diff options
authorDiego Elio Pettenò <>2007-07-10 14:18:03 +0000
committerDiego Elio Pettenò <>2007-07-10 14:18:03 +0000
commitae4bc5ad8332f0e2a06d8e25e0b8ec340335fc67 (patch)
treed94dc4c7a5cc0c165e303579328790d59167697c /sys-libs/pam
parentVersion bump. (diff)
Bump patchlevel, and use patches and extra files from the patchset.
Package-Manager: portage-2.1.3_rc7
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-libs/pam')
8 files changed, 28 insertions, 342 deletions
diff --git a/sys-libs/pam/ChangeLog b/sys-libs/pam/ChangeLog
index 63a5b836c1f5..fda462a350f6 100644
--- a/sys-libs/pam/ChangeLog
+++ b/sys-libs/pam/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for sys-libs/pam
# Copyright 2002-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-libs/pam/ChangeLog,v 1.161 2007/07/10 13:50:55 flameeyes Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-libs/pam/ChangeLog,v 1.162 2007/07/10 14:18:03 flameeyes Exp $
+ 10 Jul 2007; Diego Pettenò <>
+ -files/pam-0.78-inttypes.patch, -files/pam-0.78-xauth-path.patch,
+ -files/README.pam_console, -files/pam_env.conf, pam-0.78-r5.ebuild:
+ Bump patchlevel, and use patches and extra files from the patchset.
10 Jul 2007; Diego Pettenò <> -pam-0.78-r3.ebuild:
Remove old version.
diff --git a/sys-libs/pam/Manifest b/sys-libs/pam/Manifest
index edb90c17b368..01e349b5a57f 100644
--- a/sys-libs/pam/Manifest
+++ b/sys-libs/pam/Manifest
@@ -13,26 +13,10 @@ AUX Linux-PAM- 416 RMD160 5e26bb5beb627c9ceea285c13a3461
MD5 62e8aed0f46e9fe4098bf5b5d48900bc files/Linux-PAM- 416
RMD160 5e26bb5beb627c9ceea285c13a346161635a2d9c files/Linux-PAM- 416
SHA256 02ad1662b48f81f7b693597dda175707261da7570acba69bda32e6fcd17026a7 files/Linux-PAM- 416
-AUX README.pam_console 2619 RMD160 9b8d2ffcc20d781146aa485e6754b4b221689adf SHA1 544471e26f47447319c76d37c7d4dc2047f83b13 SHA256 edc959cefb01cf0b0a1fc42d43fcb388f7dc5c073166da611fa614ad2953870c
-MD5 4d915415e30dcbd724c8054970deec6a files/README.pam_console 2619
-RMD160 9b8d2ffcc20d781146aa485e6754b4b221689adf files/README.pam_console 2619
-SHA256 edc959cefb01cf0b0a1fc42d43fcb388f7dc5c073166da611fa614ad2953870c files/README.pam_console 2619
AUX other.pamd 139 RMD160 d0f52fd0b830c86b0e933ebfaa8c2c1545337e43 SHA1 6d1f1a5f55c65f13b7fd35396c7f302c1946116e SHA256 3df996d0f5713c92598ac2d3be2b139ec79f3d1e2010bbc53da14c3dd55e64c2
MD5 2d840b9afde7319bc8a8f7676582af11 files/other.pamd 139
RMD160 d0f52fd0b830c86b0e933ebfaa8c2c1545337e43 files/other.pamd 139
SHA256 3df996d0f5713c92598ac2d3be2b139ec79f3d1e2010bbc53da14c3dd55e64c2 files/other.pamd 139
-AUX pam-0.78-inttypes.patch 5644 RMD160 02135ec459b34f34a81545c1c841fe1841d8a2a8 SHA1 ee35c51194210352c6cd123cd878be4d755936f4 SHA256 d5b44b15529de83e438833e9be474703392afca186f6054cb646579da1c296d6
