diff options
authorBenedikt Boehm <>2007-12-15 14:32:53 +0000
committerBenedikt Boehm <>2007-12-15 14:32:53 +0000
commita57f41e0b98c32bef4a504d772bc1b84842b3ead (patch)
parentversion bump; #200947 (diff)
fix #201163, #201586, #201923, #202327, #202376; first unmasked USE_EXPAND version
Package-Manager: portage-2.1.4_rc8
-rw-r--r--www-servers/apache/apache-2.2.6-r6.ebuild (renamed from www-servers/apache/apache-2.2.6-r4.ebuild)19
7 files changed, 46 insertions, 532 deletions
diff --git a/www-servers/apache/ChangeLog b/www-servers/apache/ChangeLog
index 0e2c7f764519..925037a8bcb3 100644
--- a/www-servers/apache/ChangeLog
+++ b/www-servers/apache/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# ChangeLog for www-servers/apache
# Copyright 2002-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-servers/apache/ChangeLog,v 1.38 2007/12/14 22:34:02 hollow Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-servers/apache/ChangeLog,v 1.39 2007/12/15 14:32:52 hollow Exp $
+*apache-2.2.6-r6 (15 Dec 2007)
+ 15 Dec 2007; Benedikt Böhm <> -apache-2.2.6-r2.ebuild,
+ -apache-2.2.6-r4.ebuild, +apache-2.2.6-r6.ebuild:
+ fix #201163, #201586, #201923, #202327, #202376; first unmasked USE_EXPAND
+ version
*apache-2.2.6-r5 (14 Dec 2007)
diff --git a/www-servers/apache/Manifest b/www-servers/apache/Manifest
index e412960c8fa0..6c0489df6770 100644
--- a/www-servers/apache/Manifest
+++ b/www-servers/apache/Manifest
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ DIST gentoo-apache-2.0.59-r5-20070828.tar.bz2 63913 RMD160 c0cfc72d0316b0a977296
DIST gentoo-apache-2.0.61-20070907.tar.bz2 58543 RMD160 3d40fd2e793bfedbca0410e6aa31ec7cabd404ef SHA1 060eea0df3dc6674cb35e5c873469d20c7955a21 SHA256 f981b2627edace251a12a58fb22dacd98e6beb764b092db518ee3dac0045420e
DIST gentoo-apache-2.2.6-20070907.tar.bz2 58121 RMD160 d0e5f55a8985f97fcdf646e04d92f6519f968104 SHA1 f9fd830bfb8e6c6e3cbac9d8342cc981032d20c5 SHA256 56f809f93fdcba204e6be271f195095d8ad033aa61447dab607af91d95cde8e6
DIST gentoo-apache-2.2.6-r2-20071020.tar.bz2 58805 RMD160 0471593be243a4ecb6f7386b76411e9f1b2e9048 SHA1 7e87e95950d8a68f9f3d1c4ed913d6aa093bbb2e SHA256 3711e6f3c63b931b80f6db2602ad66e5303c7779f6a0571fe14156b7ec7ab3f5
-DIST gentoo-apache-2.2.6-r4-20071128.tar.bz2 60413 RMD160 0be944e6b13ffaef1916ba59d76312468dac33a7 SHA1 46a49b3ed93ffce9ac7c2bbc71be9b8e8ee7884e SHA256 8510c0032888b378013be227a3937e9ab45b5cb3b13dbd8f6277b1f2afa6043e
+DIST gentoo-apache-2.2.6-r6-20071215.tar.bz2 60964 RMD160 b2ea87d18117566a644fe012d23affd38d1f7ef6 SHA1 7a03af24bddf7e9b300eaad891a467ba25ab53ad SHA256 e2ec95dbfd3d406d16a5694746ade43863712037c12ac70f3433b16c75bf5638
DIST httpd-2.0.58.tar.bz2 4704318 RMD160 2ff44b2254552db908f1defd09e3142527f9bf83 SHA1 697e1674f8efbbe05b9f6c1ba00cd28a37293229 SHA256 4f746715c408f4cac48099ea72560c50ef190568dfcfa8e0762bae66c0398029
DIST httpd-2.0.59.tar.bz2 4743549 RMD160 78b802354e338798a6978ece8b3568be97542174 SHA1 908209cd6e52f700d2a841a25de36e44d469c376 SHA256 bbac543ca9f80826f71eb16945610f8f90a36b346efc658be3b466ec0c990c0d
