diff options
authorRobin H. Johnson <>2008-03-24 00:05:02 +0000
committerRobin H. Johnson <>2008-03-24 00:05:02 +0000
commit66276f5fff131508ad26afa73378fb6265496b71 (patch)
treecd5a802b6b54f21ff92c9d34bf92ea6478b704fc /dev-util/git
parentAdd gnome-base/gvfs to GNOME-2.22 mask (diff)
Per bug 214168, some users are really picky about wanting a Perl-free Git. This new revision makes that a possibility, and now also introduces most of the dependancies that were only previously stated in the pkg_postinst phase. The following arch keywords have been dropped per bug 214464 until the arches can keyword the dependancies: arm, ia64, s390, sh.
Package-Manager: portage-
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-util/git')
4 files changed, 619 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/dev-util/git/ChangeLog b/dev-util/git/ChangeLog
index 3790c5b2cb1d..b8c63e156e35 100644
--- a/dev-util/git/ChangeLog
+++ b/dev-util/git/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
# ChangeLog for dev-util/git
# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-util/git/ChangeLog,v 1.262 2008/03/20 19:59:38 vapier Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-util/git/ChangeLog,v 1.263 2008/03/24 00:05:01 robbat2 Exp $
+*git- (24 Mar 2008)
+ 24 Mar 2008; Robin H. Johnson <>
+ +files/20080322-git-, +git-
+ Per bug 214168, some users are really picky about wanting a Perl-free Git.
+ This new revision makes that a possibility, and now also introduces most
+ of the dependancies that were only previously stated in the pkg_postinst
+ phase. The following arch keywords have been dropped per bug 214464 until
+ the arches can keyword the dependancies: arm, ia64, s390, sh.
20 Mar 2008; Mike Frysinger <> git-
Add support for USE=xinetd #213014.
diff --git a/dev-util/git/Manifest b/dev-util/git/Manifest
index 0f1febb8f957..f5f00d8413c5 100644
--- a/dev-util/git/Manifest
+++ b/dev-util/git/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
-Hash: SHA1
+AUX 20080322-git- 11055 RMD160 a184a12108077bbb44ccce42da2b5f603fdc27d8 SHA1 1437ecf11405109d38fe63a4ab29fbed55eb0b60 SHA256 76c706775095987ca073bb0229c93d7a972d61ddebeed598fbba4bc15112a60f
AUX 70git-gentoo.el 88 RMD160 fe9b87bdbe14141580745063092a5d08924f23fd SHA1 332f9cbf5a1dbb176e54646fa23aa140aee917f7 SHA256 7589206de5ea91e912e0332f7dc503689d348cb752e17ba84a724987c4bbe04a
AUX 71git-gentoo.el 265 RMD160 c7284b9b210e631c91c4d5a6849e7e43be16d3c9 SHA1 da4a1ea75804fff4d54d34f072478e5ad1a49088 SHA256 930a56df44a3fc9ceb16304b7b53d87bc736708c1a34f4b46f21a128314b5066
AUX 72git-gentoo.el 337 RMD160 644e711f842f0947592fbc9e58f9f3ea2f085229 SHA1 33d594c19a5f5e7147719b61573505076a3c4984 SHA256 b022fdc82776c869c8e573c154fb0ff9ac748f0b6f4fbcd2f28618e3b946412f
@@ -41,14 +39,8 @@ EBUILD git- 6371 RMD160 847ed38b63b34256ce17991dc6c4dbd34c20795
EBUILD git- 6388 RMD160 a76f9cc851a04c6b898f7f34d85b5433e28cfe2a SHA1 d10fbe86d2825b563025c0014db93cbbfd57d47c SHA256 13dc2bf683b369d4b61016587072db9c6b6af54ff0aa32ff2a542ec968a42b84
EBUILD git- 6456 RMD160 67839a8bc0b973305569c4b2a14489ccf9171c43 SHA1 c1e4ebe62bc94eee12b222ecc891b9aebbd09383 SHA256 ef53e4d404725c06a0326ae5b77539363d146ae6b2c1d7a38d00f190e0f65a61
