diff options
authorEray Aslan <>2014-09-29 14:11:23 +0000
committerEray Aslan <>2014-09-29 14:11:23 +0000
commite592c6584e0c5830d58a14b01740de1e99b0f342 (patch)
tree611efd5f71d9d9ddaef151ea1442e5f30089d65b /net-proxy/squid
parentAdd missing dependencies fixing bug 523972 (diff)
Security bump - bug #522498
Package-Manager: portage-2.2.14_rc1/cvs/Linux x86_64 Manifest-Sign-Key: 0x77F1F175586A3B1F
Diffstat (limited to 'net-proxy/squid')
6 files changed, 1081 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/net-proxy/squid/ChangeLog b/net-proxy/squid/ChangeLog
index 1a7499ddd613..b554324949c7 100644
--- a/net-proxy/squid/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-proxy/squid/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
# ChangeLog for net-proxy/squid
# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-proxy/squid/ChangeLog,v 1.479 2014/09/19 12:03:13 eras Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-proxy/squid/ChangeLog,v 1.480 2014/09/29 14:11:12 eras Exp $
+*squid-3.4.7-r1 (29 Sep 2014)
+*squid-3.3.13-r1 (29 Sep 2014)
+ 29 Sep 2014; Eray Aslan <> +files/squid-12683_12681.patch,
+ +files/squid-13173_13171.patch, +squid-3.3.13-r1.ebuild,
+ +squid-3.4.7-r1.ebuild:
+ Security bump - bug #522498
19 Sep 2014; Eray Aslan <> -squid-3.3.12.ebuild,
-squid-3.4.3.ebuild, -squid-3.4.4.ebuild, -squid-3.4.5.ebuild,
diff --git a/net-proxy/squid/Manifest b/net-proxy/squid/Manifest
index 1ae9b1ba2f6d..ff2eafbbbe8e 100644
--- a/net-proxy/squid/Manifest
+++ b/net-proxy/squid/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
Hash: SHA256
+AUX squid-12683_12681.patch 8985 SHA256 bef94f856ecbdfb88630bf75b8f1177a1efcba40b32b8ccd61ac2414daf40d75 SHA512 7e148cc62fbe0e3efea8731154b762c40d9e97a12978ff521aa0a90c225ff5b09d54388da671b05495c5c4eb9bf30ef492ad659d293f99a73ee2a0230a9c2f91 WHIRLPOOL 9af1913ab70a889d8fd7937910f5670a0f5b4678ed30df37f34b2bcf7a96640241419f43667f24d82ce7fffd0efa59b31e973658ba9bd4662e4581ca8f68dfaf
+AUX squid-13173_13171.patch 8987 SHA256 778b069fbd7c9f462eee5c44082703efaebea82ddca6af874221100cf2b8d6b8 SHA512 da7c16425215b91a8ec88aab5a94f7552761de209325a1037bead059e651f29d704a9cececa907cd17519a9d4d396716450e7754aa6bab45e9704ca7354d4f3e WHIRLPOOL e190608741d3a3de5af273784869ec75907fd2a5fe1ce7d4216e9c3c1eb7ced2c5505868de59fcd20b0574e6aaa8facdbfc7d2fc9620cfba3bbd946d99e8eb95
AUX squid-3.3.4-gentoo.patch 4358 SHA256 d52c1c89c81540dfd6c464f7c4245857fdd6cc9e45568a03d4f028fe5feb8bb0 SHA512 b1bfb0a1298e30ce30681b8bcaed292a883f8153e3df61861d1dfd691c5f4d5bc4651531ac69932fcbdc74c5896ed4495d54810203d4c0674ceb49b33454f297 WHIRLPOOL 3b98a43c1cc98d20f28dd5eb096344ff80ec5de1e4e17c4a3b8fb5d89044b6090466bfd3a7e24dfb975d9e02009af900372ee8c791991921def12820a191da97
AUX squid.confd-r1 493 SHA256 214a184495a3384eb452caef435256043bc51e35140a61b1f5fdff32603c8f7e SHA512 3f92645275e077bcf36e4cd2ccb56812540276d9456bc6f68268010aac57214f0d96b0aff74dc57cbc3446705a9fae8a5bb7a07304afeea45615ebf2cf2b7ab0 WHIRLPOOL 080cfb797ddb49f7c59463eaef0db8c3a6ec5e5da949884e9ccdf54d608b22fb81971aec21fab704c832c86a8c8e3d4795a7b09456c273d7c4bbb65692a68870
AUX squid.cron 143 SHA256 4c9e2afe5b0bba583ce896233ea1f9262beeb1b6cf51b4adb48d5f5c03933b2f SHA512 cec563c20799ffea8b4fb418d5015d6dc437bd38c35e7150ed01bc298dab5214132e10f4e7b8176da1966e16a7f53f423c36e8419642cb16716f5c346c30d749 WHIRLPOOL 029c94d4e4826ee612c7dc12acc088e3100c9d1737baebb74b25b6e7ac2ba78d0bab9f744c12b5de4113c9727892c9a30dd17067409ac8da62afeee552de391e
@@ -9,24 +11,26 @@ AUX squid.logrotate 103 SHA256 e5ddce1c9af851040affa15e1a59e89d8db0f2eea7c461320
AUX squid.pam 315 SHA256 68ef4282f9fb8506df710d0ae16e84e991e9b138c7f1d0af922682219c7a971f SHA512 a73c98eef2d99bfd871c192195f3c815bff1cd4fa66b87ac185fde891e5cf5fb464fe0ce376c16ac68065c53726784229ad96c24835138244eee2ca2807887c3 WHIRLPOOL e8a6345c634694ce1e21fc4d69ea059d2da9f5d3b7ad34b4a49c570161cddab615fb4ed9e274397ddd4887e4b027aa90339bb8fbb5a71f3bdf506d70cefb99c1
DIST squid-3.3.13.tar.xz 2187728 SHA256 55d5875709b93f447788526527496956c508832abd1f9c651346e461c9d63221 SHA512 be7ec0ff949f94a4521c6aba2cff87b495ca626c85df5a9650e587c5723f2e52de68e939d8dfed7e8279be7a987c13a773d4f94864308d98d2a67c462b3b2862 WHIRLPOOL faaa5626a97589e486650fa7ff0231487fae65cf7d2ae962f36c7857c97d481c1f82cfd3326bfd0b690543abc01e5581feeaaccd77a8c34ea762abd1ec401f36
DIST squid-3.4.7.tar.xz 2158672 SHA256 cc40a3cccdcdfc11269ea969e658d99e3ef2202999b78aa01a647a6bc71759ee SHA512 494b5a63d738915038f24b33864998ad4573928f6277637a22c9cf8cd8bf4dc1d5a9501bcae8ac14c5816a0d25c795feca3080b23e74d1cd13bb0674f7114eba WHIRLPOOL e713e77433302c096a37623bb1ee9a69e3d804e98235e4d3151a3bae84b73d519f6784e59cb5b82398038b39f553846d172e39158ba2689054cea9c760c57ed2
+EBUILD squid-3.3.13-r1.ebuild 7930 SHA256 f6169d3b4305296108116dcd44a2b1e85cd042644c05d0f817a8f9c6a90ffc5c SHA512 b550422d1d4d363b3d20c130ce2b814033248bb7bc36c665856a524670804cc8fedfc78068e5a3fd72e44215bea57d21c066e90707e26960f62bf18c26e9edae WHIRLPOOL e22d52012accee3f9819d6ecd72afb42bf95eebff4738cd1d99ac1021317c2558c4bda006393c02b033c9e5777489709d10285f6434d1dd20b2b973e50e04435
