diff options
10 files changed, 32 insertions, 915 deletions
diff --git a/net-dialup/pptpclient/ChangeLog b/net-dialup/pptpclient/ChangeLog
index c194cfeedaae..4cfbf238cfb0 100644
--- a/net-dialup/pptpclient/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-dialup/pptpclient/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# ChangeLog for net-dialup/pptpclient
# Copyright 2002-2004 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dialup/pptpclient/ChangeLog,v 1.15 2004/09/28 01:22:04 swegener Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dialup/pptpclient/ChangeLog,v 1.16 2004/10/02 12:50:27 dragonheart Exp $
+ 02 Oct 2004; Daniel Black <> -files/pptp-command,
+ -files/pptp-init, pptpclient-1.1.0-r1.ebuild, pptpclient-1.1.0.ebuild,
+ pptpclient-1.2.0.ebuild, pptpclient-1.3.1.ebuild, pptpclient-1.4.0.ebuild,
+ pptpclient-1.5.0.ebuild:
+ removed initscript cause its a client. Thanks to theklone for the bugday
+ contribution. Moved files/pptp-command to mirror cause its over 23k
28 Sep 2004; Sven Wegener <> files/pptp-init:
Gentoo Technologies, Inc. -> Gentoo Foundation
diff --git a/net-dialup/pptpclient/Manifest b/net-dialup/pptpclient/Manifest
index 476eaf4efc99..860cd9e48cb5 100644
--- a/net-dialup/pptpclient/Manifest
+++ b/net-dialup/pptpclient/Manifest
@@ -1,29 +1,27 @@
Hash: SHA1
-MD5 bf0d4fa9f50b31aa19a7ffd2306d84de ChangeLog 2166
MD5 ec2f84816306825d125d0c01bd86758d metadata.xml 163
-MD5 120944098c821fb2bd8ff9ce03aac05d pptpclient-1.1.0-r1.ebuild 1051
-MD5 99e94b1bf84efbe31d54aa82a262b093 pptpclient-1.1.0.ebuild 868
-MD5 39aa14ec8d4d42225f52e09c9fda7c59 pptpclient-1.2.0.ebuild 989
-MD5 ebd4b3cd779e546df87977887634dacd pptpclient-1.3.1.ebuild 1009
-MD5 8d3524be379e32d8e127c40362ebefb3 pptpclient-1.4.0.ebuild 1010
-MD5 d7543e179eb2bd83273b1edd30b8376a pptpclient-1.5.0.ebuild 1082
+MD5 2b7a08e58818ceecab1c256f1e9c99a5 pptpclient-1.1.0-r1.ebuild 1066
+MD5 e595ec9a9bd07ea24224b725541adb8b pptpclient-1.1.0.ebuild 882
+MD5 e0589dc9d3f730f3196089d9f53bfe7c pptpclient-1.2.0.ebuild 1003
+MD5 04ea0e09b3ad78829046535b83ef6e61 pptpclient-1.3.1.ebuild 1023
+MD5 9446e1af1abe6545c389ddc0f8ef7d8a ChangeLog 2566
+MD5 a4a6be8fd47765a4a18b36005d8ac28f pptpclient-1.4.0.ebuild 1024
+MD5 c9c2801bbeb47e05551167b76eb686f9 pptpclient-1.5.0.ebuild 1061
MD5 ddba6ac5fde52ccc46d17bc1f5822a39 files/digest-pptpclient-1.1.0 70
MD5 ddba6ac5fde52ccc46d17bc1f5822a39 files/digest-pptpclient-1.1.0-r1 70
MD5 87d3d997b8edfa7e7590b71edc635168 files/digest-pptpclient-1.2.0 68
MD5 f94e15d8f5d315c95f576882fd1f1b3e files/digest-pptpclient-1.3.1 68
-MD5 2150240306c9a7345566f1c5944eca57 files/digest-pptpclient-1.4.0 68
MD5 dad6352a156cbe6ce71b057f50af2eec files/options.pptp 359
-MD5 4c90a2d879d5fca198c93931003f7d77 files/pptp-command 23014
MD5 34862b5af00d851d068eb3e384093c3b files/ 8100
MD5 bd60480b6ba90362342540fb9cbe7ebe files/ 5620
+MD5 2150240306c9a7345566f1c5944eca57 files/digest-pptpclient-1.4.0 68
MD5 9c2fa1fb3465e3b8ec3c0449aaf3ffea files/digest-pptpclient-1.5.0 68
-MD5 819b439568ae8af12a87bf90a1ae3206 files/pptp-init 651
-Version: GnuPG v1.9.10 (GNU/Linux)
+Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/net-dialup/pptpclient/files/pptp-command b/net-dialup/pptpclient/files/pptp-command
deleted file mode 100644
index b3b80a4d3b09..000000000000
--- a/net-dialup/pptpclient/files/pptp-command
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,865 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
-#this is a combination of jeff's previous pptp scripts
-# setup - configures tunnel servers and chap-secrets
-# start - brings up a tunnel
-# stop - brings down a tunnel
-# chkconfig: - 90 10
-# description: cleanly brings down the tunnel when changing runlevels.
