diff options
9 files changed, 672 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/.flake8 b/.flake8
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb2f802
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.flake8
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ignore = E401
+max-line-length = 120
+max-complexity = 15
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index b057d7f..61be068 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f8a3844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# This script fetches the libvpx sources, checks out the appropriate tag
+# and generates a tarball that can be placed in a devspace or other
+# web-accessible site and added to SRC_URI for a given libvpx release.
+# Legacy manual instructions:
+# To create a new testdata tarball:
+# 1. Unpack source tarball or checkout git tag
+# 2. mkdir libvpx-testdata
+# 3. export LIBVPX_TEST_DATA_PATH=libvpx-testdata
+# 4. ./configure --enable-unit-tests --enable-vp9-highbitdepth
+# 5. make testdata
+# 6. tar -caf libvpx-testdata-${MY_PV}.tar.xz libvpx-testdata
+set -e
+if [ -d /tmp/libvpx ]; then
+ rm -rf /tmp/libvpx
+git clone /tmp/libvpx
+pushd /tmp/libvpx
+ # Assume we're getting the latest tag if not in env;
+ # we're typically only packaging the latest version.
+ LATEST_TAG="$(git tag --sort=taggerdate | tail -1)"
+ TAG="${1:-$LATEST_TAG}"
+ if [ -d "/tmp/libvpx-${TAG:1}-testdata" ]; then
+ rm -rf "/tmp/libvpx-${TAG:1}-testdata"
+ fi
+ mkdir -p "/tmp/libvpx-${TAG:1}-testdata"
+ echo "Packaging libvpx testdata for ${TAG}"
+ git checkout "tags/${TAG}"
+ ./configure --enable-unit-tests --enable-vp9-highbitdepth
+ LIBVPX_TEST_DATA_PATH="/tmp/libvpx-${TAG:1}-testdata" make -j$(nproc) testdata
+pushd /tmp
+ XZ_OPT="-T0 -9" tar cvaf "libvpx-${TAG:1}-testdata.tar.xz" "libvpx-${TAG:1}-testdata"
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d7c124d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+# This script extracts the revision and sub-revision from the and files in the Chromium source code.
+# The revision and sub-revision are used to identify the version of Clang and Rust used in the Chromium toolchain.
+import json
+import requests
+import sys
+def get_testfonts(url) -> str:
+ """
+ Reads the DEPS file (gclient) and extracts the testfonts SHA which is used
+ as the object name (SHA256 as of 2024)
+ deps['src/third_party/test_fonts']['objects'][0]['object_name']
+ Args:
+ url (str): The URL of the DEPS file on GitHub's raw endpoint.
+ Returns:
+ str: The SHA256 of the testfonts, or None if not found.
+ """
+ # We're not properly parsing the DEPS file, but it's 'close enough' to JSON that
+ # we can throw away the preamble and do some remediation to read the values in.
+ testfonts = None
+ response = requests.get(url)
+ if response.status_code == 200:
+ text = response.content.decode('utf-8')
+ lines = text.splitlines()
+ # throw away everything up to `deps = {`
+ # We'll add our own opening brace to make it valid JSON
+ start = 0
+ for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
+ if line.startswith("deps = {"):
+ start = idx + 1
+ break
+ # throw away everything after the variable ends `}`
+ length = 0
+ for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
+ if idx < start:
+ continue
+ if line.startswith("}"):
+ length = idx
+ break
+ deps: list[str] = ['{', '}']
+ deps[1:1] = lines[start:length]
+ # remove any comments, because JSON doesn't like them
+ deps = [line for line in deps if not line.strip().startswith('#')]
+ # I hate to do this, but we need to remediate the JSON - single quotes to double quotes ho!
+ deps = [line.replace("'", '"') for line in deps]
+ # the `condition` variable is always a python comparison. Let's not even try to parse it.
+ # we don't care so just drop the whole line
+ deps = [line for line in deps if "condition" not in line]
+ # ditto `Var()`
+ deps = [line for line in deps if "Var(" not in line]
+ # if a line ends in ' +' it's a python thing and we probably already stripped whatever is being
+ # concatenated, so we can just remove the '+' and append a ','.
