diff options
authorWilliam Hubbs <>2006-09-21 04:36:35 +0000
committerWilliam Hubbs <>2006-09-21 04:36:35 +0000
commit5bfbde9ac5c9ef57b1b292ff8d2e2eeac80c70fd (patch)
tree800ea330c666d3b92a3085679c10f3a29a8b9f27 /app-accessibility
parentPush out patches and fix datadir path. (diff)
Version bump with patches contributed by Ed Catmur. Also, festival no longer depends on this since it builds from its own copy of the speech-tools.
Package-Manager: portage-2.1.2_pre1
Diffstat (limited to 'app-accessibility')
7 files changed, 564 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/app-accessibility/speech-tools/ChangeLog b/app-accessibility/speech-tools/ChangeLog
index ea53a6d052dc..62b7906dde1a 100644
--- a/app-accessibility/speech-tools/ChangeLog
+++ b/app-accessibility/speech-tools/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,20 @@
# ChangeLog for app-accessibility/speech-tools
# Copyright 2000-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-accessibility/speech-tools/ChangeLog,v 1.37 2006/07/20 03:21:45 psi29a Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-accessibility/speech-tools/ChangeLog,v 1.38 2006/09/21 04:36:35 williamh Exp $
+*speech-tools-1.2.95_beta (21 Sep 2006)
+ 21 Sep 2006; William Hubbs <>
+ +files/speech-tools-1.2.95_beta-gcc41-amd64-int-pointer.patch,
+ +files/speech-tools-1.2.95_beta-gcc41-amd64.patch,
+ +files/speech-tools-1.2.95_beta-gcc41.patch,
+ +speech-tools-1.2.95_beta.ebuild:
+ Version bump.
+ This also includes patches originally contributed by Ed Catmur.
+ Another thing to note is that festival no longer depends on this package.
+ Festival now downloads the speech tools source and builds from its own copy
+ since it #includes some of the source files themselves.
+Closes #146906.
19 Jul 2006; <> speech-tools-1.2.3-r2.ebuild,
diff --git a/app-accessibility/speech-tools/Manifest b/app-accessibility/speech-tools/Manifest
index c862f09c426a..9783ea550228 100644
--- a/app-accessibility/speech-tools/Manifest
+++ b/app-accessibility/speech-tools/Manifest
@@ -2,6 +2,18 @@ AUX 58speech-tools 34 RMD160 56a726d9e19141257d1fa5e7f750018537ef7012 SHA1 50bce
MD5 a143fa8cb76f282bdd72ae3ad821f9c5 files/58speech-tools 34
RMD160 56a726d9e19141257d1fa5e7f750018537ef7012 files/58speech-tools 34
SHA256 ec9660ea024ddefc985dca91bb93e309ca3621dd837dffb6a40131f94dd02013 files/58speech-tools 34
+AUX speech-tools-1.2.95_beta-gcc41-amd64-int-pointer.patch 11256 RMD160 2c61af99e561996dc4e69926df20c488fbb22744 SHA1 ff75f26459c0e979b20bb0918119f19817ab4cd2 SHA256 34ba1902084915bcd12e57cb8bacbfbaefcf27ffbfa7092756ce12201bfe83f1
+MD5 ff15432edcea34f603774f15378c8fa5 files/speech-tools-1.2.95_beta-gcc41-amd64-int-pointer.patch 11256
+RMD160 2c61af99e561996dc4e69926df20c488fbb22744 files/speech-tools-1.2.95_beta-gcc41-amd64-int-pointer.patch 11256
+SHA256 34ba1902084915bcd12e57cb8bacbfbaefcf27ffbfa7092756ce12201bfe83f1 files/speech-tools-1.2.95_beta-gcc41-amd64-int-pointer.patch 11256
+AUX speech-tools-1.2.95_beta-gcc41-amd64.patch 419 RMD160 e8667b23ee4c163b9a64131f2c84575299943cc8 SHA1 e3657a7aca05bc0416cf2b8f4c59cf4c2a00b82e SHA256 dcf272c6426da6ea01fad9bf080e377f0def66b8c248c6cc9d5ee816b38ebea6
+MD5 47c12560f1a8e7e2e7bf977f2ca9ae38 files/speech-tools-1.2.95_beta-gcc41-amd64.patch 419
+RMD160 e8667b23ee4c163b9a64131f2c84575299943cc8 files/speech-tools-1.2.95_beta-gcc41-amd64.patch 419