DIST httpd-2.0.61.tar.bz2 4580339 RMD160 a2c2c90976a967112a9129b9716d880d71261882 SHA1 665017829022d287ffe3cec749e2b5b61252d7b4 SHA256 c257d3a6c120a21a637b422cf9973be2fca9bee58ae70478f5235adb5fac8899
@@ -27,26 +27,22 @@ EBUILD apache-2.0.61.ebuild 14094 RMD160 25a474ce27851899d050f096650b89970171527
MD5 95ae00f822d6d50d45999f9d54cc46f7 apache-2.0.61.ebuild 14094
RMD160 25a474ce27851899d050f096650b899701715279 apache-2.0.61.ebuild 14094
SHA256 78bffd5366c9b90c105b802123bb218e3dece320c8b7fe2722d82a8d8eb0913d apache-2.0.61.ebuild 14094
-EBUILD apache-2.2.6-r2.ebuild 15786 RMD160 0c5441fe77fda84b29a1b2fe2daceee9bcd27d36 SHA1 2922ee0a86e07ba342ff00f03faf61f40af5de6e SHA256 5e8d6ab5bfab1b42e55fb68d73cac3cf7839379258946f16fa9cd75ab4643179
-MD5 253a635db9d5348823336948fcfaaa16 apache-2.2.6-r2.ebuild 15786
-RMD160 0c5441fe77fda84b29a1b2fe2daceee9bcd27d36 apache-2.2.6-r2.ebuild 15786
-SHA256 5e8d6ab5bfab1b42e55fb68d73cac3cf7839379258946f16fa9cd75ab4643179 apache-2.2.6-r2.ebuild 15786
-EBUILD apache-2.2.6-r4.ebuild 5001 RMD160 bbaf0d8773d73f115a187f13b5bd8d94b6e2c627 SHA1 4d951b2fc1655ca017eb094bda5ecd4c58854a9e SHA256 fd4a9957734526829166929dbd9feae11e9a344c0ab25c073eea1b66760e5188
-MD5 1cdf3ce84e9d4222cf0ead077156167e apache-2.2.6-r4.ebuild 5001
-RMD160 bbaf0d8773d73f115a187f13b5bd8d94b6e2c627 apache-2.2.6-r4.ebuild 5001
-SHA256 fd4a9957734526829166929dbd9feae11e9a344c0ab25c073eea1b66760e5188 apache-2.2.6-r4.ebuild 5001
EBUILD apache-2.2.6-r5.ebuild 15841 RMD160 676b8d2ac2342f506d3b0c2d7efd40c684c9c076 SHA1 fee25cefe6102825e5e54e878cf7a7148a7cf8ba SHA256 a6b5d14c116b2c12569e27666305afbf8e7feb2d30f27109c4be584a8a84eaa5
MD5 9be68997201ce171bf08c805f69597ee apache-2.2.6-r5.ebuild 15841
RMD160 676b8d2ac2342f506d3b0c2d7efd40c684c9c076 apache-2.2.6-r5.ebuild 15841
SHA256 a6b5d14c116b2c12569e27666305afbf8e7feb2d30f27109c4be584a8a84eaa5 apache-2.2.6-r5.ebuild 15841
+EBUILD apache-2.2.6-r6.ebuild 5166 RMD160 349712d8b52a97732595a29c01d13e53227bb4ba SHA1 1f1238b2d3af0aa370745b856d0aa06e01cce476 SHA256 a5d0c624852c6aa2ab7437a9209a8c28aaf40d0e7938050fcf185d2be546f635
+MD5 5c08d9e76fc44223c0643c7ed0674dd1 apache-2.2.6-r6.ebuild 5166
+RMD160 349712d8b52a97732595a29c01d13e53227bb4ba apache-2.2.6-r6.ebuild 5166
+SHA256 a5d0c624852c6aa2ab7437a9209a8c28aaf40d0e7938050fcf185d2be546f635 apache-2.2.6-r6.ebuild 5166
EBUILD apache-2.2.6.ebuild 15370 RMD160 6317292a5ab3c80979ad91c781ecb473738a33a6 SHA1 8aa8d0f4dd44d9c285924ccaf983c4acc6ab83e8 SHA256 ef0e00f4ab52a4ce5a2b62010e4b568d95fc942668219a251b4b049a00a23b23
MD5 f12d48c7c70eb8a2d9f2ed0d016a1645 apache-2.2.6.ebuild 15370
RMD160 6317292a5ab3c80979ad91c781ecb473738a33a6 apache-2.2.6.ebuild 15370
SHA256 ef0e00f4ab52a4ce5a2b62010e4b568d95fc942668219a251b4b049a00a23b23 apache-2.2.6.ebuild 15370
-MISC ChangeLog 98570 RMD160 f82e81be82c8b931a0114039f9694c5b1923d8e5 SHA1 43ec9891352fef04df53a2881e6f675b84d7540f SHA256 5d45675dc21cbc4dacff2b44eaabc0a35b46d187223dd106d685b68ecae504ae