-MD5 95b7f27f454b393fd12cdae6d9806866 files/pam-0.78-inttypes.patch 5644
-RMD160 02135ec459b34f34a81545c1c841fe1841d8a2a8 files/pam-0.78-inttypes.patch 5644
-SHA256 d5b44b15529de83e438833e9be474703392afca186f6054cb646579da1c296d6 files/pam-0.78-inttypes.patch 5644
-AUX pam-0.78-xauth-path.patch 1935 RMD160 2a45c96daca86f86cc3da7aeba183db128b87635 SHA1 d8c706ca55cfd7d2359516c932db455af829d302 SHA256 e30877b127eeacdd94d2332cf230d9fad638b2ceda78d6bbdb71ccca9d14149a
-MD5 2d24596551bb4843bb852d4681d8ec2e files/pam-0.78-xauth-path.patch 1935
-RMD160 2a45c96daca86f86cc3da7aeba183db128b87635 files/pam-0.78-xauth-path.patch 1935
-SHA256 e30877b127eeacdd94d2332cf230d9fad638b2ceda78d6bbdb71ccca9d14149a files/pam-0.78-xauth-path.patch 1935
-AUX pam_env.conf 2985 RMD160 feaa4251ed7bb68ecb93e6beb6909203d60ca740 SHA1 f945472cf5ae04150eed1e595d5506227c48fe0d SHA256 e3e0f06d9803d335a31b7e29a5ea6c1aa6c258f6b95308f959a86c23a97fec53
-MD5 f7cb16866a9d0762a5288bc5fd8feecf files/pam_env.conf 2985
-RMD160 feaa4251ed7bb68ecb93e6beb6909203d60ca740 files/pam_env.conf 2985
-SHA256 e3e0f06d9803d335a31b7e29a5ea6c1aa6c258f6b95308f959a86c23a97fec53 files/pam_env.conf 2985
AUX system-auth.pamd.0.78 402 RMD160 88a97f51351d0a76c940d3ba032fae133f33a584 SHA1 c421fc1d91a8cac7dbfc84730656219f73aaa22b SHA256 40d7b8409becd389a2ed4b751b85564f03b566ac33ed21c787289da0c4344aeb
MD5 c3d3871612bfb718a50454c8fba54b64 files/system-auth.pamd.0.78 402
RMD160 88a97f51351d0a76c940d3ba032fae133f33a584 files/system-auth.pamd.0.78 402
@@ -52,11 +36,11 @@ DIST Linux-PAM- 2554 RMD160 734f41e1e040f737
DIST Linux-PAM- 903366 RMD160 9e2c9bc00318ef711a2af4561a1c763c2ca28db5 SHA1 c344c7887d80eae5dc1ab7ac3ebfb412d555c4cf SHA256 4b42990b4cada5ad0abefd6048b8646b17813448fbf13d758cbce605908f02a2
DIST db-4.3.27.tar.gz 5921872 RMD160 711129871c7edd840184bd5a87fb7bf93c8bb953 SHA1 8fddfe98d5ff7fcdb3fe9e23bb361d8f20a35941 SHA256 6f09e04c5811ad72a2a5c99459340cb2c635e6553520af76fc9e717dd6207244
DIST glib-2.6.5.tar.bz2 2357089 RMD160 6ccdfed7ea5621b7c69c436c3b8b5fbba44dc62e SHA1 82818f9173b0bdc2b26af018e8393eb76318552e SHA256 ca061bbd41c6484b4b0eabbee08f99e51ebf5f3a0c63e8b0787b8d37546cc2ca
-DIST pam-0.78-patches-1.5.tar.bz2 87590 RMD160 9a315fbb92ecbcea4ab5cce19fb0471ce141b031 SHA1 6829088338f51ccc0d4211cc14accdbc5ddd7e57 SHA256 d692f2aa27ab8943268eee233c23ee2e1c746ad61afeca691473b2587a370d12
-EBUILD pam-0.78-r5.ebuild 11435 RMD160 402e95b858644b4b03648be3896f51a47e18fa86 SHA1 286330af0ab781455aef91e23f3247dfea3e9b65 SHA256 98432e7cabdc53f4d11281f36b7e65e875138ec7886b66e5613cdf485cab5b83
-MD5 3893b721a07b47fdbad9438bb6118be8 pam-0.78-r5.ebuild 11435
-RMD160 402e95b858644b4b03648be3896f51a47e18fa86 pam-0.78-r5.ebuild 11435