+ deps = [line.replace(" +", ",") if line.endswith(" +") else line for line in deps]
+ # strip ' "@",' from any lines... No idea what gclient does with this
+ deps = [line.replace(' "@",', "") for line in deps]
+ # If we encounter '[{' or '}]' we should expand them onto individual lines.
+ # for '[{', remove the { and add it on a new line, for '}]' remove the ] and add it on a new line.
+ # every instance so far has been '}],' so let's assume that holds true?
+ newdeps = []
+ for line in deps:
+ if '[{' in line:
+ # 'blah: [', '{'
+ newdeps.append(line[:-1])
+ newdeps.append('{')
+ elif '}]' in line:
+ # '},', '],'
+ newdeps.append(line[:-2])
+ newdeps.append('],')
+ else:
+ newdeps.append(line)
+ deps = newdeps
+ # if the last thing in an object has a trailing comma, it's invalid JSON so we need to remove it,
+ # probably easiest to do if we check that the next line is '}' when stripped and remediate that
+ newdeps = []
+ for idx, line in enumerate(deps):
+ if line.endswith(",") and deps[idx + 1].strip() == "}":
+ newdeps.append(line.replace(",", ""))
+ elif line.endswith(",") and deps[idx + 1].strip() == "},":
+ newdeps.append(line.replace(",", ""))
+ else:
+ newdeps.append(line)
+ deps = newdeps
+ newdeps = []
+ for idx, line in enumerate(deps):
+ if line.endswith("},") and deps[idx + 1].strip() == "]":
+ newdeps.append(line.replace(",", ""))
+ elif line.endswith("},") and deps[idx + 1].strip() == "],":
+ newdeps.append(line.replace(",", ""))
+ else:
+ newdeps.append(line)
+ deps = newdeps
+ # If the line does not contain a colon _and_ the previous and next lines contain '{' and '}' respectively,
+ # it's very likely a naked sha and json can't parse it. We can just strip it.
+ newdeps = []
+ for idx, line in enumerate(deps):
+ if ":" not in line and "{" in deps[idx - 1] and '}' in deps[idx + 1]:
+ continue
+ else:
+ newdeps.append(line)
+ deps = newdeps
+ # final blacklist; not worth writing a rule for this
+ bad_lines = [
+ '+ "@" + "42e892d96e47b1f6e29844cc705e148ec4856448", # release 1.9.4',
+ ]
+ deps = [line for line in deps if line.strip() not in bad_lines]
+ # Clean up any keys with no values. Always do this last
+ newdeps = []
+ for idx, line in enumerate(deps):
+ if line.endswith(":") and deps[idx + 1].strip() == "":
+ continue
+ else:
+ newdeps.append(line)
+ deps = newdeps
+ # debug_lines = range(1460, 1500)
+ # for idx, line in enumerate(deps):
+ # if idx in debug_lines:
+ # print(f"{idx}: {line}")
+ # Now we have a list of strings that should be valid JSON
+ # We can join them and load them
+ deps = json.loads('\n'.join(deps))
+ # Now we can get the testfonts SHA
+ return deps['src/third_party/test_fonts/test_fonts']['objects'][0]['object_name']
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Failed to get revision info. Status code: {response.status_code}")
+ return testfonts
+def get_revision_info(url) -> str:
+ """
+ Extracts revision and sub-revision from a Chromium source file URL.
+ Args:
+ url (str): The URL of the source file on GitHub's raw endpoint.
+ Returns:
+ tuple: A tuple containing the revision (str) and sub-revision (int)
+ or (None, None) if not found.
