diff options
authorBenedikt Boehm <>2008-02-23 14:39:40 +0000
committerBenedikt Boehm <>2008-02-23 14:39:40 +0000
commit33c6cb0c253162afdc2572aac5e6d2a9d9e8b182 (patch)
tree02f5b0faa5e0c8f5f39e50e608b176840f583041 /www-misc/zoneminder
parentstable ppc, bug 211150 (diff)
version bump #204297, fixes #197621
Package-Manager: portage-
Diffstat (limited to 'www-misc/zoneminder')
8 files changed, 249 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/www-misc/zoneminder/ChangeLog b/www-misc/zoneminder/ChangeLog
index 1e13f11169a5..12b53cd5788c 100644
--- a/www-misc/zoneminder/ChangeLog
+++ b/www-misc/zoneminder/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
# ChangeLog for www-misc/zoneminder
# Copyright 2002-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-misc/zoneminder/ChangeLog,v 1.23 2008/02/23 13:56:33 hollow Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-misc/zoneminder/ChangeLog,v 1.24 2008/02/23 14:39:39 hollow Exp $
+*zoneminder-1.23.1 (23 Feb 2008)
+ 23 Feb 2008; Benedikt Böhm <>
+ +files/1.23.1/, +files/1.23.1/,
+ +files/1.23.1/zm_mpeg_ofc.patch, +files/1.23.1/zm_remote_camera.patch,
+ metadata.xml, +zoneminder-1.23.1.ebuild:
+ version bump #204297, fixes #197621
23 Feb 2008; Benedikt Böhm <> zoneminder-1.22.3.ebuild:
ebuild cleanup wrt #208584, also fixes #207481
diff --git a/www-misc/zoneminder/Manifest b/www-misc/zoneminder/Manifest
index 8fcf440126e4..02d9ea640763 100644
--- a/www-misc/zoneminder/Manifest
+++ b/www-misc/zoneminder/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
Hash: SHA1
+AUX 1.23.1/ 899 RMD160 2ffe9cbb75d433353769759d55580be9d0d8ccd8 SHA1 84024eb973f86e28d0fefa40c9a233f90c52a262 SHA256 301f23e57099c6841601017aed5a834a2ffc5e95a4b2f7e273272d4b11344ac3
+AUX 1.23.1/ 19013 RMD160 076dbeb30a4758e4ff708139e40302d6db7ac3f0 SHA1 cc8d2874e4eb382e081e84ff35491f23cb7ba2e1 SHA256 2f60f8f27e9d670859a8dfa5c30e45279a663a40227d9a259b11262e7f97b0d7
+AUX 1.23.1/zm_mpeg_ofc.patch 381 RMD160 cd7be2d702f4df9c425142fdaec393c1517dff1c SHA1 40f2639e8a90f068dae9d4ec1ecd64ab980c2d8d SHA256 1af8db1736a373ea38ff7ece376e37233c28aee3925b93fd72991979e71ba3eb
+AUX 1.23.1/zm_remote_camera.patch 1551 RMD160 03024108ba012b7e39620ed950b96df1c4ab63f3 SHA1 cfda28aa3a17c8dda9d5e7dc014dda6a81b5a0a1 SHA256 fdce259c8bbe18bde09c99c270e8615531f4340db98eb28461177b2b305ed097
AUX 833 RMD160 599a72ad1f14a8ee8950c8646e67d2cf40b17002 SHA1 61c6156e3c640321565765a4e0034c0587f25ef8 SHA256 8a40bddee62cf52ad354e61258a98357c6b9246d9cd75cf8acd7132a02770aad
AUX conf.d 138 RMD160 e7c71690bac83c1bee63c6b602b15910d3a8967c SHA1 719a2cb400a0a107accb28be3bd17f6269d41f76 SHA256 65e935cb63bf3d072b9317842944d808550ef3f933d834bb95aaacf3253bd85c
