple_token:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("expected: file name, got: '%s', token %s") % (token, pos+1))
+ if len(mysplit) >= pos+2 and mysplit[pos+1] == ")":
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("expected: dependency string, got: ')', token %s") % (pos+1,))
+ need_bracket = False
+ stack.append([])
+ level += 1
+ elif token == ")":
+ if need_bracket:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("expected: '(', got: '%s', token %s") % (token, pos+1))
+ if need_simple_token:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("expected: file name, got: '%s', token %s") % (token, pos+1))
+ if level > 0:
+ level -= 1
+ l = stack.pop()
+ is_single = len(l) == 1 or \
+ (opconvert and l and l[0] == "||") or \
+ (not opconvert and len(l)==2 and l[0] == "||")
+ ignore = False
+ if flat:
+ #In 'flat' mode, we simply merge all lists into a single large one.
+ if stack[level] and stack[level][-1][-1] == "?":
+ #The last token before the '(' that matches the current ')'
+ #was a use conditional. The conditional is removed in any case.
+ #Merge the current list if needed.
+ if is_active(stack[level][-1]):
+ stack[level].pop()
+ stack[level].extend(l)
+ else:
+ stack[level].pop()
+ else:
+ stack[level].extend(l)
+ continue
+ if stack[level]:
+ if stack[level][-1] == "||" and not l:
+ #Optimize: || ( ) -> .
+ stack[level].pop()
+ elif stack[level][-1][-1] == "?":
+ #The last token before the '(' that matches the current ')'
+ #was a use conditional, remove it and decide if we
+ #have to keep the current list.
+ if not is_active(stack[level][-1]):
+ ignore = True
+ stack[level].pop()
+ def ends_in_any_of_dep(k):
+ return k>=0 and stack[k] and stack[k][-1] == "||"
+ def starts_with_any_of_dep(k):
+ #'ends_in_any_of_dep' for opconvert
+ return k>=0 and stack[k] and stack[k][0] == "||"
+ def last_any_of_operator_level(k):
+ #Returns the level of the last || operator if it is in effect for
+ #the current level. It is not in effect, if there is a level, that
+ #ends in a non-operator. This is almost equivalent to stack[level][-1]=="||",
+ #expect that it skips empty levels.
+ while k>=0:
+ if stack[k]:
+ if stack[k][-1] == "||":
+ return k
+ elif stack[k][-1][-1] != "?":
+ return -1
+ k -= 1
+ return -1
+ def special_append():
+ """
+ Use extend instead of append if possible. This kills all redundant brackets.
+ """
+ if is_single:
+ #Either [A], [[...]] or [|| [...]]
+ if l[0] == "||" and ends_in_any_of_dep(level-1):
+ if opconvert:
+ stack[level].extend(l[1:])
+ else:
+ stack[level].extend(l[1])
+ elif len(l) == 1 and isinstance(l[0], list):
+ # l = [[...]]
+ last = last_any_of_operator_level(level-1)
+ if last == -1:
+ if opconvert and isinstance(l[0], list) \
+ and l[0] and l[0][0] == '||':
+ stack[level].append(l[0])
+ else:
+ stack[level].extend(l[0])
+ else:
+ if opconvert and l[0] and l[0][0] == "||":
+ stack[level].extend(l[0][1:])
+ else:
+ stack[level].append(l[0])
+ else:
+ stack[level].extend(l)
+ else:
+ if opconvert and stack[level] and stack[level][-1] == '||':
+ stack[level][-1] = ['||'] + l
+ else:
+ stack[level].append(l)
+ if l and not ignore:
+ #The current list is not empty and we don't want to ignore it because
+ #of an inactive use conditional.
+ if not ends_in_any_of_dep(level-1) and not ends_in_any_of_dep(level):
+ #Optimize: ( ( ... ) ) -> ( ... ). Make sure there is no '||' hanging around.
+ stack[level].extend(l)
+ elif not stack[level]:
+ #An '||' in the level above forces us to keep to brackets.
+ special_append()
+ elif is_single and ends_in_any_of_dep(level):
+ #Optimize: || ( A ) -> A, || ( || ( ... ) ) -> || ( ... )
+ stack[level].pop()
+ special_append()
+ elif ends_in_any_of_dep(level) and ends_in_any_of_dep(level-1):
+ #Optimize: || ( A || ( B C ) ) -> || ( A B C )
+ stack[level].pop()
+ stack[level].extend(l)
+ else:
+ if opconvert and ends_in_any_of_dep(level):
+ #In opconvert mode, we have to move the operator from the level
+ #above into the current list.
+ stack[level].pop()
+ stack[level].append(["||"] + l)
+ else:
+ special_append()
+ else:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("no matching '%s' for '%s', token %s") % ("(", ")", pos+1))
+ elif token == "||":
+ if is_src_uri:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("any-of dependencies are not allowed in SRC_URI: token %s") % (pos+1,))
+ if need_bracket:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("expected: '(', got: '%s', token %s") % (token, pos+1))
+ need_bracket = True
+ stack[level].append(token)
+ elif token == "->":
+ if need_simple_token:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("expected: file name, got: '%s', token %s") % (token, pos+1))
+ if not is_src_uri:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("SRC_URI arrow are only allowed in SRC_URI: token %s") % (pos+1,))
+ if eapi is None or not eapi_has_src_uri_arrows(eapi):
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("SRC_URI arrow not allowed in EAPI %s: token %s") % (eapi, pos+1))
+ need_simple_token = True
+ stack[level].append(token)
+ else:
+ missing_white_space_check(token, pos)
+ if need_bracket:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("expected: '(', got: '%s', token %s") % (token, pos+1))
+ if need_simple_token and "/" in token:
+ #The last token was a SRC_URI arrow, make sure we have a simple file name.
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("expected: file name, got: '%s', token %s") % (token, pos+1))
+ if token[-1] == "?":
+ need_bracket = True
+ else:
+ need_simple_token = False
+ if token_class and not is_src_uri:
+ #Add a hack for SRC_URI here, to avoid conditional code at the consumer level
+ try:
+ token = token_class(token, eapi=eapi,
+ is_valid_flag=is_valid_flag)
+ except InvalidAtom as e:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("Invalid atom (%s), token %s") \
+ % (e, pos+1), errors=(e,))
+ except SystemExit:
+ raise
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("Invalid token '%s', token %s") % (token, pos+1))
+ if not matchall and \
+ hasattr(token, 'evaluate_conditionals'):
+ token = token.evaluate_conditionals(uselist)
+ stack[level].append(token)
+ if level != 0:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("Missing '%s' at end of string") % (")",))
+ if need_bracket:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("Missing '%s' at end of string") % ("(",))
+ if need_simple_token:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("Missing file name at end of string"))
+ return stack[0]
+def dep_opconvert(deplist):
+ """
+ Iterate recursively through a list of deps, if the
+ dep is a '||' or '&&' operator, combine it with the
+ list of deps that follows..
+ Example usage:
+ >>> test = ["blah", "||", ["foo", "bar", "baz"]]
+ >>> dep_opconvert(test)
+ ['blah', ['||', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz']]
+ @param deplist: A list of deps to format
+ @type mydep: List
+ @rtype: List
+ @return:
+ The new list with the new ordering
+ """
+ if _internal_warnings:
+ warnings.warn(_("%s is deprecated. Use %s with the opconvert parameter set to True instead.") % \
+ ('portage.dep.dep_opconvert', 'portage.dep.use_reduce'), DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ retlist = []
+ x = 0
+ while x != len(deplist):
+ if isinstance(deplist[x], list):
+ retlist.append(dep_opconvert(deplist[x]))
+ elif deplist[x] == "||":
+ retlist.append([deplist[x]] + dep_opconvert(deplist[x+1]))
+ x += 1
+ else:
+ retlist.append(deplist[x])
+ x += 1
+ return retlist
+def flatten(mylist):
+ """
+ Recursively traverse nested lists and return a single list containing
+ all non-list elements that are found.
+ Example usage:
+ >>> flatten([1, [2, 3, [4]]])
+ [1, 2, 3, 4]
+ @param mylist: A list containing nested lists and non-list elements.