-# Provides: pptp
-# Required-Start: network
-# Required-Stop: network
-# Default-Start:
-# Default-Stop: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
-# Description: PPTP based VPN
-# $Id: pptp-command,v 1.1 2003/02/26 23:31:46 agriffis Exp $
-# Data
-# the regexp for the list of characters that are unsafe
-# to put inside a system() or ``
-# it is built by saying everything but known safe characters
-# anyone want to make bets on if this holds true for i18n'ed systems?
-my $safe_set = '-A-Za-z0-9\s\._\/:';
-my $unsafe_re = "[^$safe_set]";
-my $safe_re = "[$safe_set]*";
-# pppdir - the directory containing the ppp config files
-my $pppdir = $ENV{"PPPDIR"};
-die "Stop screwing with me and set PPPDIR to something reasonable\n" if defined $pppdir && $pppdir =~ /$unsafe_re/o;
-$pppdir = "/etc/ppp" unless defined $pppdir;
-# pptpdir - the directory containing the pptp drop-in config files
-my $pptpdir = $ENV{"PPTPDIR"};
-die "Stop screwing with me and set PPTPDIR to something reasonable\n" if defined $pptpdir && $pptpdir =~ /$unsafe_re/o;
-$pptpdir = "/etc/pptp.d" unless defined $pptpdir;
-# chap_secrets - the full path to the the CHAP
-# (Challenge/Handshake Authentication Protocol) secrets file
-my $chap_secrets = "$pppdir/chap-secrets";
-my $pap_secrets = "$pppdir/pap-secrets";
-# tunnel_dir - the directory containing tunnel config files
-my $tunnel_dir = "$pppdir/peers";
-# subsys_dir - the place "rc" looks to see if a servics is started
-# before it runs the K* scripts
-my $subsys_dir = "/var/lock/subsys";
-# The resolv.confs...
-my $resolv = "/etc/resolv.conf";
-my $resolv_pptp = "$resolv.pptp";
-my $resolv_real = "$resolv.real";
-# clean up the path since this is run as root.
-$ENV{PATH} = "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin";
-delete $ENV{BASH_ENV};
-delete $ENV{IFS};
-delete $ENV{ENV};
-sub usage() {
- print "usage: $0 [setup|stop|start [tunnel]]\n";
- print "all options must be specified to run non-interactively\n";
- exit 1;
-#first some support functions that are used everywhere
-#yesno <prompt>
-# Ask the user <prompt> and return true for yes, false for no
-sub yesno($) {
- my $prompt = $_[0];
- while(1) {
- print "\n$prompt [Y/n]:";
- my $choice = <STDIN>;
- chomp $choice;
- return 1 if $choice eq "" || $choice =~ /[Yy]/;
- return 0 if $choice =~ /[Nn]/;
- print "\nI don't understand '$choice', please try again...\n";
- }
-#QueryUser <prompt> <default>
-# Ask the user <prompt> and return the answer, <default> if cr
-sub QueryUser($$) {
- my ($prompt, $default) = @_;
- print "$prompt";
- print " [$default]" if defined $default;
- print ": ";
- my $answer = <STDIN>;
- chomp $answer;
- $answer = $default if $answer eq "" and defined $default;
- return $answer;
-# Returns a list of configured tunnels
-sub ConfiguredTunnels() {
- my @tunnels = ();
- if( -d "$tunnel_dir" ) {
- foreach my $f (`cd $tunnel_dir; ls`) {
- chomp $f;
- next if $f eq "__default";
- my $p = "$tunnel_dir/$f";
- if( $p !~ /^($safe_re)$/o ) {
- print "Unsafe characters in tunnel name $p\n";
- next;
- }
- $p = $1;
- push @tunnels, $f if -f $p and `grep '# PPTP' $p`;
- }
- }
- return @tunnels;
-# a rough equilivent of the bourne shell's select
-sub bselect($@) {
- my $prompt = shift;
- my @choices = @_;
- for my $i (0..$#choices) {
- print $i+1 .".) $choices[$i]\n";
- }
- my $reply = QueryUser $prompt, undef;
- return $reply;
-#SelectTunnel - interactive
-# Prints $_[0] as a prompt and returns the choice.