+SHA256 dcf272c6426da6ea01fad9bf080e377f0def66b8c248c6cc9d5ee816b38ebea6 files/speech-tools-1.2.95_beta-gcc41-amd64.patch 419
+AUX speech-tools-1.2.95_beta-gcc41.patch 1660 RMD160 19bb4ef66754f5fa760a42c1afc74597c0d5569a SHA1 e9cf31a591f990ca012e5bf3b7e2b697a79ef107 SHA256 a3ff88158a8ffddbf57261a5acc9856c43a6a77cefa49472db033cdb72b0e894
+MD5 1a5389d86d50fdd9ab06a31819477cf1 files/speech-tools-1.2.95_beta-gcc41.patch 1660
+RMD160 19bb4ef66754f5fa760a42c1afc74597c0d5569a files/speech-tools-1.2.95_beta-gcc41.patch 1660
+SHA256 a3ff88158a8ffddbf57261a5acc9856c43a6a77cefa49472db033cdb72b0e894 files/speech-tools-1.2.95_beta-gcc41.patch 1660
AUX speech-tools-gcc3.3.diff 25787 RMD160 9b5662ad9ae8b76c6217845363ec876948d1a175 SHA1 d3df725fa62c7a5729cc45f397844c2885fb9c39 SHA256 e4d15d5033920576ac6b08be0fa18f31c43f3f6a043ff5e58431e271c4bc147e
MD5 19e3325adc92d921d82884fe58485055 files/speech-tools-gcc3.3.diff 25787
RMD160 9b5662ad9ae8b76c6217845363ec876948d1a175 files/speech-tools-gcc3.3.diff 25787
@@ -9,6 +21,7 @@ SHA256 e4d15d5033920576ac6b08be0fa18f31c43f3f6a043ff5e58431e271c4bc147e files/sp
DIST festdoc-1.4.2.tar.gz 1652551 RMD160 9ea09a40ecfb546365636a473dad6b58fc89b697 SHA1 e5862f8949bd586bcd617248cd62f98f20610ae4 SHA256 92916bfa79642c9932e7344eeafac1f58041445db901fead0c7b72a110a895f1
DIST speech-tools-1.2.3-gcc3.4.patch.bz2 13451 RMD160 7d0c7e8d5bc48c1cd12c1993e277a62de710e4be SHA1 ce25ed29044fd69d285a15db5ec65f21fd945b7b SHA256 b24362aef11f5245a6ee2bbc1b3dfea84bc22c6d769069f3a49af4518f1a208d
DIST speech_tools-1.2.3-release.tar.gz 1257290 RMD160 46fd77cd23033099bb646e35ab3415362ed05d25 SHA1 8227d9820c6c25c9e5a0d02d7dcae00116e368df SHA256 6aa8590a161daacb739e0a70897c54006f1e7ca7cb9a1bfed1b7282303bae5d4
+DIST speech_tools-1.2.95-beta.tar.gz 1281274 RMD160 874b9e6d35bf8a59aeacd3d5b149e24e2a490008 SHA1 5f0533a1b06c56f06e382d752b920ee62a5e8312 SHA256 d9d0693ed57ba1f6c9471a43fe60fb1b728683fe6f820e98ef2be13bbd1fe772
EBUILD speech-tools-1.2.3-r2.ebuild 3114 RMD160 a12e4596e7b753a739ca434d5de7ae8fe31b40fa SHA1 64ddf43370a3943ce2a3de27ad539973442e437a SHA256 baac27fdb8d9254dc24803cd9b0c629cc67625bafce9c036d465de96f6654fa9
MD5 b76ce720e3e2892287b1b84af4687c7d speech-tools-1.2.3-r2.ebuild 3114
RMD160 a12e4596e7b753a739ca434d5de7ae8fe31b40fa speech-tools-1.2.3-r2.ebuild 3114
@@ -17,10 +30,14 @@ EBUILD speech-tools-1.2.3-r3.ebuild 3136 RMD160 b6799a72a9390b54e30ab2089290bbf0
MD5 6f2bef3a1a353eab078973d0edd9c750 speech-tools-1.2.3-r3.ebuild 3136
RMD160 b6799a72a9390b54e30ab2089290bbf0910699b6 speech-tools-1.2.3-r3.ebuild 3136
SHA256 fd93989e05558140cc19474582486ce626a615ab7d67930ea05063a55bbc3c18 speech-tools-1.2.3-r3.ebuild 3136
-MISC ChangeLog 5526 RMD160 cfd424b772a04a785d28d4b125159777af55aa27 SHA1 a6ecf26d06d6926eab04dc58a8706ef7f9b54070 SHA256 8abf1757ac7f49e0167d8c29bd12e0c73c2666cf82c54e6a6cf103944591965d
-MD5 2b3b278cb2eb673893d914eef7999a88 ChangeLog 5526
-RMD160 cfd424b772a04a785d28d4b125159777af55aa27 ChangeLog 5526
-SHA256 8abf1757ac7f49e0167d8c29bd12e0c73c2666cf82c54e6a6cf103944591965d ChangeLog 5526
+EBUILD speech-tools-1.2.95_beta.ebuild 3155 RMD160 da1aa2333f9993d963ba000ca62343d2e7946e27 SHA1 0c0095b22c0e9a92f09debd55c0149f12d03099e SHA256 8f734b6540d4b5d2b944a32dfa601da1930ce94d79a6e4341076b33226343226
+MD5 b966d8ad4e2e82beb931bb3a00419075 speech-tools-1.2.95_beta.ebuild 3155
+RMD160 da1aa2333f9993d963ba000ca62343d2e7946e27 speech-tools-1.2.95_beta.ebuild 3155
