diff options
authorPeter Volkov <>2008-03-18 20:30:43 +0000
committerPeter Volkov <>2008-03-18 20:30:43 +0000
commit105f6bc98d6022bfebed2319e901abfeacbedd94 (patch)
treed274ee906f4170a5d3880aac38298e2c872d869a /net-analyzer
parentRe-add ~sparc (diff)
Removed unused ebuilds. Made pcap USE flag enabled by default to avoid further questions why wireshark is unable to capture packets.
Package-Manager: portage-
Diffstat (limited to 'net-analyzer')
9 files changed, 15 insertions, 642 deletions
diff --git a/net-analyzer/wireshark/ChangeLog b/net-analyzer/wireshark/ChangeLog
index 681f47209034..6e53d5050ab3 100644
--- a/net-analyzer/wireshark/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-analyzer/wireshark/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
# ChangeLog for net-analyzer/wireshark
# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-analyzer/wireshark/ChangeLog,v 1.87 2008/03/18 18:06:06 dertobi123 Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-analyzer/wireshark/ChangeLog,v 1.88 2008/03/18 20:30:42 pva Exp $
+ 18 Mar 2008; Peter Volkov <>
+ -files/wireshark-0.99.7-crash-emem.c.patch,
+ -files/wireshark-0.99.7-exit.patch,
+ -files/wireshark-0.99.7-glib-1.2-compile-fix.patch,
+ -wireshark-0.99.7-r1.ebuild, -wireshark-0.99.7-r2.ebuild,
+ -wireshark-0.99.8_rc1.ebuild, wireshark-0.99.8.ebuild:
+ Removed unused ebuilds. Made pcap USE flag enabled by default to avoid
+ further questions why wireshark is unable to capture packets.
18 Mar 2008; Tobias Scherbaum <>
@@ -31,7 +40,7 @@
16 Mar 2008; Peter Volkov <> +wireshark-0.99.8.ebuild:
Finally version bump, fixes security bug #212149, reported by Robert
Buchholz. Fixes libsmi autodep, bug #211324, reported by Fabio Erculiani.
- Many other fixes here and there...
+ Many other fixes here and there... Dropped check for minimal USE flag in perl.
21 Feb 2008; <> +files/wireshark-0.99.8-as-needed.patch,
diff --git a/net-analyzer/wireshark/Manifest b/net-analyzer/wireshark/Manifest
index 53865fdd5964..e4513966407a 100644
--- a/net-analyzer/wireshark/Manifest
+++ b/net-analyzer/wireshark/Manifest
@@ -1,18 +1,11 @@
AUX wireshark-0.99.7-asneeded.patch 339 RMD160 faa516dd3dfd8bd6218f66d3bedb5490b0896f5b SHA1 ec2b8952f8fe55471e923c086a6e9b48e06ce7a8 SHA256 9fc8b3ec3fcf1cca714c78c28c1883503abfcfce4fe175e43c6d7ec14ddc9478
-AUX wireshark-0.99.7-crash-emem.c.patch 1123 RMD160 e5dd57a30a6ca177dedb7263a51c0653f96e5c07 SHA1 a22f51cd20141277a99e40933245332319a6f8a4 SHA256 c48ca7c56d9d7489a943168aa4501fe9caba4e08cf3d309d51a20445b78cb361
-AUX wireshark-0.99.7-exit.patch 2553 RMD160 078fe05e5901c1e94e84bf0de5dba4974bf0d273 SHA1 aca76a59220825da884d98e12abce108945442fc SHA256 b7b4d4832fc7053620bd81e4ea3466a9aacf6341b3de093fe9fdf36c909fc07e