+ @type mylist: List
+ @rtype: List
+ @return: A single list containing only non-list elements.
+ """
+ if _internal_warnings:
+ warnings.warn(_("%s is deprecated and will be removed without replacement.") % \
+ ('portage.dep.flatten',), DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ newlist = []
+ for x in mylist:
+ if isinstance(x, list):
+ newlist.extend(flatten(x))
+ else:
+ newlist.append(x)
+ return newlist
+_usedep_re = {
+ "0": re.compile("^(?P<prefix>[!-]?)(?P<flag>[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9+_@-]*)(?P<default>(\(\+\)|\(\-\))?)(?P<suffix>[?=]?)$"),
+ "4-python": re.compile("^(?P<prefix>[!-]?)(?P<flag>[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9+_@.-]*)(?P<default>(\(\+\)|\(\-\))?)(?P<suffix>[?=]?)$"),
+def _get_usedep_re(eapi):
+ """
+ When eapi is None then validation is not as strict, since we want the
+ same to work for multiple EAPIs that may have slightly different rules.
+ @param eapi: The EAPI
+ @type eapi: String or None
+ @rtype: regular expression object
+ @return: A regular expression object that matches valid USE deps for the
+ given eapi.
+ """
+ if eapi in (None, "4-python",):
+ return _usedep_re["4-python"]
+ else:
+ return _usedep_re["0"]
+class _use_dep(object):
+ __slots__ = ("__weakref__", "eapi", "conditional", "missing_enabled", "missing_disabled",
+ "disabled", "enabled", "tokens", "required")
+ class _conditionals_class(object):
+ __slots__ = ("enabled", "disabled", "equal", "not_equal")
+ def items(self):
+ for k in self.__slots__:
+ v = getattr(self, k, None)
+ if v:
+ yield (k, v)
+ def values(self):
+ for k in self.__slots__:
+ v = getattr(self, k, None)
+ if v:
+ yield v
+ # used in InvalidAtom messages
+ _conditional_strings = {
+ 'enabled' : '%s?',
+ 'disabled': '!%s?',
+ 'equal': '%s=',
+ 'not_equal': '!%s=',
+ }
+ def __init__(self, use, eapi, enabled_flags=None, disabled_flags=None, missing_enabled=None, \
+ missing_disabled=None, conditional=None, required=None):
+ self.eapi = eapi
+ if enabled_flags is not None:
+ #A shortcut for the classe's own methods.
+ self.tokens = use
+ if not isinstance(self.tokens, tuple):
+ self.tokens = tuple(self.tokens)
+ self.required = frozenset(required)
+ self.enabled = frozenset(enabled_flags)
+ self.disabled = frozenset(disabled_flags)
+ self.missing_enabled = frozenset(missing_enabled)
+ self.missing_disabled = frozenset(missing_disabled)
+ self.conditional = None
+ if conditional:
+ self.conditional = self._conditionals_class()
+ for k in "enabled", "disabled", "equal", "not_equal":
+ setattr(self.conditional, k, frozenset(conditional.get(k, [])))
+ return
+ enabled_flags = set()
+ disabled_flags = set()
+ missing_enabled = set()
+ missing_disabled = set()
+ no_default = set()
+ conditional = {}
+ usedep_re = _get_usedep_re(self.eapi)
+ for x in use:
+ m = usedep_re.match(x)
+ if m is None:
+ raise InvalidAtom(_("Invalid use dep: '%s'") % (x,))
+ operator = m.group("prefix") + m.group("suffix")
+ flag = m.group("flag")
+ default = m.group("default")
+ if not operator:
+ enabled_flags.add(flag)
+ elif operator == "-":
+ disabled_flags.add(flag)
+ elif operator == "?":
+ conditional.setdefault("enabled", set()).add(flag)
+ elif operator == "=":
+ conditional.setdefault("equal", set()).add(flag)
+ elif operator == "!=":
+ conditional.setdefault("not_equal", set()).add(flag)
+ elif operator == "!?":
+ conditional.setdefault("disabled", set()).add(flag)
+ else:
+ raise InvalidAtom(_("Invalid use dep: '%s'") % (x,))
+ if default:
+ if default == "(+)":
+ if flag in missing_disabled or flag in no_default:
+ raise InvalidAtom(_("Invalid use dep: '%s'") % (x,))
+ missing_enabled.add(flag)
+ else:
+ if flag in missing_enabled or flag in no_default:
+ raise InvalidAtom(_("Invalid use dep: '%s'") % (x,))
+ missing_disabled.add(flag)
+ else:
+ if flag in missing_enabled or flag in missing_disabled:
+ raise InvalidAtom(_("Invalid use dep: '%s'") % (x,))
+ no_default.add(flag)
+ self.tokens = use
+ if not isinstance(self.tokens, tuple):
+ self.tokens = tuple(self.tokens)
+ self.required = frozenset(no_default)
+ self.enabled = frozenset(enabled_flags)
+ self.disabled = frozenset(disabled_flags)
+ self.missing_enabled = frozenset(missing_enabled)
+ self.missing_disabled = frozenset(missing_disabled)
+ self.conditional = None
+ if conditional:
+ self.conditional = self._conditionals_class()
+ for k in "enabled", "disabled", "equal", "not_equal":
+ setattr(self.conditional, k, frozenset(conditional.get(k, [])))
+ def __bool__(self):
+ return bool(self.tokens)
+ if sys.hexversion < 0x3000000:
+ __nonzero__ = __bool__
+ def __str__(self):
+ if not self.tokens:
+ return ""
+ return "[%s]" % (",".join(self.tokens),)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "portage.dep._use_dep(%s)" % repr(self.tokens)
+ def evaluate_conditionals(self, use):
+ """
+ Create a new instance with conditionals evaluated.
+ Conditional evaluation behavior:
+ parent state conditional result
+ x x? x
+ -x x?
+ x !x?
+ -x !x? -x
+ x x= x
+ -x x= -x
+ x !x= -x
+ -x !x= x
+ Conditional syntax examples:
+ Compact Form Equivalent Expanded Form
+ foo[bar?] bar? ( foo[bar] ) !bar? ( foo )
+ foo[!bar?] bar? ( foo ) !bar? ( foo[-bar] )
+ foo[bar=] bar? ( foo[bar] ) !bar? ( foo[-bar] )
+ foo[!bar=] bar? ( foo[-bar] ) !bar? ( foo[bar] )
+ """
+ enabled_flags = set(self.enabled)
+ disabled_flags = set(self.disabled)
+ tokens = []
+ usedep_re = _get_usedep_re(self.eapi)
+ for x in self.tokens:
+ m = usedep_re.match(x)
+ operator = m.group("prefix") + m.group("suffix")
+ flag = m.group("flag")
+ default = m.group("default")
+ if default is None:
+ default = ""
+ if operator == "?":
+ if flag in use:
+ enabled_flags.add(flag)
+ tokens.append(flag+default)
+ elif operator == "=":
+ if flag in use:
+ enabled_flags.add(flag)
+ tokens.append(flag+default)
+ else:
+ disabled_flags.add(flag)
+ tokens.append("-"+flag+default)
+ elif operator == "!=":
+ if flag in use:
+ disabled_flags.add(flag)
+ tokens.append("-"+flag+default)
+ else:
+ enabled_flags.add(flag)
+ tokens.append(flag+default)
+ elif operator == "!?":
+ if flag not in use:
+ disabled_flags.add(flag)
+ tokens.append("-"+flag+default)
+ else:
+ tokens.append(x)
+ return _use_dep(tokens, self.eapi, enabled_flags=enabled_flags, disabled_flags=disabled_flags, \
+ missing_enabled=self.missing_enabled, missing_disabled=self.missing_disabled, required=self.required)
+ def violated_conditionals(self, other_use, is_valid_flag, parent_use=None):
+ """
+ Create a new instance with satisfied use deps removed.
+ """
+ if parent_use is None and self.conditional:
+ raise InvalidAtom("violated_conditionals needs 'parent_use'" + \
+ " parameter for conditional flags.")