+SHA256 8f734b6540d4b5d2b944a32dfa601da1930ce94d79a6e4341076b33226343226 speech-tools-1.2.95_beta.ebuild 3155
+MISC ChangeLog 6132 RMD160 d3690a9923e2394101132b2c42c72463d1becd0e SHA1 5fff53c6f0376cc1e200a55b6d77100765cd0c5c SHA256 967d0695551ba33f9ae6302c7870a84c8e803e1e62b0c72735add6b3b17d0736
+MD5 788441cc1cfc095dafe3048283669a14 ChangeLog 6132
+RMD160 d3690a9923e2394101132b2c42c72463d1becd0e ChangeLog 6132
+SHA256 967d0695551ba33f9ae6302c7870a84c8e803e1e62b0c72735add6b3b17d0736 ChangeLog 6132
MISC metadata.xml 185 RMD160 75382db82e4c69d70f2d53f63363adec302720e5 SHA1 90563c269eff265fbd369095c606bc383cc07232 SHA256 b6de40518e01d3ef5447352b3f476c1f5b8e6ae53d5e654a2fb9e4ee7fdbe135
MD5 4f5d797c455932135181f0c31b5e71b2 metadata.xml 185
RMD160 75382db82e4c69d70f2d53f63363adec302720e5 metadata.xml 185
@@ -31,3 +48,6 @@ SHA256 e6f26a356656b742a70d8c81c732e63a14e10c6bac4c07b1af9e98cddcbcf8e2 files/di
MD5 03c896d0bab669d2d0e29c8d6ca0870c files/digest-speech-tools-1.2.3-r3 810
RMD160 9aac28727c49ac3b145313517abecf75914ffd9f files/digest-speech-tools-1.2.3-r3 810
SHA256 e6f26a356656b742a70d8c81c732e63a14e10c6bac4c07b1af9e98cddcbcf8e2 files/digest-speech-tools-1.2.3-r3 810
+MD5 ceeb4be43852dc06df24df5a4540315f files/digest-speech-tools-1.2.95_beta 277
+RMD160 9db89d5c3b15a8d9c0d5eabdecccb92000cff3e2 files/digest-speech-tools-1.2.95_beta 277
+SHA256 e21ba8626621f708bb6dbb90d0d57dca18c8b83eea63f6813b436e844e97f51b files/digest-speech-tools-1.2.95_beta 277
diff --git a/app-accessibility/speech-tools/files/digest-speech-tools-1.2.95_beta b/app-accessibility/speech-tools/files/digest-speech-tools-1.2.95_beta
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ad4a33cf98f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-accessibility/speech-tools/files/digest-speech-tools-1.2.95_beta
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 4a0a58d8c4bafaee9f0a913372ded8bd speech_tools-1.2.95-beta.tar.gz 1281274
+RMD160 874b9e6d35bf8a59aeacd3d5b149e24e2a490008 speech_tools-1.2.95-beta.tar.gz 1281274
+SHA256 d9d0693ed57ba1f6c9471a43fe60fb1b728683fe6f820e98ef2be13bbd1fe772 speech_tools-1.2.95-beta.tar.gz 1281274
diff --git a/app-accessibility/speech-tools/files/speech-tools-1.2.95_beta-gcc41-amd64-int-pointer.patch b/app-accessibility/speech-tools/files/speech-tools-1.2.95_beta-gcc41-amd64-int-pointer.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..25f162012fa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-accessibility/speech-tools/files/speech-tools-1.2.95_beta-gcc41-amd64-int-pointer.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+--- speech_tools/include/EST_simplestats.h 2006/07/21 02:18:39 1.1
++++ speech_tools/include/EST_simplestats.h 2006/07/21 02:35:43
+@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ enum EST_tprob_type {tprob_string, tprob
+ for example
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ EST_DiscreteProbistribution pdf;
+- for (int i=pdf.item_start(); i < pdf.item_end(); i=pdf.item_next(i))
++ for (long i=pdf.item_start(); i < pdf.item_end(); i=pdf.item_next(i))
+ {
+ EST_String name;
+ double prob;
+@@ -265,17 +265,17 @@ public:
+ ///
+ double frequency(const int i) const;
+ /// Used for iterating through members of the distribution
+- int item_start() const;
++ long item_start() const;
+ /// Used for iterating through members of the distribution
+- int item_next(int idx) const;
++ long item_next(long idx) const;
+ /// Used for iterating through members of the distribution