-AUX wireshark-0.99.7-glib-1.2-compile-fix.patch 308 RMD160 91e1779b76b152242527caff6c2e8d2d74f7b9c1 SHA1 966880965cddd7645ac1d65ba2f6d1309a062978 SHA256 4e598666cc3622aa7da11161306e2b1b52958aada5393c10fb78114d0f0882f7
AUX wireshark-0.99.7-libgcrypt.patch 1460 RMD160 50746197a57eb99b86d192c8a3d5068cee527f07 SHA1 c0aec79a244b1d9e133de903c6953493958d2ef0 SHA256 01fd754829b3bc4714389dac9eaaf8d4f4457277794d60d69a55450042610814
AUX wireshark-0.99.8-as-needed.patch 395 RMD160 2e06f641e9789db717544bfd1568e4bf6e85855c SHA1 a18b6fcc85b40c00fc1d30bcdfc81d13dc33e904 SHA256 d2f996a79fa3117296b25c10a1d4a3f0f8027a678de4e37e6c60bfb47a4754b9
AUX wireshark-0.99.8-libpcap-compile.patch 892 RMD160 29548906e6ffe619c45deee1378953c63fa57a06 SHA1 f892354fc96f5bd009e8123ab14ac3d338029d8b SHA256 9e19ee7518dd3e1dcd9dbf37485590a7b42de727da301472decc15125241bb2f
AUX wireshark-except-double-free.diff 664 RMD160 2b61f03f5148975f6438351c11de18a500deabc5 SHA1 0239e19ba0ebd2cfb4ab4987a8a4c56646cd9250 SHA256 dc02a5f3e4bdbd128a2ba08f38880358f747661a93ca0b3fe1918c67b255c369
DIST wireshark-0.99.7.tar.bz2 13179467 RMD160 558611675aa23313acbdb46650cf471959204bd0 SHA1 3cb6e11410d5151734db19d4fc03b42ecb226277 SHA256 2cbb3360507d8da13fa108e2fe9a4407a89b61fc0ddb6505d60f906b6c15eb82
DIST wireshark-0.99.8.tar.bz2 13243168 RMD160 3d7a4fdd9e2c9b9abaa0c9fe0c3e76fa86ec9aea SHA1 a33c7fd8d73bcbf843d3e3a96fd44489212c51e5 SHA256 ee9d2e7a75bc1ed80ef5faf9debca51ac238996a544f60314b7028f2f3140c22
-DIST wireshark-0.99.8pre1.tar.gz 16815173 RMD160 86655c294ccb3f550f5f904e00c9d978ec1f3546 SHA1 4c46569f3d3112792f14b6e5a99997d6a25eb9f0 SHA256 9a5d1fe01fb9001fa673abb8eb9d5100285ac66ea44070f3421ce0ecc5e06bf5
-EBUILD wireshark-0.99.7-r1.ebuild 5107 RMD160 3709b61da94f61f119de71fa2ef53e7f2f36b710 SHA1 bcf5bfd55466cfebbc867942c40933c6f9a4f2e5 SHA256 c4789c7eb84837aea4464230fe84502d3dbe62f85a3d5e4873e6137aa0c8feb1
-EBUILD wireshark-0.99.7-r2.ebuild 5253 RMD160 7d1d34d60fdb27851d75b90e8b84d547f52ebf0d SHA1 c66eddcce5771d0aeeb7abcfa4414d65042e8a79 SHA256 b00034793dae6f7f693227271abdc80c453531e77fe0729928d755e6ba9102fc
EBUILD wireshark-0.99.7.ebuild 4895 RMD160 359ce3eefe727942641b4cef82b2fba462e8ae24 SHA1 b15e2155e3903fc902bda4cb43ecec6b30771279 SHA256 d2f1bc2fbe273c8a6e1c83e0e276856243297a3b12259fd3c16e14afc747aa9f
-EBUILD wireshark-0.99.8.ebuild 4990 RMD160 9814ec889a015c41d689c5668b3638beb109e8ae SHA1 e0f94e7a4c29582f85bee2fcb3ac86760b066a50 SHA256 5df71ad94691ba99ccc0c5af9bd4ff444cd9be462865f3bc56ddcd3d9ca62119
-EBUILD wireshark-0.99.8_rc1.ebuild 4774 RMD160 2c53d6008d2805248814c8ad9b7722563122da8c SHA1 7e6249cd1a3ceb5c08b22c7ae59fc783364efa34 SHA256 2aa4a51a68b408dcc65514539be26502833cb562997adaaf0f523651cef1b7d3