AUX ffmpeg.patch 314 RMD160 a44b49741362f26770fceea62b93a7fceecb0a6b SHA1 3b935d8530b61fabb5e0411f89911f346ae99161 SHA256 0b404f229edb18a120becf20506c7564d292669ee2478ec407f817c2cd3fc326
@@ -9,13 +13,15 @@ AUX postinstall-2.txt 643 RMD160 fb8baf88fe59785c1bd2d9cfd75e2d93d33768d6 SHA1 2
AUX postupgrade.txt 463 RMD160 2ffe191845a0aad2ee2429708d3a55871a246997 SHA1 0b9dd5d9932a09feea6fcb12349f709d77ece725 SHA256 d25b259fe650ba385c6aa4b313a78d829a429d0ba0d15ee2d0acd14d3c4e39eb
AUX 18897 RMD160 bb7dea7b31d81e43da7307a7fe2420bd69c7e90e SHA1 c7e1dfe00ca5c94bf45bb4484aa5f094ae7fa62d SHA256 eaa9cfd549f4ff678b934d77a6e43922b028627416bb2a066b30630f93f6e76b
DIST ZoneMinder-1.22.3.tar.gz 1258311 RMD160 0752e77333d3eb2f320bb692905eeec9ae7a311e SHA1 4e86dee31acc5f080c8a6f8ce29228b450067201 SHA256 6bee02be8d5e21d3435c17def157a87727330ee6480be3a8fa5b1966cc10a6bc
+DIST ZoneMinder-1.23.1.tar.gz 744316 RMD160 20f6ce258d1e8054aada57baecdfeb948593ee09 SHA1 29d15d32e76e68fd07de465daaa27fb540084799 SHA256 185ca8aa2e809af8ac55f055c7e58b619a0eb37bd463a8693b76f7a40a439bf8
EBUILD zoneminder-1.22.3.ebuild 2538 RMD160 0b34a0bdf59127f65a3693b7813e85dff495f143 SHA1 fcc1266de1f5ed711b3f25c639e6a31c38215ecd SHA256 4be442c4e1fa66172504f9ef5c29b3285ba2409208cb22a925c063d743f5391f
-MISC ChangeLog 4168 RMD160 7e905d83d367f0648604df2dd7fc127450a7285b SHA1 d50c0aff36d3b933470c26f6716f5dcaab998499 SHA256 b2708870baf3fdb4091d34ea9304e94c3d57b2b2ff41f3fc74f236ed06176eb1
-MISC metadata.xml 161 RMD160 d47e924599b33a35a50f4c9f5564d325c271f83b SHA1 5b91a6d8d06d3dca2d774425befba30caca51507 SHA256 9cd891fcf0af580e98b62d2f4ded9e53671599f5a7aafd5dce692b996d2a83f4
+EBUILD zoneminder-1.23.1.ebuild 2763 RMD160 2edea45d3a7451b2d2d1bd6215fa7024eec028bc SHA1 a3647c171fa51f6d79e5911834333e1a6f8ffb9d SHA256 999e453d4716b13e691538e328ffd9e4588bce3bedfdcf084e8dbbf889677c17
+MISC ChangeLog 4480 RMD160 8ef6d43456751f1b3dd7f0e12f0f4803615f06a8 SHA1 0d89d283a28a493561979a8c4daffee9ab8c473c SHA256 7030015f2138fb71f13f132a1522d92fdceca5edcf68930255786afa79a07eb8
+MISC metadata.xml 162 RMD160 0b015f5ff17c4d8e7aee826d48b326cc19b1fed4 SHA1 671b30dafbea01228c8bb606af451a0795922840 SHA256 84ff2fc6c9a4af1b9dbe32aa81ab84c2958bc1bd65a9977686df2dcab6e420d0
Version: GnuPG v2.0.8 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/www-misc/zoneminder/files/1.23.1/ b/www-misc/zoneminder/files/1.23.1/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..90dd4769efbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-misc/zoneminder/files/1.23.1/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Index: ZoneMinder-1.23.1/
+--- ZoneMinder-1.23.1.orig/
++++ ZoneMinder-1.23.1/
+@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
+ # Yes, you are correct. This is a HACK!