-SHA256 98432e7cabdc53f4d11281f36b7e65e875138ec7886b66e5613cdf485cab5b83 pam-0.78-r5.ebuild 11435
+DIST pam-0.78-patches-1.6.tar.bz2 91527 RMD160 af880422f7e0f6440debf6885a4e3ca048dc67a9 SHA1 47683aee7734495707e619c111b93e07bcac5d1f SHA256 54241417a9e19b02457b3d9997e6ca24c14da86e22d447873440853a7525c9bb
+EBUILD pam-0.78-r5.ebuild 11384 RMD160 1c925c7ddbdd14d31745b24f71f497f03827d2fc SHA1 f6200cb0be288d9132f4d3f295cdb79b96f06f72 SHA256 10b3c08b86442cfd742383040b72fe44fbd927bf77d001d08971b47ec39704e5
+MD5 d53943e195dac9c8de5426327142ada0 pam-0.78-r5.ebuild 11384
+RMD160 1c925c7ddbdd14d31745b24f71f497f03827d2fc pam-0.78-r5.ebuild 11384
+SHA256 10b3c08b86442cfd742383040b72fe44fbd927bf77d001d08971b47ec39704e5 pam-0.78-r5.ebuild 11384
EBUILD pam- 4872 RMD160 e34d44138b7312b5d79e51822bdbc20d44c71c35 SHA1 09a252ee65d1b7e8b82f1255b2ab70f0e3bca011 SHA256 cebdeec5fb3e413b5370025278dd7017c0d3851f07bcf08e4a3a21f783cd0531
MD5 b5cd722e692ad33ae9f9985466cc882d pam- 4872
RMD160 e34d44138b7312b5d79e51822bdbc20d44c71c35 pam- 4872
@@ -69,17 +53,17 @@ EBUILD pam- 4861 RMD160 b2f177f0e916cd660a107bba161f5f52471f1fe5
MD5 0b81acacef9371f980836006579ba4f8 pam- 4861
RMD160 b2f177f0e916cd660a107bba161f5f52471f1fe5 pam- 4861
SHA256 26a01ccbf666fa2c9f2bdecf4aaca257ce1767eceb8cedf032c1a58131807299 pam- 4861
-MISC ChangeLog 26065 RMD160 3fa4f8c11b2f93a334be672268c980fc96f5740b SHA1 64155a6785598c0321fa52fe325c38008c7ba56c SHA256 f8357404668761ad6544db7b4bf06f1275edb0b9c224184b10c30019ee7b8262
-MD5 f2fd30a3342662a09224e9747b3dcedd ChangeLog 26065
-RMD160 3fa4f8c11b2f93a334be672268c980fc96f5740b ChangeLog 26065
-SHA256 f8357404668761ad6544db7b4bf06f1275edb0b9c224184b10c30019ee7b8262 ChangeLog 26065
+MISC ChangeLog 26327 RMD160 19f065be5424d20726a93def4269a04c903c276c SHA1 904978ab169a518e576c87f1fa6a412a9b718351 SHA256 8c753da2e93fb7de7aba91ec75bb615a239255b91ff07780708f7ae4e10f144f
+MD5 b74a6597e3fb582ee225ef2afad9a7a3 ChangeLog 26327
+RMD160 19f065be5424d20726a93def4269a04c903c276c ChangeLog 26327
+SHA256 8c753da2e93fb7de7aba91ec75bb615a239255b91ff07780708f7ae4e10f144f ChangeLog 26327
MISC metadata.xml 218 RMD160 1955c7446d4ceb77506ba7b58ee35913c576a72c SHA1 02dacc356a39905402083cb54ae4f6dd0ac59fad SHA256 e0bb49cab71cc84d8bdad26876197164073722b378d27a5bf55bbfd2afdbd19c
MD5 393d06cf4b76671f8e6ce72ac71bdad8 metadata.xml 218
RMD160 1955c7446d4ceb77506ba7b58ee35913c576a72c metadata.xml 218
SHA256 e0bb49cab71cc84d8bdad26876197164073722b378d27a5bf55bbfd2afdbd19c metadata.xml 218
-MD5 a701475af4b96aa8ef5b5cb58894322f files/digest-pam-0.78-r5 976
-RMD160 bbd3c9532d26362d88d4ff52fd585c7fb91356c0 files/digest-pam-0.78-r5 976
-SHA256 c3edc3912942659b0d5bdffd75c393e13641be489aad277aa72846079b2cacb0 files/digest-pam-0.78-r5 976