-MISC ChangeLog 13591 RMD160 d9aa758df0f678507c7a6cadb6fea6f2ba3d3547 SHA1 1ea25477a6501fdb9e96af8e3f36bcb6d8336739 SHA256 49f97ed9afba4110840a88f1a96844387a447c7210a006ec52b679078cf4db58
+EBUILD wireshark-0.99.8.ebuild 4753 RMD160 dd0c509a8f0d8e04260e4c053c220d71a1397cba SHA1 c588c34607e8162eb2d0e319a9f8beb7b72db803 SHA256 078b352fe6bbd6ce196ca561eb8490512f6f2a0227a1f98ee837b8362183d6cb
+MISC ChangeLog 14066 RMD160 cf80f0ccd3dff5bc2f2b84b40e5fc70bb38be4d1 SHA1 f1bdd042d27745b14a550c487355592d9e61cc32 SHA256 92e1096ae774875a472db6c1db52a54ea6c85d63a18a31e3eb0f5f3380dfe267
MISC metadata.xml 1730 RMD160 0c29f85b78106162ac35419f8bc01d1539c3eb6d SHA1 93881ba93a2f1fb8b153887ce7e6a022ce95085f SHA256 d722982a52a578876257954779aa8e14dbf4c0eff0dba0e4b82db551f4a964bd
diff --git a/net-analyzer/wireshark/files/wireshark-0.99.7-crash-emem.c.patch b/net-analyzer/wireshark/files/wireshark-0.99.7-crash-emem.c.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ef58cc4d7513..000000000000
--- a/net-analyzer/wireshark/files/wireshark-0.99.7-crash-emem.c.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Author: gerald
-Date: Fri Nov 23 23:31:21 2007 UTC (6 weeks, 3 days ago)
-Log Message:
-Catch a bad bLength, which may cause a loop. Fixes bug 2012.
---- trunk/epan/dissectors/packet-usb.c 2007/11/23 20:16:41 23556
-+++ trunk/epan/dissectors/packet-usb.c 2007/11/23 23:31:21 23557
-@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
- #include <epan/emem.h>
- #include <epan/tap.h>
- #include <epan/conversation.h>
-+#include <epan/expert.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "packet-usb.h"
-@@ -652,6 +653,13 @@
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_usb_bLength, tvb, offset, 1, TRUE);
- bLength = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
- offset++;
-+ if (bLength < 3) {
-+ item = proto_tree_add_text(parent_tree, tvb, offset - 1, 1,
-+ "Invalid bLength: %u", bLength);
-+ expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, PI_MALFORMED, PI_ERROR,
-+ "Invalid bLength: %u", bLength);
-+ return offset;
-+ }
- /* bDescriptorType */
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_usb_bDescriptorType, tvb, offset, 1, TRUE);
diff --git a/net-analyzer/wireshark/files/wireshark-0.99.7-exit.patch b/net-analyzer/wireshark/files/wireshark-0.99.7-exit.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fa306997caf..000000000000
--- a/net-analyzer/wireshark/files/wireshark-0.99.7-exit.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-Author: guy
-Date: Wed Jan 9 11:40:38 2008 UTC (28 hours, 3 minutes ago)
-Log Message:
-Use dup2() rather than eth_close() followed by dup() to ensure that a
-given file descriptor get duped to another descriptor.
-Handle exec errors in sync_pipe_open_command() the same way they're
-handled in sync_pipe_start(); that fixes bug 2177.