-MD5 3be372d8f1d466cbb3d92db57d88c5a4 ChangeLog 98570
-RMD160 f82e81be82c8b931a0114039f9694c5b1923d8e5 ChangeLog 98570
-SHA256 5d45675dc21cbc4dacff2b44eaabc0a35b46d187223dd106d685b68ecae504ae ChangeLog 98570
+MISC ChangeLog 98817 RMD160 7c88550972cbf21d890d44e9969ed58ab6987d8b SHA1 b170d916cfa1b876cfaf73a78c26d59cf88e3a7a SHA256 f5db6d426b8156c1ec17edc99a0c7fa7925f47164ff34e68e882910bdea9b36d
+MD5 1d4f881ee0040389e86e09c5d77a1f6e ChangeLog 98817
+RMD160 7c88550972cbf21d890d44e9969ed58ab6987d8b ChangeLog 98817
+SHA256 f5db6d426b8156c1ec17edc99a0c7fa7925f47164ff34e68e882910bdea9b36d ChangeLog 98817
MISC metadata.xml 551 RMD160 1b31261c043e57cabc9bd8582f9b34c09d92d108 SHA1 68bb286a67452c3dae7525195c60b8637cca9b81 SHA256 646729a42ddffcbde3426dd6aa9a77fab923bc348c5b34c9d24083d86fbb15eb
MD5 0f28752ee3545b3fd8e28ee656e62f4b metadata.xml 551
RMD160 1b31261c043e57cabc9bd8582f9b34c09d92d108 metadata.xml 551
@@ -63,19 +59,16 @@ SHA256 8ad4c288c951fd89f7f251f441fb4e357e58f1d570c798be0b4cf73ae2a1c061 files/di
MD5 bf89379d611a34d10b6e0a55eee69f9b files/digest-apache-2.2.6 527
RMD160 77f2fce54301244724ec61c4a3e0b96dc7106b33 files/digest-apache-2.2.6 527
SHA256 69de15f758686c7f7977e0b75dd988e247162fb97fb394be4efe40997a53e308 files/digest-apache-2.2.6 527
-MD5 f055984d26898f84b9a767c5e052ae83 files/digest-apache-2.2.6-r2 536
-RMD160 f824d5e2e706c1d5654ae80a1c3806c94782fcdc files/digest-apache-2.2.6-r2 536
-SHA256 c8df8e510c87a64c990b66893443b97796d8cdbfa7da48218244cf95d20659c1 files/digest-apache-2.2.6-r2 536
-MD5 d22b771236a4ce4f2e72893691f04467 files/digest-apache-2.2.6-r4 536
-RMD160 a3b451ec48e4637156f06c30f783159c1270c85b files/digest-apache-2.2.6-r4 536
-SHA256 9e0fca60a2fa52c18bfe9a888a29b9c2b02f2e5558b00cd9e0d3de901d347adf files/digest-apache-2.2.6-r4 536
MD5 f055984d26898f84b9a767c5e052ae83 files/digest-apache-2.2.6-r5 536
RMD160 f824d5e2e706c1d5654ae80a1c3806c94782fcdc files/digest-apache-2.2.6-r5 536
SHA256 c8df8e510c87a64c990b66893443b97796d8cdbfa7da48218244cf95d20659c1 files/digest-apache-2.2.6-r5 536
+MD5 d6e528b4934cf191516f6053c9f63c97 files/digest-apache-2.2.6-r6 536
+RMD160 f32d00e581a61a1b1e183f9229da0ca2048c5a9f files/digest-apache-2.2.6-r6 536
+SHA256 b96912d1eb1d3325b98daf7aa5314bf5eb5826206ba24add0d9840904497c541 files/digest-apache-2.2.6-r6 536
Version: GnuPG v2.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/www-servers/apache/apache-2.2.6-r2.ebuild b/www-servers/apache/apache-2.2.6-r2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index a4bb245f0aed..000000000000
--- a/www-servers/apache/apache-2.2.6-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,495 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-servers/apache/apache-2.2.6-r2.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/10/20 17:15:21 hollow Exp $
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic multilib autotools
-# latest gentoo apache files
-DESCRIPTION="The Apache Web Server."