+- int item_end(int idx) const;
++ int item_end(long idx) const;
+ /// During iteration returns name given index
+- const EST_String &item_name(int idx) const;
++ const EST_String &item_name(long idx) const;
+ /// During iteration returns name and frequency given index
+- void item_freq(int idx,EST_String &s,double &freq) const;
++ void item_freq(long idx,EST_String &s,double &freq) const;
+ /// During iteration returns name and probability given index
+- void item_prob(int idx,EST_String &s,double &prob) const;
++ void item_prob(long idx,EST_String &s,double &prob) const;
+ /// Returns discrete vocabulary of distribution
+ inline const EST_Discrete *const get_discrete() const { return discrete; };
+--- speech_tools/stats/wagon/ 2006/07/21 02:18:39 1.1
++++ speech_tools/stats/wagon/ 2006/07/21 02:36:09
+@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ ostream & operator <<(ostream &s, WImpur
+ }
+ else if (imp.t == wnim_class)
+ {
+- int i;
++ long i;
+ EST_String name;
+ double prob;
+--- speech_tools/stats/ 2006/07/21 02:18:39 1.1
++++ speech_tools/stats/ 2006/07/21 02:41:32
+@@ -305,15 +305,15 @@ double EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::ent
+ }
+ // For iterating through members of a probability distribution
+-int EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::item_start(void) const
++long EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::item_start(void) const
+ {
+ if (type == tprob_discrete)
+ return 0;
+ else
+- return (int)scounts.list.head();
++ return (long)scounts.list.head();
+ }
+-int EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::item_end(int idx) const
++int EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::item_end(long idx) const
+ {
+ if (type == tprob_discrete)
+ return (idx >= icounts.length());
+@@ -321,15 +321,15 @@ int EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::item_e
+ return ((EST_Litem *)idx == 0);
+ }
+-int EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::item_next(int idx) const
++long EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::item_next(long idx) const
+ {
+ if (type == tprob_discrete)
+ return ++idx;
+ else
+- return (int)next((EST_Litem *)idx);
++ return (long)next((EST_Litem *)idx);
+ }
+-const EST_String &EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::item_name(int idx) const
++const EST_String &EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::item_name(long idx) const
+ {
+ if (type == tprob_discrete)
+ return discrete->name(idx);
+@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ const EST_String &EST_DiscreteProbDistri
+ return scounts.list((EST_Litem *)idx).k;
+ }
+-void EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::item_freq(int idx,EST_String &s,double &freq) const
++void EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::item_freq(long idx,EST_String &s,double &freq) const
+ {
+ if (type == tprob_discrete)
+ {
+@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ void EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::item_
+ }
+ }
+-void EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::item_prob(int idx,EST_String &s,double &prob) const
++void EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::item_prob(long idx,EST_String &s,double &prob) const
+ {
+ if (type == tprob_discrete)
+ {