+ enabled_flags = set()
+ disabled_flags = set()
+ conditional = {}
+ tokens = []
+ all_defaults = frozenset(chain(self.missing_enabled, self.missing_disabled))
+ def validate_flag(flag):
+ return is_valid_flag(flag) or flag in all_defaults
+ usedep_re = _get_usedep_re(self.eapi)
+ for x in self.tokens:
+ m = usedep_re.match(x)
+ operator = m.group("prefix") + m.group("suffix")
+ flag = m.group("flag")
+ if not validate_flag(flag):
+ tokens.append(x)
+ if not operator:
+ enabled_flags.add(flag)
+ elif operator == "-":
+ disabled_flags.add(flag)
+ elif operator == "?":
+ conditional.setdefault("enabled", set()).add(flag)
+ elif operator == "=":
+ conditional.setdefault("equal", set()).add(flag)
+ elif operator == "!=":
+ conditional.setdefault("not_equal", set()).add(flag)
+ elif operator == "!?":
+ conditional.setdefault("disabled", set()).add(flag)
+ continue
+ if not operator:
+ if flag not in other_use:
+ if is_valid_flag(flag) or flag in self.missing_disabled:
+ tokens.append(x)
+ enabled_flags.add(flag)
+ elif operator == "-":
+ if flag not in other_use:
+ if not is_valid_flag(flag):
+ if flag in self.missing_enabled:
+ tokens.append(x)
+ disabled_flags.add(flag)
+ else:
+ tokens.append(x)
+ disabled_flags.add(flag)
+ elif operator == "?":
+ if flag not in parent_use or flag in other_use:
+ continue
+ if is_valid_flag(flag) or flag in self.missing_disabled:
+ tokens.append(x)
+ conditional.setdefault("enabled", set()).add(flag)
+ elif operator == "=":
+ if flag in parent_use and flag not in other_use:
+ if is_valid_flag(flag):
+ tokens.append(x)
+ conditional.setdefault("equal", set()).add(flag)
+ else:
+ if flag in self.missing_disabled:
+ tokens.append(x)
+ conditional.setdefault("equal", set()).add(flag)
+ elif flag not in parent_use:
+ if flag not in other_use:
+ if not is_valid_flag(flag):
+ if flag in self.missing_enabled:
+ tokens.append(x)
+ conditional.setdefault("equal", set()).add(flag)
+ else:
+ tokens.append(x)
+ conditional.setdefault("equal", set()).add(flag)
+ elif operator == "!=":
+ if flag not in parent_use and flag not in other_use:
+ if is_valid_flag(flag):
+ tokens.append(x)
+ conditional.setdefault("not_equal", set()).add(flag)
+ else:
+ if flag in self.missing_disabled:
+ tokens.append(x)
+ conditional.setdefault("not_equal", set()).add(flag)
+ elif flag in parent_use:
+ if flag not in other_use:
+ if not is_valid_flag(flag):
+ if flag in self.missing_enabled:
+ tokens.append(x)
+ conditional.setdefault("not_equal", set()).add(flag)
+ else:
+ tokens.append(x)
+ conditional.setdefault("not_equal", set()).add(flag)
+ elif operator == "!?":
+ if flag not in parent_use:
+ if flag not in other_use:
+ if not is_valid_flag(flag) and flag in self.missing_enabled:
+ tokens.append(x)
+ conditional.setdefault("disabled", set()).add(flag)
+ else:
+ tokens.append(x)
+ conditional.setdefault("disabled", set()).add(flag)
+ return _use_dep(tokens, self.eapi, enabled_flags=enabled_flags, disabled_flags=disabled_flags, \
+ missing_enabled=self.missing_enabled, missing_disabled=self.missing_disabled, \
+ conditional=conditional, required=self.required)
+ def _eval_qa_conditionals(self, use_mask, use_force):
+ """
+ For repoman, evaluate all possible combinations within the constraints
+ of the given use.force and use.mask settings. The result may seem
+ ambiguous in the sense that the same flag can be in both the enabled
+ and disabled sets, but this is useful within the context of how its
+ intended to be used by repoman. It is assumed that the caller has
+ already ensured that there is no intersection between the given
+ use_mask and use_force sets when necessary.
+ """
+ enabled_flags = set(self.enabled)
+ disabled_flags = set(self.disabled)
+ missing_enabled = self.missing_enabled
+ missing_disabled = self.missing_disabled
+ tokens = []
+ usedep_re = _get_usedep_re(self.eapi)
+ for x in self.tokens:
+ m = usedep_re.match(x)
+ operator = m.group("prefix") + m.group("suffix")
+ flag = m.group("flag")
+ default = m.group("default")
+ if default is None:
+ default = ""
+ if operator == "?":
+ if flag not in use_mask:
+ enabled_flags.add(flag)
+ tokens.append(flag+default)
+ elif operator == "=":
+ if flag not in use_mask:
+ enabled_flags.add(flag)
+ tokens.append(flag+default)
+ if flag not in use_force:
+ disabled_flags.add(flag)
+ tokens.append("-"+flag+default)
+ elif operator == "!=":
+ if flag not in use_force:
+ enabled_flags.add(flag)
+ tokens.append(flag+default)
+ if flag not in use_mask:
+ disabled_flags.add(flag)
+ tokens.append("-"+flag+default)
+ elif operator == "!?":
+ if flag not in use_force:
+ disabled_flags.add(flag)
+ tokens.append("-"+flag+default)
+ else:
+ tokens.append(x)
+ return _use_dep(tokens, self.eapi, enabled_flags=enabled_flags, disabled_flags=disabled_flags, \
+ missing_enabled=missing_enabled, missing_disabled=missing_disabled, required=self.required)
+if sys.hexversion < 0x3000000:
+ _atom_base = unicode
+ _atom_base = str
+class Atom(_atom_base):
+ """
+ For compatibility with existing atom string manipulation code, this
+ class emulates most of the str methods that are useful with atoms.
+ """
+ class _blocker(object):
+ __slots__ = ("overlap",)
+ class _overlap(object):
+ __slots__ = ("forbid",)
+ def __init__(self, forbid=False):
+ self.forbid = forbid
+ def __init__(self, forbid_overlap=False):
+ self.overlap = self._overlap(forbid=forbid_overlap)
+ def __new__(cls, s, unevaluated_atom=None, allow_wildcard=False, allow_repo=False,
+ _use=None, eapi=None, is_valid_flag=None):
+ return _atom_base.__new__(cls, s)
+ def __init__(self, s, unevaluated_atom=None, allow_wildcard=False, allow_repo=False,
+ _use=None, eapi=None, is_valid_flag=None):
+ if isinstance(s, Atom):
+ # This is an efficiency assertion, to ensure that the Atom
+ # constructor is not called redundantly.
+ raise TypeError(_("Expected %s, got %s") % \
+ (_atom_base, type(s)))
+ if not isinstance(s, _atom_base):
+ # Avoid TypeError from _atom_base.__init__ with PyPy.