+ install-data-hook:
+ ( cd $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir); chown $(webuser):$(webgroup) $(sysconf_DATA); chmod 600 $(sysconf_DATA) )
+- -( if ! test -e $(RUNDIR); then mkdir $(RUNDIR); fi )
+- ( if ! test -e $(ZM_RUNDIR); then mkdir $(ZM_RUNDIR); fi; chown $(webuser):$(webgroup) $(ZM_RUNDIR); chmod u+w $(ZM_RUNDIR) )
++ -( if ! test -e $(DESTDIR)$(RUNDIR); then mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(RUNDIR); fi )
++ ( if ! test -e $(DESTDIR)$(ZM_RUNDIR); then mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(ZM_RUNDIR); fi; chown $(webuser):$(webgroup) $(DESTDIR)$(ZM_RUNDIR); chmod u+w $(DESTDIR)$(ZM_RUNDIR) )
+ uninstall-hook:
+ @-( cd $(DESTDIR)$(webdir); rm -rf events graphics images sounds temp )
diff --git a/www-misc/zoneminder/files/1.23.1/ b/www-misc/zoneminder/files/1.23.1/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..026030059dbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-misc/zoneminder/files/1.23.1/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Index: ZoneMinder-1.23.1/db/
+--- ZoneMinder-1.23.1.orig/db/
++++ ZoneMinder-1.23.1/db/
+@@ -618,21 +618,21 @@ insert into Config set Id = 34, Name = '
+ insert into Config set Id = 35, Name = 'ZM_HTTP_UA', Value = 'ZoneMinder', Type = 'string', DefaultValue = 'ZoneMinder', Hint = 'string', Pattern = '(?-xism:^(.+)$)', Format = ' $1 ', Prompt = 'The user agent that ZoneMinder uses to identify itself', Help = 'When ZoneMinder communicates with remote cameras it will identify itself using this string and it\'s version number. This is normally sufficient, however if a particular cameras expects only to communicate with certain browsers then this can be changed to a different string identifying ZoneMinder as Internet Explorer or Netscape etc.', Category = 'network', Readonly = '0', Requires = 'ZM_OPT_REMOTE_CAMERAS=1';
+ insert into Config set Id = 36, Name = 'ZM_HTTP_TIMEOUT', Value = '2500', Type = 'integer', DefaultValue = '2500', Hint = 'integer', Pattern = '(?-xism:^(\d+)$)', Format = ' $1 ', Prompt = 'How long ZoneMinder waits before giving up on images (milliseconds)', Help = 'When retrieving remote images ZoneMinder will wait for this length of time before deciding that an image is not going to arrive and taking steps to retry. This timeout is in milliseconds (1000 per second) and will apply to each part of an image if it is not sent in one whole chunk.', Category = 'network', Readonly = '0', Requires = 'ZM_OPT_REMOTE_CAMERAS=1';
+ insert into Config set Id = 37, Name = 'ZM_OPT_MPEG', Value = 'no', Type = 'string', DefaultValue = 'no', Hint = 'no|mpeg_encode|ffmpeg', Pattern = '(?i-xsm:^([nmf]))', Format = ' $1 =~ /^n/ ? \"no\" : ( $1 =~ /^m/ ? \"mpeg_encode\" : \"ffmpeg\") ', Prompt = 'Is there an (optional) mpeg video encoder installed', Help = 'ZoneMinder can optionally encode a series of video images into an MPEG encoded file. This option allows you to specifiy whether you have an mpeg encoder installed and if so which one. The two that ZoneMinder supports are mpeg_encode and ffmpeg, of which the latter is by far the fastest. However creating MPEG files can be fairly CPU and disk intensive and is not required as events can still be reviewed as video stream without it.', Category = 'images', Readonly = '0', Requires = '';
+-insert into Config set Id = 38, Name = 'ZM_PATH_MPEG_ENCODE', Value = '/usr/local/bin/mpeg_encode', Type = 'string', DefaultValue = '/usr/local/bin/mpeg_encode', Hint = '/absolute/path/to/somewhere', Pattern = '(?-xism:^((?:/[^/]*)+?)/?$)', Format = ' $1 ', Prompt = 'Path to (optional) Berkeley mpeg encoder', Help = 'This path should point to where the Berkeley mpeg_encode program has been installed.', Category = 'images', Readonly = '0', Requires = 'ZM_OPT_MPEG=mpeg_encode';
+-insert into Config set Id = 39, Name = 'ZM_PATH_FFMPEG', Value = '/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg', Type = 'string', DefaultValue = '/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg', Hint = '/absolute/path/to/somewhere', Pattern = '(?-xism:^((?:/[^/]*)+?)/?$)', Format = ' $1 ', Prompt = 'Path to (optional) ffmpeg mpeg encoder', Help = 'This path should point to where the ffmpeg has been installed.', Category = 'images', Readonly = '0', Requires = 'ZM_OPT_MPEG=ffmpeg';