-sub SelectTunnel($) {
- my $tunnel = "";
- my @tunnels = ConfiguredTunnels;
- while($tunnel eq "") {
- $tunnel = bselect $_[0], @tunnels;
- }
- return $tunnels[$tunnel - 1] if $tunnel =~ /^\d+$/;
- return $tunnel if grep {/$tunnel/} @tunnels;
- return "";
-#AddTunnel <name> <ip> <local> <remote>
-# Adds a new tunnel with name <name>, server ip address <ip>,
-# and using the CHAP secret determined by local name <local> and remote
-# name <remote>.
-sub AddTunnel($$$$@) {
- my ($name, $ip, $local, $remote, @routes) = @_;
- if( -f "$tunnel_dir/$name") {
- print "ERROR! Peer $name already exists!\n";
- return;
- }
- open(PEER, ">$tunnel_dir/$name")
- or die "can't open $tunnel_dir/$name for writing: $!";
- print PEER
-# PPTP Tunnel configuration for tunnel $name
-# Server IP: $ip\n";
- foreach my $r (@routes) {
- print PEER "# Route: $r\n";
- }
- print PEER
-# Tags for CHAP secret selection
-name $local
-remotename $remote
-# Include the main PPTP configuration file
-file $pppdir/options.pptp
- close(PEER) or die "can't close $tunnel_dir/$name: $!";
- print "Added tunnel $name\n";
-#DelTunnel <name>
-# Deletes the tunnel named <name>
-sub DelTunnel($) {
- my $name = $_[0];
- return if(!defined $name || $name eq "");
- if( ! -f "$tunnel_dir/$name" ) {
- print "ERROR! Peer $name does not exist!\n";
- return;
- }
- # force $name to be untainted
- # ($name is clean because it passed the -f test above, and it's not
- # being sent to a shell. But -T doesn't know that.)
- $name =~ /^(.*)$/o;
- $name =$1;
- unlink "$tunnel_dir/$name";
- print "Removed tunnel $name\n";
-#BreakSymlink <file>
-# If <file> is a symlink
-# 1. break the link
-# 2. copy the contents of the file pointed to do <file>
-sub BreakSymlink($) {
- my $file = shift;
- if( -l "$file" ) {
- my $link = readlink "$file";
- $link = "$1/$link" if $file =~ m,(.*)/[^/], and not $link =~ m,^/,;
- print "Breaking symlink $file -> $link\n";
- unlink "$file";
- die "$file pointed at a strangely named file\n" if $link !~ /^($safe_re)$/;
- $link = $1;
- `cp $link $file`;
- }
-#Rotate <target> <new> <old>
-# Rotates config files.
-# <target> - full path of the config file
-# <new> - full path of the file being rotated in
-# <old> - expected contents of the file being rotated out
-# Example:
-# Rotate /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/resolv.conf.pptp, /etc/resolv.conf.real
-sub Rotate($$$) {
- my ($target, $new, $old) = @_;
- return undef unless -f $new && -f $old;
- my $diff = `diff $target $new`;
- chomp $diff;
- return 1 if $diff eq "";
- $diff = `diff $target $old`;
- chomp $diff;
- if($diff ne "") {
- print "WARNING: $new not installed\n";
- print " $target does not match $old\n";
- return undef;
- }
- `ln -sf $new $target`;
- print "Installed $new as $target\n";
- return;
-#AddCHAPorPAP - interactive
-# Prompts for parameters and adds a CHAP or PAP secret
-sub AddCHAPorPAP {
- my $secret_type = $_[0];
- print
- "Add a NEW $secret_type secret.
-NOTE: Any backslashes (\\) must be doubled (\\\\).
-Local Name:
-This is the 'local' identifier for $secret_type authentication.
-NOTE: If the server is a Windows NT machine, the local name
- should be your Windows NT username including domain.
- For example:
- domain\\\\username
- my $local = QueryUser "Local Name", undef;
- print
- "
-Remote Name:
-This is the 'remote' identifier for $secret_type authentication.
-In most cases, this can be left as the default. It must be
-set if you have multiple $secret_type secrets with the same local name
-and different passwords. Just press ENTER to keep the default.
- my $remote = QueryUser "Remote Name", "PPTP";
- print
- "
-This is the password or $secret_type secret for the account specified. The
-password will not be echoed.