---- trunk/capture_sync.c 2008/01/09 09:34:19 24039
-+++ trunk/capture_sync.c 2008/01/09 11:40:38 24040
-@@ -507,13 +507,12 @@
- * Child process - run dumpcap with the right arguments to make
- * it just capture with the specified capture parameters
- */
-- eth_close(2);
-- dup(sync_pipe[PIPE_WRITE]);
-+ dup2(sync_pipe[PIPE_WRITE], 2);
- eth_close(sync_pipe[PIPE_READ]);
- execv(argv[0], (gpointer)argv);
- g_snprintf(errmsg, sizeof errmsg, "Couldn't run %s in child process: %s",
- argv[0], strerror(errno));
-- sync_pipe_errmsg_to_parent(1, errmsg, "");
-+ sync_pipe_errmsg_to_parent(2, errmsg, "");
- /* Exit with "_exit()", so that we don't close the connection
- to the X server (and cause stuff buffered up by our parent but
-@@ -589,6 +588,7 @@
- int i;
- #else
-+ char errmsg[1024+1];
- int sync_pipe[2]; /* pipe used to send messages from child to parent */
- enum PIPES { PIPE_READ, PIPE_WRITE }; /* Constants 0 and 1 for PIPE_READ and PIPE_WRITE */
- #endif
-@@ -678,13 +678,18 @@
- * Child process - run dumpcap with the right arguments to make
- * it just capture with the specified capture parameters
- */
-- eth_close(1);
-- dup(sync_pipe[PIPE_WRITE]);
-+ dup2(sync_pipe[PIPE_WRITE], 1);
- eth_close(sync_pipe[PIPE_READ]);
- execv(argv[0], (gpointer)argv);
-- *msg = g_strdup_printf("Couldn't run %s in child process: %s",
-- argv[0], strerror(errno));
-+ g_snprintf(errmsg, sizeof errmsg, "Couldn't run %s in child process: %s",
-+ argv[0], strerror(errno));
-+ sync_pipe_errmsg_to_parent(1, errmsg, "");
-+ /* Exit with "_exit()", so that we don't close the connection
-+ to the X server (and cause stuff buffered up by our parent but
-+ not yet sent to be sent, as that stuff should only be sent by
-+ our parent). */
-+ _exit(2);
- }
- *read_fd = sync_pipe[PIPE_READ];
diff --git a/net-analyzer/wireshark/files/wireshark-0.99.7-glib-1.2-compile-fix.patch b/net-analyzer/wireshark/files/wireshark-0.99.7-glib-1.2-compile-fix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 93ee1a79b782..000000000000
--- a/net-analyzer/wireshark/files/wireshark-0.99.7-glib-1.2-compile-fix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
---- epan/wslua/wslua.h.orig 2008-01-27 18:47:07.000000000 +0300
-+++ epan/wslua/wslua.h 2008-01-27 18:46:27.000000000 +0300
-@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@
- #include <epan/funnel.h>
- #include <epan/tvbparse.h>
- #include <epan/epan.h>
-+#include <dirent.h>
- #include "declare_wslua.h"
diff --git a/net-analyzer/wireshark/wireshark-0.99.7-r1.ebuild b/net-analyzer/wireshark/wireshark-0.99.7-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 035759c63820..000000000000
--- a/net-analyzer/wireshark/wireshark-0.99.7-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-analyzer/wireshark/wireshark-0.99.7-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2008/01/10 18:36:34 pva Exp $
-inherit autotools libtool flag-o-matic eutils toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="A network protocol analyzer formerly known as ethereal"
-# _rc versions has different download location.
-[[ -n ${PV#*_rc} && ${PV#*_rc} != ${PV} ]] && {
-S=${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${PV/_rc/pre} ; } || \
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-IUSE="adns gtk ipv6 portaudio snmp ssl kerberos threads selinux"
- snmp? ( net-analyzer/net-snmp )
- gtk? ( >=dev-libs/glib-2.0.4
- =x11-libs/gtk+-2*
- x11-libs/pango
- dev-libs/atk )
- !gtk? ( =dev-libs/glib-1.2* )
- ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
- !ssl? ( net-libs/gnutls )
- net-libs/libpcap
- dev-libs/libpcre
- sys-libs/libcap
- adns? ( net-libs/adns )
- kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
- portaudio? ( media-libs/portaudio )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-wireshark )"
- >=dev-util/pkgconfig-0.15.0
- dev-lang/perl
- sys-devel/bison
- sys-devel/flex
- sys-apps/sed"
-pkg_setup() {
- # bug 119208
- if has_version "<=dev-lang/perl-5.8.8_rc1" && built_with_use dev-lang/perl minimal ; then
- ewarn "wireshark will not build if dev-lang/perl is compiled with"
- ewarn "USE=minimal. Rebuild dev-lang/perl with USE=-minimal and try again."