+MD5 4acd467a58a6a83f640e9540babb2be6 files/digest-pam-0.78-r5 976
+RMD160 f272466c7321cec1715f9dd69818b7b79ca3582f files/digest-pam-0.78-r5 976
+SHA256 48f4d33093f701c4ac0ae848f7c51efb85d363679529908a980970bc861050c3 files/digest-pam-0.78-r5 976
MD5 7e383728a5d0fe763e5a1e1cc1d07427 files/digest-pam- 572
RMD160 394ee12bca7c862a67e820a3b77d25cf5e123725 files/digest-pam- 572
SHA256 fd48ed29e798f9d699a8c0ecb394b65890da0993209b4ee9d7d1a036f7b8943f files/digest-pam- 572
@@ -92,7 +76,7 @@ SHA256 ab8db2c0eae109c483b93689c682916ae8161cfcd4917a8b68a53f870d018240 files/di
Version: GnuPG v2.0.5 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/sys-libs/pam/files/README.pam_console b/sys-libs/pam/files/README.pam_console
deleted file mode 100644
index a8c3582ab593..000000000000
--- a/sys-libs/pam/files/README.pam_console
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-pam_console is a module for PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) designed to
-give users that log locally in a system ("owning the console" in technical
-terms) privileges that they would not otherwise have, and to take those
-privileges away when they are no longer logged in.
-When a user logs in at the console and no other user is currently logged in,
-pam_console will change permissions and ownership of some of the device files,
-to allow, for instance, access to the audio devices, or to the cdrom drives.
-Those permissions are read from a configuration file
-To know more about pam_console, run 'man pam_console' and 'man console.perms'.
-Gentoo and pam_console
-In a Gentoo system pam_console is disabled by default, and users are allowed
-to access specific devices if they are member of particular groups (e.g. they
-have to be members of the audio group to access audio devices).
-However, Gentoo gives you the possibility to enable pam_console, you just have
-to follow these advices:
-1) Make sure you compiled sys-libs/pam with USE="pam_console", otherwise the
- pam_console module will not be built.
-2) In /etc/pam.d/login, add the following line:
- session optional
- Thus, pam_console will apply permissions from /etc/security/console.perms
- when you log in in text consoles.
- Do the same with /etc/pam.d/xdm if you login through xdm, with /etc/pam.d/kde
- if you login through kdm, and so on.
- Alternatively (but not recommended), you can add the line above to
- /etc/pam.d/system-auth so that pam_console will be enabled everywhere.
-3) If you're using devfs, add the following lines in /etc/devfsd.conf:
- REGISTER .* CFUNCTION /lib/security/\
- pam_console_apply_single $devpath
- In this way, permissions from /etc/security/console.perms will be applied
- also to those devices that are created dynamically.