+@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ void EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::item_
+ ostream & operator<<(ostream &s, const EST_DiscreteProbDistribution &pd)
+ {
+ // Output best with probabilities
+- int i;
++ long i;
+ double prob;
+ double sum=0;
+ EST_String name;
+--- speech_tools/grammar/ngram/ 2006/07/21 02:18:39 1.1
++++ speech_tools/grammar/ngram/ 2006/07/21 02:38:54
+@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ bool EST_BackoffNgrammarState::accumulat
+ const double count)
+ {
+-// int i;
++// long i;
+ // cerr << "accumulate level " << p_level << " : ";
+ // for(i=0;i<words.n();i++)
+ // {
+@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ void EST_BackoffNgrammarState::print_fre
+ // not right - just print out, then recurse through children
+ // change to use 'backoff_traverse'
+- int k;
++ long k;
+ double freq;
+ EST_String name;
+ for (k=p_pdf.item_start();
+@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ void EST_BackoffNgrammarState::zap()
+ {
+ // recursively delete this state and all its children
+- int k;
++ long k;
+ double freq;
+ EST_String name;
+ for (k=p_pdf.item_start();
+@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ bool EST_BackoffNgrammarState::set_backo
+ void EST_BackoffNgrammarState::frequency_of_frequencies(EST_DVector &ff)
+ {
+- int k,max=ff.n();
++ long k; int max=ff.n();
+ double freq;
+ EST_String name;
+ for (k=p_pdf.item_start();
+@@ -911,7 +911,7 @@ void EST_Ngrammar::accumulate(const EST_
+ {
+ /*
+- int i;
++ long i;
+ for(i=0;i<words.n();i++)
+ {
+ cerr << vocab_pdf.item_name(words(i));
+@@ -1581,7 +1581,7 @@ void EST_Ngrammar::prune_backoff_represe
+ // remove any branches with zero frequency count
+ // find children of this state with zero freq and zap them
+- int k;
++ long k;
+ double freq;
+ EST_String name;
+ for (k=start_state->pdf_const().item_start();
+@@ -2320,7 +2320,7 @@ void EST_Ngrammar::print_freqs(ostream &
+ backoff_representation->print_freqs(os,p_order);
+ else
+ {
+- int i,j,k;
++ int i,j; long k;
+ EST_IVector window(p_order-1);
+ for (i=0; i < p_num_states; i++)
+@@ -2661,7 +2661,7 @@ EST_Ngrammar::backoff_traverse(EST_Backo
+ function(start_state,params);
+ // and recurse down the tree
+- int k;
++ long k;
+ double freq;
+ EST_String name;
+ for (k=start_state->pdf_const().item_start();
+@@ -2692,7 +2692,7 @@ EST_Ngrammar::backoff_traverse(EST_Backo
+ {
+ // and recurse down the tree if we haven't
+ // reached the level yet
+- int k;
++ long k;
+ double freq;
+ EST_String name;
+--- speech_tools/grammar/ngram/ 2006/07/21 02:18:39 1.1
++++ speech_tools/grammar/ngram/ 2006/07/21 02:39:05
+@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ EST_read_status
+ load_ngram_cstr_bin(const EST_String filename, EST_Ngrammar &n)
+ {
+ EST_TokenStream ts;
+- int i,j,k,order;
++ int i,j,order; long k;
+ int num_entries;
+ double approx_num_samples = 0.0;
+ long freq_data_start, freq_data_end;
+@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ EST_write_status
+ save_ngram_htk_ascii_sub(const EST_String &word, ostream *ost,
+ EST_Ngrammar &n, double floor)
+ {
+- int k;
++ long k;
+ EST_String name;
+ double freq;
+ EST_StrVector this_ngram(2); // assumes bigram
+@@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ save_ngram_cstr_ascii(const EST_String f
+ // awb's format
+ (void)trace;
+ ostream *ost;
+- int i,k;
++ int i; long k;
+ if (filename == "-")
+ ost = &cout;