++insert into Config set Id = 38, Name = 'ZM_PATH_MPEG_ENCODE', Value = '/usr/bin/mpeg_encode', Type = 'string', DefaultValue = '/usr/bin/mpeg_encode', Hint = '/absolute/path/to/somewhere', Pattern = '(?-xism:^((?:/[^/]*)+?)/?$)', Format = ' $1 ', Prompt = 'Path to (optional) Berkeley mpeg encoder', Help = 'This path should point to where the Berkeley mpeg_encode program has been installed.', Category = 'images', Readonly = '0', Requires = 'ZM_OPT_MPEG=mpeg_encode';
++insert into Config set Id = 39, Name = 'ZM_PATH_FFMPEG', Value = '/usr/bin/ffmpeg', Type = 'string', DefaultValue = '/usr/bin/ffmpeg', Hint = '/absolute/path/to/somewhere', Pattern = '(?-xism:^((?:/[^/]*)+?)/?$)', Format = ' $1 ', Prompt = 'Path to (optional) ffmpeg mpeg encoder', Help = 'This path should point to where the ffmpeg has been installed.', Category = 'images', Readonly = '0', Requires = 'ZM_OPT_MPEG=ffmpeg';
+ insert into Config set Id = 40, Name = 'ZM_FFMPEG_INPUT_OPTIONS', Value = '', Type = 'string', DefaultValue = '', Hint = 'string', Pattern = '(?-xism:^(.+)$)', Format = ' $1 ', Prompt = 'Additional input options to ffmpeg', Help = 'Ffmpeg can take many options on the command line to control the quality of video produced. This option allows you to specify your own set that apply to the input to ffmpeg (options that are given before the -i option). Check the ffmpeg documentation for a full list of options which may be used here.', Category = 'images', Readonly = '0', Requires = 'ZM_OPT_MPEG=ffmpeg';
+ insert into Config set Id = 41, Name = 'ZM_FFMPEG_OUTPUT_OPTIONS', Value = '-r 25', Type = 'string', DefaultValue = '-r 25', Hint = 'string', Pattern = '(?-xism:^(.+)$)', Format = ' $1 ', Prompt = 'Additional output options to ffmpeg', Help = 'Ffmpeg can take many options on the command line to control the quality of video produced. This option allows you to specify your own set that apply to the output from ffmpeg (options that are given after the -i option). Check the ffmpeg documentation for a full list of options which may be used here. The most common one will often be to force an output frame rate supported by the video encoder.', Category = 'images', Readonly = '0', Requires = 'ZM_OPT_MPEG=ffmpeg';
+ insert into Config set Id = 42, Name = 'ZM_FFMPEG_FORMATS', Value = 'mpg* mpeg wmv avi mov 3gp**', Type = 'string', DefaultValue = 'mpg* mpeg wmv avi mov 3gp**', Hint = 'string', Pattern = '(?-xism:^(.+)$)', Format = ' $1 ', Prompt = 'Formats to allow for ffmpeg video generation', Help = 'Ffmpeg can generate video in many different formats. This option allows you to list the ones you want to be able to select. As new formats are supported by ffmpeg you can add them here and be able to use them immediately. Adding a \'*\' after a format indicates that this will be the default format used for web video, adding \'**\' defines the default format for phone video.', Category = 'images', Readonly = '0', Requires = 'ZM_OPT_MPEG=ffmpeg';
+-insert into Config set Id = 43, Name = 'ZM_OPT_NETPBM', Value = '0', Type = 'boolean', DefaultValue = 'no', Hint = 'yes|no', Pattern = '(?i-xsm:^([yn]))', Format = ' ($1 =~ /^y/) ? \"yes\" : \"no\" ', Prompt = 'Are the (optional) Netpbm utilities installed', Help = 'For low bandwidth situations ZoneMinder will resize images into thumbnails on the fly before sending them to the browser to reduce the network traffic at the expense of CPU on the server. It uses the Netpbm package to do this and this option should be set to where the binaries from that package are installed. If you do not have it installed it means that the images will always be sent full size and rescaled on your browser which may or not be an issue for you.', Category = 'images', Readonly = '0', Requires = '';
++insert into Config set Id = 43, Name = 'ZM_OPT_NETPBM', Value = '1', Type = 'boolean', DefaultValue = 'no', Hint = 'yes|no', Pattern = '(?i-xsm:^([yn]))', Format = ' ($1 =~ /^y/) ? \"yes\" : \"no\" ', Prompt = 'Are the (optional) Netpbm utilities installed', Help = 'For low bandwidth situations ZoneMinder will resize images into thumbnails on the fly before sending them to the browser to reduce the network traffic at the expense of CPU on the server. It uses the Netpbm package to do this and this option should be set to where the binaries from that package are installed. If you do not have it installed it means that the images will always be sent full size and rescaled on your browser which may or not be an issue for you.', Category = 'images', Readonly = '0', Requires = '';
