diff options
authorEugene Bright <>2019-10-08 01:05:41 +0300
committerJoonas Niilola <>2019-10-12 19:00:35 +0300
commit58bc3a98f0b7dcb733da224b416148717245d269 (patch)
treebd1cbe4c018144f0f32c5cfecf0cf9c057304c50 /sys-apps
parentnet-vpn/wireguard: bump to 0.0.20191012 (diff)
sys-apps/flashrom: remove old
Signed-off-by: Eugene Bright <> Signed-off-by: Joonas Niilola <>
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-apps')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 344 deletions
diff --git a/sys-apps/flashrom/Manifest b/sys-apps/flashrom/Manifest
index a4236aa07b9e..446fed63d465 100644
--- a/sys-apps/flashrom/Manifest
+++ b/sys-apps/flashrom/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-DIST flashrom- 368133 BLAKE2B 17ebea9814ad0513df7e8f80d7f9e2115d8751a881d480792bda323baa724b89137b4a0522a4270870bc87807c4021333eb55f5a6bf6747a8ae7e7be850c0e72 SHA512 335243ca869a49521b6404004496cdba16f11da4f5321bbc8786635bbc7a0fe7215de2015d67200da68d398ed270d9a2ad9308ca9f762790e39b9f0602e53529
-DIST flashrom-0.9.7.tar.bz2 408883 BLAKE2B cf4168d6e9bbc2de32714963c6a6730412041df36d5d4bac5e7021821dd18ecb13d94673c7aeecb24870e30c1e3ffd840f47bcb664b169107af5a7ac7b5e9f89 SHA512 a226c1ac3f9c7822b74ca14b7f9b53013110b2cdb66b1f936593c693ee54f19d643cc3a97a9635c05f2c959aca817668006f609ddb503a84d0bf5d510065674e
DIST flashrom-0.9.8.tar.bz2 473902 BLAKE2B c127a41c2857ae2e1564777b49b1eff17e2e931c8a2417e738e8188871a6ce4e0fe6a0380c2139aaa906f299ca833563df895aa5fd1af333b24bf7467de0dc8f SHA512 1a1c4513bac7cdf91326ab68b822034101e688bfab0dc0b5698f664fc766027229128c55eed94f302cac05d949647cdec6a103a423c3861b047cf0ff7cc0b509
-DIST flashrom-0.9.9.tar.bz2 495199 BLAKE2B 0bfb6fe1ea3dfbc21192da574473190b6674a4cdada5b2ad5200174a2c7249aae196eadc9fc48208174caf2f8b19588a73f717cf17781b0fd1fa5791cde7fc08 SHA512 155445ce7acab97f91596aad704aa2211da1c3f71fb463fc65c621dfea41e44b5de7db801c5b5cfc37450e8a8cfed5b202553715d999710422c830a0c38ae153
DIST flashrom-1.0.tar.bz2 321693 BLAKE2B 7e3e021cdf639083717ca30d5268ac9e02eb8b68e54bbcd5caf9de4352f332ba0ab23cf22253f0627fa9c9a0472404fff44cda17e8c306fe4f93b2b1f0563718 SHA512 355ac1322421b2fd699deb0ceff8555c9e89062e639de674c62f1fdacad9ed9351fe89e4c14e22f07a6d4e2e2f070fd4d2ed1cd347a20069f2505966b5c29e0e
DIST flashrom-v1.1.tar.bz2 348458 BLAKE2B cee1b8e4f680739e794239c3d777ef9cf0af1f734fe4d8f4b122d26316cdb8d45d53f92054937c7cde1737364ba8ed80410561bfbb7f304b0371942be144859b SHA512 8cb75a7223490fa9dbd65a85d24a87beab68ee03120891a3d8ebf4e8bc3d2a2ee640e254ccff657eaf5175e6c2477288337369fa1b1dac110a0903b0c95c1e56
diff --git a/sys-apps/flashrom/flashrom- b/sys-apps/flashrom/flashrom-
deleted file mode 100644
index 20046adafbec..000000000000
--- a/sys-apps/flashrom/flashrom-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit eutils toolchain-funcs
-if [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]] ; then
- inherit subversion
- SRC_URI="${P}.tar.bz2"
- KEYWORDS="amd64 arm x86"
-DESCRIPTION="Utility for reading, writing, erasing and verifying flash ROM chips"
-IUSE="atahpt +bitbang_spi +buspirate_spi +dediprog doc +drkaiser
-+dummy ft2232_spi +gfxnvidia +internal +nic3com +nicintel +nicintel_spi
-nicnatsemi nicrealtek +ogp_spi rayer_spi
-+pony_spi +satasii satamv +serprog +wiki"
-COMMON_DEPEND="atahpt? ( sys-apps/pciutils )
- dediprog? ( virtual/libusb:0 )
- drkaiser? ( sys-apps/pciutils )
- ft2232_spi? ( dev-embedded/libftdi:0 )
- gfxnvidia? ( sys-apps/pciutils )
- internal? ( sys-apps/pciutils )
- nic3com? ( sys-apps/pciutils )
- nicintel? ( sys-apps/pciutils )
- nicintel_spi? ( sys-apps/pciutils )
- nicnatsemi? ( sys-apps/pciutils )
- nicrealtek? ( sys-apps/pciutils )
- rayer_spi? ( sys-apps/pciutils )
- satasii? ( sys-apps/pciutils )
- satamv? ( sys-apps/pciutils )
- ogp_spi? ( sys-apps/pciutils )"
- internal? ( sys-apps/dmidecode )"
- sys-apps/diffutils"
-_flashrom_enable() {
- local c="CONFIG_${2:-$(echo $1 | tr [:lower:] [:upper:])}"
- args+=" $c=$(usex $1 yes no)"
-flashrom_enable() {
- local u
- for u in "$@" ; do _flashrom_enable $u ; done
-src_compile() {
- local progs=0
- local args=""
- # Programmer
- flashrom_enable \
- atahpt bitbang_spi buspirate_spi dediprog drkaiser \
- ft2232_spi gfxnvidia nic3com nicintel nicintel_spi nicnatsemi nicrealtek \
- ogp_spi rayer_spi pony_spi \
- satasii satamv serprog \
- internal dummy
- _flashrom_enable wiki PRINT_WIKI
- # You have to specify at least one programmer, and if you specify more than
- # one programmer you have to include either dummy or internal in the list.