+ """
+ response = requests.get(url)
+ if response.status_code == 200:
+ text = response.content.decode('utf-8') # Decode to UTF-8
+ lines = text.splitlines()
+ revision = None
+ sub_revision = None
+ for line in lines:
+ if line.startswith("CLANG_REVISION") and not line.startswith("PACKAGE_VERSION"):
+ revision = line.split("=")[1].strip().strip("'")
+ elif line.startswith("CLANG_SUB_REVISION") and not line.startswith("PACKAGE_VERSION"):
+ sub_revision = int(line.split("=")[1].strip())
+ elif line.startswith("RUST_REVISION") and not line.startswith("specieid") and not line.startswith(" return"):
+ # I know that's spelt wrong, but apparently google cant't spell
+ revision = line.split("=")[1].strip().strip("'")
+ elif line.startswith("RUST_SUB_REVISION") and not line.startswith("specieid") and not line.startswith(" return"):
+ sub_revision = int(line.split("=")[1].strip()[-1])
+ if revision is None or sub_revision is None:
+ raise ValueError("Failed to extract revision and sub-revision")
+ return revision, sub_revision
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Failed to get revision info. Status code: {response.status_code}")
+def main():
+ version = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else "128.0.6613.113"
+ # It's a lot easier to use GH raw URLs for this
+ base_url = ""
+ clang_url = f"{base_url}{version}/tools/clang/scripts/"
+ rust_url = f"{base_url}{version}/tools/rust/"
+ deps_url = f"{base_url}{version}/DEPS"
+ clang_revision, clang_sub_revision = get_revision_info(clang_url)
+ rust_revision, rust_sub_revision = get_revision_info(rust_url)
+ testfonts = get_testfonts(deps_url)
+ if clang_revision and clang_sub_revision:
+ print(f"clang revision: {clang_revision}-{clang_sub_revision}")
+ else:
+ print("clang revision not found")
+ if rust_revision and rust_sub_revision:
+ print(f"rust revision: {rust_revision}-{rust_sub_revision}")
+ else:
+ print("rust revision not found")
+ if testfonts:
+ print(f"test fonts: {testfonts}")
+ else:
+ print("test fonts not found")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..44b2eef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+# This script extracts the Chromium version mapping for Microsoft Edge based on a given CVE ID.
+# It uses the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) API to get the Common Vulnerability Reporting Framework (CVRF)
+# for a given month and extracts the Chromium version mapping for Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) from the CVRF.
+# API Docs
+# We can use the CVRF API to get the Common Vulnerability Reporting Framework (CVRF) for a given month.
+# We can query the API via CVE ID to get the CVRF for a specific CVE, but that just leads us back to querying
+# the month. Stretch goal to ingest directly from bgo ticket aliases and confirm the month & version?
+# is the URL for the CVRF for August 2024
+# The XML looks like this:
+# <cvrfdoc
+# . . .
+# <vuln:Vulnerability
+# Ordinal="261">
+# <vuln:Title>Chromium: CVE-2024-7969 Type Confusion in V8</vuln:Title>
+# . . .
+# <vuln:ProductStatuses>
+# <vuln:Status
+# Type="Known Affected">
+# <vuln:ProductID>11655</vuln:ProductID>
+# . . .
+# </vuln:ProductStatuses>
+# . . .
+# <vuln:CVE>CVE-2024-7969</vuln:CVE>
+# . . .
+# <vuln:Remediations>
+# <vuln:Remediation
+# Type="Vendor Fix">
+# <vuln:Description>Release Notes</vuln:Description>
+# <vuln:URL />
+# <vuln:ProductID>11655</vuln:ProductID>
+# <vuln:AffectedFiles />
+# <vuln:RestartRequired>No</vuln:RestartRequired>
+# <vuln:SubType>Security Update</vuln:SubType>
+# <vuln:FixedBuild>128.0.2739.42</vuln:FixedBuild>
+# . . .
+# </vuln:Remediations>
+# . . .
+# </vuln:Vulnerability>
+# Process: Pick a month, get the CVRF for that month, then iterate over vulnerabilities to find the ones
+# that are for Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) `<vuln:ProductID>11655</vuln:ProductID>`.
+# Extract the <vuln:CVE>CVE-2024-7969</vuln:CVE> to extract a CVE ID and
+# map to Chromium versions using the <vuln:FixedBuild>128.0.2739.42</vuln:FixedBuild> tag (or the notes if we _have_ to).
+import argparse, calendar, dataclasses, datetime, os, sys
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+from portage import versions as portage_versions
+import bugzilla, requests
+class EdgeCVE:
+ cve: str
+ title: str
+ fixedbuild: str | None
+ def __str__(self):
+ return f"{self.cve}: {self.title}: Fixed {self.fixedbuild if not None else 'unknown'}"
+def get_edge_cves(year, month) -> list[EdgeCVE]:
+ """
+ Queries the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) API for the Common Vulnerability Reporting Framework (CVRF)
+ for a given month and extracts the Chromium version mapping for Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) from the CVRF.