- ebeep 5
- die "dev-lang/perl compiled with USE=minimal"
- fi
- if ! use gtk; then
- ewarn "USE=-gtk will mean no gui called wireshark will be created and"
- ewarn "only command line utils are available"
- fi
- # Add group for users allowed to sniff.
- enewgroup wireshark || die "Failed to create wireshark group"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.99.7-libgcrypt.patch
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.99.7-asneeded.patch
- cd "${S}"/epan
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/wireshark-except-double-free.diff
- cd "${S}"
- #
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-crash-emem.c.patch
- #
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-exit.patch
- AT_M4DIR="${S}/aclocal-fallback"
- eautoreconf
-src_compile() {
- # optimization bug, see bug #165340, bug #40660
- if [[ $(gcc-version) == 3.4 ]] ; then
- elog "Found gcc 3.4, forcing -O3 into CFLAGS"
- replace-flags -O? -O3
- elif [[ $(gcc-version) == 3.3 || $(gcc-version) == 3.2 ]] ; then
- elog "Found <=gcc-3.3, forcing -O into CFLAGS"
- replace-flags -O? -O
- fi
- # see bug #133092
- filter-flags -fstack-protector
- local myconf
- if use gtk; then
- einfo "Building with gtk support"
- else
- einfo "Building without gtk support"
- myconf="${myconf} --disable-wireshark --disable-warnings-as-errors"
- # the asn1 plugin needs gtk
- sed -i -e '/plugins.asn1/d' || die "sed failed"
- sed -i -e '/^SUBDIRS/s/asn1//' plugins/ || die "sed failed"
- fi
- # $(use_with lua) \
- econf $(use_with ssl) \
- $(use_enable ipv6) \
- $(use_with adns) \
- $(use_with kerberos krb5) \
- $(use_with snmp net-snmp) \
- $(use_with portaudio) \
- $(use_enable gtk gtk2) \
- $(use_enable threads) \
- --with-libcap \
- --enable-setuid-install \
- --without-ucd-snmp \
- --enable-dftest \
- --enable-randpkt \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/wireshark \
- --enable-editcap \
- --enable-capinfos \
- --enable-text2pcap \
- ${myconf} || die "econf failed"
- # fixes an access violation caused by libnetsnmp - see bug 79068
- use snmp && export MIBDIRS="${D}/usr/share/snmp/mibs"
- emake || die "emake failed"
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
- for file in /usr/bin/tshark /usr/bin/dumpcap
- do
- fowners 0:wireshark ${file}
- fperms 6550 ${file}
- done
- insinto /usr/include/wiretap
- doins wiretap/wtap.h
- dodoc AUTHORS ChangeLog NEWS README*
- if use gtk ; then
- insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps
- newins image/hi16-app-wireshark.png wireshark.png
- insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps
- newins image/hi32-app-wireshark.png wireshark.png
- insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps
- newins image/hi48-app-wireshark.png wireshark.png
- insinto /usr/share/applications
- # Wireshark should not be ran as root in KDE.
- # Bug:
- sed -i '/X-KDE-SubstituteUID/d' wireshark.desktop
- doins wireshark.desktop
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- echo
- ewarn "With version 0.99.7, all function calls that require elevated privileges"
- ewarn "have been moved out of the GUI to dumpcap. WIRESHARK CONTAINS OVER ONE"
- ewarn
- ewarn "NOTE: To run wireshark as normal user you have to add yourself into"
- ewarn "wireshark group. This security measure ensures that only trusted"
- ewarn "users allowed to sniff your traffic."