EBUILD squid-3.3.13.ebuild 7872 SHA256 d8841a735f5ed78440f79dea9bb20cf1819dc83307efbf7e784d74a0f9b51c72 SHA512 8904cc2967240442e23d288069302e9bfae1403ad0d284835c6bd7ffe3fe6f26cc3f91238cb749a39dd04826a8a84ad0829a4424f856b6c4bc91a4e00e8af570 WHIRLPOOL 571a60b5d77c76a8134f5aa50fb053d0e28bee7acee13236c198777f8121a646479e2e257b986ff08eb332831fcb0ef3dae713422c4764f67f39c0c3daba1572
+EBUILD squid-3.4.7-r1.ebuild 8079 SHA256 21a99db68c9072aed1ae33ac2fe38f3fb3c0ddb1eb823b86c79c0d82020c43e2 SHA512 f83b61506e54e73803184e488f508ac82470fbeb8227cb90c502e5e6e2d91713f09e5211d6cf3688a30f02520cecee2cf229f2b5104becbfd3c14c3bb1b33680 WHIRLPOOL 0e84966cf62d638110efe4fabff90edf6ff7158e7fb30672aca9c5daffe213d5c8c23b40def060eff5d55e1242441a81767c4a41d080cc02665d7e8b2440bb22
EBUILD squid-3.4.7.ebuild 8030 SHA256 3b0f07f8f724e98b7ff6efc42baf5c5557108d6ef52941753a7d72da5fb3dc90 SHA512 43670ec1d3d588f553fd06e71af25cd659d4ab526a48e58bfb4c7e73bada1d8c0e2d815f4f84af81a68e06376c0b03eb92a19482d7451c51a3819c596cfbda7c WHIRLPOOL c648b730caf79597c7c0bcca7c327092f7dc66ab694db78ee0726f1afb77331271fceb671ccc3fc711c5cedb625004e66a0ccf85b4fe71d9ae9484d91edad0c0
-MISC ChangeLog 89327 SHA256 80700f913273585ca3a0d110d9d4e20877bc83298aea481f68a996513e643881 SHA512 b627fc5c700e015f32bf45a02897aa96a33e8a584aea9c2485073b1d51cd01cb8875e996d58e2bcc9e44b1d7d718e4aed8e8ada67f22fe218a429097021b66a6 WHIRLPOOL a39f103797702655d8996dcfb766dbbe2f865045247ba2bee7199c4d765bfecdbe7dccac62e44a704456855e0875a59f3971a6d27c1a4eca0d82a2e0120f51ee
+MISC ChangeLog 89581 SHA256 f1253a1c1db73a64be06261766c5d5073f0e2c24aee448c9828d64e962cad576 SHA512 ca85664cd64e07404738e62ff313e50738e9d5b8399d3ff7c7f43d0b5615221a567ff4e9915cfb7f594331a849fe5a9401fb66ef189ed282dc64a07ba4d0c870 WHIRLPOOL 0da5eb7f3e463ff98304a1827856f336aeda5d497450245da11147d158dcb95eb3f6fbff54d20a307f447fa386d7c3ba58ff3be2bc5c753d927e86856d6cbb8b
MISC metadata.xml 1570 SHA256 7a084172a69649c4565af822f331e3085911a506e422ffc68b8a0082ee07ec6e SHA512 74ee493ede7181e22dd1d6a2889ddf3b4443ab677d3801b0c50b7c728c303f813e0a53dfc0931efbade78b98185401b15079e80e8742358a2a080d5a21f7b7b4 WHIRLPOOL d8239bc47c931b8a0e10ec4f16d91845482c35a029bb1d50914874150ec71b5f1a61def07f566ae4f6b10468426e8426ea8a319c30e41f985f5faf82ab1e6942
Version: GnuPG v2
diff --git a/net-proxy/squid/files/squid-12683_12681.patch b/net-proxy/squid/files/squid-12683_12681.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..27847a350289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-proxy/squid/files/squid-12683_12681.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+=== modified file 'src/'
+--- src/ 2012-10-16 23:40:01 +0000
++++ src/ 2014-09-15 04:59:19 +0000
+@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@
+ void
+ snmpHandleUdp(int sock, void *not_used)
+ {
++ static char buf[SNMP_REQUEST_SIZE];
+ Ip::Address from;
+ SnmpRequest *snmp_rq;
+ int len;
+@@ -371,16 +371,11 @@
+ Comm::SetSelect(sock, COMM_SELECT_READ, snmpHandleUdp, NULL, 0);
+- memset(buf, '\0', SNMP_REQUEST_SIZE);
++ memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf));
+- len = comm_udp_recvfrom(sock,
+- buf,
+- 0,
+- from);
++ len = comm_udp_recvfrom(sock, buf, sizeof(buf)-1, 0, from);
+ if (len > 0) {
+- buf[len] = '\0';
+ debugs(49, 3, "snmpHandleUdp: FD " << sock << ": received " << len << " bytes from " << from << ".");
+ snmp_rq = (SnmpRequest *)xcalloc(1, sizeof(SnmpRequest));
+=== modified file 'src/icmp/'
+--- src/icmp/ 2013-01-09 00:19:44 +0000
++++ src/icmp/ 2014-09-15 05:07:44 +0000
+@@ -41,26 +41,38 @@
+ #include "IcmpPinger.h"
+ #include "Debug.h"
+-const char *icmpPktStr[] = {
+- "Echo Reply",
+- "ICMP 1",
+- "ICMP 2",
+- "Destination Unreachable",
+- "Source Quench",
+- "Redirect",
+- "ICMP 6",
+- "ICMP 7",
+- "Echo",
+- "ICMP 9",
+- "ICMP 10",
+- "Time Exceeded",
+- "Parameter Problem",
+- "Timestamp",
+- "Timestamp Reply",
+- "Info Request",
+- "Info Reply",
+- "Out of Range Type"
++static const char *
++IcmpPacketType(uint8_t v)
++ static const char *icmpPktStr[] = {
++ "Echo Reply",
++ "ICMP 1",
++ "ICMP 2",
++ "Destination Unreachable",
++ "Source Quench",
++ "Redirect",
++ "ICMP 6",
++ "ICMP 7",
++ "Echo",
++ "ICMP 9",
++ "ICMP 10",
++ "Time Exceeded",
++ "Parameter Problem",
++ "Timestamp",
++ "Timestamp Reply",
++ "Info Request",
++ "Info Reply",
++ "Out of Range Type"
++ };
++ if (v > 17) {
++ static char buf[50];
++ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "ICMP %u (invalid)", v);
++ return buf;
++ }
++ return icmpPktStr[v];
+ Icmp4::Icmp4() : Icmp()
+ {
+@@ -187,6 +199,12 @@
+ from->ai_addr,
+ &from->ai_addrlen);
++ if (n <= 0) {
++ debugs(42, DBG_CRITICAL, HERE << "Error when calling recvfrom() on ICMP socket.");
++ Ip::Address::FreeAddrInfo(from);