+@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ save_ngram_cstr_bin(const EST_String fil
+ if (n.representation() == EST_Ngrammar::sparse)
+ return misc_write_error;
+- int i,k;
++ int i; long k;
+ FILE *ofd;
+ double lfreq = -1;
+ double count = -1;
+--- speech_tools/grammar/ngram/ 2006/07/21 02:18:39 1.1
++++ speech_tools/grammar/ngram/ 2006/07/21 02:39:20
+@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ smooth_ExponentialFit(EST_DVector &N, in
+ void make_f_of_f(EST_BackoffNgrammarState *s,void *params)
+ {
+- int k;
++ long k;
+ double freq;
+ EST_String name;
+@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ void make_f_of_f(EST_BackoffNgrammarStat
+ void get_max_f(EST_BackoffNgrammarState *s,void *params)
+ {
+- int k;
++ long k;
+ double freq;
+ EST_String name;
+@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ void get_max_f(EST_BackoffNgrammarState
+ void map_f_of_f(EST_BackoffNgrammarState *s,void *params)
+ {
+- int k;
++ long k;
+ double freq;
+ EST_String name;
+@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ void map_f_of_f(EST_BackoffNgrammarState
+ void zero_small_f(EST_BackoffNgrammarState *s,void *params)
+ {
+- int k;
++ long k;
+ double freq;
+ EST_String name;
+@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ void zero_small_f(EST_BackoffNgrammarSta
+ void frequency_of_frequencies(EST_DVector &ff, EST_Ngrammar &n,int this_order)
+ {
+- int i,k,size;
++ int i,size; long k;
+ double max=0.0;
+ // if ff has zero size, do complete frequency of frequencies
+@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ void frequency_of_frequencies(EST_DVecto
+ void map_frequencies(EST_Ngrammar &n, const EST_DVector &map, const int this_order)
+ {
+- int i,k;
++ int i; long k;
+ switch(n.representation())
+--- speech_tools/grammar/ngram/ 2006/07/21 02:18:39 1.1
++++ speech_tools/grammar/ngram/ 2006/07/21 02:39:31
+@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ EST_PredictionSuffixTree_tree_node::prin
+ // Base -- print from pd
+ EST_String s;
+ double freq;
+- for (int i = pd.item_start();
++ for (long i = pd.item_start();
+ !pd.item_end(i);
+ i=pd.item_next(i))
+ {
+@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ EST_PredictionSuffixTree_tree_node::prin
+ EST_String s;
+ double prob;
+ os << get_path() << " :";
+- for (int i = pd.item_start(); !pd.item_end(i) ; i=pd.item_next(i))
++ for (long i = pd.item_start(); !pd.item_end(i) ; i=pd.item_next(i))
+ {
+ pd.item_prob(i,s,prob);
+ os << " " << s << " " << prob;
+--- speech_tools/grammar/ngram/ 2006/07/21 02:18:39 1.1
++++ speech_tools/grammar/ngram/ 2006/07/21 02:46:42
+@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ void fs_build_backoff_ngrams(EST_Ngramma
+ EST_Ngrammar &ngram)
+ {
+ // Build all the backoff grammars back to uni-grams
+- int i,j,k,l;
++ int i,j,l; long k;
+ for (i=0; i < ngram.order()-1; i++)
+ backoff_ngrams[i].init(i+1,EST_Ngrammar::dense,
+@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ int fs_backoff_smooth(EST_Ngrammar *back
+ {
+ // For all ngrams which are too infrequent, adjust their
+ // frequencies based on their backoff probabilities
+- int i,j;
++ int i; long j;
+ double occurs;
+ double backoff_prob;
+--- speech_tools/grammar/wfst/ 2006/07/21 02:18:39 1.1
++++ speech_tools/grammar/wfst/ 2006/07/21 02:39:47
+@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ static LISP find_best_split(EST_WFST &wf