+ s = _unicode_decode(s)
+ _atom_base.__init__(s)
+ if "!" == s[:1]:
+ blocker = self._blocker(forbid_overlap=("!" == s[1:2]))
+ if blocker.overlap.forbid:
+ s = s[2:]
+ else:
+ s = s[1:]
+ else:
+ blocker = False
+ self.__dict__['blocker'] = blocker
+ m = _atom_re.match(s)
+ extended_syntax = False
+ if m is None:
+ if allow_wildcard:
+ m = _atom_wildcard_re.match(s)
+ if m is None:
+ raise InvalidAtom(self)
+ op = None
+ gdict = m.groupdict()
+ cpv = cp = gdict['simple']
+ if cpv.find("**") != -1:
+ raise InvalidAtom(self)
+ slot = gdict['slot']
+ repo = gdict['repo']
+ use_str = None
+ extended_syntax = True
+ else:
+ raise InvalidAtom(self)
+ elif m.group('op') is not None:
+ base = _atom_re.groupindex['op']
+ op = m.group(base + 1)
+ cpv = m.group(base + 2)
+ cp = m.group(base + 3)
+ slot = m.group(_atom_re.groups - 2)
+ repo = m.group(_atom_re.groups - 1)
+ use_str = m.group(_atom_re.groups)
+ if m.group(base + 4) is not None:
+ raise InvalidAtom(self)
+ elif m.group('star') is not None:
+ base = _atom_re.groupindex['star']
+ op = '=*'
+ cpv = m.group(base + 1)
+ cp = m.group(base + 2)
+ slot = m.group(_atom_re.groups - 2)
+ repo = m.group(_atom_re.groups - 1)
+ use_str = m.group(_atom_re.groups)
+ if m.group(base + 3) is not None:
+ raise InvalidAtom(self)
+ elif m.group('simple') is not None:
+ op = None
+ cpv = cp = m.group(_atom_re.groupindex['simple'] + 1)
+ slot = m.group(_atom_re.groups - 2)
+ repo = m.group(_atom_re.groups - 1)
+ use_str = m.group(_atom_re.groups)
+ if m.group(_atom_re.groupindex['simple'] + 2) is not None:
+ raise InvalidAtom(self)
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError(_("required group not found in atom: '%s'") % self)
+ self.__dict__['cp'] = cp
+ self.__dict__['cpv'] = cpv
+ self.__dict__['repo'] = repo
+ self.__dict__['slot'] = slot
+ self.__dict__['operator'] = op
+ self.__dict__['extended_syntax'] = extended_syntax
+ if not (repo is None or allow_repo):
+ raise InvalidAtom(self)
+ if use_str is not None:
+ if _use is not None:
+ use = _use
+ else:
+ use = _use_dep(use_str[1:-1].split(","), eapi)
+ without_use = Atom(m.group('without_use'), allow_repo=allow_repo)
+ else:
+ use = None
+ if unevaluated_atom is not None and \
+ unevaluated_atom.use is not None:
+ # unevaluated_atom.use is used for IUSE checks when matching
+ # packages, so it must not propagate to without_use
+ without_use = Atom(s, allow_wildcard=allow_wildcard,
+ allow_repo=allow_repo)
+ else:
+ without_use = self
+ self.__dict__['use'] = use
+ self.__dict__['without_use'] = without_use
+ if unevaluated_atom:
+ self.__dict__['unevaluated_atom'] = unevaluated_atom
+ else:
+ self.__dict__['unevaluated_atom'] = self
+ if eapi is not None:
+ if not isinstance(eapi, basestring):
+ raise TypeError('expected eapi argument of ' + \
+ '%s, got %s: %s' % (basestring, type(eapi), eapi,))
+ if self.slot and not eapi_has_slot_deps(eapi):
+ raise InvalidAtom(
+ _("Slot deps are not allowed in EAPI %s: '%s'") \
+ % (eapi, self), category='EAPI.incompatible')
+ if self.use:
+ if not eapi_has_use_deps(eapi):
+ raise InvalidAtom(
+ _("Use deps are not allowed in EAPI %s: '%s'") \
+ % (eapi, self), category='EAPI.incompatible')
+ elif not eapi_has_use_dep_defaults(eapi) and \
+ (self.use.missing_enabled or self.use.missing_disabled):
+ raise InvalidAtom(
+ _("Use dep defaults are not allowed in EAPI %s: '%s'") \
+ % (eapi, self), category='EAPI.incompatible')
+ if is_valid_flag is not None and self.use.conditional:
+ invalid_flag = None
+ try:
+ for conditional_type, flags in \
+ self.use.conditional.items():
+ for flag in flags:
+ if not is_valid_flag(flag):
+ invalid_flag = (conditional_type, flag)
+ raise StopIteration()
+ except StopIteration:
+ pass
+ if invalid_flag is not None:
+ conditional_type, flag = invalid_flag
+ conditional_str = _use_dep._conditional_strings[conditional_type]
+ msg = _("USE flag '%s' referenced in " + \
+ "conditional '%s' in atom '%s' is not in IUSE") \
+ % (flag, conditional_str % flag, self)
+ raise InvalidAtom(msg, category='IUSE.missing')
+ if self.blocker and self.blocker.overlap.forbid and not eapi_has_strong_blocks(eapi):
+ raise InvalidAtom(
+ _("Strong blocks are not allowed in EAPI %s: '%s'") \
+ % (eapi, self), category='EAPI.incompatible')
+ @property
+ def without_repo(self):
+ if self.repo is None:
+ return self
+ return Atom(self.replace(_repo_separator + self.repo, '', 1),
+ allow_wildcard=True)
+ @property
+ def without_slot(self):
+ if self.slot is None:
+ return self
+ return Atom(self.replace(_slot_separator + self.slot, '', 1),
+ allow_repo=True, allow_wildcard=True)
+ def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+ raise AttributeError("Atom instances are immutable",
+ self.__class__, name, value)
+ def intersects(self, other):
+ """
+ Atoms with different cpv, operator or use attributes cause this method
+ to return False even though there may actually be some intersection.
+ TODO: Detect more forms of intersection.
+ @param other: The package atom to match
+ @type other: Atom
+ @rtype: Boolean
+ @return: True if this atom and the other atom intersect,
+ False otherwise.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(other, Atom):
+ raise TypeError("expected %s, got %s" % \
+ (Atom, type(other)))
+ if self == other:
+ return True
+ if self.cp != other.cp or \
+ self.use != other.use or \
+ self.operator != other.operator or \
+ self.cpv != other.cpv:
+ return False
+ if self.slot is None or \
+ other.slot is None or \
+ self.slot == other.slot:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def evaluate_conditionals(self, use):
+ """
+ Create an atom instance with any USE conditionals evaluated.
+ @param use: The set of enabled USE flags
+ @type use: set
+ @rtype: Atom
+ @return: an atom instance with any USE conditionals evaluated
+ """
+ if not (self.use and self.use.conditional):
+ return self
+ atom = remove_slot(self)
+ if self.slot:
+ atom += ":%s" % self.slot
+ use_dep = self.use.evaluate_conditionals(use)
+ atom += str(use_dep)
+ return Atom(atom, unevaluated_atom=self, allow_repo=(self.repo is not None), _use=use_dep)
+ def violated_conditionals(self, other_use, is_valid_flag, parent_use=None):
+ """
+ Create an atom instance with any USE conditional removed, that is
+ satisfied by other_use.
+ @param other_use: The set of enabled USE flags
+ @type other_use: set
+ @param is_valid_flag: Function that decides if a use flag is referenceable in use deps
+ @type is_valid_flag: function
+ @param parent_use: Set of enabled use flags of the package requiring this atom
+ @type parent_use: set
+ @rtype: Atom
+ @return: an atom instance with any satisfied USE conditionals removed
+ """
+ if not self.use:
+ return self
+ atom = remove_slot(self)
+ if self.slot:
+ atom += ":%s" % self.slot
+ use_dep = self.use.violated_conditionals(other_use, is_valid_flag, parent_use)
+ atom += str(use_dep)
+ return Atom(atom, unevaluated_atom=self, allow_repo=(self.repo is not None), _use=use_dep)
+ def _eval_qa_conditionals(self, use_mask, use_force):
+ if not (self.use and self.use.conditional):
+ return self
+ atom = remove_slot(self)
+ if self.slot:
+ atom += ":%s" % self.slot
+ use_dep = self.use._eval_qa_conditionals(use_mask, use_force)
+ atom += str(use_dep)
+ return Atom(atom, unevaluated_atom=self, allow_repo=(self.repo is not None), _use=use_dep)
+ def __copy__(self):
+ """Immutable, so returns self."""
+ return self
+ def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None):
+ """Immutable, so returns self."""
+ memo[id(self)] = self
+ return self
+_extended_cp_re_cache = {}
+def extended_cp_match(extended_cp, other_cp):
+ """
+ Checks if an extended syntax cp matches a non extended cp
+ """
+ # Escape special '+' and '.' characters which are allowed in atoms,
+ # and convert '*' to regex equivalent.
+ global _extended_cp_re_cache
+ extended_cp_re = _extended_cp_re_cache.get(extended_cp)
+ if extended_cp_re is None:
+ extended_cp_re = re.compile("^" + re.escape(extended_cp).replace(
+ r'\*', '[^/]*') + "$")
+ _extended_cp_re_cache[extended_cp] = extended_cp_re
+ return extended_cp_re.match(other_cp) is not None
+class ExtendedAtomDict(portage.cache.mappings.MutableMapping):
+ """
+ dict() wrapper that supports extended atoms as keys and allows lookup
+ of a normal cp against other normal cp and extended cp.