-4) If you're using udev, create a file in /etc/dev.d/default/ ending with
- '.dev', for instance /etc/dev.d/default/, containing the
- following lines:
- #!/bin/sh
- exec /usr/sbin/pam_console_apply
- and make it executable:
- chmod +x /etc/dev.d/default/
- In this way, pam_console will reevaluate permissions from
- /etc/security/console.perms each time a device is dynamically created.
- Another possible way to obtain the same result is to use the RUN key
- in udev rules (see the udev documentation for more info).
-5) Tweak /etc/security/console.perms to your own needs.
diff --git a/sys-libs/pam/files/digest-pam-0.78-r5 b/sys-libs/pam/files/digest-pam-0.78-r5
index 1ec33436d8fa..1fae6302036d 100644
--- a/sys-libs/pam/files/digest-pam-0.78-r5
+++ b/sys-libs/pam/files/digest-pam-0.78-r5
@@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ SHA256 6f09e04c5811ad72a2a5c99459340cb2c635e6553520af76fc9e717dd6207244 db-4.3.2
MD5 777d2e34a60edad28319207b576cda91 glib-2.6.5.tar.bz2 2357089
RMD160 6ccdfed7ea5621b7c69c436c3b8b5fbba44dc62e glib-2.6.5.tar.bz2 2357089
SHA256 ca061bbd41c6484b4b0eabbee08f99e51ebf5f3a0c63e8b0787b8d37546cc2ca glib-2.6.5.tar.bz2 2357089
-MD5 8623c1b8744aee051cd3a595ee5f2d0a pam-0.78-patches-1.5.tar.bz2 87590
-RMD160 9a315fbb92ecbcea4ab5cce19fb0471ce141b031 pam-0.78-patches-1.5.tar.bz2 87590
-SHA256 d692f2aa27ab8943268eee233c23ee2e1c746ad61afeca691473b2587a370d12 pam-0.78-patches-1.5.tar.bz2 87590
+MD5 aa8983563b7d6f4904a26d2b5c7448bd pam-0.78-patches-1.6.tar.bz2 91527
+RMD160 af880422f7e0f6440debf6885a4e3ca048dc67a9 pam-0.78-patches-1.6.tar.bz2 91527
+SHA256 54241417a9e19b02457b3d9997e6ca24c14da86e22d447873440853a7525c9bb pam-0.78-patches-1.6.tar.bz2 91527
diff --git a/sys-libs/pam/files/pam-0.78-inttypes.patch b/sys-libs/pam/files/pam-0.78-inttypes.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b4221351f1f..000000000000
--- a/sys-libs/pam/files/pam-0.78-inttypes.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-Index: Linux-PAM-0.78/libpamc/include/security/pam_client.h
---- Linux-PAM-0.78.orig/libpamc/include/security/pam_client.h
-+++ Linux-PAM-0.78/libpamc/include/security/pam_client.h
-@@ -16,19 +16,13 @@ extern "C" {
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
-+#include <stdint.h>
- /* opaque agent handling structure */
- typedef struct pamc_handle_s *pamc_handle_t;
--/* binary prompt structure pointer */
--#ifndef __u32
--# define __u32 unsigned int
--#ifndef __u8
--# define __u8 unsigned char
--typedef struct { __u32 length; __u8 control; } *pamc_bp_t;
-+typedef struct { uint32_t length; uint8_t control; } *pamc_bp_t;
- /*
- * functions provided by libpamc
-@@ -91,10 +85,10 @@ char **pamc_list_agents(pamc_handle_t pc
- # define PAM_BP_FREE free
- #endif /* PAM_BP_FREE */
--#define __PAM_BP_WOCTET(x,y) (*((y) + (__u8 *)(x)))
--#define __PAM_BP_ROCTET(x,y) (*((y) + (const __u8 *)(x)))
-+#define __PAM_BP_WOCTET(x,y) (*((y) + (uint8_t *)(x)))