++ return;
++ }
+ preply.from = *from;
+@@ -243,9 +261,15 @@
+ preply.psize = n - iphdrlen - (sizeof(icmpEchoData) - MAX_PKT4_SZ);
++ if (preply.psize < 0) {
++ debugs(42, DBG_CRITICAL, HERE << "Malformed ICMP packet.");
++ Ip::Address::FreeAddrInfo(from);
++ return;
++ }
+ control.SendResult(preply, (sizeof(pingerReplyData) - MAX_PKT4_SZ + preply.psize) );
+- Log(preply.from, icmp->icmp_type, icmpPktStr[icmp->icmp_type], preply.rtt, preply.hops);
++ Log(preply.from, icmp->icmp_type, IcmpPacketType(icmp->icmp_type), preply.rtt, preply.hops);
+ preply.from.FreeAddrInfo(from);
+ }
+=== modified file 'src/icmp/'
+--- src/icmp/ 2013-01-09 00:19:44 +0000
++++ src/icmp/ 2014-09-15 05:07:44 +0000
+@@ -50,57 +50,61 @@
+ // Icmp6 OP-Codes
+ // see
+-// NP: LowPktStr is for codes 0-127
+-static const char *icmp6LowPktStr[] = {
+- "ICMP 0", // 0
+- "Destination Unreachable", // 1 - RFC2463
+- "Packet Too Big", // 2 - RFC2463
+- "Time Exceeded", // 3 - RFC2463
+- "Parameter Problem", // 4 - RFC2463
+- "ICMP 5", // 5
+- "ICMP 6", // 6
+- "ICMP 7", // 7
+- "ICMP 8", // 8
+- "ICMP 9", // 9
+- "ICMP 10" // 10
+-// NP: HighPktStr is for codes 128-255
+-static const char *icmp6HighPktStr[] = {
+- "Echo Request", // 128 - RFC2463
+- "Echo Reply", // 129 - RFC2463
+- "Multicast Listener Query", // 130 - RFC2710
+- "Multicast Listener Report", // 131 - RFC2710
+- "Multicast Listener Done", // 132 - RFC2710
+- "Router Solicitation", // 133 - RFC4861
+- "Router Advertisement", // 134 - RFC4861
+- "Neighbor Solicitation", // 135 - RFC4861
+- "Neighbor Advertisement", // 136 - RFC4861
+- "Redirect Message", // 137 - RFC4861
+- "Router Renumbering", // 138 - Crawford
+- "ICMP Node Information Query", // 139 - RFC4620
+- "ICMP Node Information Response", // 140 - RFC4620
+- "Inverse Neighbor Discovery Solicitation", // 141 - RFC3122
+- "Inverse Neighbor Discovery Advertisement", // 142 - RFC3122
+- "Version 2 Multicast Listener Report", // 143 - RFC3810
+- "Home Agent Address Discovery Request", // 144 - RFC3775
+- "Home Agent Address Discovery Reply", // 145 - RFC3775
+- "Mobile Prefix Solicitation", // 146 - RFC3775
+- "Mobile Prefix Advertisement", // 147 - RFC3775
+- "Certification Path Solicitation", // 148 - RFC3971
+- "Certification Path Advertisement", // 149 - RFC3971
+- "ICMP Experimental (150)", // 150 - RFC4065
+- "Multicast Router Advertisement", // 151 - RFC4286
+- "Multicast Router Solicitation", // 152 - RFC4286
+- "Multicast Router Termination", // 153 - [RFC4286]
+- "ICMP 154",
+- "ICMP 155",
+- "ICMP 156",
+- "ICMP 157",
+- "ICMP 158",
+- "ICMP 159",
+- "ICMP 160"
++static const char *
++IcmpPacketType(uint8_t v)
++ // NP: LowPktStr is for codes 0-127
++ static const char *icmp6LowPktStr[] = {
++ "ICMPv6 0", // 0
++ "Destination Unreachable", // 1 - RFC2463
++ "Packet Too Big", // 2 - RFC2463
++ "Time Exceeded", // 3 - RFC2463
++ "Parameter Problem", // 4 - RFC2463
++ };
++ // low codes 1-4 registered
++ if (0 < v && v < 5)
++ return icmp6LowPktStr[(int)(v&0x7f)];
++ // NP: HighPktStr is for codes 128-255
++ static const char *icmp6HighPktStr[] = {
++ "Echo Request", // 128 - RFC2463
++ "Echo Reply", // 129 - RFC2463
++ "Multicast Listener Query", // 130 - RFC2710
++ "Multicast Listener Report", // 131 - RFC2710
++ "Multicast Listener Done", // 132 - RFC2710
++ "Router Solicitation", // 133 - RFC4861
++ "Router Advertisement", // 134 - RFC4861
++ "Neighbor Solicitation", // 135 - RFC4861
++ "Neighbor Advertisement", // 136 - RFC4861
++ "Redirect Message", // 137 - RFC4861
++ "Router Renumbering", // 138 - Crawford
++ "ICMP Node Information Query", // 139 - RFC4620
++ "ICMP Node Information Response", // 140 - RFC4620
++ "Inverse Neighbor Discovery Solicitation", // 141 - RFC3122
++ "Inverse Neighbor Discovery Advertisement", // 142 - RFC3122
++ "Version 2 Multicast Listener Report", // 143 - RFC3810
++ "Home Agent Address Discovery Request", // 144 - RFC3775
++ "Home Agent Address Discovery Reply", // 145 - RFC3775
++ "Mobile Prefix Solicitation", // 146 - RFC3775
++ "Mobile Prefix Advertisement", // 147 - RFC3775
++ "Certification Path Solicitation", // 148 - RFC3971
++ "Certification Path Advertisement", // 149 - RFC3971
++ "ICMP Experimental (150)", // 150 - RFC4065
++ "Multicast Router Advertisement", // 151 - RFC4286
++ "Multicast Router Solicitation", // 152 - RFC4286
++ "Multicast Router Termination", // 153 - [RFC4286]
++ };
++ // high codes 127-153 registered
++ if (127 < v && v < 154)
++ return icmp6HighPktStr[(int)(v&0x7f)];
++ // give all others a generic display
++ static char buf[50];
++ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "ICMPv6 %u", v);
++ return buf;
+ Icmp6::Icmp6() : Icmp()
+ {
+@@ -236,6 +240,12 @@
+ from->ai_addr,
+ &from->ai_addrlen);
++ if (n <= 0) {
++ debugs(42, DBG_CRITICAL, HERE << "Error when calling recvfrom() on ICMPv6 socket.");