- # Get the password without echoing
- `stty -echo`;
- my $pass = QueryUser "Password", undef;
- `stty echo`;
- my $secrets_file = "";
- if( $secret_type eq "CHAP") {
- $secrets_file = $chap_secrets;
- } elsif( $secret_type eq "PAP") {
- $secrets_file = $pap_secrets;
- } else {
- die ( "wrong sercet type!");
- }
- open(SECRETS_FILE, ">>$secrets_file") or die ("couldn't open $secrets_file: $!");
- print "\nAdding secret $local $remote *****\n\n";
- print SECRETS_FILE "$local\t$remote\t$pass\n";
- print SECRETS_FILE "$remote\t$local\t$pass\n";
- close(SECRETS_FILE) or die ("couldn't close $secrets_file: $!");
- chmod 0600, $secrets_file;
-} # /AddCHAPorPAP()
-#AddPPTP - interactive
-# Add a new PPTP tunnel configuration
-sub AddPPTP() {
- my ($name, $ip, $local, $remote);
- print "\nAdd a NEW PPTP Tunnel.\n\n";
- my @configs = keys %pptp_servers;
- my $choice = bselect "Which configuration would you like to use?",
- @configs, "Other";
- my @routes;
- if($choice == @configs+1) {
- while (1) {
- $name = QueryUser "Tunnel Name", undef;
- # per man perlsec, check for special characters
- if ($name =~ /^([-\@\w.]+)$/) {
- $name = $1;
- last;
- }
- print "Name contains special characters.\n";
- print "Please use only alphanumerics, '-', '_', '.', and '\@'.\n";
- }
- $ip = QueryUser "Server IP", undef;
- print "What route(s) would you like to add when the tunnel comes up?\n";
- print "This is usually a route to your internal network behind the PPTP server.\n";
- print "You can use TUNNEL_DEV and DEF_GW as in /etc/pptp.d/ config file\n";
- print "TUNNEL_DEV is replaced by the device of the tunnel interface.\n";
- print "DEF_GW is replaced by the existing default gateway.\n";
- print "The syntax to use is the same as the route(8) command.\n";
- print "Enter a blank line to stop.\n";
- while (1) {
- my $route = QueryUser "route", undef;
- last unless defined $route;
- last if $route eq "";
- if($route =~ /$unsafe_re/o) {
- print "$route contains unsafe characters. discarded.\n";
- next;
- }
- push @routes, $route;
- }
- } else {
- $name = $configs[$choice-1];
- $ip = $pptp_servers{$configs[$choice-1]}->{"ip"};
- @routes = @{$pptp_servers{$configs[$choice-1]}->{"routes"}};
- }
- print
- "Local Name and Remote Name should match a configured CHAP or PAP secret.
-Local Name is probably your NT domain\\username.
-NOTE: Any backslashes (\\) must be doubled (\\\\).
- $local = QueryUser "Local Name", undef;
- $remote = QueryUser "Remote Name", "PPTP";
- print "Adding $name - $ip - $local - $remote\n";
- AddTunnel $name, $ip, $local, $remote, @routes;
-sub ConfigureResolv() {
- if(yesno "Use a PPTP-specific resolv.conf during tunnel connections?") {
- if( -f $resolv_pptp ) {
- print "$resolv_pptp exists.\n";
- if(! yesno "Do you want to use the existing $resolv_pptp?") {
- print "Renaming $resolv_pptp --> $resolv_pptp.orig...\n";
- rename $resolv_pptp, "$resolv_pptp.orig"
- or die "couldn't rename $resolv_pptp: $!";
- }
- }
- if(! -f $resolv_pptp) {
- my @configs = keys %dns_servers;
- my $choice = bselect "Which configuration do you want to use?", @configs, "Other";
- my (@addresses, $search);
- if($choice == @configs+1 ) {
- print "What domain names do you want to search for partially\n" .