- echo
diff --git a/net-analyzer/wireshark/wireshark-0.99.7-r2.ebuild b/net-analyzer/wireshark/wireshark-0.99.7-r2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index bab211b9099b..000000000000
--- a/net-analyzer/wireshark/wireshark-0.99.7-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-analyzer/wireshark/wireshark-0.99.7-r2.ebuild,v 1.1 2008/01/26 15:52:12 pva Exp $
-inherit autotools libtool flag-o-matic eutils toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="A network protocol analyzer formerly known as ethereal"
-# _rc versions has different download location.
-[[ -n ${PV#*_rc} && ${PV#*_rc} != ${PV} ]] && {
-S=${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${PV/_rc/pre} ; } || \
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-IUSE="adns gtk ipv6 lua portaudio snmp ssl kerberos threads selinux"
- snmp? ( net-analyzer/net-snmp )
- gtk? ( >=dev-libs/glib-2.0.4
- =x11-libs/gtk+-2*
- x11-libs/pango
- dev-libs/atk )
- !gtk? ( =dev-libs/glib-1.2* )
- ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
- !ssl? ( net-libs/gnutls )
- net-libs/libpcap
- dev-libs/libpcre
- sys-libs/libcap
- adns? ( net-libs/adns )
- kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
- portaudio? ( media-libs/portaudio )
- lua? ( >=dev-lang/lua-5.1 )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-wireshark )"
- >=dev-util/pkgconfig-0.15.0
- dev-lang/perl
- sys-devel/bison
- sys-devel/flex
- sys-apps/sed"
-pkg_setup() {
- # bug 119208
- if has_version "<=dev-lang/perl-5.8.8_rc1" && built_with_use dev-lang/perl minimal ; then
- ewarn "wireshark will not build if dev-lang/perl is compiled with"
- ewarn "USE=minimal. Rebuild dev-lang/perl with USE=-minimal and try again."
- ebeep 5
- die "dev-lang/perl compiled with USE=minimal"
- fi
- if ! use gtk; then
- ewarn "USE=-gtk will mean no gui called wireshark will be created and"
- ewarn "only command line utils are available"
- fi
- # Add group for users allowed to sniff.
- enewgroup wireshark || die "Failed to create wireshark group"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.99.7-libgcrypt.patch
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.99.7-asneeded.patch
- cd "${S}"/epan
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/wireshark-except-double-free.diff
- cd "${S}"
- #
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-crash-emem.c.patch
- #
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-exit.patch
- #
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-glib-1.2-compile-fix.patch
- AT_M4DIR="${S}/aclocal-fallback"
- eautoreconf
-src_compile() {
- # optimization bug, see bug #165340, bug #40660
- if [[ $(gcc-version) == 3.4 ]] ; then
- elog "Found gcc 3.4, forcing -O3 into CFLAGS"
- replace-flags -O? -O3
- elif [[ $(gcc-version) == 3.3 || $(gcc-version) == 3.2 ]] ; then
- elog "Found <=gcc-3.3, forcing -O into CFLAGS"
- replace-flags -O? -O
- fi
- # see bug #133092
- filter-flags -fstack-protector
- local myconf
- if use gtk; then
- einfo "Building with gtk support"
- else
- einfo "Building without gtk support"
- myconf="${myconf} --disable-wireshark --disable-warnings-as-errors"
- # the asn1 plugin needs gtk
- sed -i -e '/plugins.asn1/d' || die "sed failed"
- sed -i -e '/^SUBDIRS/s/asn1//' plugins/ || die "sed failed"
- fi
- econf $(use_with ssl) \
- $(use_enable ipv6) \
- $(use_with lua) \
- $(use_with adns) \
- $(use_with kerberos krb5) \
- $(use_with snmp net-snmp) \
- $(use_with portaudio) \
- $(use_enable gtk gtk2) \
- $(use_enable threads) \
- --with-libcap \
- --enable-setuid-install \
- --without-ucd-snmp \
- --enable-dftest \
- --enable-randpkt \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/wireshark \
- --enable-editcap \
- --enable-capinfos \
- --enable-text2pcap \
- ${myconf} || die "econf failed"
- # fixes an access violation caused by libnetsnmp - see bug 79068
- use snmp && export MIBDIRS="${D}/usr/share/snmp/mibs"
- emake || die "emake failed"
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
- for file in /usr/bin/tshark /usr/bin/dumpcap
- do
- fowners 0:wireshark ${file}
- fperms 6550 ${file}
- done
- insinto /usr/include/wiretap
- doins wiretap/wtap.h
- dodoc AUTHORS ChangeLog NEWS README*
- if use gtk ; then
- insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps
- newins image/hi16-app-wireshark.png wireshark.png
- insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps
- newins image/hi32-app-wireshark.png wireshark.png
- insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps
- newins image/hi48-app-wireshark.png wireshark.png
- insinto /usr/share/applications
- # Wireshark should not be ran as root in KDE.