+ insert into Config set Id = 44, Name = 'ZM_PATH_NETPBM', Value = '/usr/bin', Type = 'string', DefaultValue = '/usr/bin', Hint = '/absolute/path/to/somewhere', Pattern = '(?-xism:^((?:/[^/]*)+?)/?$)', Format = ' $1 ', Prompt = 'Path to (optional) Netpbm utilities', Help = 'For low bandwidth situations ZoneMinder will resize images into thumbnails on the fly before sending them to the browser to reduce the network traffic at the expense of CPU on the server. It uses the Netpbm package to do this and this option should be set to where the binaries from that package are installed. If you do not have it installed it means that the images will always be sent full size and rescaled on your browser which may or not be an issue for you.', Category = 'images', Readonly = '0', Requires = 'ZM_OPT_NETPBM=1';
+ insert into Config set Id = 45, Name = 'ZM_RECORD_EVENT_STATS', Value = '1', Type = 'boolean', DefaultValue = 'yes', Hint = 'yes|no', Pattern = '(?i-xsm:^([yn]))', Format = ' ($1 =~ /^y/) ? \"yes\" : \"no\" ', Prompt = 'Record event statistical information, switch off if too slow', Help = 'This version of ZoneMinder records detailed information about events in the Stats table. This can help in profiling what the optimum settings are for Zones though this is tricky at present. However in future releases this will be done more easily and intuitively, especially with a large sample of events. The default option of \'yes\' allows this information to be collected now in readiness for this but if you are concerned about performance you can switch this off in which case no Stats information will be saved.', Category = 'debug', Readonly = '0', Requires = '';
+ insert into Config set Id = 46, Name = 'ZM_RECORD_DIAG_IMAGES', Value = '0', Type = 'boolean', DefaultValue = 'no', Hint = 'yes|no', Pattern = '(?i-xsm:^([yn]))', Format = ' ($1 =~ /^y/) ? \"yes\" : \"no\" ', Prompt = 'Record intermediate alarm diagnostic images, can be very slow', Help = 'In addition to recording event statistics you can also record the intermediate diagnostic images that display the results of the various checks and processing that occur when trying to determine if an alarm event has taken place. There are several of these images generated for each frame and zone for each alarm or alert frame so this can have a massive impact on performance. Only switch this setting on for debug or analysis purposes and remember to switch it off again once no longer required.', Category = 'debug', Readonly = '0', Requires = '';
+ insert into Config set Id = 47, Name = 'ZM_EXTRA_DEBUG', Value = '0', Type = 'boolean', DefaultValue = 'no', Hint = 'yes|no', Pattern = '(?i-xsm:^([yn]))', Format = ' ($1 =~ /^y/) ? \"yes\" : \"no\" ', Prompt = 'Whether to switch additional debugging on', Help = 'ZoneMinder binary components usually have several levels of debug information they can output. Normally this is set to a fairly low level to avoid filling logs too quickly. This options lets you switch on other options that allow you to configure additional debug information to be output. Components will pick up this instruction when they are restarted.', Category = 'debug', Readonly = '0', Requires = '';
+ insert into Config set Id = 48, Name = 'ZM_EXTRA_DEBUG_TARGET', Value = '', Type = 'string', DefaultValue = '', Hint = 'string', Pattern = '(?-xism:^(.+)$)', Format = ' $1 ', Prompt = 'What components should have extra debug enabled', Help = 'There are three scopes of debug available. Leaving this option blank means that all components will use extra debug (not recommended). Setting this option to \'_<component>\', e.g. _zmc, will limit extra debug to that component only. Setting this option to \'_<component>_<identity>\', e.g. \'_zmc_m1\' will limit extra debug to that instance of the component only. This is ordinarily what you probably want to do.', Category = 'debug', Readonly = '0', Requires = 'ZM_EXTRA_DEBUG=1';