+ Args:
+ year: The year to query.
+ month: The month to query.
+ Returns:
+ list[EdgeCVE]: A list of EdgeCVE objects.
+ """
+ msrcapi = f"{year}-{month}"
+ # Get the CVRF for the specified month
+ response = requests.get(msrcapi)
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ print(f"Website returned {response.status_code}")
+ print(f"Failed to get CVRF for {year}-{month}")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Parse the XML
+ root = ET.fromstring(response.text)
+ # Find all the vulnerabilities
+ vulnerabilities = root.findall(".//{}Vulnerability")
+ edge_cves = [] # Store the edge cves here
+ for vulnerability in vulnerabilities:
+ productstatuses = vulnerability.findall(".//{}ProductStatuses")
+ for productstatus in productstatuses:
+ productid = productstatus.find(".//{}ProductID")
+ if productid.text == "11655":
+ # This is a Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) vulnerability
+ cve_id = vulnerability.find(".//{}CVE").text
+ cve_title = vulnerability.find(".//{}Title").text
+ remediations = vulnerability.findall(".//{}Remediations")
+ for remediation in remediations:
+ fixedbuild = remediation.find(".//{}FixedBuild")
+ if fixedbuild is not None:
+ edge_cves.append(
+ EdgeCVE(cve_id, cve_title, fixedbuild.text)
+ )
+ else:
+ # Fall back to parsing that horrible, horrible table in the notes
+ notes = vulnerability.find(".//{}Notes")
+ # There appear to be multiple notes, but only one has content that we want:
+ # <vuln:Note Title="FAQ" Type="FAQ" Ordinal="10">&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;What is the version information for this release?&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt; # noqa: E501
+ found = False
+ for note in notes:
+ if note.attrib['Title'] == "FAQ" and note.attrib['Type'] == "FAQ":
+ # The note contains a table with the chromium and edge versions, written in "HTML"
+ # &lt;td&gt;8/22/2024&lt;/td&gt;
+ content = note.text
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser')
+ rows = soup.find_all('tr')
+ # We want the second row, second cell
+ if len(rows) > 1:
+ cells = rows[1].find_all('td')
+ if len(cells) > 1:
+ # We want the second cell (1st is channel, 3rd is chromium version)
+ edge_version = cells[1].text
+ if portage_versions.ververify(edge_version):
+ found = True
+ edge_cves.append(
+ EdgeCVE(cve_id, cve_title, edge_version)
+ )
+ if not found:
+ edge_cves.append(
+ EdgeCVE(cve_id, cve_title, None)
+ )
+ return edge_cves
+def get_cve_from_bug_alias(bugnumber: int) -> list[str]:
+ """
+ Queries the Gentoo bugzilla instance for the list of CVEs associated with a given bug.
+ Since we, by convention, alias bugs to CVEs, we can just query the alias field.
+ Args:
+ bugnumber (int): The bug number to query.
+ Returns:
+ list[str]: A list of CVEs associated with the bug.s
+ """
+ url = ""
+ keyfile = open(os.path.abspath('./bugzilla_api_key'))
+ api_key ='\n','')
+ print('connecting to b.g.o')
+ bzapi = bugzilla.Bugzilla(url, api_key)
+ bug = bzapi.getbug(bugnumber)
+ cves = bug.alias
+ print(f'Bug: {bug} has {len(cves)} CVEs:\n\t{', '.join(cves)}')
+ return cves
+def get_msrc_for_cve(cve: str) -> str:
+ """
+ Do a simple webrquest to get the CVRF for a given CVE.
+ Args:
+ cve (str): The CVE to query.
+ Returns:
+ str: The CVRF for the CVE.
+ """
+ msrcapi = f"{cve}"
+ response = requests.get(msrcapi)
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ print(f"Website returned {response.status_code}")
+ print(f"Failed to get CVRF for {cve}")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # This is JSON, we want { "value": [ { "ID": "2024-Aug" }, ] }
+ return response.json().get('value')[0].get('ID')
+def parse_arguments():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Script to get Edge CVEs.")