-# some helper scripts are apache-1.1, thus both are here
-LICENSE="Apache-2.0 Apache-1.1"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-IUSE="debug doc ldap mpm-event mpm-itk mpm-peruser mpm-prefork mpm-worker no-suexec selinux ssl static-modules threads"
- =dev-libs/apr-1*
- =dev-libs/apr-util-1*
- dev-libs/expat
- dev-libs/libpcre
- sys-libs/zlib
- ldap? ( =net-nds/openldap-2* )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-apache )
- ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
- !=www-servers/apache-1*
- !=app-admin/apache-tools-2.2.4-r2"
- app-misc/mime-types"
-pkg_setup() {
- if use ldap && ! built_with_use 'dev-libs/apr-util' ldap ; then
- eerror "dev-libs/apr-util is missing LDAP support. For apache to have"
- eerror "ldap support, apr-util must be built with the ldap USE-flag"
- eerror "enabled."
- die "ldap USE-flag enabled while not supported in apr-util"
- fi
- # Select the default MPM module
- MPM_LIST="event itk peruser prefork worker"
- for x in ${MPM_LIST} ; do
- if use mpm-${x} ; then
- if [[ "x${mpm}" == "x" ]] ; then
- mpm=${x}
- elog
- elog "Selected MPM: ${mpm}"
- elog
- else
- eerror "You have selected more then one mpm USE-flag."
- eerror "Only one MPM is supported."
- die "more then one mpm was specified"
- fi
- fi
- done
- if [[ "x${mpm}" == "x" ]] ; then
- if use threads ; then
- mpm=worker
- elog
- elog "Selected default threaded MPM: ${mpm}";
- elog
- else
- mpm=prefork
- elog
- elog "Selected default MPM: ${mpm}";
- elog
- fi
- fi
- # setup apache user and group
- enewgroup apache 81
- enewuser apache 81 -1 /var/www apache
- if ! use no-suexec ; then
- elog
- elog "You can manipulate several configure options of suexec"
- elog "through the following environment variables:"
- elog
- elog " SUEXEC_SAFEPATH: Default PATH for suexec (default: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin)"
- elog " SUEXEC_LOGFILE: Path to the suexec logfile (default: /var/log/apache2/suexec_log)"
- elog " SUEXEC_CALLER: Name of the user Apache is running as (default: apache)"
- elog " SUEXEC_DOCROOT: Directory in which suexec will run scripts (default: /var/www)"
- elog " SUEXEC_MINUID: Minimum UID, which is allowed to run scripts via suexec (default: 1000)"
- elog " SUEXEC_MINGID: Minimum GID, which is allowed to run scripts via suexec (default: 100)"
- elog " SUEXEC_USERDIR: User subdirectories (like /home/user/html) (default: public_html)"
- elog " SUEXEC_UMASK: Umask for the suexec process (default: 077)"
- elog
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- # Use correct multilib libdir in gentoo patches
- sed -i -e "s:/usr/lib:/usr/$(get_libdir):g" \
- "${GENTOO_PATCHDIR}"/{conf/httpd.conf,init/*,patches/config.layout} \
- || die "libdir sed failed"
- #### Patch Organization
- # 00-19 Gentoo specific (00_all_some-title.patch)
- # 20-39 Additional MPMs (20_all_${MPM}_some-title.patch)
- # 40-59 USE-flag based (40_all_${USE}_some-title.patch)
- # 60-79 Version specific (60_all_${PV}_some-title.patch)
- # 80-99 Security patches (80_all_${PV}_cve-####-####.patch)
- epatch "${GENTOO_PATCHDIR}"/patches/*.patch
- # setup the filesystem layout config
- cat "${GENTOO_PATCHDIR}"/patches/config.layout >> "${S}"/config.layout || \
- die "Failed preparing config.layout!"