-+#define __PAM_BP_ROCTET(x,y) (*((y) + (const uint8_t *)(x)))
--#define PAM_BP_MIN_SIZE (sizeof(__u32) + sizeof(__u8))
-+#define PAM_BP_MIN_SIZE (sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(uint8_t))
- #define PAM_BP_MAX_LENGTH 0x20000 /* an advisory limit */
- #define PAM_BP_WCONTROL(x) (__PAM_BP_WOCTET(x,4))
- #define PAM_BP_RCONTROL(x) (__PAM_BP_ROCTET(x,4))
-@@ -103,8 +97,8 @@ char **pamc_list_agents(pamc_handle_t pc
- (__PAM_BP_ROCTET(x,2)<< 8)+ \
- (__PAM_BP_ROCTET(x,3) ))
--#define PAM_BP_WDATA(x) (PAM_BP_MIN_SIZE + (__u8 *) (x))
--#define PAM_BP_RDATA(x) (PAM_BP_MIN_SIZE + (const __u8 *) (x))
-+#define PAM_BP_WDATA(x) (PAM_BP_MIN_SIZE + (uint8_t *) (x))
-+#define PAM_BP_RDATA(x) (PAM_BP_MIN_SIZE + (const uint8_t *) (x))
- /* Note, this macro always '\0' terminates renewed packets */
-@@ -112,13 +106,13 @@ char **pamc_list_agents(pamc_handle_t pc
- do { \
- if (old_p) { \
- if (*(old_p)) { \
-- __u32 __size; \
-+ uint32_t __size; \
- __size = PAM_BP_SIZE(*(old_p)); \
- memset(*(old_p), 0, __size); \
- PAM_BP_FREE(*(old_p)); \
- } \
- if (cntrl) { \
-- __u32 __size; \
-+ uint32_t __size; \
- \
- __size = PAM_BP_MIN_SIZE + data_length; \
- if ((*(old_p) = PAM_BP_CALLOC(1, 1+__size))) { \
-@@ -141,7 +135,7 @@ do {
- #define PAM_BP_FILL(prmpt, offset, length, data) \
- do { \
- size_t bp_length; \
-- __u8 *prompt = (__u8 *) (prmpt); \
-+ uint8_t *prompt = (uint8_t *) (prmpt); \
- bp_length = PAM_BP_LENGTH(prompt); \
- if (bp_length < ((length)+(offset))) { \
- PAM_BP_ASSERT("attempt to write over end of prompt"); \
-@@ -152,7 +146,7 @@ do {
- #define PAM_BP_EXTRACT(prmpt, offset, length, data) \
- do { \
- size_t __bp_length; \
-- const __u8 *__prompt = (const __u8 *) (prmpt); \
-+ const uint8_t *__prompt = (const uint8_t *) (prmpt); \
- __bp_length = PAM_BP_LENGTH(__prompt); \
- if (((offset) < 0) || (__bp_length < ((length)+(offset))) \
- || ((length) < 0)) { \
-Index: Linux-PAM-0.78/libpamc/pamc_converse.c
---- Linux-PAM-0.78.orig/libpamc/pamc_converse.c
-+++ Linux-PAM-0.78/libpamc/pamc_converse.c
-@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ static int __pamc_select_agent(pamc_hand
- int pamc_converse(pamc_handle_t pch, pamc_bp_t *prompt_p)
- {
-- __u32 size, offset=0;
-- __u8 control, raw[PAM_BP_MIN_SIZE];
-+ uint32_t size, offset=0;
-+ uint8_t control, raw[PAM_BP_MIN_SIZE];
- D(("called"));
-@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ int pamc_converse(pamc_handle_t pch, pam
- /* pump all of the prompt into the agent */
- do {
- int rval = write(pch->current->writer,
-- offset + (const __u8 *) (*prompt_p),
-+ offset + (const uint8_t *) (*prompt_p),
- size - offset);
- if (rval == -1) {
- switch (errno) {
-@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ int pamc_converse(pamc_handle_t pch, pam
- value from the previous loop */
- while (offset < size) {
-- int rval = read(pch->current->reader, offset + (__u8 *) *prompt_p,