- for prog in ${IUSE//[+-]} ; do
- case ${prog} in
- internal|dummy|wiki) continue ;;
- esac
- use ${prog} && : $(( progs++ ))
- done
- if [ $progs -ne 1 ] ; then
- if ! use internal && ! use dummy ; then
- ewarn "You have to specify at least one programmer, and if you specify"
- ewarn "more than one programmer, you have to enable either dummy or"
- ewarn "internal as well. 'internal' will be the default now."
- args+=" CONFIG_INTERNAL=yes"
- fi
- fi
- # WARNERROR=no, bug 347879
- tc-export AR CC RANLIB
- emake WARNERROR=no ${args} || die
-src_install() {
- dosbin flashrom || die
- doman flashrom.8
- dodoc ChangeLog README
- if use doc; then
- dodoc Documentation/*.txt
- fi
diff --git a/sys-apps/flashrom/flashrom-0.9.7.ebuild b/sys-apps/flashrom/flashrom-0.9.7.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ddd4a0e7b4a..000000000000
--- a/sys-apps/flashrom/flashrom-0.9.7.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit eutils toolchain-funcs
-if [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]] ; then
- inherit subversion
- SRC_URI="${P}.tar.bz2"
- KEYWORDS="amd64 arm x86"
-DESCRIPTION="Utility for reading, writing, erasing and verifying flash ROM chips"
-IUSE="atahpt +bitbang_spi +buspirate_spi +dediprog +drkaiser
-+dummy ft2232_spi +gfxnvidia +internal +linux_spi +nic3com +nicintel
-+nicintel_spi nicnatsemi nicrealtek +ogp_spi rayer_spi
-+pony_spi +satasii satamv +serprog static tools usbblaster +wiki"
-LIB_DEPEND="atahpt? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- dediprog? ( virtual/libusb:0[static-libs(+)] )
- drkaiser? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- ft2232_spi? ( dev-embedded/libftdi:0[static-libs(+)] )
- gfxnvidia? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- internal? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- nic3com? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- nicintel? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- nicintel_spi? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- nicnatsemi? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- nicrealtek? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- rayer_spi? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- satasii? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- satamv? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- usbblaster? ( dev-embedded/libftdi:0[static-libs(+)] )
- ogp_spi? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )"
-RDEPEND="!static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND//\[static-libs(+)]} )"
- static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND} )
- sys-apps/diffutils"
-RDEPEND+=" internal? ( sys-apps/dmidecode )"
-_flashrom_enable() {
- local c="CONFIG_${2:-$(echo $1 | tr [:lower:] [:upper:])}"
- args+=" $c=$(usex $1 yes no)"
-flashrom_enable() {
- local u
- for u in "$@" ; do _flashrom_enable $u ; done
-src_compile() {
- local progs=0
- local args=""
- # Programmer
- flashrom_enable \
- atahpt bitbang_spi buspirate_spi dediprog drkaiser \
- ft2232_spi gfxnvidia linux_spi nic3com nicintel \
- nicintel_spi nicnatsemi nicrealtek ogp_spi rayer_spi \
- pony_spi satasii satamv serprog usbblaster \
- internal dummy
- _flashrom_enable wiki PRINT_WIKI
- _flashrom_enable static STATIC
- # You have to specify at least one programmer, and if you specify more than
- # one programmer you have to include either dummy or internal in the list.
- for prog in ${IUSE//[+-]} ; do
- case ${prog} in
- internal|dummy|wiki) continue ;;
- esac
- use ${prog} && : $(( progs++ ))
- done
- if [[ ${progs} -ne 1 ]] ; then
- if ! use internal && ! use dummy ; then
- ewarn "You have to specify at least one programmer, and if you specify"
- ewarn "more than one programmer, you have to enable either dummy or"
- ewarn "internal as well. 'internal' will be the default now."