- sed -i -e "s:version:${PF}:g" "${S}"/config.layout
- # patched-in MPMs need the build environment rebuilt
- sed -i -e '/sinclude/d'
- AT_GNUCONF_UPDATE=yes AT_M4DIR=build eautoreconf
- # apache2.8 instead of httpd.8 (bug #194828)
- mv docs/man/{httpd,apache2}.8
-src_compile() {
- local modtype="shared" myconf=""
- cd "${S}"
- # Instead of filtering --as-needed (bug #128505), append --no-as-needed
- # Thanks to Harald van Dijk
- append-ldflags -Wl,--no-as-needed
- # peruser MPM debugging with -X is nearly impossible
- use mpm-peruser && use debug && append-flags -DMPM_PERUSER_DEBUG
- use static-modules && modtype="static"
- select_modules_config || die "determining modules failed"
- if use ldap ; then
- mods="${mods} ldap authnz_ldap"
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-authnz-ldap=${modtype} --enable-ldap=${modtype}"
- fi
- if use threads || use mpm-worker || use mpm-event; then
- mods="${mods} cgid"
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-cgid=${modtype}"
- else
- mods="${mods} cgi"
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-cgi=${modtype}"
- fi
- if use ssl; then
- mods="${mods} ssl"
- myconf="${myconf} --with-ssl=/usr --enable-ssl=${modtype}"
- fi
- if use debug; then
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-maintainer-mode --enable-exception-hook"
- fi
- # Only build suexec with USE=-no-suexec
- if use no-suexec ; then
- myconf="${myconf} --disable-suexec"
- else
- myconf="${myconf} --with-suexec-safepath=${SUEXEC_SAFEPATH:-/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin}"
- myconf="${myconf} --with-suexec-logfile=${SUEXEC_LOGFILE:-/var/log/apache2/suexec_log}"
- myconf="${myconf} --with-suexec-bin=/usr/sbin/suexec"
- myconf="${myconf} --with-suexec-userdir=${SUEXEC_USERDIR:-public_html}"
- myconf="${myconf} --with-suexec-caller=${SUEXEC_CALLER:-apache}"
- myconf="${myconf} --with-suexec-docroot=${SUEXEC_DOCROOT:-/var/www}"
- myconf="${myconf} --with-suexec-uidmin=${SUEXEC_MINUID:-1000}"
- myconf="${myconf} --with-suexec-gidmin=${SUEXEC_MINGID:-100}"
- myconf="${myconf} --with-suexec-umask=${SUEXEC_UMASK:-077}"
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-suexec=${modtype}"
- mods="${mods} suexec"
- fi
- # econf overwrites the stuff from config.layout, so we have to put them into
- # our myconf line too
- econf \
- --includedir=/usr/include/apache2 \
- --libexecdir=/usr/$(get_libdir)/apache2/modules \
- --datadir=/var/www/localhost \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/apache2 \
- --localstatedir=/var \
- --with-mpm=${mpm} \
- --with-perl=/usr/bin/perl \
- --with-expat=/usr \
- --with-z=/usr \
- --with-apr=/usr \
- --with-apr-util=/usr \
- --with-pcre=/usr \
- --with-port=80 \
- --with-program-name=apache2 \
- --enable-layout=Gentoo \
- ${myconf} ${MY_BUILTINS} || die "econf failed!"
- sed -i -e 's:apache2\.conf:httpd.conf:' include/ap_config_auto.h
- emake || die "emake failed"
-src_install () {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
- # This is a mapping of module names to the -D options in APACHE2_OPTS
- # Used for creating optional LoadModule lines
- mod_defines="
- auth_digest:AUTH_DIGEST
- authnz_ldap:AUTHNZ_LDAP
- cache:CACHE
- dav:DAV
- dav_fs:DAV
- dav_lock:DAV
- disk_cache:CACHE
- file_cache:CACHE
- info:INFO
- ldap:LDAP
- mem_cache:CACHE
- proxy:PROXY
- proxy_ajp:PROXY
- proxy_balancer:PROXY
- proxy_connect:PROXY
- proxy_http:PROXY
- ssl:SSL
- status:INFO
- suexec:SUEXEC
- userdir:USERDIR
- "
- # create our LoadModule lines
- if ! use static-modules ; then
- load_module=""
- moddir="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/apache2/modules"
- for m in $(echo ${mods}|tr ' ' '\n'|sort -u) ; do
- endid="no"
- if [[ -e "${moddir}/mod_${m}.so" ]] ; then
- for def in ${mod_defines} ; do
- if [[ "${m}" == "${def%:*}" ]] ; then
- load_module="${load_module}\n<IfDefine ${def#*:}>"
- endid="yes"
- fi
- done
- load_module="${load_module}\nLoadModule ${m}_module modules/mod_${m}.so"
- if [[ "${endid}" == "yes" ]] ; then
- load_module="${load_module}\n</IfDefine>"