EBUILD git- 6458 RMD160 281145d4c0fac156ca62722b23ba602d1737955c SHA1 a8418ded18c3de325888fb42a3dcc2844a264f52 SHA256 e8d4a7cab34ff64b6d9995840e8ac278ba010d5c76d6cb409a4bc1920268856e
+EBUILD git- 7831 RMD160 1421858c206662b776b5979338038f6b9b6baf17 SHA1 858c29240e9de2db58ed0407ff3d8b08363c8c7a SHA256 8fd591cbea8e4a8d25778668e3a28d7adb58d29d560727d2fc04e6d219c25cf0
EBUILD git- 6565 RMD160 60bcf79bd993f95d038921fd8e83dc1289f5c958 SHA1 1197a2cbdce0658199407f07292c8b15689dbdb5 SHA256 b8d304b4c09311ea7fc2adc86fb352a69a7c37d83f98c573015fb8c979074817
EBUILD git-1.5.4.ebuild 6565 RMD160 17d6172114dcbbc24d390b93fc9598318e0b4906 SHA1 3a7b86bacacb291fccdde45b7cd1832bc7cdda35 SHA256 8ba59eba4f2377e33302bf9830657c68f3c6fec3b600e234a5b1a4b36e0bee15
-MISC ChangeLog 38431 RMD160 2ea2d643d688267e072b69f7ccec42cf99e28924 SHA1 f291f1f5043b99bc87efaababb1fdda9f691ffe6 SHA256 e04f4af59998f86b7b3718ec28b0df7e747d151030afeacfc5c0ebbfc7cbefe0
+MISC ChangeLog 38952 RMD160 2f6edc9a726b4ae742eb3c783c535724d747a37b SHA1 ffdf726a0979c42583671b561ef596b02c37f0bb SHA256 22fa682349566d65d5689368b64ccc2498ef25f29059394e0fe1053284dd54b0
MISC metadata.xml 1029 RMD160 f44ab0f6f9566b2cdb37f6cdd094e163c94e7d11 SHA1 88453257ccbedf4166357c262f49b0731cc45448 SHA256 2aa15da3001de8d8182ee9c8289cdefae84652b78ccc4cf35b2394f07edc352f
-Version: GnuPG v2.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/dev-util/git/files/20080322-git- b/dev-util/git/files/20080322-git-
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bf5e8306fe5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/git/files/20080322-git-
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+Implement 95% of the NO_PERL functionality, to build Git without any Perl
+support, because some Gentoo users want a Git without any Perl whatesoever
+(Gentoo bug #214168).
+Remaining bits are doing as well as git-remote usage in:
+Signed-off-by: Robin H. Johnson <>
+diff -Nuar --exclude gitweb.cgi --exclude --exclude git- git-
+--- git- 2008-03-22 15:25:24.986081000 -0700
++++ git- 2008-03-22 16:46:04.612806869 -0700
+@@ -123,6 +123,8 @@
+ #
+ # Define NO_PERL_MAKEMAKER if you cannot use Makefiles generated by perl's
+ # MakeMaker (e.g. using ActiveState under Cygwin).
++# Define NO_PERL if you do not want Perl scripts at all.
+ #
+ # Define NO_TCLTK if you do not want Tcl/Tk GUI.
+ #
+@@ -233,15 +235,18 @@
+ \
++SCRIPTS = $(patsubst,%,$(SCRIPT_SH))
++ifndef NO_PERL
+ git-add--interactive.perl \
+ git-archimport.perl git-cvsimport.perl git-relink.perl \
+ git-cvsserver.perl git-remote.perl git-cvsexportcommit.perl \
+ git-send-email.perl git-svn.perl
+-SCRIPTS = $(patsubst,%,$(SCRIPT_SH)) \
+- $(patsubst %.perl,%,$(SCRIPT_PERL)) \
+- git-instaweb
++SCRIPTS += $(patsubst %.perl,%,$(SCRIPT_PERL)) \
++ git-instaweb
+ # ... and all the rest that could be moved out of bindir to gitexecdir
+@@ -276,7 +281,10 @@
+ ALL_PROGRAMS += git-merge-subtree$X
+ # what 'all' will build but not install in gitexecdir
+-OTHER_PROGRAMS = git$X gitweb/gitweb.cgi
++ifndef NO_PERL
++OTHER_PROGRAMS += gitweb/gitweb.cgi
+ # Set paths to tools early so that they can be used for version tests.