+ parser.add_argument('-m', '--month', type=int, help='Month as a number (1-12)',
+ parser.add_argument('-y', '--year', type=int, help='Year as a four-digit number',
+ parser.add_argument('-b', '--bug', nargs='*', help='List of bug identifiers')
+ parser.add_argument('-c', '--cve', nargs='*', help='List of CVE identifiers')
+ return parser.parse_args()
+def main():
+ args = parse_arguments()
+ # If we have a CVE to query (bugs contain them in the Alias field) we can query the API directly
+ # and work out which CVRF(s) to query.
+ if not args.bug and not args.cve:
+ month = calendar.month_name[args.month][0:3]
+ for cve in get_edge_cves(args.year, month):
+ print(cve)
+ # If we have a bug, we can query the bugzilla API to get the CVEs associated with it
+ elif args.bug:
+ for bug in args.bug:
+ cves = get_cve_from_bug_alias(bug)
+ msrcs = []
+ for cve in cves:
+ msrcs.append(get_msrc_for_cve(cve))
+ # Dedupe
+ msrcs = list(set(msrcs))
+ for msrc in msrcs:
+ for cve in get_edge_cves(msrc.split('-')[0], msrc.split('-')[1]):
+ if cve.cve in cves:
+ print(cve)
+ # If we have a CVE (or list of CVEs), we can query the API directly to identify the CVRFs to query
+ elif args.cve:
+ msrcs = []
+ cves = []
+ for cve_id in args.cve:
+ cves.append(cve_id)
+ msrcs.append(get_msrc_for_cve(cve_id))
+ # Dedupe
+ msrcs = list(set(msrcs))
+ for msrc in msrcs:
+ for cve in get_edge_cves(msrc.split('-')[0], msrc.split('-')[1]):
+ if cve.cve in cves:
+ print(cve)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/ b/
index 2b515b4..015fd21 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,29 +1,51 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+# This script is used to extract Opera and Chromium versions from the Opera changelog (blog)
+# This is incomplete data, so we need to fill in the gaps with the Chromium version from the previous known version
+# The intent here is to have _some_ sort of datasource to identify a potentially-fixed version of Opera based on
+# the Chromium version it includes.
+# High level logic:
+# We can fetch the opera blog posts that relate to a major version of Opera as long as they don't change their URIs.
+# We iterate over H4 elements to get the Opera version (and date, though we throw that away)
+# We then iterate over child elements until we find an "Update Chromium" entry, which we can use to get the
+# Chromium version (in which case we bail early) Or we exhaust the children and give up.
+# Lather, rinse, repeat.
+import argparse, dataclasses
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+from packaging.version import Version
+class OperaChromiumVersion:
+ opera_version: Version
+ chromium_version: Version
+ def __str__(self):
+ chromium_version_str = 'unknown' if self.chromium_version == Version('') else str(self.chromium_version)
+ return f"Opera Version: {self.opera_version}, Chromium Version: {chromium_version_str}"
def get_opera_chromium_versions(base_url, start_version, end_version):
- Extracts Opera and Chromium versions from the given base URL with version placeholders,
+ Extracts Opera and Chromium versions from the given base URL with version placeholders,
parsing content sections for versions from start_version to end_version (inclusive).
- base_url: The base URL for Opera changelogs with a version placeholder (e.g., "{version}/").
+ base_url: The base URL for Opera changelogs with a version placeholder (e.g.,
+ "{version}/").
start_version: The starting version to extract information for (inclusive).
end_version: The ending version to extract information for (inclusive).
- A dictionary mapping Opera version to Chromium version.
- If no update is mentioned, the previous Chromium version is used.
- For missing data or errors, "unknown" is used.
+ A list of OperaChromiumVersion objects containing the extracted version information.