- fi
- fi
- done
- fi
- sed -i -e "s:%%LOAD_MODULE%%:${load_module}:" \
- "${GENTOO_PATCHDIR}"/conf/httpd.conf || die "sed failed"
- # Install our configuration files
- insinto /etc/apache2
- doins docs/conf/magic
- doins -r "${GENTOO_PATCHDIR}"/conf/*
- insinto /etc/logrotate.d
- newins "${GENTOO_PATCHDIR}"/scripts/apache2-logrotate apache2
- # generate a sane default APACHE2_OPTS
- use no-suexec || APACHE2_OPTS="${APACHE2_OPTS} -D SUEXEC"
- sed -i -e "s:APACHE2_OPTS=\".*\":APACHE2_OPTS=\"${APACHE2_OPTS}\":" \
- "${GENTOO_PATCHDIR}"/init/apache2.confd || die "sed failed"
- newconfd "${GENTOO_PATCHDIR}"/init/apache2.confd apache2
- newinitd "${GENTOO_PATCHDIR}"/init/apache2.initd apache2
- # Link apache2ctl to the init script
- dosym /etc/init.d/apache2 /usr/sbin/apache2ctl
- # provide symlinks for all the stuff we no longer rename, bug 177697
- for i in suexec apxs; do
- dosym /usr/sbin/${i} /usr/sbin/${i}2
- done
- # Install some thirdparty scripts
- exeinto /usr/sbin
- use ssl && doexe "${GENTOO_PATCHDIR}"/scripts/
- # Install some documentation
- dodoc "${GENTOO_PATCHDIR}"/docs/*
- # drop in a convenient link to the manual
- if use doc ; then
- sed -i -e "s:VERSION:${PVR}:" "${D}/etc/apache2/modules.d/00_apache_manual.conf"
- else
- rm -f "${D}/etc/apache2/modules.d/00_apache_manual.conf"
- rm -Rf "${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/manual"
- fi
- # the default webroot gets stored in /usr/share/doc
- ebegin "Installing default webroot to /usr/share/doc/${PF}"
- mv -f "${D}/var/www/localhost" "${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/webroot"
- eend $?
- keepdir /var/www/localhost/htdocs
- if ! use no-suexec ; then
- # Set some sane permissions for suexec
- fowners 0:apache /usr/sbin/suexec
- fperms 4710 /usr/sbin/suexec
- fi
- keepdir /etc/apache2/vhosts.d
- keepdir /etc/apache2/modules.d
- # empty dirs
- for i in /var/lib/dav /var/log/apache2 /var/cache/apache2 ; do
- keepdir ${i}
- fowners apache:apache ${i}
- fperms 0755 ${i}
- done
- # We'll be needing /etc/apache2/ssl if USE=ssl
- use ssl && keepdir /etc/apache2/ssl
-pkg_postinst() {
- # Automatically generate test certificates if ssl USE flag is being set
- if use ssl && [[ ! -e "${ROOT}/etc/apache2/ssl/server.crt" ]] ; then
- cd "${ROOT}"/etc/apache2/ssl
- einfo
- einfo "Generating self-signed test certificate in ${ROOT}etc/apache2/ssl ..."
- yes "" 2>/dev/null | \
- "${ROOT}"/usr/sbin/ >/dev/null 2>&1 || \
- die " failed"
- einfo
- fi
- # we do this here because the default webroot is a copy of the files
- # that exist elsewhere and we don't want them managed/removed by portage
- # when apache is upgraded.
- if [[ -e "${ROOT}/var/www/localhost" ]] ; then
- elog "The default webroot has not been installed into"
- elog "${ROOT}var/www/localhost because the directory already exists"
- elog "and we do not want to overwrite any files you have put there."
- elog
- elog "If you would like to install the latest webroot, please run"
- elog "emerge --config =${PF}"
- else
- einfo "Installing default webroot to ${ROOT}var/www/localhost"
- mkdir -p "${ROOT}"/var/www/localhost
- cp -R "${ROOT}"/usr/share/doc/${PF}/webroot/* "${ROOT}"/var/www/localhost
- chown -R apache:0 "${ROOT}"/var/www/localhost
- fi
- # Previous installations of apache-2.2 installed the upstream configuration
- # files, which shouldn't even have been installed!
- if has_version '>=www-servers/apache-2.2.4' ; then
- [ -f "${ROOT}"/etc/apache2/apache2.conf ] && \
- rm -f "${ROOT}"/etc/apache2/apache2.conf >/dev/null 2>&1
- for i in extra original ; do
- [ -d "${ROOT}"/etc/apache2/$i ] && \
- rm -rf "${ROOT}"/etc/apache2/$i >/dev/null 2>&1
- done
- fi
- # Note regarding IfDefine changes
- if has_version '<www-servers/apache-2.2.6-r1' ; then
- elog
- elog "When upgrading from versions 2.2.6 or earlier, please be aware"
- elog "that the define for mod_authnz_ldap has changed from AUTH_LDAP"
- elog "to AUTHNZ_LDAP. Additionally mod_auth_digest needs to be enabled"
- elog "with AUTH_DIGEST now."