- args+=" CONFIG_INTERNAL=yes"
- fi
- fi
- # WARNERROR=no, bug 347879
- tc-export AR CC RANLIB
- emake WARNERROR=no ${args}
-src_test() {
- if [[ -d tests ]] ; then
- pushd tests >/dev/null
- ./ || die
- popd >/dev/null
- fi
-src_install() {
- dosbin flashrom
- doman flashrom.8
- dodoc ChangeLog README Documentation/*.txt
- if use tools; then
- if use amd64; then
- dosbin util/ich_descriptors_tool/ich_descriptors_tool
- elif use x86; then
- dosbin util/ich_descriptors_tool/ich_descriptors_tool
- fi
- fi
diff --git a/sys-apps/flashrom/flashrom-0.9.9.ebuild b/sys-apps/flashrom/flashrom-0.9.9.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ccbc53db826..000000000000
--- a/sys-apps/flashrom/flashrom-0.9.9.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit eutils toolchain-funcs
-if [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]] ; then
- inherit subversion
- SRC_URI="${P}.tar.bz2"
- KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
-DESCRIPTION="Utility for reading, writing, erasing and verifying flash ROM chips"
-# The defaults match the upstream Makefile.
-# Note: Do not list bitbang_spi as it is not a programmer; it's a backend used
-# by some other spi programmers.
-atahpt +atapromise +atavia +buspirate_spi +ch341a_spi +dediprog +drkaiser +dummy
-+ft2232_spi +gfxnvidia +internal +it8212 +linux_spi mstarddc_spi +nic3com
-+nicintel +nicintel_eeprom +nicintel_spi nicnatsemi +nicrealtek +ogp_spi
-+pickit2_spi +pony_spi +rayer_spi +satamv +satasii +serprog +usbblaster_spi"
-IUSE="${IUSE_PROGRAMMERS} +internal_dmi static tools +wiki"
-LIB_DEPEND="atahpt? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- atapromise? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- atavia? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- ch341a_spi? ( virtual/libusb:1[static-libs(+)] )
- dediprog? ( virtual/libusb:1[static-libs(+)] )
- drkaiser? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- ft2232_spi? ( dev-embedded/libftdi:=[static-libs(+)] )
- gfxnvidia? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- it8212? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- internal? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- nic3com? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- nicintel? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- nicintel_eeprom? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- nicintel_spi? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- nicnatsemi? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- nicrealtek? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- ogp_spi? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- pickit2_spi? ( virtual/libusb:0[static-libs(+)] )
- rayer_spi? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- satamv? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- satasii? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )
- usbblaster_spi? ( dev-embedded/libftdi:=[static-libs(+)] )"
-RDEPEND="!static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND//\[static-libs(+)]} )"
- static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND} )
- sys-apps/diffutils"
-RDEPEND+=" !internal_dmi? ( sys-apps/dmidecode )"
-_flashrom_enable() {
- local c="CONFIG_${2:-$(echo "$1" | tr [:lower:] [:upper:])}"
- args+=( "${c}=$(usex $1 yes no)" )
-flashrom_enable() {
- local u
- for u ; do _flashrom_enable "${u}" ; done
-src_prepare() {
- sed -i \
- -e 's:pkg-config:$(PKG_CONFIG):' \
- Makefile || die
-src_compile() {
- # Help keep things in sync.
- local sprogs=$(echo $(
- grep -o 'CONFIG_[A-Z0-9_]*' flashrom.c | \
- sort -u | \
- sed 's:^CONFIG_::' | \
- tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'))
- local eprogs=$(echo ${IUSE_PROGRAMMERS//[+-]})
- if [[ ${sprogs} != "${eprogs}" ]] ; then
- eerror "The ebuild needs to be kept in sync."
- eerror "IUSE set to: ${eprogs}"
- eerror "flashrom.c : ${sprogs}"
- die "sync IUSE to the list of source programmers"
- fi
- # Turn USE flags into CONFIG_xxx settings.
- local args=()
- flashrom_enable ${eprogs}
- _flashrom_enable wiki PRINT_WIKI
- _flashrom_enable static STATIC
- # You have to specify at least one programmer, and if you specify more than
- # one programmer you have to include either dummy or internal in the list.
- # We pick dummy as the default because internal requires libpci.
- if ! use internal && ! use dummy ; then
- if [[ ${#args[@]} -ne 1 ]] ; then
- ewarn "You have to specify at least one programmer, and if you specify"
- ewarn "more than one programmer, you have to enable either dummy or"
- ewarn "internal as well. 'dummy' will be the default now."
- args+=( CONFIG_DUMMY=yes )
- fi
- fi
- emake WARNERROR=no "${args[@]}"
-src_test() {
- if [[ -d tests ]] ; then
- pushd tests >/dev/null
- ./ || die
- popd >/dev/null
- fi
-src_install() {
- dosbin flashrom
- doman flashrom.8
- dodoc README Documentation/*.txt
- if use tools ; then
- if use amd64 ; then
- dosbin util/ich_descriptors_tool/ich_descriptors_tool
- elif use x86 ; then
- dosbin util/ich_descriptors_tool/ich_descriptors_tool
- fi
- fi