++ Ip::Address::FreeAddrInfo(from);
++ return;
++ }
+ preply.from = *from;
+@@ -291,8 +301,7 @@
+ default:
+ debugs(42, 8, HERE << preply.from << " said: " << icmp6header->icmp6_type << "/" << (int)icmp6header->icmp6_code << " " <<
+- ( icmp6header->icmp6_type&0x80 ? icmp6HighPktStr[(int)(icmp6header->icmp6_type&0x7f)] : icmp6LowPktStr[(int)(icmp6header->icmp6_type&0x7f)] )
+- );
++ IcmpPacketType(icmp6header->icmp6_type));
+ }
+ preply.from.FreeAddrInfo(from);
+ return;
+@@ -331,7 +340,7 @@
+ Log(preply.from,
+ icmp6header->icmp6_type,
+- ( icmp6header->icmp6_type&0x80 ? icmp6HighPktStr[(int)(icmp6header->icmp6_type&0x7f)] : icmp6LowPktStr[(int)(icmp6header->icmp6_type&0x7f)] ),
++ IcmpPacketType(icmp6header->icmp6_type),
+ preply.rtt,
+ preply.hops);
diff --git a/net-proxy/squid/files/squid-13173_13171.patch b/net-proxy/squid/files/squid-13173_13171.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..da79daca674c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-proxy/squid/files/squid-13173_13171.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+=== modified file 'src/'
+--- src/ 2014-02-18 08:46:49 +0000
++++ src/ 2014-09-15 04:58:34 +0000
+@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@
+ void
+ snmpHandleUdp(int sock, void *not_used)
+ {
++ static char buf[SNMP_REQUEST_SIZE];
+ Ip::Address from;
+ SnmpRequest *snmp_rq;
+ int len;
+@@ -371,16 +371,11 @@
+ Comm::SetSelect(sock, COMM_SELECT_READ, snmpHandleUdp, NULL, 0);
+- memset(buf, '\0', SNMP_REQUEST_SIZE);
++ memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf));
+- len = comm_udp_recvfrom(sock,
+- buf,
+- 0,
+- from);
++ len = comm_udp_recvfrom(sock, buf, sizeof(buf)-1, 0, from);
+ if (len > 0) {
+- buf[len] = '\0';
+ debugs(49, 3, "snmpHandleUdp: FD " << sock << ": received " << len << " bytes from " << from << ".");
+ snmp_rq = (SnmpRequest *)xcalloc(1, sizeof(SnmpRequest));
+=== modified file 'src/icmp/'
+--- src/icmp/ 2013-06-03 14:05:16 +0000
++++ src/icmp/ 2014-09-15 05:06:14 +0000
+@@ -41,26 +41,38 @@
+ #include "IcmpPinger.h"
+ #include "Debug.h"
+-const char *icmpPktStr[] = {
+- "Echo Reply",
+- "ICMP 1",
+- "ICMP 2",
+- "Destination Unreachable",
+- "Source Quench",
+- "Redirect",
+- "ICMP 6",
+- "ICMP 7",
+- "Echo",
+- "ICMP 9",
+- "ICMP 10",
+- "Time Exceeded",
+- "Parameter Problem",
+- "Timestamp",
+- "Timestamp Reply",
+- "Info Request",
+- "Info Reply",
+- "Out of Range Type"
++static const char *
++IcmpPacketType(uint8_t v)
++ static const char *icmpPktStr[] = {
++ "Echo Reply",
++ "ICMP 1",
++ "ICMP 2",
++ "Destination Unreachable",
++ "Source Quench",
++ "Redirect",
++ "ICMP 6",
++ "ICMP 7",
++ "Echo",
++ "ICMP 9",
++ "ICMP 10",
++ "Time Exceeded",
++ "Parameter Problem",
++ "Timestamp",
++ "Timestamp Reply",
++ "Info Request",
++ "Info Reply",
++ "Out of Range Type"
++ };
++ if (v > 17) {
++ static char buf[50];
++ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "ICMP %u (invalid)", v);
++ return buf;
++ }
++ return icmpPktStr[v];
+ Icmp4::Icmp4() : Icmp()
+ {
+@@ -187,6 +199,12 @@
+ from->ai_addr,
+ &from->ai_addrlen);
++ if (n <= 0) {
++ debugs(42, DBG_CRITICAL, HERE << "Error when calling recvfrom() on ICMP socket.");
++ Ip::Address::FreeAddrInfo(from);
++ return;
++ }
+ preply.from = *from;
+@@ -243,9 +261,15 @@
+ preply.psize = n - iphdrlen - (sizeof(icmpEchoData) - MAX_PKT4_SZ);
++ if (preply.psize < 0) {
++ debugs(42, DBG_CRITICAL, HERE << "Malformed ICMP packet.");
++ Ip::Address::FreeAddrInfo(from);
++ return;
++ }
+ control.SendResult(preply, (sizeof(pingerReplyData) - MAX_PKT4_SZ + preply.psize) );
+- Log(preply.from, icmp->icmp_type, icmpPktStr[icmp->icmp_type], preply.rtt, preply.hops);
++ Log(preply.from, icmp->icmp_type, IcmpPacketType(icmp->icmp_type), preply.rtt, preply.hops);
+ Ip::Address::FreeAddrInfo(from);
+ }
+=== modified file 'src/icmp/'
+--- src/icmp/ 2013-06-03 14:05:16 +0000
++++ src/icmp/ 2014-09-15 05:06:14 +0000
+@@ -50,57 +50,61 @@
+ // Icmp6 OP-Codes
+ // see
+-// NP: LowPktStr is for codes 0-127
+-static const char *icmp6LowPktStr[] = {
+- "ICMP 0", // 0
+- "Destination Unreachable", // 1 - RFC2463
+- "Packet Too Big", // 2 - RFC2463
+- "Time Exceeded", // 3 - RFC2463
+- "Parameter Problem", // 4 - RFC2463
+- "ICMP 5", // 5
+- "ICMP 6", // 6
+- "ICMP 7", // 7
+- "ICMP 8", // 8
+- "ICMP 9", // 9
+- "ICMP 10" // 10
+-// NP: HighPktStr is for codes 128-255
+-static const char *icmp6HighPktStr[] = {
+- "Echo Request", // 128 - RFC2463
+- "Echo Reply", // 129 - RFC2463
+- "Multicast Listener Query", // 130 - RFC2710
+- "Multicast Listener Report", // 131 - RFC2710
+- "Multicast Listener Done", // 132 - RFC2710
+- "Router Solicitation", // 133 - RFC4861
+- "Router Advertisement", // 134 - RFC4861
+- "Neighbor Solicitation", // 135 - RFC4861
+- "Neighbor Advertisement", // 136 - RFC4861
+- "Redirect Message", // 137 - RFC4861
+- "Router Renumbering", // 138 - Crawford