- versions = {}
- chromium_version = None
+ versions: list[OperaChromiumVersion] = []
for version in range(start_version, end_version + 1):
- # Fix formatting issue:
- # OR url = base_url.format(version)
url = base_url.format(version)
print(f"Processing version {version}")
@@ -37,8 +59,8 @@ def get_opera_chromium_versions(base_url, start_version, end_version):
# Iterate through each section starting with an H4 element
for section in content.find_all('h4'):
+ chromium_version = None
version_str, date_str = section.text.strip().split(' – ')
- versions[version_str] = chromium_version
# Process all content elements (including nested ones) until the next H4
next_sibling = section.find_next_sibling(
@@ -62,7 +84,12 @@ def get_opera_chromium_versions(base_url, start_version, end_version):
# Handle missing Chromium version
if not chromium_version:
- chromium_version = "unknown"
+ chromium_version = ''
+ versions.append(OperaChromiumVersion(
+ Version(version_str),
+ Version(chromium_version)
+ ))
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
if e.args and e.args[0] == 404:
@@ -75,41 +102,69 @@ def get_opera_chromium_versions(base_url, start_version, end_version):
print(f"Unexpected error: {e}")
chromium_version = None # Reset chromium_version for next iteration
- return versions
+ # We're broadly sorted by major version, but within each major version we get newer entries first
+ # Sort by Opera version to get the correct order
+ sorted_versions = sorted(versions, key=lambda x: x.opera_version)
+ return sorted_versions
def remediate_unknown_versions(versions):
- Remediates entries with "unknown" values in the versions dictionary by
+ Remediates entries with '' values in the versions dictionary by
assuming no change from the previous known version.
- versions: A dictionary mapping Opera version to Chromium version.
+ versions: A list of OperaChromiumVersion objects containing the extracted version information.
- The modified versions dictionary with "unknown" values replaced based on previous entries.
+ A list of OperaChromiumVersion objects with '' values replaced
+ by the previous known version if available.
- previous_version = None
- for version, chromium_version in versions.items():
- if chromium_version == "unknown":
- if previous_version is not None:
- # Update with previous version
- versions[version] = previous_version
+ previous_version: Version = Version('')
+ fixed_versions: list[OperaChromiumVersion] = []
+ for mapping in versions:
+ if mapping.chromium_version == Version('') and previous_version is not Version(''):
+ # Update with previous version
+ fixed_versions.append(OperaChromiumVersion(mapping.opera_version, previous_version))
- previous_version = chromium_version # Update known version for future references
- return versions
+ # This should be fine, we're always parsing from oldest to newest
+ if previous_version < mapping.chromium_version:
+ previous_version = mapping.chromium_version
+ fixed_versions.append(mapping)
+ return fixed_versions
+def parse_arguments():
+ """
+ Parses the command line arguments and returns the parsed values.
+ Returns:
+ The parsed command line arguments.
+ """
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Get Opera and Chromium versions.')
+ parser.add_argument('start_ver', type=int, help='starting version', default=110)
+ parser.add_argument('end_ver', type=int, help='ending version', default=115)
+ return parser.parse_args()
+def main():
+ args = parse_arguments()
+ # Base URL with version placeholder
+ base_url = "{}/"
+ opera_chromium_versions = get_opera_chromium_versions(base_url, args.start_ver, args.end_ver)
+ fixed_versions = remediate_unknown_versions(opera_chromium_versions)
-# Example usage
-# Base URL with version placeholder
-base_url = "{}/"
-opera_chromium_versions = get_opera_chromium_versions(base_url, 100, 110)
+ # Print the versions
+ if fixed_versions:
+ for mapping in fixed_versions:
+ print(mapping)
+ else:
+ print("Failed to extract any versions.")
-opera_chromium_versions = remediate_unknown_versions(opera_chromium_versions)
-if opera_chromium_versions:
- for opera_version, chromium_version in opera_chromium_versions.items():
- print(
- f"Opera Version: {opera_version}, Chromium Version: {chromium_version}")
- print("Failed to extract any versions.")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 483d66f..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-# This script extracts version information from Chromium sources by way of a Gentoo ebuild
-# then plugs the version information into the ebuild file. This is useful for updating the
-# toolchain versions in the ebuild file when a new (major) version of Chromium is released.
-# Usage: <ebuild_file>
-# <ebuild_file>: The path to the Chromium ebuild file
-# Extract the version string from an ebuild
-get_version() {
- local filename="$1"
- [[ -z "$filename" ]] && return 1 # Check for empty filename
- local version_match="${filename##*-}"; # Extract everything after the last hyphen
- version_match="${version_match%.*}" # Remove extension (.ebuild)
- echo "$version_match"
-# Display script usage
-usage() {
- echo "Usage: <ebuild_file>"
- echo " <ebuild_file>: The path to the Chromium ebuild file"
-# Get the ebuild filename as the first argument
-# Check for missing argument
-if [[ -z "$ebuild_file" ]]; then
- echo "Error: Please provide an ebuild filename as an argument."