- # Bug:
- sed -i '/X-KDE-SubstituteUID/d' wireshark.desktop
- doins wireshark.desktop
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- echo
- ewarn "With version 0.99.7, all function calls that require elevated privileges"
- ewarn "have been moved out of the GUI to dumpcap. WIRESHARK CONTAINS OVER ONE"
- ewarn
- ewarn "NOTE: To run wireshark as normal user you have to add yourself into"
- ewarn "wireshark group. This security measure ensures that only trusted"
- ewarn "users allowed to sniff your traffic."
- echo
diff --git a/net-analyzer/wireshark/wireshark-0.99.8.ebuild b/net-analyzer/wireshark/wireshark-0.99.8.ebuild
index 903bb0c3ae6f..88494a70c3fc 100644
--- a/net-analyzer/wireshark/wireshark-0.99.8.ebuild
+++ b/net-analyzer/wireshark/wireshark-0.99.8.ebuild
@@ -1,13 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-analyzer/wireshark/wireshark-0.99.8.ebuild,v 1.8 2008/03/18 18:06:06 dertobi123 Exp $
-# ChangeLog:
-# 1. Droped check for perl minimal USE flag. We do not have perl with minimal
-# USE flag in portage.
-# 2. Droped snmp USE flag. snmp dissector rewriten and now uses libsmi for OID
-# handling.
-# 3. Added smi USE flag.
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-analyzer/wireshark/wireshark-0.99.8.ebuild,v 1.9 2008/03/18 20:30:42 pva Exp $
@@ -25,7 +18,7 @@ SRC_URI="${P}.tar.bz2"
KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 hppa ia64 ppc ~ppc64 sparc x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-IUSE="adns gtk ipv6 lua portaudio gnutls gcrypt zlib kerberos threads profile smi pcap pcre +caps selinux"
+IUSE="adns gtk ipv6 lua portaudio gnutls gcrypt zlib kerberos threads profile smi +pcap pcre +caps selinux"
RDEPEND="zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib )
smi? ( net-libs/libsmi )
diff --git a/net-analyzer/wireshark/wireshark-0.99.8_rc1.ebuild b/net-analyzer/wireshark/wireshark-0.99.8_rc1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cc61756a32b..000000000000
--- a/net-analyzer/wireshark/wireshark-0.99.8_rc1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-analyzer/wireshark/wireshark-0.99.8_rc1.ebuild,v 1.2 2008/02/21 20:44:13 pva Exp $
-inherit autotools libtool flag-o-matic eutils toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="A network protocol analyzer formerly known as ethereal"
-# _rc versions has different download location.