+- "ICMP Node Information Query", // 139 - RFC4620
+- "ICMP Node Information Response", // 140 - RFC4620
+- "Inverse Neighbor Discovery Solicitation", // 141 - RFC3122
+- "Inverse Neighbor Discovery Advertisement", // 142 - RFC3122
+- "Version 2 Multicast Listener Report", // 143 - RFC3810
+- "Home Agent Address Discovery Request", // 144 - RFC3775
+- "Home Agent Address Discovery Reply", // 145 - RFC3775
+- "Mobile Prefix Solicitation", // 146 - RFC3775
+- "Mobile Prefix Advertisement", // 147 - RFC3775
+- "Certification Path Solicitation", // 148 - RFC3971
+- "Certification Path Advertisement", // 149 - RFC3971
+- "ICMP Experimental (150)", // 150 - RFC4065
+- "Multicast Router Advertisement", // 151 - RFC4286
+- "Multicast Router Solicitation", // 152 - RFC4286
+- "Multicast Router Termination", // 153 - [RFC4286]
+- "ICMP 154",
+- "ICMP 155",
+- "ICMP 156",
+- "ICMP 157",
+- "ICMP 158",
+- "ICMP 159",
+- "ICMP 160"
++static const char *
++IcmpPacketType(uint8_t v)
++ // NP: LowPktStr is for codes 0-127
++ static const char *icmp6LowPktStr[] = {
++ "ICMPv6 0", // 0
++ "Destination Unreachable", // 1 - RFC2463
++ "Packet Too Big", // 2 - RFC2463
++ "Time Exceeded", // 3 - RFC2463
++ "Parameter Problem", // 4 - RFC2463
++ };
++ // low codes 1-4 registered
++ if (0 < v && v < 5)
++ return icmp6LowPktStr[(int)(v&0x7f)];
++ // NP: HighPktStr is for codes 128-255
++ static const char *icmp6HighPktStr[] = {
++ "Echo Request", // 128 - RFC2463
++ "Echo Reply", // 129 - RFC2463
++ "Multicast Listener Query", // 130 - RFC2710
++ "Multicast Listener Report", // 131 - RFC2710
++ "Multicast Listener Done", // 132 - RFC2710
++ "Router Solicitation", // 133 - RFC4861
++ "Router Advertisement", // 134 - RFC4861
++ "Neighbor Solicitation", // 135 - RFC4861
++ "Neighbor Advertisement", // 136 - RFC4861
++ "Redirect Message", // 137 - RFC4861
++ "Router Renumbering", // 138 - Crawford
++ "ICMP Node Information Query", // 139 - RFC4620
++ "ICMP Node Information Response", // 140 - RFC4620
++ "Inverse Neighbor Discovery Solicitation", // 141 - RFC3122
++ "Inverse Neighbor Discovery Advertisement", // 142 - RFC3122
++ "Version 2 Multicast Listener Report", // 143 - RFC3810
++ "Home Agent Address Discovery Request", // 144 - RFC3775
++ "Home Agent Address Discovery Reply", // 145 - RFC3775
++ "Mobile Prefix Solicitation", // 146 - RFC3775
++ "Mobile Prefix Advertisement", // 147 - RFC3775
++ "Certification Path Solicitation", // 148 - RFC3971
++ "Certification Path Advertisement", // 149 - RFC3971
++ "ICMP Experimental (150)", // 150 - RFC4065
++ "Multicast Router Advertisement", // 151 - RFC4286
++ "Multicast Router Solicitation", // 152 - RFC4286
++ "Multicast Router Termination", // 153 - [RFC4286]
++ };
++ // high codes 127-153 registered
++ if (127 < v && v < 154)
++ return icmp6HighPktStr[(int)(v&0x7f)];
++ // give all others a generic display
++ static char buf[50];
++ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "ICMPv6 %u", v);
++ return buf;
+ Icmp6::Icmp6() : Icmp()
+ {
+@@ -236,6 +240,12 @@
+ from->ai_addr,
+ &from->ai_addrlen);
++ if (n <= 0) {
++ debugs(42, DBG_CRITICAL, HERE << "Error when calling recvfrom() on ICMPv6 socket.");
++ Ip::Address::FreeAddrInfo(from);
++ return;
++ }
+ preply.from = *from;
+@@ -291,8 +301,7 @@
+ default:
+ debugs(42, 8, HERE << preply.from << " said: " << icmp6header->icmp6_type << "/" << (int)icmp6header->icmp6_code << " " <<
+- ( icmp6header->icmp6_type&0x80 ? icmp6HighPktStr[(int)(icmp6header->icmp6_type&0x7f)] : icmp6LowPktStr[(int)(icmp6header->icmp6_type&0x7f)] )
+- );
++ IcmpPacketType(icmp6header->icmp6_type));
+ }
+ Ip::Address::FreeAddrInfo(from);
+ return;
+@@ -331,7 +340,7 @@
+ Log(preply.from,
+ icmp6header->icmp6_type,
+- ( icmp6header->icmp6_type&0x80 ? icmp6HighPktStr[(int)(icmp6header->icmp6_type&0x7f)] : icmp6LowPktStr[(int)(icmp6header->icmp6_type&0x7f)] ),
++ IcmpPacketType(icmp6header->icmp6_type),
+ preply.rtt,
+ preply.hops);
diff --git a/net-proxy/squid/squid-3.3.13-r1.ebuild b/net-proxy/squid/squid-3.3.13-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b924553329d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-proxy/squid/squid-3.3.13-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-proxy/squid/squid-3.3.13-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2014/09/29 14:11:12 eras Exp $
+inherit autotools eutils linux-info pam toolchain-funcs user versionator
+DESCRIPTION="A full-featured web proxy cache"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
+IUSE="caps ipv6 pam ldap samba sasl kerberos nis radius ssl snmp selinux logrotate test \
+ ecap icap-client ssl-crtd \
+ mysql postgres sqlite \
+ qos tproxy \
+ pf-transparent ipf-transparent kqueue \
+ elibc_uclibc kernel_linux"
+COMMON_DEPEND="caps? ( >=sys-libs/libcap-2.16 )
+ pam? ( virtual/pam )
+ ldap? ( net-nds/openldap )
+ kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