-+ int rval = read(pch->current->reader, offset + (uint8_t *) *prompt_p,
- size-offset);
- if (rval == -1) {
diff --git a/sys-libs/pam/files/pam-0.78-xauth-path.patch b/sys-libs/pam/files/pam-0.78-xauth-path.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4663f5f909e7..000000000000
--- a/sys-libs/pam/files/pam-0.78-xauth-path.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-diff -uNr Linux-PAM-0.78.orig/modules/pam_xauth/README Linux-PAM-0.78/modules/pam_xauth/README
---- Linux-PAM-0.78.orig/modules/pam_xauth/README 2003-07-24 20:21:50.000000000 +0100
-+++ Linux-PAM-0.78/modules/pam_xauth/README 2006-01-25 09:23:50.000000000 +0000
-@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
- debug write debugging messages to syslog
- xauthpath= the path to the xauth program, by default
-- /usr/X11R6/bin/xauth
-+ /usr/bin/xauth
- systemuser= highest user id assigned to system users, defaults
- to 499 (pam_xauth will refuse to forward creds to
- target users with id equal to or below this number,
-diff -uNr Linux-PAM-0.78.orig/modules/pam_xauth/pam_xauth.8 Linux-PAM-0.78/modules/pam_xauth/pam_xauth.8
---- Linux-PAM-0.78.orig/modules/pam_xauth/pam_xauth.8 2003-07-24 20:21:50.000000000 +0100
-+++ Linux-PAM-0.78/modules/pam_xauth/pam_xauth.8 2006-01-25 09:23:39.000000000 +0000
-@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@
- .IP debug
- Turns on debugging messages sent to syslog.
--.IP xauthpath=\fI/usr/X11R6/bin/xauth\fP
--Specify the path the xauth program (the default is /usr/X11R6/bin/xauth).
-+.IP xauthpath=\fI/usr/bin/xauth\fP
-+Specify the path the xauth program (the default is /usr/bin/xauth).
- .IP systemuser=\fInumber\fP
- Specify the highest UID which will be assumed to belong to a "system" user.
- pam_xauth will refuse to forward credentials to users with UID less than or
-diff -uNr Linux-PAM-0.78.orig/modules/pam_xauth/pam_xauth.c Linux-PAM-0.78/modules/pam_xauth/pam_xauth.c
---- Linux-PAM-0.78.orig/modules/pam_xauth/pam_xauth.c 2004-09-24 10:18:22.000000000 +0100
-+++ Linux-PAM-0.78/modules/pam_xauth/pam_xauth.c 2006-01-25 09:24:00.000000000 +0000
-@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
- #include <security/_pam_modutil.h>
- #define DATANAME "pam_xauth_cookie_file"
--#define XAUTHBIN "/usr/X11R6/bin/xauth"
-+#define XAUTHBIN "/usr/bin/xauth"
- #define HOMEENV "HOME"
- #define XAUTHDEF ".Xauthority"
diff --git a/sys-libs/pam/files/pam_env.conf b/sys-libs/pam/files/pam_env.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 61c76af3ae66..000000000000
--- a/sys-libs/pam/files/pam_env.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# $Date: 2006/04/21 15:45:00 $
-# $Author: flameeyes $
-# $Id: pam_env.conf,v 1.4 2006/04/21 15:45:00 flameeyes Exp $
-# This is the configuration file for pam_env, a PAM module to load in
-# a configurable list of environment variables for a
-# The original idea for this came from Andrew G. Morgan ...