+ insert into Config set Id = 49, Name = 'ZM_EXTRA_DEBUG_LEVEL', Value = '0', Type = 'integer', DefaultValue = '0', Hint = '0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9', Pattern = '(?-xism:^(\d+)$)', Format = ' $1 ', Prompt = 'What level of extra debug should be enabled', Help = 'There are 9 levels of debug available, with higher numbers being more debug and level 0 being no debug. However not all levels are used by all components. Also if there is debug at a high level it is usually likely to be output at such a volume that it may obstruct normal operation. For this reason you should set the level carefully and cautiously until the degree of debug you wish to see is present.', Category = 'debug', Readonly = '0', Requires = 'ZM_EXTRA_DEBUG=1';
+-insert into Config set Id = 50, Name = 'ZM_EXTRA_DEBUG_LOG', Value = '/tmp/zm_debug.log+', Type = 'string', DefaultValue = '/tmp/zm_debug.log+', Hint = 'string', Pattern = '(?-xism:^(.+)$)', Format = ' $1 ', Prompt = 'Where extra debug is output to', Help = 'Depending on your system configuration you may find that only errors, warning and informational messages are logged to your system log. This option allows you to specify an additional target for these messages and debug. This also has the advantage of partitioning debug for the component you are tracing, from messages from other components. Be warned however that if this is a simple filename and you are debugging several components then they will all try and write to the same file with undesirable consequences. Appending a \'+\' to the filename will cause the file to be created with a \'.<pid>\' suffix containing your process id. In this way debug from each run of a component is kept separate. This is the recommended setting as it will also prevent subsequent runs from overwriting the same log.', Category = 'debug', Readonly = '0', Requires = 'ZM_EXTRA_DEBUG=1';
+-insert into Config set Id = 51, Name = 'ZM_PATH_SOCKS', Value = '/tmp', Type = 'string', DefaultValue = '/tmp', Hint = '/absolute/path/to/somewhere', Pattern = '(?-xism:^((?:/[^/]*)+?)/?$)', Format = ' $1 ', Prompt = 'Path to the various Unix domain socket files that ZoneMinder uses', Help = 'ZoneMinder generally uses Unix domain sockets where possible. This reduces the need for port assignments and prevents external applications from possibly compromising the daemons. However each Unix socket requires a .sock file to be created. This option where those socket files go.', Category = 'paths', Readonly = '0', Requires = '';
+-insert into Config set Id = 52, Name = 'ZM_PATH_LOGS', Value = '/tmp', Type = 'string', DefaultValue = '/tmp', Hint = '/absolute/path/to/somewhere', Pattern = '(?-xism:^((?:/[^/]*)+?)/?$)', Format = ' $1 ', Prompt = 'Path to the various logs that the ZoneMinder daemons generate', Help = 'There are various daemons that are used by ZoneMinder to perform various tasks. Most generate helpful log files and this is where they go. They can be deleted if not required for debugging.', Category = 'paths', Readonly = '0', Requires = '';
++insert into Config set Id = 50, Name = 'ZM_EXTRA_DEBUG_LOG', Value = '/var/log/zoneminder/zm_debug.log+', Type = 'string', DefaultValue = '/tmp/zm_debug.log+', Hint = 'string', Pattern = '(?-xism:^(.+)$)', Format = ' $1 ', Prompt = 'Where extra debug is output to', Help = 'Depending on your system configuration you may find that only errors, warning and informational messages are logged to your system log. This option allows you to specify an additional target for these messages and debug. This also has the advantage of partitioning debug for the component you are tracing, from messages from other components. Be warned however that if this is a simple filename and you are debugging several components then they will all try and write to the same file with undesirable consequences. Appending a \'+\' to the filename will cause the file to be created with a \'.<pid>\' suffix containing your process id. In this way debug from each run of a component is kept separate. This is the recommended setting as it will also prevent subsequent runs from overwriting the same log.', Category = 'debug', Readonly = '0', Requires = 'ZM_EXTRA_DEBUG=1';