+ qos? ( net-libs/libnetfilter_conntrack )
+ ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
+ sasl? ( dev-libs/cyrus-sasl )
+ ecap? ( net-libs/libecap:0.2 )
+ selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-squid )
+ !x86-fbsd? ( logrotate? ( app-admin/logrotate ) )
+ >=sys-libs/db-4
+ sys-devel/libtool
+ dev-lang/perl
+ sys-devel/libtool"
+ sys-apps/ed
+ test? ( dev-util/cppunit )"
+ samba? ( net-fs/samba )
+ mysql? ( dev-perl/DBD-mysql )
+ postgres? ( dev-perl/DBD-Pg )
+ sqlite? ( dev-perl/DBD-SQLite )
+ !<=sci-biology/meme-4.8.1-r1"
+REQUIRED_USE="tproxy? ( caps )
+ qos? ( caps )"
+pkg_pretend() {
+ if use tproxy; then
+ linux-info_pkg_setup
+ fi
+pkg_setup() {
+ enewgroup squid 31
+ enewuser squid 31 -1 /var/cache/squid squid
+src_prepare() {
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-3.3.4-gentoo.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-12683_12681.patch"
+ lib/libTrie/ || die
+ sed -i -e 's:/usr/local/squid/etc:/etc/squid:' \
+ helpers/basic_auth/MSNT/README.html \
+ helpers/basic_auth/MSNT/ \
+ helpers/basic_auth/MSNT/msntauth.conf.default \
+ scripts/ \
+ scripts/ \
+ tools/cachemgr.cgi.8 \
+ tools/purge/conffile.hh \
+ tools/purge/README || die
+ sed -i -e 's:/usr/local/squid/sbin:/usr/sbin:' \
+ sed -i -e 's:/usr/local/squid/var/cache:/var/cache/squid:' \
+ sed -i -e 's:/usr/local/squid/var/logs:/var/log/squid:' \
+ src/log/ || die
+ sed -i -e 's:/usr/local/squid/logs:/var/log/squid:' \
+ src/log/ || die
+ sed -i -e 's:/usr/local/squid/bin:/usr/bin:' \
+ helpers/basic_auth/MSNT/README.html || die
+ sed -i -e 's:/usr/local/squid/libexec:/usr/libexec/squid:' \
+ helpers/external_acl/unix_group/ext_unix_group_acl.8 \
+ helpers/external_acl/session/ext_session_acl.8 \
+ src/ssl/ssl_crtd.8 || die
+ sed -i -e 's:/usr/local/squid/cache:/var/cache/squid:' \
+ scripts/ || die
+ sed -i -e 's:/usr/local/squid/ssl_cert:/etc/ssl/squid:' \
+ src/ssl/ssl_crtd.8 || die
+ sed -i -e 's:/usr/local/squid/var/lib/ssl_db:/var/lib/squid/ssl_db:' \
+ src/ssl/ssl_crtd.8 || die
+ sed -i -e 's:/var/lib/ssl_db:/var/lib/squid/ssl_db:' \
+ src/ssl/ssl_crtd.8 || die
+ # /var/run/squid to /run/squid
+ sed -i -e 's:$(localstatedir)::' \
+ src/ipc/
+ epatch_user
+ # Bug #419685 - eautoreconf in src_prepare() fails in libltdl/
+ # aclocal-1.11: `' or `' is required
+ MAKEOPTS="${MAKEOPTS} -j1" eautoreconf
+src_configure() {
+ local basic_modules="MSNT,MSNT-multi-domain,NCSA,POP3,getpwnam"
+ use samba && basic_modules+=",SMB"
+ use ldap && basic_modules+=",LDAP"
+ use pam && basic_modules+=",PAM"
+ use sasl && basic_modules+=",SASL"
+ use nis && ! use elibc_uclibc && basic_modules+=",NIS"
+ use radius && basic_modules+=",RADIUS"
+ if use mysql || use postgres || use sqlite ; then
+ basic_modules+=",DB"
+ fi
+ local digest_modules="file"
+ use ldap && digest_modules+=",LDAP,eDirectory"
+ local negotiate_modules myconf
+ if use kerberos ; then
+ negotiate_modules="kerberos,wrapper"
+ myconf="--with-krb5-config=yes"
+ else
+ negotiate_modules="none"
+ myconf="--with-krb5-config=no"
+ fi
+ local ntlm_modules="none"
+ use samba && ntlm_modules="smb_lm"
+ local ext_helpers="file_userip,session,unix_group"
+ use samba && ext_helpers+=",wbinfo_group"
+ use ldap && ext_helpers+=",LDAP_group,eDirectory_userip"
+ use ldap && use kerberos && ext_helpers+=",kerberos_ldap_group"
+ # uclibc does not have aio support - needed for coss (#61175)
+ local storeio_modules="aufs,diskd,rock,ufs"
+ local transparent
+ if use kernel_linux ; then
+ transparent+=" --enable-linux-netfilter"
+ use qos && transparent+=" --enable-zph-qos --with-netfilter-conntrack"
+ fi
+ if use kernel_FreeBSD || use kernel_OpenBSD || use kernel_NetBSD ; then
+ transparent+=" $(use_enable kqueue)"
+ if use pf-transparent; then
+ transparent+=" --enable-pf-transparent"
+ elif use ipf-transparent; then
+ transparent+=" --enable-ipf-transparent"
+ fi
+ fi
+ tc-export CC AR
+ econf \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/squid \
+ --libexecdir=/usr/libexec/squid \
+ --localstatedir=/var \
+ --with-pidfile=/run/ \
+ --datadir=/usr/share/squid \
+ --with-logdir=/var/log/squid \
+ --with-default-user=squid \
+ --enable-removal-policies="lru,heap" \
+ --enable-storeio="${storeio_modules}" \
+ --enable-disk-io \
+ --enable-auth \
+ --enable-auth-basic="${basic_modules}" \
+ --enable-auth-digest="${digest_modules}" \
+ --enable-auth-ntlm="${ntlm_modules}" \
+ --enable-auth-negotiate="${negotiate_modules}" \
+ --enable-external-acl-helpers="${ext_helpers}" \
+ --enable-log-daemon-helpers \
+ --enable-url-rewrite-helpers \
+ --enable-cache-digests \
+ --enable-delay-pools \
+ --enable-eui \
+ --enable-icmp \
+ --enable-follow-x-forwarded-for \
+ --enable-esi \
+ --with-large-files \
+ --disable-strict-error-checking \
+ $(use_with caps libcap) \
+ $(use_enable ipv6) \
+ $(use_enable snmp) \
+ $(use_enable ssl) \