+ ifndef SHELL_PATH
+@@ -570,6 +578,10 @@
+ endif
+ endif
++ifdef NO_PERL
+ ifdef ZLIB_PATH
+ BASIC_CFLAGS += -I$(ZLIB_PATH)/include
+ EXTLIBS += -L$(ZLIB_PATH)/$(lib) $(CC_LD_DYNPATH)$(ZLIB_PATH)/$(lib)
+@@ -731,6 +743,11 @@
+ ifeq ($(TCLTK_PATH),)
+ NO_TCLTK=NoThanks
+ endif
++ifeq ($(PERL_PATH),)
++export NO_PERL
+ QUIET_SUBDIR0 = +$(MAKE) -C # space to separate -C and subdir
+@@ -803,7 +820,9 @@
+ $(QUIET_SUBDIR0)git-gui $(QUIET_SUBDIR1) all
+ $(QUIET_SUBDIR0)gitk-git $(QUIET_SUBDIR1) all
+ endif
++ifndef NO_PERL
+ $(QUIET_SUBDIR0)perl $(QUIET_SUBDIR1) PERL_PATH='$(PERL_PATH_SQ)' prefix='$(prefix_SQ)' all
+ $(QUIET_SUBDIR0)templates $(QUIET_SUBDIR1)
+ strip: $(PROGRAMS) git$X
+@@ -844,6 +863,7 @@
+ chmod +x $@+ && \
+ mv $@+ $@
++ifndef NO_PERL
+ $(patsubst %.perl,%,$(SCRIPT_PERL)): perl/perl.mak
+ perl/perl.mak: GIT-CFLAGS perl/Makefile perl/Makefile.PL
+@@ -902,6 +922,7 @@
+ $ > $@+ && \
+ chmod +x $@+ && \
+ mv $@+ $@
++endif # NO_PERL
+ configure:
+ $(QUIET_GEN)$(RM) $@ $<+ && \
+@@ -1052,7 +1073,9 @@
+ $(INSTALL) $(ALL_PROGRAMS) '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(gitexecdir_SQ)'
+ $(INSTALL) git$X '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(bindir_SQ)'
+ $(MAKE) -C templates DESTDIR='$(DESTDIR_SQ)' install
++ifndef NO_PERL
+ $(MAKE) -C perl prefix='$(prefix_SQ)' DESTDIR='$(DESTDIR_SQ)' install
+ ifndef NO_TCLTK
+ $(MAKE) -C gitk-git install
+ $(MAKE) -C git-gui install
+@@ -1141,9 +1164,11 @@
+ $(RM) -r $(GIT_TARNAME) .doc-tmp-dir
+ $(RM) $(GIT_TARNAME).tar.gz git-core_$(GIT_VERSION)-*.tar.gz
+ $(RM) $(htmldocs).tar.gz $(manpages).tar.gz
+- $(RM) gitweb/gitweb.cgi
+ $(MAKE) -C Documentation/ clean
++ifndef NO_PERL
++ $(RM) gitweb/gitweb.cgi
+ $(MAKE) -C perl clean
+ $(MAKE) -C templates/ clean
+ $(MAKE) -C t/ clean
+ ifndef NO_TCLTK
+diff -Nuar --exclude gitweb.cgi --exclude --exclude git- git-
+--- git- 2008-03-09 03:18:13.000000000 -0700
++++ git- 2008-03-22 15:57:31.759925335 -0700
+@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
+ free(seen);
+ }
++#ifndef NO_PERL
+ static const char **validate_pathspec(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
+ {
+ const char **pathspec = get_pathspec(prefix, argv);
+@@ -170,6 +171,7 @@
+ free(args);
+ return status;
+ }
+ static struct lock_file lock_file;
+@@ -182,8 +184,10 @@
+ OPT__DRY_RUN(&show_only),
+ OPT__VERBOSE(&verbose),
+ OPT_GROUP(""),
++#ifndef NO_PERL
+ OPT_BOOLEAN('i', "interactive", &add_interactive, "interactive picking"),
+ OPT_BOOLEAN('p', "patch", &patch_interactive, "interactive patching"),
+ OPT_BOOLEAN('f', NULL, &ignored_too, "allow adding otherwise ignored files"),
+ OPT_BOOLEAN('u', NULL, &take_worktree_changes, "update tracked files"),
+ OPT_BOOLEAN( 0 , "refresh", &refresh_only, "don't add, only refresh the index"),
+@@ -198,10 +202,12 @@
+ argc = parse_options(argc, argv, builtin_add_options,
+ builtin_add_usage, 0);
++#ifndef NO_PERL
+ if (patch_interactive)
+ add_interactive = 1;
+ if (add_interactive)
+ exit(interactive_add(argc, argv, prefix));
+ git_config(git_default_config);
+diff -Nuar --exclude gitweb.cgi --exclude --exclude git- git-
+--- git- 2008-03-09 03:18:13.000000000 -0700