- usage
- exit 1
-# Extract version from filename
-version="$(get_version "$ebuild_file")"
-# Check if version extraction failed (function return code)
-if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
- echo "Error: Could not extract version from filename."
- exit 1
-# Construct S string based on version
-# Bad luck if you don't use /var/tmp/portage, I guess.
-# Run ebuild with clean and unpack options
-ebuild "$ebuild_file" clean unpack
-# No secret sauce here - it's just simpler to set the field separator to a single quote
-# and then extract the final character from the sub-revision field.
-# This is a bit of a hack, but it works for now - I haven't see upstream go past the
-# 9th sub-revision yet!
-llvm_version=$(awk -F"'" '
-/CLANG_REVISION =/ { revision = $2 }
-/CLANG_SUB_REVISION =/ { printf("%s-%d\n", revision, substr($1, length($1), 1)) }
-' "${S}/tools/clang/scripts/")
-rust_version=$(awk -F"'" '
-/RUST_REVISION =/ { revision = $2 }
-/RUST_SUB_REVISION =/ { printf("%s-%d\n", revision, substr($1, length($1), 1)) }
-' "${S}/tools/rust/")
-# Substitute versions into ebuild (assuming specific locations)
-sed -i "s/GOOGLE_CLANG_VER=.*/GOOGLE_CLANG_VER=${llvm_version}/" "$ebuild_file"
-sed -i "s/GOOGLE_RUST_VER=.*/GOOGLE_RUST_VER=${rust_version}/" "$ebuild_file"
-echo "Successfully substituted versions into $ebuild_file"
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7cd0f64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# spdx-license-identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+# Script to iterate over `ebuild foo-1.2.3.ebuild clean merge` and automatically add values to keeplibs.
+# Usage: ./ foo-1.2.3.ebuild
+# This script will run until the ebuild is merged, or until you interrupt it with Ctrl+C.
+# It will add the libraries to keeplibs in the ebuild as it goes.
+# Trap for Ctrl+C
+trap 'cleanup' INT
+cleanup() {
+ echo "[$(date)]: Script interrupted."
+ echo "$tmpfile" for this iteration\'s logs.
+ exit 1
+while true; do
+ start_time=$(date +%s)
+ libs=()
+ echo "[$(date)]: Processing $package; iteration $((++iter))"
+ echo "So far, we've added:"
+ if [ ${#added[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo " Nothing"
+ fi
+ for i in "${added[@]}"; do
+ echo " $i"
+ done
+ ebuild "${1}" clean merge 2>&1 | tee "$tmpfile"
+ # Should only ever be one but whatever
+ mapfile -t libs < <(grep 'ninja: error:' "$tmpfile" | awk '{print $3}' | cut -c 8- | awk -F/ '{OFS="/"; NF--; print}')
+ if [ ${#libs[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "[$(date)]: No new libraries to whitelist."
+ else
+ for lib in "${libs[@]}"; do
+ echo "[$(date)]: Whitelisting $lib"
+ if grep -q "$lib$" "${1}"; then
+ # Something went wrong if we're here but whatever.
+ echo "[$(date)]: $lib already exists in keeplibs"
+ else
+ echo "[$(date)]: Adding $lib to keeplibs"
+ sed -i "/^\s*local keeplibs=/a $lib" "${1}"
+ added+=("$lib")
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ if grep -q "www-client/$package merged" "$tmpfile"; then
+ rm "$tmpfile"
+ break
+ fi
+ end_time=$(date +%s)
+ elapsed_time=$((end_time - start_time))
+ if [ $elapsed_time -gt $timeout_secs ]; then
+ echo "[$(date)]: Ebuild execution took longer than the timeout. This is likely a build failure that requires patching. Exiting."
+ echo "$tmpfile" for this iteration\'s logs.
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Start with a clean slate for the next iteration
+ rm "$tmpfile"
diff --git a/opera-bump b/opera-bump
index c1e3c46..9f6a964 100755
--- a/opera-bump
+++ b/opera-bump
@@ -393,5 +393,6 @@ def main():
f"www-client/{pkg}: remove old",
"-s", "-S")
if __name__ == "__main__":