- "specified names?\n";
- print "Enter all of them on one line, seperated by spaces.\n";
- $search = QueryUser "Domain Names", undef;
- print "Enter the IP addresses of your nameservers\n";
- print "Enter a blank IP address to stop.\n";
- while(1) {
- my $address = QueryUser "Nameserver IP Address", undef;
- last unless defined $address;
- last if $address eq "";
- push @addresses, $address;
- }
- } else {
- $search = $dns_servers{$configs[$choice-1]}->{"search_list"};
- @addresses = @{$dns_servers{$configs[$choice-1]}->{"ip_list"}};
- }
- open(PPTP, ">$resolv_pptp")
- or die "couldn't open $resolv_pptp for writing: $!";
- print PPTP "search $search\n";
- foreach my $a (@addresses) {
- print PPTP "nameserver $a\n";
- }
- close(PPTP) or die "couldn't close $resolv_pptp: $!";
- }
- if( -f $resolv_real) {
- my $diff = `diff $resolv $resolv_real`;
- chomp $diff;
- if($diff ne "") {
- print "** $resolv_real exists.\n";
- print "** copying it to $resolv_real.orig\n";
- unlink "$resolv_real.orig";
- rename $resolv_real, "$resolv_real.orig";
- }
- }
- BreakSymlink $resolv;
- print "Copying $resolv to $resolv_real...\n";
- `cp -f $resolv $resolv_real`;
- print "Creating link from $resolv_real to $resolv\n";
- `ln -sf $resolv_real $resolv`;
- } else { #they choose not to twiddle /etc/resolv.conf
- BreakSymlink $resolv;
- if( -f $resolv_pptp) {
- print "$resolv_pptp exists\n";
- if(yesno "Do you want to delete /etc/resolv.conf.pptp?") {
- unlink $resolv_pptp;
- print "$resolv_pptp deleted.\n";
- } else {
- print "** You have chosen not to delete $resolv_pptp\n" .
- "** This existing $resolv_pptp may still be used\n" .
- "** when tunnel connections are established. If you\n" .
- "** really don't want it to be used, you should\n" .
- "** rename or remove it.\n";
- }
- }
- if( -f $resolv_real) {
- my $diff = `diff $resolv $resolv.real`;
- chomp $diff;
- if($diff eq "") {
- print "$resolv is identical to $resolv_real\n";
- if(yesno "Do you want to delete $resolv_real?") {
- unlink $resolv_real;
- print "$resolv_real deleted\n";
- }
- } else {
- print "** $resolv and $resolv_real both exist\n" .
- "** but are not the same. You should decide which\n" .
- "** one is correct and make sure that file is named\n" .
- "** $resolv\n";
- }
- }
- }
-# This returns all the CHAP or PAP secrets with ***ed out the paswords
-sub getCHAPorPAP {
- my $secret_type = $_[0];
- my $secrets_file = "";
- if( $secret_type eq "CHAP") {
- $secrets_file = $chap_secrets;
- } elsif( $secret_type eq "PAP") {
- $secrets_file = $pap_secrets;
- } else {
- die ( "wrong sercet type!");
- }
- if(-f $secrets_file) {
- my @list= `cat $secrets_file`;
- foreach my $secret (@list) {
- $secret =~ s/(.*\s)\S+\s*$/$1*****\n/
- unless $secret =~ /^\s*#/;
- }
- return @list;
- } else {
- return undef;
- }
-# This manages secret files
-sub ManageSecrets {
- my $secret_type=$_[0];
- while(1) {
- my $manage_task = bselect "?", "List $secret_type secrets",
- "Add a New $secret_type secret",
- "Delete a $secret_type secret",
- "Quit";
- if( $manage_task eq "1") {
- print "Current $secret_type secrets:\n";
- my @list = getCHAPorPAP( $secret_type);
- if( @list ) {
- print @list;
- } else {
- print " None.\n";
- }
- } elsif( $manage_task eq "2") {
- AddCHAPorPAP( $secret_type);
- } elsif( $manage_task eq "3") {
- my @list;
- my $secrets_file;
- if( $secret_type eq "CHAP") {
- $secrets_file = $chap_secrets;
- } elsif( $secret_type eq "PAP") {
- $secrets_file = $pap_secrets;
- } else {
- die "wrong secret_type!";
- }
- @list = getCHAPorPAP( $secret_type);
- if( @list) {
- print "Select one of the pair of lines that you want removed.\n";
- print "Both matching lines will be deleted.\n";
- my $choice = bselect "Remove which $secret_type secret?", @list, "None";
- $choice--;
- if($choice == @list) {
- print "Aborted Deleting a $secret_type secret\n";
- next;
- } else {
- `stty -echo`;
- my $passwd = QueryUser "Enter the password for this $secret_type secret", undef;
- `stty echo`;
- my @secrets = `cat $secrets_file`;
- open(SECRETS_FILE, ">$secrets_file") or die "Couldn't open $secrets_file for writing: $!";
- my ($local, $remote, undef) = split(/\s/, $list[$choice]);
- my $count = 0;
- foreach my $c (@secrets) {
- my ($c_local, $c_remote, $c_secret, undef) = split(/\s/, $c);
- if( $c_secret eq $passwd && (
- ($c_local eq $local && $c_remote eq $remote) ||
- ($c_local eq $remote && $c_remote eq $local)
- ))
- {
- $count++;
- next;
- } else {
- print SECRETS_FILE $c;
- }
- }
- close(SECRETS_FILE) or die "Couldn't close $secrets_file after writing: $!";
- print "\nDeleted $count entries.";
- print " Perhaps you mistyped the password?" if $count == 0;
- print "\n";
- }
- }
- } elsif( $manage_task eq "4" || $manage_task eq "q") {
- last;
- } else {
- next;
- }
- }
-# This is the part that does the old pptp-setup work.