++++ git- 2008-03-22 15:58:41.139317545 -0700
+@@ -96,7 +96,9 @@
+ OPT_GROUP("Commit contents options"),
+ OPT_BOOLEAN('a', "all", &all, "commit all changed files"),
+ OPT_BOOLEAN('i', "include", &also, "add specified files to index for commit"),
++#ifndef NO_PERL
+ OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "interactive", &interactive, "interactively add files"),
+ OPT_BOOLEAN('o', "only", &only, ""),
+ OPT_BOOLEAN('n', "no-verify", &no_verify, "bypass pre-commit hook"),
+ OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "amend", &amend, "amend previous commit"),
+@@ -213,11 +215,13 @@
+ struct path_list partial;
+ const char **pathspec = NULL;
++#ifndef NO_PERL
+ if (interactive) {
+ interactive_add(argc, argv, prefix);
+ commit_style = COMMIT_AS_IS;
+ return get_index_file();
+ }
+ if (read_cache() < 0)
+ die("index file corrupt");
+diff -Nuar --exclude gitweb.cgi --exclude --exclude git- git-
+--- git- 2008-03-09 03:18:13.000000000 -0700
++++ git- 2008-03-22 16:02:12.797409374 -0700
+@@ -6,6 +6,12 @@
+ test_done
+ exit
+ fi
++if test -n "$NO_PERL"
++ test_expect_success 'skipping git-svn tests, NO_PERL defined' :
++ test_done
++ exit
+ GIT_DIR=$PWD/.git
+ GIT_SVN_DIR=$GIT_DIR/svn/git-svn
+diff -Nuar --exclude gitweb.cgi --exclude --exclude git- git-
+--- git- 2008-03-09 03:18:13.000000000 -0700
++++ git- 2008-03-22 16:22:58.012694493 -0700
+@@ -3,6 +3,12 @@
+ test_description='git remote porcelain-ish'
+ . ./
++if test -n "$NO_PERL"
++ test_expect_success 'skipping git-cvsimport tests, NO_PERL defined' :
++ test_done
++ exit
+ setup_repository () {
+ mkdir "$1" && (
+diff -Nuar --exclude gitweb.cgi --exclude --exclude git- git-
+--- git- 2008-03-09 03:18:13.000000000 -0700
++++ git- 2008-03-22 16:14:25.513913653 -0700
+@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
+ "echo King of the bongo >file &&
+ git-commit -m foo -a file"
+-test_expect_failure \
++[ -z "$NO_PERL" ] && test_expect_failure \
+ "using paths with --interactive" \
+ "echo bong-o-bong >file &&
+ echo 7 | git-commit -m foo --interactive file"
+@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
+ "echo 'gak' >file && \
+ git-commit -m 'author' --author 'Rubber Duck <>' -a"
+-test_expect_success \
++[ -z "$NO_PERL" ] && test_expect_success \
+ "interactive add" \
+ "echo 7 | git-commit --interactive | grep 'What now'"
+diff -Nuar --exclude gitweb.cgi --exclude --exclude git- git-
+--- git- 2008-03-09 03:18:13.000000000 -0700
++++ git- 2008-03-22 16:03:58.490510442 -0700
+@@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
+ test_description='git-send-email'
+ . ./
++if test -n "$NO_PERL"
++ test_expect_success 'skipping git-send-email tests, NO_PERL defined' :
++ test_done
++ exit
+ PROG='git send-email'
+ test_expect_success \
+diff -Nuar --exclude gitweb.cgi --exclude --exclude git- git-
+--- git- 2008-03-09 03:18:13.000000000 -0700
++++ git- 2008-03-22 16:04:12.535965488 -0700
+@@ -13,6 +13,12 @@
+ test_done
+ exit
+ fi
++if test -n "$NO_PERL"
++ test_expect_success 'skipping git-cvsexportcommit tests, NO_PERL defined' :
++ test_done
++ exit
+ CVSROOT=$(pwd)/cvsroot
+ CVSWORK=$(pwd)/cvswork