+ The value type has to be given to __init__ and is assumed to be the same
+ for all values.
+ """
+ __slots__ = ('_extended', '_normal', '_value_class')
+ def __init__(self, value_class):
+ self._extended = {}
+ self._normal = {}
+ self._value_class = value_class
+ def copy(self):
+ result = self.__class__(self._value_class)
+ result._extended.update(self._extended)
+ result._normal.update(self._normal)
+ return result
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for k in self._normal:
+ yield k
+ for k in self._extended:
+ yield k
+ def iteritems(self):
+ for item in self._normal.items():
+ yield item
+ for item in self._extended.items():
+ yield item
+ def __delitem__(self, cp):
+ if "*" in cp:
+ return self._extended.__delitem__(cp)
+ else:
+ return self._normal.__delitem__(cp)
+ if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000:
+ keys = __iter__
+ items = iteritems
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self._normal) + len(self._extended)
+ def setdefault(self, cp, default=None):
+ if "*" in cp:
+ return self._extended.setdefault(cp, default)
+ else:
+ return self._normal.setdefault(cp, default)
+ def __getitem__(self, cp):
+ if not isinstance(cp, basestring):
+ raise KeyError(cp)
+ if '*' in cp:
+ return self._extended[cp]
+ ret = self._value_class()
+ normal_match = self._normal.get(cp)
+ match = False
+ if normal_match is not None:
+ match = True
+ if hasattr(ret, "update"):
+ ret.update(normal_match)
+ elif hasattr(ret, "extend"):
+ ret.extend(normal_match)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ for extended_cp in self._extended:
+ if extended_cp_match(extended_cp, cp):
+ match = True
+ if hasattr(ret, "update"):
+ ret.update(self._extended[extended_cp])
+ elif hasattr(ret, "extend"):
+ ret.extend(self._extended[extended_cp])
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ if not match:
+ raise KeyError(cp)
+ return ret
+ def __setitem__(self, cp, val):
+ if "*" in cp:
+ self._extended[cp] = val
+ else:
+ self._normal[cp] = val
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self._value_class == other._value_class and \
+ self._extended == other._extended and \
+ self._normal == other._normal
+ def clear(self):
+ self._extended.clear()
+ self._normal.clear()
+def get_operator(mydep):
+ """
+ Return the operator used in a depstring.
+ Example usage:
+ >>> from portage.dep import *
+ >>> get_operator(">=test-1.0")
+ '>='
+ @param mydep: The dep string to check
+ @type mydep: String
+ @rtype: String
+ @return: The operator. One of:
+ '~', '=', '>', '<', '=*', '>=', or '<='
+ """
+ if not isinstance(mydep, Atom):
+ mydep = Atom(mydep)
+ return mydep.operator
+def dep_getcpv(mydep):
+ """
+ Return the category-package-version with any operators/slot specifications stripped off
+ Example usage:
+ >>> dep_getcpv('>=media-libs/test-3.0')
+ 'media-libs/test-3.0'
+ @param mydep: The depstring
+ @type mydep: String
+ @rtype: String
+ @return: The depstring with the operator removed
+ """
+ if not isinstance(mydep, Atom):
+ mydep = Atom(mydep)
+ return mydep.cpv
+def dep_getslot(mydep):
+ """
+ Retrieve the slot on a depend.
+ Example usage:
+ >>> dep_getslot('app-misc/test:3')
+ '3'
+ @param mydep: The depstring to retrieve the slot of
+ @type mydep: String
+ @rtype: String
+ @return: The slot
+ """
+ slot = getattr(mydep, "slot", False)
+ if slot is not False:
+ return slot
+ #remove repo_name if present
+ mydep = mydep.split(_repo_separator)[0]
+ colon = mydep.find(_slot_separator)
+ if colon != -1:
+ bracket = mydep.find("[", colon)
+ if bracket == -1:
+ return mydep[colon+1:]
+ else:
+ return mydep[colon+1:bracket]
+ return None
+def dep_getrepo(mydep):
+ """
+ Retrieve the repo on a depend.
+ Example usage:
+ >>> dep_getrepo('app-misc/test::repository')
+ 'repository'
+ @param mydep: The depstring to retrieve the repository of
+ @type mydep: String
+ @rtype: String
+ @return: The repository name
+ """
+ repo = getattr(mydep, "repo", False)
+ if repo is not False:
+ return repo
+ metadata = getattr(mydep, "metadata", False)
+ if metadata:
+ repo = metadata.get('repository', False)
+ if repo is not False:
+ return repo
+ colon = mydep.find(_repo_separator)
+ if colon != -1:
+ bracket = mydep.find("[", colon)
+ if bracket == -1:
+ return mydep[colon+2:]
+ else:
+ return mydep[colon+2:bracket]
+ return None
+def remove_slot(mydep):
+ """
+ Removes dep components from the right side of an atom:
+ * slot
+ * use
+ * repo
+ And repo_name from the left side.
+ """
+ colon = mydep.find(_slot_separator)
+ if colon != -1:
+ mydep = mydep[:colon]
+ else:
+ bracket = mydep.find("[")
+ if bracket != -1:
+ mydep = mydep[:bracket]
+ return mydep
+def dep_getusedeps( depend ):
+ """
+ Pull a listing of USE Dependencies out of a dep atom.
+ Example usage:
+ >>> dep_getusedeps('app-misc/test:3[foo,-bar]')
+ ('foo', '-bar')
+ @param depend: The depstring to process
+ @type depend: String
+ @rtype: List
+ @return: List of use flags ( or [] if no flags exist )
+ """
+ use_list = []
+ open_bracket = depend.find('[')
+ # -1 = failure (think c++ string::npos)
+ comma_separated = False
+ bracket_count = 0
+ while( open_bracket != -1 ):
+ bracket_count += 1
+ if bracket_count > 1:
+ raise InvalidAtom(_("USE Dependency with more "
+ "than one set of brackets: %s") % (depend,))
+ close_bracket = depend.find(']', open_bracket )
+ if close_bracket == -1:
+ raise InvalidAtom(_("USE Dependency with no closing bracket: %s") % depend )
+ use = depend[open_bracket + 1: close_bracket]
+ # foo[1:1] may return '' instead of None, we don't want '' in the result
+ if not use:
+ raise InvalidAtom(_("USE Dependency with "
+ "no use flag ([]): %s") % depend )
+ if not comma_separated:
+ comma_separated = "," in use
+ if comma_separated and bracket_count > 1:
+ raise InvalidAtom(_("USE Dependency contains a mixture of "
+ "comma and bracket separators: %s") % depend )
+ if comma_separated:
+ for x in use.split(","):
+ if x:
+ use_list.append(x)
+ else:
+ raise InvalidAtom(_("USE Dependency with no use "
+ "flag next to comma: %s") % depend )
+ else:
+ use_list.append(use)
+ # Find next use flag
+ open_bracket = depend.find( '[', open_bracket+1 )
+ return tuple(use_list)
+# \w is [a-zA-Z0-9_]
+# 2.1.3 A slot name may contain any of the characters [A-Za-z0-9+_.-].
+# It must not begin with a hyphen or a dot.
+_slot_separator = ":"
+_slot = r'([\w+][\w+.-]*)'
+_slot_re = re.compile('^' + _slot + '$', re.VERBOSE)
+_use = r'\[.*\]'
+_op = r'([=~]|[><]=?)'
+_repo_separator = "::"
+_repo_name = r'[\w][\w-]*'
+_repo = r'(?:' + _repo_separator + '(' + _repo_name + ')' + ')?'
+_atom_re = re.compile('^(?P<without_use>(?:' +
+ '(?P<op>' + _op + _cpv + ')|' +
+ '(?P<star>=' + _cpv + r'\*)|' +
+ '(?P<simple>' + _cp + '))' +
+ '(' + _slot_separator + _slot + ')?' + _repo + ')(' + _use + ')?$', re.VERBOSE)
+_extended_cat = r'[\w+*][\w+.*-]*'
+_extended_pkg = r'[\w+*][\w+*-]*?'