-#first the site-specific config files
-sub setup() {
- my ($name, $search_list, $ip_list, $ip, @configs);
- foreach my $f (`ls $pptpdir`) {
- if($f !~ /^($safe_re)$/o) {
- print "Name your files something reasonable: \"$f\" doesn't qualify\n";
- next;
- }
- $f = $1;
- open(CONFIG, "<$pptpdir/$f") or next; #silently fail here
- @configs = <CONFIG>;
- close CONFIG;
- chomp $f;
- for(my $i=0; $i<=$#configs; $i++) {
- $configs[$i] =~ s/\#.*/ /o;
- if($configs[$i] =~ /\S/) {
- chomp $configs[$i];
- if($configs[$i] eq "nameservers") {
- until(++$i == @configs) {
- ($name,$search_list,$ip_list) = split ':', $configs[$i];
- $name = $f ."-". $name;
- $dns_servers{$name}->{"search_list"}=$search_list;
- $dns_servers{$name}->{"ip_list"}=[split ' ', $ip_list];
- }
- } else {
- ($name,$ip) = split ' ', $configs[$i];
- $name = $f ."-". $name;
- $pptp_servers{$name}->{"ip"}=$ip;
- $pptp_servers{$name}->{"routes"}=[];
- until($configs[++$i] eq "\n") {
- chomp $configs[$i];
- if($configs[$i] =~ /$unsafe_re/o ) {
- print "WARNING: the line:\n",
- "$configs[$i]\n",
- "contains unsafe characters!\n";
- next;
- }
- $pptp_servers{$name}->{"routes"}=[@{$pptp_servers{$name}->{"routes"}},$configs[$i]];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-#ok. now all the info from the config files is in %pptp_servers and %dns_servers. now let's do something with it.
- while(1) {
- my $task = bselect "?", "Manage CHAP secrets",
- "Manage PAP secrets",
- "List PPTP Tunnels",
- "Add a NEW PPTP Tunnel",
- "Delete a PPTP Tunnel",
- "Configure resolv.conf",
- "Select a default tunnel",
- "Quit";
- if($task eq "1") {
- ManageSecrets( "CHAP");
- } elsif($task eq "2") {
- ManageSecrets( "PAP");
- } elsif($task eq "3") {
- my @tunnels = ConfiguredTunnels;
- print "Current Tunnels:\n";
- if(scalar(@tunnels) != 0) {
- print join "\n", @tunnels;
- print "\n";
- } else {
- print " None.\n";
- }
- } elsif($task eq "4") {
- AddPPTP;
- } elsif($task eq "5") {
- my $tunnel = SelectTunnel "Delete which tunnel?";
- DelTunnel $tunnel if $tunnel ne "";
- } elsif($task eq "6") {
- ConfigureResolv;
- } elsif($task eq "7") {
- my @tunnels = ConfiguredTunnels;
- if( -l "$tunnel_dir/__default" ) {
- print "The current default is ".readlink("$tunnel_dir/__default")."\n";
- }
- if( -f _ ) {
- die "$tunnel_dir/__default is a regular file not a symlink!\n";
- }
- my $choice = bselect "Which tunnel do you want to be the default?", @tunnels, "cancel";
- next if $choice == @tunnels+1;
- unlink "$tunnel_dir/__default";
- my $scratch = $tunnel_dir."/".$tunnels[$choice-1];
- $scratch = $1 if $scratch =~ /^($safe_re)$/o;
- symlink $scratch, "$tunnel_dir/__default" or die "couldn't create __defualt symlink: $!";
- } elsif($task eq "8" || $task eq "q") {
- exit 0;
- }
- }
-# This does the old pptp-start work
-sub start() {
- my ($tunnel, $f, @filter, @ifs, $if, @foo);
- my @tunnels = ConfiguredTunnels;
- die "no configured tunnels!\n" if @tunnels == 0;
- if(defined $ARGV[1]) {
- $tunnel = $ARGV[1];
- } elsif(-l "$tunnel_dir/__default" && defined $ARGV[0]) {
- my $default = readlink "$tunnel_dir/__default";
- $tunnel = (split '/', $default)[-1];
- } elsif(-t STDIN && -t STDOUT) {
- $tunnel = SelectTunnel "Start a tunnel to which server?";
- } else {
- usage;
- }
- die "Nasty characters in $tunnel\n" if $tunnel !~ /^($safe_re)$/o;
- $tunnel = $1;
- my $config = "$tunnel_dir/$tunnel";
- die "Tunnel configuration for $tunnel not found\n" unless -f $config;
- open(CONFIG, "<$config") or die "couldn't open $config: $!";
- my @conf = <CONFIG>;
- close CONFIG;
- my ($ip,undef) = grep {/Server IP/} @conf;
- my $server = undef;
- $server = $1 if $ip =~ /.*IP: ([-a-zA-Z0-9\.]+).*/;
- die "Server Address for $tunnel not found.\n"