+diff -Nuar --exclude gitweb.cgi --exclude --exclude git- git-
+--- git- 2008-03-09 03:18:13.000000000 -0700
++++ git- 2008-03-22 16:04:20.038686248 -0700
+@@ -17,6 +17,12 @@
+ test_done
+ exit
+ fi
++if test -n "$NO_PERL"
++ test_expect_success 'skipping git-cvsserver tests, NO_PERL defined' :
++ test_done
++ exit
+ perl -e 'use DBI; use DBD::SQLite' >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
+ test_expect_success 'skipping git-cvsserver tests, Perl SQLite interface unavailable' :
+ test_done
+diff -Nuar --exclude gitweb.cgi --exclude --exclude git- git-
+--- git- 2008-03-09 03:18:13.000000000 -0700
++++ git- 2008-03-22 16:17:00.350148743 -0700
+@@ -67,6 +67,13 @@
+ }
+ . ./
++if test -n "$NO_PERL"
++ test_expect_success 'skipping gitweb-standalone-no-errors tests, NO_PERL defined' :
++ test_done
++ exit
+ perl -MEncode -e 'decode_utf8("", Encode::FB_CROAK)' >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
+ test_expect_success 'skipping gitweb tests, perl version is too old' :
+diff -Nuar --exclude gitweb.cgi --exclude --exclude git- git-
+--- git- 2008-03-09 03:18:13.000000000 -0700
++++ git- 2008-03-22 16:04:28.501086452 -0700
+@@ -9,6 +9,12 @@
+ test_done
+ exit
+ fi
++if test -n "$NO_PERL"
++ test_expect_success 'skipping git-cvsimport tests, NO_PERL defined' :
++ test_done
++ exit
+ cvsps_version=`cvsps -h 2>&1 | sed -ne 's/cvsps version //p'`
+ case "$cvsps_version" in
diff --git a/dev-util/git/git- b/dev-util/git/git-
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2baea8f740f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/git/git-
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-util/git/git-,v 1.1 2008/03/24 00:05:01 robbat2 Exp $
+inherit toolchain-funcs eutils elisp-common perl-module bash-completion
+DESCRIPTION="GIT - the stupid content tracker, the revision control system heavily used by the Linux kernel team"
+ mirror://kernel/software/scm/git/${PN}-manpages-${DOC_VER}.tar.bz2
+ doc? ( mirror://kernel/software/scm/git/${PN}-htmldocs-${DOC_VER}.tar.bz2 )"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~hppa ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~sparc-fbsd ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
+IUSE="curl cgi doc emacs gtk iconv mozsha1 perl ppcsha1 tk threads webdav xinetd cvs subversion"
+ !app-misc/git
+ dev-libs/openssl
+ sys-libs/zlib
+ app-arch/cpio
+ perl? ( dev-lang/perl )
+ tk? ( dev-lang/tk )
+ curl? ( net-misc/curl )
+ webdav? ( dev-libs/expat )
+ emacs? ( virtual/emacs )"
+# dev-perl/{Authen-SASL,Net-SMTP-SSL} are used by git-send-email
+ perl? ( dev-perl/Error
+ dev-perl/Net-SMTP-SSL
+ dev-perl/Authen-SASL
+ cgi? ( virtual/perl-CGI )
+ cvs? ( >=dev-util/cvsps-2.1 dev-perl/DBI dev-perl/DBD-SQLite )
+ subversion? ( dev-util/subversion dev-perl/libwww-perl dev-perl/TermReadKey )
+ )
+ gtk? ( >=dev-python/pygtk-2.8 )"
+pkg_setup() {
+ if ! use perl ; then
+ if use cgi || use cvs || use subversion ; then
+ eerror "You must built dev-util/git with USE=perl and the"
+ eerror "applicable USE flag to use any of the following:"
+ eerror "gitweb, git-cvs*, git-svn, git-archimport, git-quiltimport"
+ die "You need USE=perl to satisfy your other USE= requests!"