+_atom_wildcard_re = re.compile('(?P<simple>(' + _extended_cat + ')/(' + _extended_pkg + '))(:(?P<slot>' + _slot + '))?(' + _repo_separator + '(?P<repo>' + _repo_name + '))?$')
+_useflag_re = {
+ "0": re.compile(r'^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9+_@-]*$'),
+ "4-python": re.compile(r'^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9+_@.-]*$'),
+def _get_useflag_re(eapi):
+ """
+ When eapi is None then validation is not as strict, since we want the
+ same to work for multiple EAPIs that may have slightly different rules.
+ @param eapi: The EAPI
+ @type eapi: String or None
+ @rtype: regular expression object
+ @return: A regular expression object that matches valid USE flags for the
+ given eapi.
+ """
+ if eapi in (None, "4-python",):
+ return _useflag_re["4-python"]
+ else:
+ return _useflag_re["0"]
+def isvalidatom(atom, allow_blockers=False, allow_wildcard=False, allow_repo=False):
+ """
+ Check to see if a depend atom is valid
+ Example usage:
+ >>> isvalidatom('media-libs/test-3.0')
+ False
+ >>> isvalidatom('>=media-libs/test-3.0')
+ True
+ @param atom: The depend atom to check against
+ @type atom: String or Atom
+ @rtype: Boolean
+ @return: One of the following:
+ 1) False if the atom is invalid
+ 2) True if the atom is valid
+ """
+ try:
+ if not isinstance(atom, Atom):
+ atom = Atom(atom, allow_wildcard=allow_wildcard, allow_repo=allow_repo)
+ if not allow_blockers and atom.blocker:
+ return False
+ return True
+ except InvalidAtom:
+ return False
+def isjustname(mypkg):
+ """
+ Checks to see if the atom is only the package name (no version parts).
+ Example usage:
+ >>> isjustname('=media-libs/test-3.0')
+ False
+ >>> isjustname('media-libs/test')
+ True
+ @param mypkg: The package atom to check
+ @param mypkg: String or Atom
+ @rtype: Integer
+ @return: One of the following:
+ 1) False if the package string is not just the package name
+ 2) True if it is
+ """
+ try:
+ if not isinstance(mypkg, Atom):
+ mypkg = Atom(mypkg)
+ return mypkg == mypkg.cp
+ except InvalidAtom:
+ pass
+ for x in mypkg.split('-')[-2:]:
+ if ververify(x):
+ return False
+ return True
+def isspecific(mypkg):
+ """
+ Checks to see if a package is in =category/package-version or
+ package-version format.
+ Example usage:
+ >>> isspecific('media-libs/test')
+ False
+ >>> isspecific('=media-libs/test-3.0')
+ True
+ @param mypkg: The package depstring to check against
+ @type mypkg: String
+ @rtype: Boolean
+ @return: One of the following:
+ 1) False if the package string is not specific
+ 2) True if it is
+ """
+ try:
+ if not isinstance(mypkg, Atom):
+ mypkg = Atom(mypkg)
+ return mypkg != mypkg.cp
+ except InvalidAtom:
+ pass
+ # Fall back to legacy code for backward compatibility.
+ return not isjustname(mypkg)
+def dep_getkey(mydep):
+ """
+ Return the category/package-name of a depstring.
+ Example usage:
+ >>> dep_getkey('=media-libs/test-3.0')
+ 'media-libs/test'
+ @param mydep: The depstring to retrieve the category/package-name of
+ @type mydep: String
+ @rtype: String
+ @return: The package category/package-name
+ """
+ if not isinstance(mydep, Atom):
+ mydep = Atom(mydep, allow_wildcard=True, allow_repo=True)
+ return mydep.cp
+def match_to_list(mypkg, mylist):
+ """
+ Searches list for entries that matches the package.
+ @param mypkg: The package atom to match
+ @type mypkg: String
+ @param mylist: The list of package atoms to compare against
+ @param mylist: List
+ @rtype: List
+ @return: A unique list of package atoms that match the given package atom
+ """
+ return [ x for x in set(mylist) if match_from_list(x, [mypkg]) ]
+def best_match_to_list(mypkg, mylist):
+ """
+ Returns the most specific entry that matches the package given.
+ @param mypkg: The package atom to check
+ @type mypkg: String
+ @param mylist: The list of package atoms to check against
+ @type mylist: List
+ @rtype: String
+ @return: The package atom which best matches given the following ordering:
+ - =cpv 6
+ - ~cpv 5
+ - =cpv* 4
+ - cp:slot 3
+ - >cpv 2
+ - <cpv 2
+ - >=cpv 2
+ - <=cpv 2
+ - cp 1
+ - cp:slot with extended syntax 0
+ - cp with extended syntax -1
+ """
+ operator_values = {'=':6, '~':5, '=*':4,
+ '>':2, '<':2, '>=':2, '<=':2, None:1}
+ maxvalue = -2
+ bestm = None
+ for x in match_to_list(mypkg, mylist):
+ if x.extended_syntax:
+ if dep_getslot(x) is not None:
+ if maxvalue < 0:
+ maxvalue = 0
+ bestm = x
+ else:
+ if maxvalue < -1:
+ maxvalue = -1
+ bestm = x
+ continue
+ if dep_getslot(x) is not None:
+ if maxvalue < 3:
+ maxvalue = 3
+ bestm = x
+ op_val = operator_values[x.operator]
+ if op_val > maxvalue:
+ maxvalue = op_val
+ bestm = x
+ return bestm
+def match_from_list(mydep, candidate_list):
+ """
+ Searches list for entries that matches the package.
+ @param mydep: The package atom to match
+ @type mydep: String
+ @param candidate_list: The list of package atoms to compare against
+ @param candidate_list: List
+ @rtype: List
+ @return: A list of package atoms that match the given package atom
+ """
+ if not candidate_list:
+ return []
+ from portage.util import writemsg
+ if "!" == mydep[:1]:
+ if "!" == mydep[1:2]:
+ mydep = mydep[2:]
+ else:
+ mydep = mydep[1:]
+ if not isinstance(mydep, Atom):
+ mydep = Atom(mydep, allow_wildcard=True, allow_repo=True)
+ mycpv = mydep.cpv
+ mycpv_cps = catpkgsplit(mycpv) # Can be None if not specific
+ slot = mydep.slot
+ if not mycpv_cps:
+ cat, pkg = catsplit(mycpv)
+ ver = None
+ rev = None
+ else:
+ cat, pkg, ver, rev = mycpv_cps
+ if mydep == mycpv:
+ raise KeyError(_("Specific key requires an operator"
+ " (%s) (try adding an '=')") % (mydep))
+ if ver and rev:
+ operator = mydep.operator
+ if not operator:
+ writemsg(_("!!! Invalid atom: %s\n") % mydep, noiselevel=-1)
+ return []
+ else:
+ operator = None
+ mylist = []
+ if operator is None:
+ for x in candidate_list:
+ cp = getattr(x, "cp", None)
+ if cp is None:
+ mysplit = catpkgsplit(remove_slot(x))
+ if mysplit is not None:
+ cp = mysplit[0] + '/' + mysplit[1]
+ if cp is None:
+ continue
+ if cp == mycpv or (mydep.extended_syntax and \
+ extended_cp_match(mydep.cp, cp)):
+ mylist.append(x)
+ elif operator == "=": # Exact match
+ for x in candidate_list:
+ xcpv = getattr(x, "cpv", None)
+ if xcpv is None:
+ xcpv = remove_slot(x)
+ if not cpvequal(xcpv, mycpv):
+ continue
+ mylist.append(x)
+ elif operator == "=*": # glob match
+ # XXX: Nasty special casing for leading zeros
+ # Required as =* is a literal prefix match, so can't
+ # use vercmp
+ mysplit = catpkgsplit(mycpv)