-# Mmm. Perhaps you might like to write a pam_env module that reads a
-# default environment from a file? I can see that as REALLY
-# useful... Note it would be an "auth" module that returns PAM_IGNORE
-# for the auth part and sets the environment returning PAM_SUCCESS in
-# the setcred function...
-# What I wanted was the REMOTEHOST variable set, purely for selfish
-# reasons, and AGM didn't want it added to the SimpleApps login
-# program (which is where I added the patch). So, my first concern is
-# that variable, from there there are numerous others that might/would
-# be useful to be set: NNTPSERVER, LESS, PATH, PAGER, MANPAGER .....
-# Of course, these are a different kind of variable than REMOTEHOST in
-# that they are things that are likely to be configured by
-# administrators rather than set by logging in, how to treat them both
-# in the same config file?
-# Here is my idea:
-# Each line starts with the variable name, there are then two possible
-# options for each variable DEFAULT and OVERRIDE.
-# DEFAULT allows and administrator to set the value of the
-# variable to some default value, if none is supplied then the empty
-# string is assumed. The OVERRIDE option tells pam_env that it should
-# enter in its value (overriding the default value) if there is one
-# to use. OVERRIDE is not used, "" is assumed and no override will be
-# done.
-# VARIABLE [DEFAULT=[value]] [OVERRIDE=[value]]
-# (Possibly non-existent) environment variables may be used in values
-# using the ${string} syntax and (possibly non-existent) PAM_ITEMs may
-# be used in values using the @{string} syntax. Both the $ and @
-# characters can be backslash escaped to be used as literal values
-# values can be delimited with "", escaped " not supported.
-# First, some special variables
-# Set the REMOTEHOST variable for any hosts that are remote, default
-# to "localhost" rather than not being set at all
-# Set the DISPLAY variable if it seems reasonable
-# Set the XAUTHORITY variable if pam_xauth is used
-# Now some simple variables
-#LESS DEFAULT="M q e h15 z23 b80"
-#PATH DEFAULT=${HOME}/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin/X11:/usr/bin/X11
-# silly examples of escaped variables, just to show how they work.
diff --git a/sys-libs/pam/pam-0.78-r5.ebuild b/sys-libs/pam/pam-0.78-r5.ebuild
index 386cdc86d78b..4927fe6f4a63 100644
--- a/sys-libs/pam/pam-0.78-r5.ebuild
+++ b/sys-libs/pam/pam-0.78-r5.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-libs/pam/pam-0.78-r5.ebuild,v 1.17 2007/07/10 13:49:07 flameeyes Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-libs/pam/pam-0.78-r5.ebuild,v 1.18 2007/07/10 14:18:03 flameeyes Exp $
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ FORCE_SYSTEMAUTH_UPDATE="no"
# with Linux-PAM. I'm not really certain how pervasive the Radius
# and NIS services of PWDB are at this point.
@@ -144,9 +144,6 @@ src_unpack() {
cp /usr/share/automake/install-sh ${S}/ 2>/dev/null || touch install-sh
export WANT_AUTOCONF=2.5
autoconf || die
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-inttypes.patch"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-xauth-path.patch"
src_compile() {
@@ -340,13 +337,13 @@ src_install() {
insinto /etc/security
- doins ${FILESDIR}/pam_env.conf
+ doins "${S2}/gentoo-extrafiles/pam_env.conf"
doman doc/man/*.[0-9]
dodoc CHANGELOG Copyright README
docinto modules ; dodoc modules/README ; dodoc doc/txts/README.*
# Install our own README.pam_console
- docinto ; dodoc ${FILESDIR}/README.pam_console
+ docinto modules ; dodoc "${S2}/gentoo-extrafiles/README.pam_console"
docinto txt ; dodoc doc/specs/*.txt #doc/txts/*.txt
# docinto print ; dodoc doc/ps/*.ps