+ fi
+ fi
+# This is needed because for some obscure reasons future calls to make don't
+# pick up these exports if we export them in src_unpack()
+exportmakeopts() {
+ local myopts
+ if use mozsha1 ; then
+ myopts="${myopts} MOZILLA_SHA1=YesPlease"
+ elif use ppcsha1 ; then
+ myopts="${myopts} PPC_SHA1=YesPlease"
+ fi
+ if use curl ; then
+ use webdav || myopts="${myopts} NO_EXPAT=YesPlease"
+ else
+ myopts="${myopts} NO_CURL=YesPlease"
+ use webdav && ewarn "USE=webdav only matters with USE=curl. Ignoring."
+ fi
+ use iconv || myopts="${myopts} NO_ICONV=YesPlease"
+ use tk || myopts="${myopts} NO_TCLTK=YesPlease"
+ use perl || myopts="${myopts} NO_PERL=YesPlease"
+ use threads && myopts="${myopts} THREADED_DELTA_SEARCH=YesPlease"
+ use subversion || myopts="${myopts} NO_SVN_TESTS=YesPlease"
+ export MY_MAKEOPTS="${myopts}"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${MY_P}.tar.bz2
+ cd "${S}"
+ unpack ${PN}-manpages-${DOC_VER}.tar.bz2
+ use doc && cd "${S}"/Documentation && unpack ${PN}-htmldocs-${DOC_VER}.tar.bz2
+ cd "${S}"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.5.3-symlinks.patch
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/20080322-${PN}-
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:^\(CFLAGS =\).*$:\1 ${CFLAGS} -Wall:" \
+ -e "s:^\(LDFLAGS =\).*$:\1 ${LDFLAGS}:" \
+ -e "s:^\(CC = \).*$:\1$(tc-getCC):" \
+ -e "s:^\(AR = \).*$:\1$(tc-getAR):" \
+ -e 's:ln :ln -s :g' \
+ Makefile || die "sed failed"
+ exportmakeopts
+src_compile() {
+ emake ${MY_MAKEOPTS} DESTDIR="${D}" prefix=/usr || die "make failed"
+ if use emacs ; then
+ elisp-compile contrib/emacs/{,vc-}git.el || die "emacs modules failed"
+ fi
+ if use perl && use cgi ; then
+ emake ${MY_MAKEOPTS} \
+ DESTDIR="${D}" \
+ prefix=/usr \
+ gitweb/gitweb.cgi || die "make gitweb/gitweb.cgi failed"
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ emake ${MY_MAKEOPTS} DESTDIR="${D}" prefix=/usr install || \
+ die "make install failed"
+ doman man?/*
+ dodoc README Documentation/{SubmittingPatches,CodingGuidelines}
+ use doc && dodir /usr/share/doc/${PF}/html
+ for d in / /howto/ /technical/ ; do
+ docinto ${d}
+ dodoc Documentation${d}*.txt
+ use doc && dohtml -p ${d} Documentation${d}*.html
+ done
+ docinto /
+ dobashcompletion contrib/completion/git-completion.bash ${PN}
+ if use emacs ; then
+ elisp-install ${PN} contrib/emacs/{,vc-}git.el* || \
+ die "elisp-install failed"
+ elisp-site-file-install "${FILESDIR}"/${SITEFILE}
+ # don't add automatically to the load-path, so the sitefile
+ # can do a conditional loading
+ touch "${D}"/"${SITELISP}"/${PN}/.nosearch
+ fi
+ if use gtk ; then
+ dobin "${S}"/contrib/gitview/gitview
+ dodoc "${S}"/contrib/gitview/gitview.txt
+ fi
+ dobin contrib/fast-import/git-p4
+ dodoc contrib/fast-import/git-p4.txt
+ newbin contrib/fast-import/import-tars.perl import-tars
+ dodir /usr/share/${PN}/contrib
+ # The following are excluded:
+ # svnimport - use git-svn
+ # p4import - excluded because fast-import has a better one