+ myver = mysplit[2].lstrip("0")
+ if not myver or not myver[0].isdigit():
+ myver = "0"+myver
+ mycpv = mysplit[0]+"/"+mysplit[1]+"-"+myver
+ for x in candidate_list:
+ xs = getattr(x, "cpv_split", None)
+ if xs is None:
+ xs = catpkgsplit(remove_slot(x))
+ myver = xs[2].lstrip("0")
+ if not myver or not myver[0].isdigit():
+ myver = "0"+myver
+ xcpv = xs[0]+"/"+xs[1]+"-"+myver
+ if xcpv.startswith(mycpv):
+ mylist.append(x)
+ elif operator == "~": # version, any revision, match
+ for x in candidate_list:
+ xs = getattr(x, "cpv_split", None)
+ if xs is None:
+ xs = catpkgsplit(remove_slot(x))
+ if xs is None:
+ raise InvalidData(x)
+ if not cpvequal(xs[0]+"/"+xs[1]+"-"+xs[2], mycpv_cps[0]+"/"+mycpv_cps[1]+"-"+mycpv_cps[2]):
+ continue
+ if xs[2] != ver:
+ continue
+ mylist.append(x)
+ elif operator in [">", ">=", "<", "<="]:
+ mysplit = ["%s/%s" % (cat, pkg), ver, rev]
+ for x in candidate_list:
+ xs = getattr(x, "cpv_split", None)
+ if xs is None:
+ xs = catpkgsplit(remove_slot(x))
+ xcat, xpkg, xver, xrev = xs
+ xs = ["%s/%s" % (xcat, xpkg), xver, xrev]
+ try:
+ result = pkgcmp(xs, mysplit)
+ except ValueError: # pkgcmp may return ValueError during int() conversion
+ writemsg(_("\nInvalid package name: %s\n") % x, noiselevel=-1)
+ raise
+ if result is None:
+ continue
+ elif operator == ">":
+ if result > 0:
+ mylist.append(x)
+ elif operator == ">=":
+ if result >= 0:
+ mylist.append(x)
+ elif operator == "<":
+ if result < 0:
+ mylist.append(x)
+ elif operator == "<=":
+ if result <= 0:
+ mylist.append(x)
+ else:
+ raise KeyError(_("Unknown operator: %s") % mydep)
+ else:
+ raise KeyError(_("Unknown operator: %s") % mydep)
+ if slot is not None and not mydep.extended_syntax:
+ candidate_list = mylist
+ mylist = []
+ for x in candidate_list:
+ xslot = getattr(x, "slot", False)
+ if xslot is False:
+ xslot = dep_getslot(x)
+ if xslot is not None and xslot != slot:
+ continue
+ mylist.append(x)
+ if mydep.unevaluated_atom.use:
+ candidate_list = mylist
+ mylist = []
+ for x in candidate_list:
+ use = getattr(x, "use", None)
+ if use is not None:
+ if mydep.unevaluated_atom.use and \
+ not x.iuse.is_valid_flag(
+ mydep.unevaluated_atom.use.required):
+ continue
+ if mydep.use:
+ missing_enabled = mydep.use.missing_enabled.difference(x.iuse.all)
+ missing_disabled = mydep.use.missing_disabled.difference(x.iuse.all)
+ if mydep.use.enabled:
+ if mydep.use.enabled.intersection(missing_disabled):
+ continue
+ need_enabled = mydep.use.enabled.difference(use.enabled)
+ if need_enabled:
+ need_enabled = need_enabled.difference(missing_enabled)
+ if need_enabled:
+ continue
+ if mydep.use.disabled:
+ if mydep.use.disabled.intersection(missing_enabled):
+ continue
+ need_disabled = mydep.use.disabled.intersection(use.enabled)
+ if need_disabled:
+ need_disabled = need_disabled.difference(missing_disabled)
+ if need_disabled:
+ continue
+ mylist.append(x)
+ if mydep.repo:
+ candidate_list = mylist
+ mylist = []
+ for x in candidate_list:
+ repo = getattr(x, "repo", False)
+ if repo is False:
+ repo = dep_getrepo(x)
+ if repo is not None and repo != mydep.repo:
+ continue
+ mylist.append(x)
+ return mylist
+def human_readable_required_use(required_use):
+ return required_use.replace("^^", "exactly-one-of").replace("||", "any-of")
+def get_required_use_flags(required_use):
+ """
+ Returns a set of use flags that are used in the given REQUIRED_USE string
+ @param required_use: REQUIRED_USE string
+ @type required_use: String
+ @rtype: Set
+ @return: Set of use flags that are used in the given REQUIRED_USE string
+ """
+ mysplit = required_use.split()
+ level = 0
+ stack = [[]]
+ need_bracket = False
+ used_flags = set()
+ def register_token(token):
+ if token.endswith("?"):
+ token = token[:-1]
+ if token.startswith("!"):
+ token = token[1:]
+ used_flags.add(token)
+ for token in mysplit:
+ if token == "(":
+ need_bracket = False
+ stack.append([])
+ level += 1
+ elif token == ")":
+ if need_bracket:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("malformed syntax: '%s'") % required_use)
+ if level > 0:
+ level -= 1
+ l = stack.pop()
+ ignore = False
+ if stack[level]:
+ if stack[level][-1] in ("||", "^^") or \
+ (not isinstance(stack[level][-1], bool) and \
+ stack[level][-1][-1] == "?"):
+ ignore = True
+ stack[level].pop()
+ stack[level].append(True)
+ if l and not ignore:
+ stack[level].append(all(x for x in l))
+ else:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("malformed syntax: '%s'") % required_use)
+ elif token in ("||", "^^"):
+ if need_bracket:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("malformed syntax: '%s'") % required_use)
+ need_bracket = True
+ stack[level].append(token)
+ else:
+ if need_bracket or "(" in token or ")" in token or \
+ "|" in token or "^" in token:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("malformed syntax: '%s'") % required_use)
+ if token[-1] == "?":
+ need_bracket = True
+ stack[level].append(token)
+ else:
+ stack[level].append(True)
+ register_token(token)
+ if level != 0 or need_bracket:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("malformed syntax: '%s'") % required_use)
+ return frozenset(used_flags)
+class _RequiredUseLeaf(object):
+ __slots__ = ('_satisfied', '_token')
+ def __init__(self, token, satisfied):
+ self._token = token
+ self._satisfied = satisfied
+ def tounicode(self):
+ return self._token
+class _RequiredUseBranch(object):
+ __slots__ = ('_children', '_operator', '_parent', '_satisfied')
+ def __init__(self, operator=None, parent=None):
+ self._children = []
+ self._operator = operator
+ self._parent = parent
+ self._satisfied = False
+ def __bool__(self):
+ return self._satisfied
+ def tounicode(self):
+ include_parens = self._parent is not None
+ tokens = []
+ if self._operator is not None:
+ tokens.append(self._operator)
+ if include_parens:
+ tokens.append("(")
+ complex_nesting = False
+ node = self
+ while node != None and not complex_nesting:
+ if node._operator in ("||", "^^"):
+ complex_nesting = True
+ else:
+ node = node._parent
+ if complex_nesting:
+ for child in self._children:
+ tokens.append(child.tounicode())
+ else:
+ for child in self._children:
+ if not child._satisfied:
+ tokens.append(child.tounicode())
+ if include_parens:
+ tokens.append(")")
+ return " ".join(tokens)
+ if sys.hexversion < 0x3000000:
+ __nonzero__ = __bool__
+def check_required_use(required_use, use, iuse_match):
+ """
+ Checks if the use flags listed in 'use' satisfy all
+ constraints specified in 'constraints'.