- unless defined $server;
- #build a regexp of the currently existing interfaces
- my @ifconfig = `/sbin/ifconfig`;
- foreach $f (@ifconfig) {
- next unless $f =~ /^[a-z]/;
- @foo=split ' ', $f;
- push @filter, $foo[0];
- }
- my $if_re = join '|', @filter;
- #bring up the tunnel
- my $child = fork;
- if ($child == 0) {
- exec "/usr/sbin/pptp $server call $tunnel";
- die "exec of pptp failed.";
- }
- my $timeout=60;
- while(1) {
- die "ERROR! Connection timed out.\n" if $timeout==0;
- $timeout--;
- @ifs = ();
- sleep 1;
- @ifconfig=`/sbin/ifconfig`;
- foreach $f (@ifconfig) {
- next unless $f =~ /^[a-z]/;
- @foo=split ' ', $f;
- push @ifs, $foo[0];
- }
- ($if, undef) = grep {!/$if_re/} @ifs;
- last if defined $if;
- }
- die "something screwy in your interface names: $if\n" if $if !~ /^($safe_re)$/o;
- $if = $1;
- (grep {/inet/} `/sbin/ifconfig $if`)[0] =~ /:(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/;
- $ip = $1;
- my (undef, $gw, undef) = split ' ', (`/sbin/route -n`)[-1];
- my @routes = grep {/Route/} @conf;
- open(LOCK, ">>$subsys_dir/pptp") or die "couldn't open lock file: $!";
- foreach my $r (@routes) {
- chomp $r;
- $r =~ s/.*?Route: //;
- if ($r !~ /^($safe_re)$/o) {
- print "WARNING: $r countains unsafe characters. Ignoring it.\n";
- next;
- }
- $r = $1;
- $r =~ s/TUNNEL_DEV/$if/og;
- $r =~ s/DEF_GW/$gw/og;
- die "route failed on $r" if system("/sbin/route $r");
- #store the routes added in the lock file so they can be ripped down during stop.
- print "Route: $r added\n";
- print LOCK "$r\n";
- }
- close LOCK or die "couldn't close lock file: $!";
- print "All routes added.\n";
- print "Tunnel $tunnel is active on $if. IP Address: $ip\n";
- Rotate $resolv, $resolv_pptp, $resolv_real;
- exit 0;
-# this does the old pptp-stop work
-sub stop() {
- Rotate $resolv, $resolv_real, $resolv_pptp;
- print "Sending HUP signal to PPTP processes...\n";
- `killall -HUP pptp`;
- open(LOCK, "<$subsys_dir/pptp") or goto "skip";
- while(my $r = <LOCK>) {
- chomp $r;
- if ($r !~ /^($safe_re)$/o) {
- print "someone is messing with the lock files in a bad way\n";
- print "ignoring all remaining route commands.\n";
- last;
- }
- $r = $1;
- $r =~ s/add/del/o;
- system("/sbin/route $r >/dev/null 2>&1"); #many of these will fail... that's fine.
- }
- close LOCK;
- unlink "$subsys_dir/pptp";
- sleep 2;
- exit 0;
-if(defined $ARGV[0]) {
- if($ARGV[0] eq "setup") {
- setup;
- } elsif($ARGV[0] eq "start") {
- start;
- } elsif($ARGV[0] eq "stop") {
- stop;
- } elsif($ARGV[0] eq "status") {
- if( -f "$subsys_dir/pptp") {
- print "There is probably a pptp tunnel up\n";
- exit 0;
- } else {
- print "There is probably not a pptp tunnel up\n";
- exit 3;
- }
- } elsif($ARGV[0] eq "restart" || $ARGV[0] eq "force-reload" || $ARGV[0] eq "reload") {
- print STDERR "$ARGV[0] is not implimented yet\n";
- exit 3;
- }
-if(! -t STDIN || ! -t STDOUT) {
- usage;
-my $mode = bselect "What task would you like to do?", "start", "stop", "setup", "quit";
-if($mode eq "1") {
- start;
-} elsif($mode eq "2") {
- stop;
-} elsif($mode eq "3") {
- setup;
-} elsif($mode eq "4" or $mode eq "q") {
- exit 0;
diff --git a/net-dialup/pptpclient/files/pptp-init b/net-dialup/pptpclient/files/pptp-init
deleted file mode 100644
index fa939a78bd52..000000000000
--- a/net-dialup/pptpclient/files/pptp-init
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dialup/pptpclient/files/pptp-init,v 1.2 2004/09/28 01:22:04 swegener Exp $
-depend() {
- need net
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting Point-to-Point Tunnelling Server"
- start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --background --pidfile /var/run/ --make-pidfile --exec /usr/sbin/pptpd
- eend $?