+ # examples - these are stuff that is not used in Git anymore actually
+ # patches - stuff the Git guys made to go upstream to other places
+ for i in continuous fast-import hg-to-git \
+ hooks vim stats \
+ workdir convert-objects blameview ; do
+ cp -rf \
+ "${S}"/contrib/${i} \
+ "${D}"/usr/share/${PN}/contrib \
+ || die "Failed contrib ${i}"
+ done
+ if use perl && use cgi ; then
+ dodir /usr/share/${PN}/gitweb
+ insinto /usr/share/${PN}/gitweb
+ doins "${S}"/gitweb/gitweb.{cgi,css}
+ doins "${S}"/gitweb/git-{favicon,logo}.png
+ docinto /
+ # INSTALL discusses configuration issues, not just installation
+ newdoc "${S}"/gitweb/INSTALL INSTALL.gitweb
+ newdoc "${S}"/gitweb/README README.gitweb
+ fi
+ if use xinetd ; then
+ insinto /etc/xinetd.d
+ newins "${FILESDIR}"/git-daemon.xinetd git-daemon
+ fi
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/git-daemon.initd git-daemon
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/git-daemon.confd git-daemon
+ fixlocalpod
+src_test() {
+ local disabled=""
+ local tests_cvs=" \
+ \
+ local tests_perl=" \
+ \
+ # Unzip is used only for the testcase code, not by any normal parts of Git.
+ has_version app-arch/unzip || \
+ einfo "Disabling tar-tree tests" && \
+ disabled="${disabled} \
+ if ! has userpriv "${FEATURES}"; then
+ ewarn "Skipping CVS tests because CVS does not work as root!"
+ ewarn "You should retest with FEATURES=userpriv!"
+ disabled="${disabled} \
+ ${tests_cvs}"
+ fi
+ use cvs && \
+ has_version dev-util/cvs && \
+ built_with_use dev-util/cvs server || \
+ einfo "Disabling CVS tests (needs dev-util/cvs[USE=server])" && \
+ disabled="${disabled} \
+ ${tests_cvs}"
+ use perl || \
+ einfo "Disabling tests that need Perl" && \
+ disabled="${disabled} \
+ ${tests_perl}"
+ # Reset all previously disabled tests
+ cd "${S}/t"
+ for i in *.sh.DISABLED ; do
+ [[ -f "${i}" ]] && mv -f "${i}" "${i%.DISABLED}"
+ done
+ einfo "Disabled tests:"
+ for i in ${disabled} ; do
+ [[ -f "${i}" ]] && mv -f "${i}" "${i}.DISABLED" && einfo "Disabled $i"
+ done
+ cd "${S}"
+ # Now run the tests
+ einfo "Start test run"
+ emake ${MY_MAKEOPTS} DESTDIR="${D}" prefix=/usr test || die "tests failed"
+showpkgdeps() {
+ local pkg=$1
+ shift
+ elog " $(printf "%-17s:" ${pkg}) ${@}"
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if use emacs ; then
+ elisp-site-regen
+ elog "GNU Emacs has built-in Git support in versions greater 22.1."
+ elog "You can disable the emacs USE flag for dev-util/git"
+ elog "if you are using such a version."
+ fi
+ if use subversion && ! built_with_use dev-util/subversion perl ; then
+ ewarn "You must build dev-util/subversion with USE=perl"
+ ewarn "to get the full functionality of git-svn!"
+ fi
+ elog "These additional scripts need some dependencies:"
+ echo
+ showpkgdeps git-archimport "dev-util/tla"
+ showpkgdeps git-quiltimport "dev-util/quilt"
+ showpkgdeps git-instaweb \
+ "|| ( www-servers/lighttpd www-servers/apache )"
+ echo
+pkg_postrm() {
+ use emacs && elisp-site-regen