+ @param required_use: REQUIRED_USE string
+ @type required_use: String
+ @param use: Enabled use flags
+ @param use: List
+ @param iuse_match: Callable that takes a single flag argument and returns
+ True if the flag is matched, false otherwise,
+ @param iuse_match: Callable
+ @rtype: Bool
+ @return: Indicates if REQUIRED_USE constraints are satisfied
+ """
+ def is_active(token):
+ if token.startswith("!"):
+ flag = token[1:]
+ is_negated = True
+ else:
+ flag = token
+ is_negated = False
+ if not flag or not iuse_match(flag):
+ msg = _("USE flag '%s' is not in IUSE") \
+ % (flag,)
+ e = InvalidData(msg, category='IUSE.missing')
+ raise InvalidDependString(msg, errors=(e,))
+ return (flag in use and not is_negated) or \
+ (flag not in use and is_negated)
+ def is_satisfied(operator, argument):
+ if not argument:
+ #|| ( ) -> True
+ return True
+ if operator == "||":
+ return (True in argument)
+ elif operator == "^^":
+ return (argument.count(True) == 1)
+ elif operator[-1] == "?":
+ return (False not in argument)
+ mysplit = required_use.split()
+ level = 0
+ stack = [[]]
+ tree = _RequiredUseBranch()
+ node = tree
+ need_bracket = False
+ for token in mysplit:
+ if token == "(":
+ if not need_bracket:
+ child = _RequiredUseBranch(parent=node)
+ node._children.append(child)
+ node = child
+ need_bracket = False
+ stack.append([])
+ level += 1
+ elif token == ")":
+ if need_bracket:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("malformed syntax: '%s'") % required_use)
+ if level > 0:
+ level -= 1
+ l = stack.pop()
+ op = None
+ if stack[level]:
+ if stack[level][-1] in ("||", "^^"):
+ op = stack[level].pop()
+ satisfied = is_satisfied(op, l)
+ stack[level].append(satisfied)
+ node._satisfied = satisfied
+ elif not isinstance(stack[level][-1], bool) and \
+ stack[level][-1][-1] == "?":
+ op = stack[level].pop()
+ if is_active(op[:-1]):
+ satisfied = is_satisfied(op, l)
+ stack[level].append(satisfied)
+ node._satisfied = satisfied
+ else:
+ node._satisfied = True
+ last_node = node._parent._children.pop()
+ if last_node is not node:
+ raise AssertionError(
+ "node is not last child of parent")
+ node = node._parent
+ continue
+ if op is None:
+ satisfied = False not in l
+ node._satisfied = satisfied
+ if l:
+ stack[level].append(satisfied)
+ if len(node._children) <= 1 or \
+ node._parent._operator not in ("||", "^^"):
+ last_node = node._parent._children.pop()
+ if last_node is not node:
+ raise AssertionError(
+ "node is not last child of parent")
+ for child in node._children:
+ node._parent._children.append(child)
+ if isinstance(child, _RequiredUseBranch):
+ child._parent = node._parent
+ elif not node._children:
+ last_node = node._parent._children.pop()
+ if last_node is not node:
+ raise AssertionError(
+ "node is not last child of parent")
+ elif len(node._children) == 1 and op in ("||", "^^"):
+ last_node = node._parent._children.pop()
+ if last_node is not node:
+ raise AssertionError(
+ "node is not last child of parent")
+ node._parent._children.append(node._children[0])
+ if isinstance(node._children[0], _RequiredUseBranch):
+ node._children[0]._parent = node._parent
+ node = node._children[0]
+ if node._operator is None and \
+ node._parent._operator not in ("||", "^^"):
+ last_node = node._parent._children.pop()
+ if last_node is not node:
+ raise AssertionError(
+ "node is not last child of parent")
+ for child in node._children:
+ node._parent._children.append(child)
+ if isinstance(child, _RequiredUseBranch):
+ child._parent = node._parent
+ node = node._parent
+ else:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("malformed syntax: '%s'") % required_use)
+ elif token in ("||", "^^"):
+ if need_bracket:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("malformed syntax: '%s'") % required_use)
+ need_bracket = True
+ stack[level].append(token)
+ child = _RequiredUseBranch(operator=token, parent=node)
+ node._children.append(child)
+ node = child
+ else:
+ if need_bracket or "(" in token or ")" in token or \
+ "|" in token or "^" in token:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("malformed syntax: '%s'") % required_use)
+ if token[-1] == "?":
+ need_bracket = True
+ stack[level].append(token)
+ child = _RequiredUseBranch(operator=token, parent=node)
+ node._children.append(child)
+ node = child
+ else:
+ satisfied = is_active(token)
+ stack[level].append(satisfied)
+ node._children.append(_RequiredUseLeaf(token, satisfied))
+ if level != 0 or need_bracket:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("malformed syntax: '%s'") % required_use)
+ tree._satisfied = False not in stack[0]
+ return tree
+def extract_affecting_use(mystr, atom, eapi=None):
+ """
+ Take a dep string and an atom and return the use flags
+ that decide if the given atom is in effect.
+ Example usage:
+ >>> extract_use_cond('sasl? ( dev-libs/cyrus-sasl ) \
+ !minimal? ( cxx? ( dev-libs/cyrus-sasl ) )', 'dev-libs/cyrus-sasl')
+ (['sasl', 'minimal', 'cxx'])
+ @param dep: The dependency string
+ @type mystr: String
+ @param atom: The atom to get into effect
+ @type atom: String
+ @rtype: Tuple of two lists of strings
+ @return: List of use flags that need to be enabled, List of use flag that need to be disabled
+ """
+ useflag_re = _get_useflag_re(eapi)
+ mysplit = mystr.split()
+ level = 0
+ stack = [[]]
+ need_bracket = False
+ affecting_use = set()
+ def flag(conditional):
+ if conditional[0] == "!":
+ flag = conditional[1:-1]
+ else:
+ flag = conditional[:-1]
+ if useflag_re.match(flag) is None:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("invalid use flag '%s' in conditional '%s'") % \
+ (flag, conditional))
+ return flag
+ for token in mysplit:
+ if token == "(":
+ need_bracket = False
+ stack.append([])
+ level += 1
+ elif token == ")":
+ if need_bracket:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("malformed syntax: '%s'") % mystr)
+ if level > 0:
+ level -= 1
+ l = stack.pop()
+ is_single = (len(l) == 1 or (len(l)==2 and (l[0] == "||" or l[0][-1] == "?")))
+ def ends_in_any_of_dep(k):
+ return k>=0 and stack[k] and stack[k][-1] == "||"
+ def ends_in_operator(k):
+ return k>=0 and stack[k] and (stack[k][-1] == "||" or stack[k][-1][-1] == "?")
+ def special_append():
+ """
+ Use extend instead of append if possible. This kills all redundant brackets.
+ """
+ if is_single and (not stack[level] or not stack[level][-1][-1] == "?"):
+ if len(l) == 1 and isinstance(l[0], list):
+ # l = [[...]]
+ stack[level].extend(l[0])
+ else:
+ stack[level].extend(l)
+ else:
+ stack[level].append(l)
+ if l:
+ if not ends_in_any_of_dep(level-1) and not ends_in_operator(level):
+ #Optimize: ( ( ... ) ) -> ( ... ). Make sure there is no '||' hanging around.
+ stack[level].extend(l)
+ elif not stack[level]:
+ #An '||' in the level above forces us to keep to brackets.
+ special_append()
+ elif len(l) == 1 and ends_in_any_of_dep(level):
+ #Optimize: || ( A ) -> A
+ stack[level].pop()
+ special_append()
+ elif len(l) == 2 and (l[0] == "||" or l[0][-1] == "?") and stack[level][-1] in (l[0], "||"):
+ #Optimize: || ( || ( ... ) ) -> || ( ... )
+ # foo? ( foo? ( ... ) ) -> foo? ( ... )
+ # || ( foo? ( ... ) ) -> foo? ( ... )
+ stack[level].pop()
+ special_append()
+ if l[0][-1] == "?":
+ affecting_use.add(flag(l[0]))
+ else:
+ if stack[level] and stack[level][-1][-1] == "?":
+ affecting_use.add(flag(stack[level][-1]))
+ special_append()
+ else:
+ if stack[level] and (stack[level][-1] == "||" or stack[level][-1][-1] == "?"):
+ stack[level].pop()
+ else:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("malformed syntax: '%s'") % mystr)
+ elif token == "||":
+ if need_bracket:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("malformed syntax: '%s'") % mystr)
+ need_bracket = True
+ stack[level].append(token)
+ else:
+ if need_bracket:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("malformed syntax: '%s'") % mystr)
+ if token[-1] == "?":
+ need_bracket = True
+ stack[level].append(token)
+ elif token == atom:
+ stack[level].append(token)
+ if level != 0 or need_bracket:
+ raise InvalidDependString(
+ _("malformed syntax: '%s'") % mystr)
+ return affecting_use