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping Point-to-Point Tunnelling Server"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile /var/run/ --name pptpd
- eend $?
diff --git a/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.1.0-r1.ebuild b/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.1.0-r1.ebuild
index 947f890eca0e..89173eabf092 100644
--- a/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.1.0-r1.ebuild
+++ b/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.1.0-r1.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.1.0-r1.ebuild,v 1.9 2004/07/14 23:05:51 agriffis Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.1.0-r1.ebuild,v 1.10 2004/10/02 12:50:27 dragonheart Exp $
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ src_install() {
cd ${S}
insinto /etc/ppp
doins options.pptp
- dosbin pptp-command
+ dosbin ${DISTDIR}/pptp-command
if use tcltk ; then
sed s/pptp_fe/ < >
diff --git a/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.1.0.ebuild b/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.1.0.ebuild
index 9b55f970ce6f..cdecfa69f340 100644
--- a/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.1.0.ebuild
+++ b/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.1.0.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.1.0.ebuild,v 1.11 2004/07/14 23:05:51 agriffis Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.1.0.ebuild,v 1.12 2004/10/02 12:50:27 dragonheart Exp $
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ src_install() {
cd ${S}
insinto /etc/ppp
doins options.pptp
- dosbin pptp-command
+ dosbin ${DISTDIR}/pptp-command
cd pptp-linux-${PV}
dosbin pptp
diff --git a/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.2.0.ebuild b/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.2.0.ebuild
index 1e270d70031c..433bce224f14 100644
--- a/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.2.0.ebuild
+++ b/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.2.0.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.2.0.ebuild,v 1.8 2004/06/24 22:31:23 agriffis Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.2.0.ebuild,v 1.9 2004/10/02 12:50:27 dragonheart Exp $
@@ -33,6 +33,6 @@ src_install() {
insinto /etc/ppp
doins options.pptp
- dosbin pptp-command
+ dosbin ${DISTDIR}/pptp-command
use tcltk && dosbin
diff --git a/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.3.1.ebuild b/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.3.1.ebuild
index 8eb106d9dde3..880931f0d458 100644
--- a/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.3.1.ebuild
+++ b/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.3.1.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.3.1.ebuild,v 1.4 2004/06/24 22:31:23 agriffis Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.3.1.ebuild,v 1.5 2004/10/02 12:50:27 dragonheart Exp $
@@ -34,6 +34,6 @@ src_install() {
insinto /etc/ppp
doins options.pptp
- dosbin pptp-command
+ dosbin ${DISTDIR}/pptp-command
use tcltk && dosbin
diff --git a/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.4.0.ebuild b/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.4.0.ebuild
index 27ca905fe044..995f63fc75b2 100644
--- a/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.4.0.ebuild
+++ b/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.4.0.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.4.0.ebuild,v 1.3 2004/06/24 22:31:23 agriffis Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.4.0.ebuild,v 1.4 2004/10/02 12:50:27 dragonheart Exp $
@@ -34,6 +34,6 @@ src_install() {
insinto /etc/ppp
doins options.pptp
- dosbin pptp-command
+ dosbin ${DISTDIR}/pptp-command
use tcltk && dosbin
diff --git a/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.5.0.ebuild b/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.5.0.ebuild
index dd32722f14d3..3767417c4fb8 100644
--- a/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.5.0.ebuild
+++ b/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.5.0.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.5.0.ebuild,v 1.1 2004/09/27 13:16:32 dragonheart Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dialup/pptpclient/pptpclient-1.5.0.ebuild,v 1.2 2004/10/02 12:50:27 dragonheart Exp $
@@ -34,8 +34,6 @@ src_install() {
insinto /etc/ppp
doins options.pptp
- dosbin pptp-command
+ dosbin ${DISTDIR}/pptp-command
use tcltk && dosbin
- doinitd ${FILESDIR}/pptp-init