- elog
- fi
- # Note the changes regarding DEFAULT_VHOST and SSL_DEFAULT_VHOST
- if has_version '<www-servers/apache-2.2.4-r7' ; then
- elog
- elog "Listen directives have been moved into the default virtual host"
- elog "configuation. At least DEFAULT_VHOST has been enabled for you"
- elog "(depending on your USE-flags."
- elog
- elog "If you disable DEFAULT_VHOST or SSL_DEFAULT_VHOST, there would"
- elog "be no listening sockets available."
- elog
- fi
- # Note the user of the config changes
- if has_version '<www-servers/apache-2.2.4-r5' ; then
- elog
- elog "Please make sure that you update your /etc directory."
- elog "Between the versions, we had to changes some config files"
- elog "and move some stuff out of the main httpd.conf file to a seperate"
- elog "modules.d entry."
- elog
- elog "Thus please update your /etc directory either via etc-update,"
- elog "dispatch-conf or conf-update !"
- elog
- fi
- # Check for dual/upgrade install
- if has_version '<www-servers/apache-2.2.0' ; then
- elog
- elog "When upgrading from versions below 2.2.0 to this version, you"
- elog "need to rebuild all your modules. Please do so for your modules"
- elog "to continue working correctly."
- elog
- elog "Also note that some configuration directives have been"
- elog "split into their own files under ${ROOT}etc/apache2/modules.d/"
- elog "and that some modules, foremost the authentication related ones,"
- elog "have been renamed."
- elog
- elog "Some examples:"
- elog " - USERDIR is now configureable in ${ROOT}etc/apache2/modules.d/00_mod_userdir.conf."
- elog
- elog "For more information on what you may need to change, please"
- elog "see the overview of changes at:"
- elog ""
- elog "and the upgrading guide at:"
- elog ""
- elog
- fi
- # Cleanup the vim backup files, placed in /etc/apache2 by the last
- # patchtarball (gentoo-apache-2.2.4-r7-20070615)
- rm -f "${ROOT}/etc/apache2/modules.d/*.conf~"
-pkg_config() {
- einfo "Installing default webroot to ${ROOT}var/www/localhost"
- mkdir "${ROOT}"var{,/www{,/localhost}}
- cp -R "${ROOT}"usr/share/doc/${PF}/webroot/* "${ROOT}"var/www/localhost/
-parse_modules_config() {
- local name=""
- local disable=""
- local version="undef"
- mods=""
- [[ -f "${1}" ]] || return 1
- for i in $(sed 's/#.*//' < $1) ; do
- if [[ "$i" == "VERSION:" ]] ; then
- version="select"
- elif [[ "${version}" == "select" ]] ; then
- version="$i"
- # start with - option for backwards compatibility only
- elif [[ "$i" == "-" ]] ; then
- disable="true"
- elif [[ -z "${name}" ]] && [[ "$i" != "${i/mod_/}" ]] ; then
- name="${i/mod_/}"
- elif [[ -n "${disable}" ]] || [[ "$i" == "disabled" ]] ; then
- MY_BUILTINS="${MY_BUILTINS} --disable-${name}"
- name="" ; disable=""
- elif [[ "$i" == "static" ]] || use static-modules ; then
- MY_BUILTINS="${MY_BUILTINS} --enable-${name}=static"
- name="" ; disable=""
- elif [[ "$i" == "shared" ]] ; then
- MY_BUILTINS="${MY_BUILTINS} --enable-${name}=shared"
- mods="${mods} ${name}"
- name="" ; disable=""
- else
- ewarn "Parse error in ${1} - unknown option: $i"
- fi
- done
- # reject the file if it's unversioned or doesn't match our
- # package major.minor. This is to make upgrading work smoothly.
- if [[ "${version}" != "${PV%.*}" ]] ; then
- mods=""
- return 1
- fi
- einfo "Using ${1}"
- einfo "options: ${MY_BUILTINS}"
- einfo "LoadModules: ${mods}"
-select_modules_config() {
- parse_modules_config "${ROOT}"/etc/apache2/apache2-builtin-mods || \
- parse_modules_config "${GENTOO_PATCHDIR}"/conf/apache2-builtin-mods || \
- return 1
diff --git a/www-servers/apache/apache-2.2.6-r4.ebuild b/www-servers/apache/apache-2.2.6-r6.ebuild
index 7e5fb0a5c0bf..89a19cf558c7 100644
--- a/www-servers/apache/apache-2.2.6-r4.ebuild
+++ b/www-servers/apache/apache-2.2.6-r6.ebuild
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-servers/apache/apache-2.2.6-r4.ebuild,v 1.2 2007/11/29 18:45:39 hollow Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-servers/apache/apache-2.2.6-r6.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/12/15 14:32:52 hollow Exp $
# latest gentoo apache files
@@ -64,6 +64,12 @@ MODULE_DEFINES="
inherit apache-2
DESCRIPTION="The Apache Web Server."