+ $(use_enable ssl-crtd) \
+ $(use_enable icap-client) \
+ $(use_enable ecap) \
+ ${transparent} \
+ ${myconf}
+src_install() {
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
+ # need suid root for looking into /etc/shadow
+ fowners root:squid /usr/libexec/squid/basic_ncsa_auth
+ fperms 4750 /usr/libexec/squid/basic_ncsa_auth
+ if use pam; then
+ fowners root:squid /usr/libexec/squid/basic_pam_auth
+ fperms 4750 /usr/libexec/squid/basic_pam_auth
+ fi
+ # pinger needs suid as well
+ fowners root:squid /usr/libexec/squid/pinger
+ fperms 4750 /usr/libexec/squid/pinger
+ # some cleanups
+ rm -f "${D}"/usr/bin/Run*
+ rm -rf "${D}"/run/squid "${D}"/var/cache/squid
+ newdoc helpers/negotiate_auth/kerberos/README README.kerberos
+ newdoc helpers/basic_auth/MSNT-multi-domain/README.txt README.MSNT-multi-domain
+ newdoc helpers/basic_auth/LDAP/README README.LDAP
+ newdoc helpers/basic_auth/RADIUS/README README.RADIUS
+ newdoc helpers/external_acl/kerberos_ldap_group/README README.kerberos_ldap_group
+ newdoc tools/purge/README README.purge
+ newdoc tools/helper-mux.README README.helper-mux
+ dohtml RELEASENOTES.html
+ newpamd "${FILESDIR}/squid.pam" squid
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}/squid.confd-r1" squid
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}/squid.initd-r4" squid
+ if use logrotate; then
+ insinto /etc/logrotate.d
+ newins "${FILESDIR}/squid.logrotate" squid
+ else
+ exeinto /etc/cron.weekly
+ newexe "${FILESDIR}/squid.cron" squid.cron
+ fi
+ diropts -m0750 -o squid -g squid
+ keepdir /var/log/squid /etc/ssl/squid /var/lib/squid
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if [[ $(get_version_component_range 1 ${REPLACING_VERSIONS}) -lt 3 ]] || \
+ [[ $(get_version_component_range 2 ${REPLACING_VERSIONS}) -lt 3 ]]; then
+ elog "Please read the release notes at:"
+ elog ""
+ echo
+ fi
diff --git a/net-proxy/squid/squid-3.4.7-r1.ebuild b/net-proxy/squid/squid-3.4.7-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d4c3de65269a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-proxy/squid/squid-3.4.7-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-proxy/squid/squid-3.4.7-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2014/09/29 14:11:12 eras Exp $
+inherit autotools eutils linux-info pam toolchain-funcs user versionator
+DESCRIPTION="A full-featured web proxy cache"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
+IUSE="caps ipv6 pam ldap samba sasl kerberos nis radius ssl snmp selinux logrotate test \
+ ecap esi icap-client ssl-crtd \
+ mysql postgres sqlite \
+ qos tproxy \
+ +htcp +wccp +wccpv2 \
+ pf-transparent ipf-transparent kqueue \
+ elibc_uclibc kernel_linux"
+COMMON_DEPEND="caps? ( >=sys-libs/libcap-2.16 )
+ pam? ( virtual/pam )
+ ldap? ( net-nds/openldap )
+ kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
+ qos? ( net-libs/libnetfilter_conntrack )
+ ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl dev-libs/nettle )
+ sasl? ( dev-libs/cyrus-sasl )
+ ecap? ( net-libs/libecap:0.2 )
+ esi? ( dev-libs/expat dev-libs/libxml2 )
+ selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-squid )
+ !x86-fbsd? ( logrotate? ( app-admin/logrotate ) )
+ >=sys-libs/db-4
+ sys-devel/libtool
+ dev-lang/perl
+ sys-devel/libtool"
+ ecap? ( virtual/pkgconfig )
+ sys-apps/ed
+ test? ( dev-util/cppunit )"
+ samba? ( net-fs/samba )
+ mysql? ( dev-perl/DBD-mysql )
+ postgres? ( dev-perl/DBD-Pg )
+ sqlite? ( dev-perl/DBD-SQLite )
+ !<=sci-biology/meme-4.8.1-r1"
+REQUIRED_USE="tproxy? ( caps )
+ qos? ( caps )"
+pkg_pretend() {
+ if use tproxy; then
+ linux-info_pkg_setup
+ fi
+pkg_setup() {
+ enewgroup squid 31
+ enewuser squid 31 -1 /var/cache/squid squid
+src_prepare() {
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-3.3.4-gentoo.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-13173_13171.patch"
+ sed -i -e 's:/usr/local/squid/etc:/etc/squid:' \
+ helpers/basic_auth/MSNT/README.html \
+ helpers/basic_auth/MSNT/ \
+ helpers/basic_auth/MSNT/msntauth.conf.default \
+ scripts/ \
+ scripts/ \
+ tools/cachemgr.cgi.8 \
+ tools/purge/conffile.hh \
+ tools/purge/README || die
+ sed -i -e 's:/usr/local/squid/sbin:/usr/sbin:' \
+ sed -i -e 's:/usr/local/squid/var/cache:/var/cache/squid:' \
+ sed -i -e 's:/usr/local/squid/var/logs:/var/log/squid:' \
+ src/log/ || die
+ sed -i -e 's:/usr/local/squid/logs:/var/log/squid:' \
+ src/log/ || die
+ sed -i -e 's:/usr/local/squid/bin:/usr/bin:' \
+ helpers/basic_auth/MSNT/README.html || die
+ sed -i -e 's:/usr/local/squid/libexec:/usr/libexec/squid:' \
+ helpers/external_acl/unix_group/ext_unix_group_acl.8 \
+ helpers/external_acl/session/ext_session_acl.8 \
+ src/ssl/ssl_crtd.8 || die
+ sed -i -e 's:/usr/local/squid/cache:/var/cache/squid:' \
+ scripts/ || die
+ sed -i -e 's:/usr/local/squid/ssl_cert:/etc/ssl/squid:' \
+ src/ssl/ssl_crtd.8 || die