+ LISP *ssplits;
+ gc_protect(&splits);
+ EST_String sname;
+- int b,best_b,i;
++ int b,best_b; long i;
+ int num_pdfs;
+ double best_score, score, sfreq;
+@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ static double score_pdf_combine(EST_Disc
+ // Find score of (a+b) vs (all-(a+b))
+ EST_DiscreteProbDistribution ab(a);
+ EST_DiscreteProbDistribution all_but_ab(all);
+- int i;
++ long i;
+ EST_String sname;
+ double sfreq, score;
+ for (i=b.item_start(); !b.item_end(i);
+@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ static double find_score_if_split(EST_WF
+ EST_DiscreteProbDistribution pdf_split(&wfst.in_symbols());
+ EST_DiscreteProbDistribution pdf_remain(&wfst.in_symbols());
+ int in, tostate, id;
+- int i;
++ long i;
+ double sfreq;
+ EST_String sname;
diff --git a/app-accessibility/speech-tools/files/speech-tools-1.2.95_beta-gcc41-amd64.patch b/app-accessibility/speech-tools/files/speech-tools-1.2.95_beta-gcc41-amd64.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d6ab0749ae45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-accessibility/speech-tools/files/speech-tools-1.2.95_beta-gcc41-amd64.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- speech_tools/ling_class/ 2006/06/27 11:43:49 1.1
++++ speech_tools/ling_class/ 2006/06/27 11:44:25
+@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ EST_String get_featname(const EST_Item_f
+ EST_String name = EST_FeatureFunctionContext::global->get_featfunc_name(func, found);
+ if (!found)
+- EST_error("featfunc 0x%x has no name", (int)func);
++ EST_error("featfunc 0x%p has no name", func);
+ return name;
+ }
diff --git a/app-accessibility/speech-tools/files/speech-tools-1.2.95_beta-gcc41.patch b/app-accessibility/speech-tools/files/speech-tools-1.2.95_beta-gcc41.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..14819e2efe13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-accessibility/speech-tools/files/speech-tools-1.2.95_beta-gcc41.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+--- speech_tools/include/EST_Chunk.h 2006/06/05 00:32:45 1.1
++++ speech_tools/include/EST_Chunk.h 2006/06/05 01:41:28
+@@ -103,6 +103,8 @@
+ /* */
+ /************************************************************************/
++class EST_ChunkPtr;
+ class EST_Chunk {
+ public:
+ typedef unsigned short use_counter;
+@@ -152,6 +154,13 @@ class EST_Chunk {
+ /* */
+ /************************************************************************/
++EST_ChunkPtr chunk_allocate(int bytes);
++EST_ChunkPtr chunk_allocate(int bytes, const char *initial, int initial_len);
++EST_ChunkPtr chunk_allocate(int bytes, const EST_ChunkPtr &initial, int initial_start, int initial_len);
++void make_updatable(EST_ChunkPtr &shared, EST_Chunk::EST_chunk_size inuse);
++void make_updatable(EST_ChunkPtr &shared);
+ class EST_ChunkPtr {
+ private:
+ EST_Chunk *ptr;
+--- speech_tools/include/ling_class/EST_Item.h 2006/06/05 00:39:43 1.1
++++ speech_tools/include/ling_class/EST_Item.h 2006/06/05 00:40:02
+@@ -79,6 +79,9 @@ use we envisage. Traversal of the items
+ */
++class EST_Item;
++int same_item(const EST_Item *l1,const EST_Item *l2);
+ class EST_Item
+ {
+ private:
+--- ./speech_tools/base_class/ 2006/06/05 00:59:34 1.1
++++ ./speech_tools/base_class/ 2006/06/05 01:19:16
+@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ EST_Pathname EST_Pathname::as_directory(
+ return *this;
+ if (length() > 0)