++insert into Config set Id = 51, Name = 'ZM_PATH_SOCKS', Value = '/var/run/zm', Type = 'string', DefaultValue = '/tmp', Hint = '/absolute/path/to/somewhere', Pattern = '(?-xism:^((?:/[^/]*)+?)/?$)', Format = ' $1 ', Prompt = 'Path to the various Unix domain socket files that ZoneMinder uses', Help = 'ZoneMinder generally uses Unix domain sockets where possible. This reduces the need for port assignments and prevents external applications from possibly compromising the daemons. However each Unix socket requires a .sock file to be created. This option where those socket files go.', Category = 'paths', Readonly = '0', Requires = '';
++insert into Config set Id = 52, Name = 'ZM_PATH_LOGS', Value = '/var/log/zoneminder', Type = 'string', DefaultValue = '/tmp', Hint = '/absolute/path/to/somewhere', Pattern = '(?-xism:^((?:/[^/]*)+?)/?$)', Format = ' $1 ', Prompt = 'Path to the various logs that the ZoneMinder daemons generate', Help = 'There are various daemons that are used by ZoneMinder to perform various tasks. Most generate helpful log files and this is where they go. They can be deleted if not required for debugging.', Category = 'paths', Readonly = '0', Requires = '';
+ insert into Config set Id = 53, Name = 'ZM_PATH_SWAP', Value = '/tmp', Type = 'string', DefaultValue = '/tmp', Hint = '/absolute/path/to/somewhere', Pattern = '(?-xism:^((?:/[^/]*)+?)/?$)', Format = ' $1 ', Prompt = 'Path to location for temporary swap images used in streaming', Help = 'Buffered playback requires temporary swap images to be stored for each instance of the streaming daemons. This option determines where these images will be stored. The images will actually be stored in sub directories beneath this location and will be automatically cleaned up after a period of time.', Category = 'paths', Readonly = '0', Requires = '';
+ insert into Config set Id = 54, Name = 'ZM_WEB_TITLE_PREFIX', Value = 'ZM', Type = 'string', DefaultValue = 'ZM', Hint = 'string', Pattern = '(?-xism:^(.+)$)', Format = ' $1 ', Prompt = 'The title prefix displayed on each window', Help = 'If you have more than one installation of ZoneMinder it can be helpful to display different titles for each one. Changing this option allows you to customise the window titles to include further information to aid identification.', Category = 'web', Readonly = '0', Requires = '';
+ insert into Config set Id = 55, Name = 'ZM_WEB_RESIZE_CONSOLE', Value = '1', Type = 'boolean', DefaultValue = 'yes', Hint = 'yes|no', Pattern = '(?i-xsm:^([yn]))', Format = ' ($1 =~ /^y/) ? \"yes\" : \"no\" ', Prompt = 'Should the console window resize itself to fit', Help = 'Traditionally the main ZoneMinder web console window has resized itself to shrink to a size small enough to list only the monitors that are actually present. This is intended to make the window more unobtrusize but may not be to everyones tastes, especially if opened in a tab in browsers which support this kind if layout. Switch this option off to have the console window size left to the users preference', Category = 'web', Readonly = '0', Requires = '';
diff --git a/www-misc/zoneminder/files/1.23.1/zm_mpeg_ofc.patch b/www-misc/zoneminder/files/1.23.1/zm_mpeg_ofc.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..214be411e2cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-misc/zoneminder/files/1.23.1/zm_mpeg_ofc.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Index: ZoneMinder-1.23.1/src/zm_mpeg.cpp
+--- ZoneMinder-1.23.1.orig/src/zm_mpeg.cpp
++++ ZoneMinder-1.23.1/src/zm_mpeg.cpp
+@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ VideoStream::~VideoStream()
+ {
+ /* close the output file */
+- url_fclose(ofc->pb);
++ url_fclose(&ofc->pb);
+ #else
+ url_fclose(&ofc->pb);
+ #endif
diff --git a/www-misc/zoneminder/files/1.23.1/zm_remote_camera.patch b/www-misc/zoneminder/files/1.23.1/zm_remote_camera.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bcc6c5fb15f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-misc/zoneminder/files/1.23.1/zm_remote_camera.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+Index: ZoneMinder-1.23.1/src/zm_remote_camera.cpp
+--- ZoneMinder-1.23.1.orig/src/zm_remote_camera.cpp