-[[ -n ${PV#*_rc} && ${PV#*_rc} != ${PV} ]] && {
-S=${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${PV/_rc/pre} ; } || \
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-IUSE="adns gtk ipv6 lua portaudio snmp ssl kerberos threads selinux"
- snmp? ( net-analyzer/net-snmp )
- gtk? ( >=dev-libs/glib-2.0.4
- =x11-libs/gtk+-2*
- x11-libs/pango
- dev-libs/atk )
- !gtk? ( =dev-libs/glib-1.2* )
- ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
- !ssl? ( net-libs/gnutls )
- net-libs/libpcap
- dev-libs/libpcre
- sys-libs/libcap
- adns? ( net-libs/adns )
- kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
- portaudio? ( media-libs/portaudio )
- lua? ( >=dev-lang/lua-5.1 )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-wireshark )"
- >=dev-util/pkgconfig-0.15.0
- dev-lang/perl
- sys-devel/bison
- sys-devel/flex
- sys-apps/sed"
-pkg_setup() {
- # bug 119208
- if has_version "<=dev-lang/perl-5.8.8_rc1" && built_with_use dev-lang/perl minimal ; then
- ewarn "wireshark will not build if dev-lang/perl is compiled with"
- ewarn "USE=minimal. Rebuild dev-lang/perl with USE=-minimal and try again."
- ebeep 5
- die "dev-lang/perl compiled with USE=minimal"
- fi
- if ! use gtk; then
- ewarn "USE=-gtk will mean no gui called wireshark will be created and"
- ewarn "only command line utils are available"
- fi
- # Add group for users allowed to sniff.
- enewgroup wireshark || die "Failed to create wireshark group"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.99.7-asneeded.patch
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.99.8-as-needed.patch
- cd "${S}"/epan
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/wireshark-except-double-free.diff
- cd "${S}"
- AT_M4DIR="${S}/aclocal-fallback"
- eautoreconf
-src_compile() {
- # optimization bug, see bug #165340, bug #40660
- if [[ $(gcc-version) == 3.4 ]] ; then
- elog "Found gcc 3.4, forcing -O3 into CFLAGS"
- replace-flags -O? -O3
- elif [[ $(gcc-version) == 3.3 || $(gcc-version) == 3.2 ]] ; then
- elog "Found <=gcc-3.3, forcing -O into CFLAGS"
- replace-flags -O? -O
- fi
- # see bug #133092
- filter-flags -fstack-protector
- local myconf
- if use gtk; then
- einfo "Building with gtk support"
- else
- einfo "Building without gtk support"
- myconf="${myconf} --disable-wireshark --disable-warnings-as-errors"
- # the asn1 plugin needs gtk
- sed -i -e '/plugins.asn1/d' || die "sed failed"
- sed -i -e '/^SUBDIRS/s/asn1//' plugins/ || die "sed failed"
- fi
- econf $(use_with ssl) \
- $(use_enable ipv6) \
- $(use_with lua) \
- $(use_with adns) \
- $(use_with kerberos krb5) \
- $(use_with snmp net-snmp) \
- $(use_with portaudio) \
- $(use_enable gtk gtk2) \
- $(use_enable threads) \
- --with-libcap \
- --enable-setuid-install \
- --without-ucd-snmp \
- --enable-dftest \
- --enable-randpkt \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/wireshark \
- --enable-editcap \
- --enable-capinfos \
- --enable-text2pcap \
- ${myconf} || die "econf failed"
- # fixes an access violation caused by libnetsnmp - see bug 79068
- use snmp && export MIBDIRS="${D}/usr/share/snmp/mibs"
- emake || die "emake failed"
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
- for file in /usr/bin/tshark /usr/bin/dumpcap
- do
- fowners 0:wireshark ${file}
- fperms 6550 ${file}
- done
- insinto /usr/include/wiretap
- doins wiretap/wtap.h
- dodoc AUTHORS ChangeLog NEWS README*
- if use gtk ; then
- insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps
- newins image/hi16-app-wireshark.png wireshark.png
- insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps
- newins image/hi32-app-wireshark.png wireshark.png
- insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps
- newins image/hi48-app-wireshark.png wireshark.png
- insinto /usr/share/applications
- doins wireshark.desktop
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- echo
- ewarn "With version 0.99.7, all function calls that require elevated privileges"
- ewarn "have been moved out of the GUI to dumpcap. WIRESHARK CONTAINS OVER ONE"
- ewarn
- ewarn "NOTE: To run wireshark as normal user you have to add yourself into"
- ewarn "wireshark group. This security measure ensures that only trusted"
- ewarn "users allowed to sniff your traffic."
- echo