+ sed -i -e 's:/usr/local/squid/var/lib/ssl_db:/var/lib/squid/ssl_db:' \
+ src/ssl/ssl_crtd.8 || die
+ sed -i -e 's:/var/lib/ssl_db:/var/lib/squid/ssl_db:' \
+ src/ssl/ssl_crtd.8 || die
+ # /var/run/squid to /run/squid
+ sed -i -e 's:$(localstatedir)::' \
+ src/ipc/
+ epatch_user
+ # Bug #419685 - eautoreconf in src_prepare() fails in libltdl/
+ # aclocal-1.11: `' or `' is required
+ MAKEOPTS="${MAKEOPTS} -j1" eautoreconf
+src_configure() {
+ local basic_modules="MSNT,MSNT-multi-domain,NCSA,POP3,getpwnam"
+ use samba && basic_modules+=",SMB"
+ use ldap && basic_modules+=",LDAP"
+ use pam && basic_modules+=",PAM"
+ use sasl && basic_modules+=",SASL"
+ use nis && ! use elibc_uclibc && basic_modules+=",NIS"
+ use radius && basic_modules+=",RADIUS"
+ if use mysql || use postgres || use sqlite ; then
+ basic_modules+=",DB"
+ fi
+ local digest_modules="file"
+ use ldap && digest_modules+=",LDAP,eDirectory"
+ local negotiate_modules myconf
+ if use kerberos ; then
+ negotiate_modules="kerberos,wrapper"
+ myconf="--with-krb5-config=yes"
+ else
+ negotiate_modules="none"
+ myconf="--with-krb5-config=no"
+ fi
+ local ntlm_modules="none"
+ use samba && ntlm_modules="smb_lm"
+ local ext_helpers="file_userip,session,unix_group"
+ use samba && ext_helpers+=",wbinfo_group"
+ use ldap && ext_helpers+=",LDAP_group,eDirectory_userip"
+ use ldap && use kerberos && ext_helpers+=",kerberos_ldap_group"
+ # uclibc does not have aio support - needed for coss (#61175)
+ local storeio_modules="aufs,diskd,rock,ufs"
+ local transparent
+ if use kernel_linux ; then
+ transparent+=" --enable-linux-netfilter"
+ use qos && transparent+=" --enable-zph-qos --with-netfilter-conntrack"
+ fi
+ if use kernel_FreeBSD || use kernel_OpenBSD || use kernel_NetBSD ; then
+ transparent+=" $(use_enable kqueue)"
+ if use pf-transparent; then
+ transparent+=" --enable-pf-transparent"
+ elif use ipf-transparent; then
+ transparent+=" --enable-ipf-transparent"
+ fi
+ fi
+ tc-export CC AR
+ econf \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/squid \
+ --libexecdir=/usr/libexec/squid \
+ --localstatedir=/var \
+ --with-pidfile=/run/ \
+ --datadir=/usr/share/squid \
+ --with-logdir=/var/log/squid \
+ --with-default-user=squid \
+ --enable-removal-policies="lru,heap" \
+ --enable-storeio="${storeio_modules}" \
+ --enable-disk-io \
+ --enable-auth \
+ --enable-auth-basic="${basic_modules}" \
+ --enable-auth-digest="${digest_modules}" \
+ --enable-auth-ntlm="${ntlm_modules}" \
+ --enable-auth-negotiate="${negotiate_modules}" \
+ --enable-external-acl-helpers="${ext_helpers}" \
+ --enable-log-daemon-helpers \
+ --enable-url-rewrite-helpers \
+ --enable-cache-digests \
+ --enable-delay-pools \
+ --enable-eui \
+ --enable-icmp \
+ --enable-follow-x-forwarded-for \
+ --with-large-files \
+ --disable-strict-error-checking \
+ --disable-arch-native \
+ $(use_with caps libcap) \
+ $(use_enable ipv6) \
+ $(use_enable snmp) \
+ $(use_enable ssl) \
+ $(use_with ssl nettle) \
+ $(use_enable ssl-crtd) \
+ $(use_enable icap-client) \
+ $(use_enable ecap) \
+ $(use_enable esi) \
+ $(use_enable htcp) \
+ $(use_enable wccp) \
+ $(use_enable wccpv2) \
+ ${transparent} \
+ ${myconf}
+src_install() {
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
+ # need suid root for looking into /etc/shadow
+ fowners root:squid /usr/libexec/squid/basic_ncsa_auth
+ fperms 4750 /usr/libexec/squid/basic_ncsa_auth
+ if use pam; then
+ fowners root:squid /usr/libexec/squid/basic_pam_auth
+ fperms 4750 /usr/libexec/squid/basic_pam_auth
+ fi
+ # pinger needs suid as well
+ fowners root:squid /usr/libexec/squid/pinger
+ fperms 4750 /usr/libexec/squid/pinger
+ # cleanup
+ rm -f "${D}"/usr/bin/Run*
+ rm -rf "${D}"/run/squid "${D}"/var/cache/squid
+ newdoc helpers/negotiate_auth/kerberos/README README.kerberos
+ newdoc helpers/basic_auth/MSNT-multi-domain/README.txt README.MSNT-multi-domain
+ newdoc helpers/basic_auth/LDAP/README README.LDAP
+ newdoc helpers/basic_auth/RADIUS/README README.RADIUS
+ newdoc helpers/external_acl/kerberos_ldap_group/README README.kerberos_ldap_group
+ newdoc tools/purge/README README.purge
+ newdoc tools/helper-mux.README README.helper-mux
+ dohtml RELEASENOTES.html
+ newpamd "${FILESDIR}/squid.pam" squid
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}/squid.confd-r1" squid
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}/squid.initd-r4" squid
+ if use logrotate; then
+ insinto /etc/logrotate.d
+ newins "${FILESDIR}/squid.logrotate" squid
+ else
+ exeinto /etc/cron.weekly
+ newexe "${FILESDIR}/squid.cron" squid.cron
+ fi
+ diropts -m0750 -o squid -g squid
+ keepdir /var/log/squid /etc/ssl/squid /var/lib/squid
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if [[ $(get_version_component_range 1 ${REPLACING_VERSIONS}) -lt 3 ]] || \
+ [[ $(get_version_component_range 2 ${REPLACING_VERSIONS}) -lt 4 ]]; then
+ elog "Please read the release notes at:"
+ elog ""
+ echo
+ fi