++++ ZoneMinder-1.23.1/src/zm_remote_camera.cpp
+@@ -356,6 +356,14 @@ int RemoteCamera::GetResponse()
+ format = JPEG;
+ state = CONTENT;
+ }
++ else if ( !strcasecmp( content_type, "image/mpeg" ) )
++ {
++ // Single image
++ mode = SINGLE_IMAGE;
++ format = JPEG;
++ state = CONTENT;
++ }
+ else if ( !strcasecmp( content_type, "image/x-rgb" ) )
+ {
+ // Single image
+@@ -453,6 +461,10 @@ int RemoteCamera::GetResponse()
+ {
+ format = JPEG;
+ }
++ else if ( !strcasecmp( content_type, "image/mpeg" ) )
++ {
++ format = JPEG;
++ }
+ else if ( !strcasecmp( content_type, "image/x-rgb" ) )
+ {
+ format = X_RGB;
+@@ -783,6 +795,13 @@ int RemoteCamera::GetResponse()
+ format = JPEG;
+ state = CONTENT;
+ }
++ else if ( !strcasecmp( content_type, "image/mpeg" ) )
++ {
++ // Single image
++ mode = SINGLE_IMAGE;
++ format = JPEG;
++ state = CONTENT;
++ }
+ else if ( !strcasecmp( content_type, "image/x-rgb" ) )
+ {
+ // Single image
+@@ -947,6 +966,10 @@ int RemoteCamera::GetResponse()
+ {
+ format = JPEG;
+ }
++ else if ( !strcasecmp( content_type, "image/mpeg" ) )
++ {
++ format = JPEG;
++ }
+ else if ( !strcasecmp( content_type, "image/x-rgb" ) )
+ {
+ format = X_RGB;
diff --git a/www-misc/zoneminder/metadata.xml b/www-misc/zoneminder/metadata.xml
index 95c06f0095bb..6632069b5aff 100644
--- a/www-misc/zoneminder/metadata.xml
+++ b/www-misc/zoneminder/metadata.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
+ <herd>web-apps</herd>
diff --git a/www-misc/zoneminder/zoneminder-1.23.1.ebuild b/www-misc/zoneminder/zoneminder-1.23.1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..801f4a67d4e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-misc/zoneminder/zoneminder-1.23.1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-misc/zoneminder/zoneminder-1.23.1.ebuild,v 1.1 2008/02/23 14:39:39 hollow Exp $
+inherit eutils webapp autotools depend.php depend.apache multilib
+DESCRIPTION="ZoneMinder allows you to capture, analyse, record and monitor any cameras attached to your system."
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+IUSE="debug ffmpeg X10"
+ dev-libs/libpcre
+ >=media-libs/jpeg-6b
+ net-libs/gnutls
+ >=dev-lang/perl-5.6.0
+ dev-perl/Archive-Tar
+ dev-perl/Archive-Zip
+ dev-perl/DateManip
+ dev-perl/DBD-mysql
+ dev-perl/DBI
+ dev-perl/Device-SerialPort
+ dev-perl/libwww-perl
+ dev-perl/MIME-Lite
+ dev-perl/MIME-tools
+ dev-perl/PHP-Serialization
+ virtual/perl-Getopt-Long
+ virtual/perl-libnet
+ virtual/perl-Sys-Syslog
+ virtual/perl-Time-HiRes
+ X10? ( dev-perl/X10 )"
+ ffmpeg? ( media-video/ffmpeg )
+ media-libs/netpbm"
+# we cannot use need_httpd_cgi here, since we need to setup permissions for the
+# webserver in global scope (/etc/zm.conf etc), so we hardcode apache here.
+pkg_setup() {
+ webapp_pkg_setup
+ require_php_with_use mysql
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd "${S}"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PV}/
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PV}/
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PV}/zm_mpeg_ofc.patch
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PV}/zm_remote_camera.patch
+ eautoreconf
+src_compile() {
+ econf --with-libarch=$(get_libdir) \
+ --with-mysql=/usr \
+ $(use_with ffmpeg ffmpeg /usr) \
+ $(use_enable debug) \
+ $(use_enable debug crashtrace) \
+ --with-webdir="${MY_HTDOCSDIR}" \
+ --with-cgidir="${MY_CGIBINDIR}" \
+ --with-webuser=apache \
+ --with-webgroup=apache \
+ || die "econf failed"
+ emake || die "emake failed"
+src_install() {
+ webapp_src_preinst
+ keepdir /var/run/zm
+ emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
+ fperms 0644 /etc/zm.conf
+ keepdir /var/log/${PN}
+ fowners apache:apache /var/log/${PN}
+ fowners apache:apache /var/run/zm
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/init.d zoneminder
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/conf.d zoneminder
+ insinto /usr/share/${PN}/db
+ doins db/zm_u* db/zm_create.sql
+ for DIR in events images sound; do
+ dodir "${MY_HTDOCSDIR}"/${DIR}
+ webapp_serverowned "${MY_HTDOCSDIR}"/${DIR}
+ done
+ webapp_postinst_txt en "${FILESDIR}"/postinstall-2.txt
+ webapp_postupgrade_txt en "${FILESDIR}"/postupgrade.txt
+ webapp_src_install