+- return ::operator +(EST_String(*this), "/");
++ return EST_String(*this) + "/";
+ return "./";
+ }
diff --git a/app-accessibility/speech-tools/speech-tools-1.2.95_beta.ebuild b/app-accessibility/speech-tools/speech-tools-1.2.95_beta.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a07567ccb8b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-accessibility/speech-tools/speech-tools-1.2.95_beta.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-accessibility/speech-tools/speech-tools-1.2.95_beta.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/09/21 04:36:35 williamh Exp $
+IUSE="esd X"
+inherit eutils fixheadtails toolchain-funcs
+DESCRIPTION="Speech tools for Festival Text to Speech engine"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
+ app-arch/cpio
+ sys-apps/findutils
+ esd? ( media-sound/esound )
+ X? (
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXt )
+ !<app-accessibility/festival-1.95_beta
+ >=sys-apps/sed-4"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+# set the compiler flags.
+ sed -i -e 's:-O3:$(OPTIMISE_CXXFLAGS):' ${S}/base_class/Makefile
+ # Compile fix for #41329.
+ sed -i -e 's/-fpic/-fPIC/' ${S}/config/compilers/gcc_defaults.mak
+ sed -i -e 's/# \(SHARED=1\)/\1/' ${S}/config/
+ use esd && sed -i -e 's/# \(INCLUDE_MODULES += ESD_AUDIO\)/\1/' ${S}/config/
+ use X || sed -i -e 's/-lX11 -lXt//' ${S}/config/modules/esd_audio.mak
+ # gcc 4.1 compatibility patches
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-gcc41.patch
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-gcc41-amd64.patch
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-gcc41-amd64-int-pointer.patch
+src_compile() {
+ econf || die
+ emake -j1 OPTIMISE_CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS}" OPTIMISE_CCFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" CC="$(tc-getCC)" CXX="$(tc-getCXX)" || die
+src_install() {
+ ${S}/lib/{,}
+ dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/ /usr/$(get_libdir)/
+ dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/ /usr/$(get_libdir)/
+ dolib.a ${S}/lib/{libestbase.a,libestools.a,libeststring.a}
+ cd ${S}/bin
+ for file in *; do
+ [ "${file}" = "Makefile" ] && continue
+ dobin ${file}
+ dstfile="/usr/bin/${file}"
+ dosed "s:${S}/testsuite/data:/usr/share/speech-tools/testsuite:g" ${dstfile}
+ dosed "s:${S}/bin:/usr/libexec/speech-tools:g" ${dstfile}
+ dosed "s:${S}/main:/usr/libexec/speech-tools:g" ${dstfile}
+ # This just changes LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+ dosed "s:${S}/lib:/usr/$(get_libdir):g" ${dstfile}
+ done
+ exeinto /usr/libexec/speech-tools
+ for file in `find ${S}/main -perm +100 -type f`; do
+ doexe ${file}
+ done
+ insinto /usr/share/speech-tools/lib/siod
+ doins ${S}/lib/siod/*
+ insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/example_data
+ doins ${S}/lib/example_data/*
+ cd ${S}
+ find config -print | cpio -pmd ${D}/usr/share/speech-tools || die "Unable to install config files"
+ dodir /usr/include/speech-tools
+ cd ${S}/include
+ find . -print | cpio -pmd ${D}/usr/include/speech-tools || die "Unable to install include files"
+ dosym /usr/include/speech-tools /usr/share/speech-tools/include
+ chown -R root:0 ${D}
+ find ${D}/usr/share/speech-tools/config -type f | xargs sed -i -e 's/-ltermcap/-lncurses/g'
+ #doenvd ${FILESDIR}/58speech-tools
+ dodoc ${S}/{README,INSTALL}
+ dodoc ${S}/lib/cstrutt.dtd