@@ -73,6 +79,7 @@ HOMEPAGE=""
LICENSE="Apache-2.0 Apache-1.1"
KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
apache2_modules_deflate? ( sys-libs/zlib )"
@@ -80,6 +87,14 @@ DEPEND="${DEPEND}
apache2_modules_mime? ( app-misc/mime-types )"
+src_unpack() {
+ if ! use sni ; then
+ EPATCH_EXCLUDE="04_all_mod_ssl_tls_sni.patch"
+ fi
+ apache-2_src_unpack
pkg_postinst() {
diff --git a/www-servers/apache/files/digest-apache-2.2.6-r2 b/www-servers/apache/files/digest-apache-2.2.6-r2
deleted file mode 100644
index e8ea02262028..000000000000
--- a/www-servers/apache/files/digest-apache-2.2.6-r2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-MD5 24317b89d2b7a3a581648d26f2342de0 gentoo-apache-2.2.6-r2-20071020.tar.bz2 58805
-RMD160 0471593be243a4ecb6f7386b76411e9f1b2e9048 gentoo-apache-2.2.6-r2-20071020.tar.bz2 58805
-SHA256 3711e6f3c63b931b80f6db2602ad66e5303c7779f6a0571fe14156b7ec7ab3f5 gentoo-apache-2.2.6-r2-20071020.tar.bz2 58805
-MD5 203bea91715064f0c787f6499d33a377 httpd-2.2.6.tar.bz2 4717066
-RMD160 5ae895c6898213e1e3b7e7b02cdfcbe5b36a108f httpd-2.2.6.tar.bz2 4717066
-SHA256 f27cd9df50a2acd9df8f37520f62f6ce51758689d425ead5883e75ff5ed6548c httpd-2.2.6.tar.bz2 4717066
diff --git a/www-servers/apache/files/digest-apache-2.2.6-r4 b/www-servers/apache/files/digest-apache-2.2.6-r4
deleted file mode 100644
index 765966d4606c..000000000000
--- a/www-servers/apache/files/digest-apache-2.2.6-r4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-MD5 9da68e931d3171a6ee7c77a8f6c74fc4 gentoo-apache-2.2.6-r4-20071128.tar.bz2 60413
-RMD160 0be944e6b13ffaef1916ba59d76312468dac33a7 gentoo-apache-2.2.6-r4-20071128.tar.bz2 60413
-SHA256 8510c0032888b378013be227a3937e9ab45b5cb3b13dbd8f6277b1f2afa6043e gentoo-apache-2.2.6-r4-20071128.tar.bz2 60413
-MD5 203bea91715064f0c787f6499d33a377 httpd-2.2.6.tar.bz2 4717066
-RMD160 5ae895c6898213e1e3b7e7b02cdfcbe5b36a108f httpd-2.2.6.tar.bz2 4717066
-SHA256 f27cd9df50a2acd9df8f37520f62f6ce51758689d425ead5883e75ff5ed6548c httpd-2.2.6.tar.bz2 4717066
diff --git a/www-servers/apache/files/digest-apache-2.2.6-r6 b/www-servers/apache/files/digest-apache-2.2.6-r6
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0e0c63d2e975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-servers/apache/files/digest-apache-2.2.6-r6
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+MD5 e5e99f1cb519d71242fa3a7f68e5f28a gentoo-apache-2.2.6-r6-20071215.tar.bz2 60964
+RMD160 b2ea87d18117566a644fe012d23affd38d1f7ef6 gentoo-apache-2.2.6-r6-20071215.tar.bz2 60964
+SHA256 e2ec95dbfd3d406d16a5694746ade43863712037c12ac70f3433b16c75bf5638 gentoo-apache-2.2.6-r6-20071215.tar.bz2 60964
+MD5 203bea91715064f0c787f6499d33a377 httpd-2.2.6.tar.bz2 4717066
+RMD160 5ae895c6898213e1e3b7e7b02cdfcbe5b36a108f httpd-2.2.6.tar.bz2 4717066
+SHA256 f27cd9df50a2acd9df8f37520f62f6ce51758689d425ead5883e75ff5ed6548c httpd-2.2.6.tar.bz2 4717066