diff options
5 files changed, 283 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/maxima/ChangeLog b/sci-mathematics/maxima/ChangeLog
index b4944e91dee8..75d95e43ece9 100644
--- a/sci-mathematics/maxima/ChangeLog
+++ b/sci-mathematics/maxima/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
# ChangeLog for sci-mathematics/maxima
# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-mathematics/maxima/ChangeLog,v 1.93 2011/09/03 09:16:57 scarabeus Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-mathematics/maxima/ChangeLog,v 1.94 2011/12/21 07:25:58 grozin Exp $
+*maxima-5.26.0 (21 Dec 2011)
+ 21 Dec 2011; Andrey Grozin <> +maxima-5.26.0.ebuild,
+ +files/maxima-5.26.0-wish.patch, +files/maxima-5.26.0.patch:
+ Version bump
03 Sep 2011; Tomáš Chvátal <> metadata.xml:
Remove unused local descs.
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/maxima/Manifest b/sci-mathematics/maxima/Manifest
index cdf24f259908..a53189e0cf21 100644
--- a/sci-mathematics/maxima/Manifest
+++ b/sci-mathematics/maxima/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-Hash: SHA1
AUX 50maxima-gentoo.el 439 RMD160 bdddca04f2232ad764dc6093ba4d0a1b71862879 SHA1 8e4394313e0f2a36b8d57b0eac1feb0d7853cee9 SHA256 134313e42f134e51283764e44c9a174a4010b319ac9c31822c2e7051d186de49
AUX maxima-5.23.2-emacs-version.patch 402 RMD160 b4152ba4f8014106f11365440d14901bc0bba0f4 SHA1 34e8feee04d83619eed298760747966471b205fe SHA256 b6fcdae390a44aafbdf0c64539aacbe38e9b48463c1bc9063a705770ea66d981
AUX maxima-5.23.2-wish.patch 946 RMD160 d19db10a629a9a9f1fa0799b0be403c8aee090fe SHA1 56f2ad96baed63b27d7c37cfccaf27806a06f20e SHA256 dd535626d5d2d16f249e2c41157f5bbfb030236651d9b0404cc1a69c5fec9e0c
@@ -9,6 +6,8 @@ AUX maxima-5.24.0-wish.patch 946 RMD160 d19db10a629a9a9f1fa0799b0be403c8aee090fe
AUX maxima-5.24.0.patch 3263 RMD160 a3fb37685b9481ed1c17a53f027429656371c586 SHA1 774178e2e3cd265d3f0474b0c38fa1230c583619 SHA256 dd7d02c0eaac5a0763363ed46c207bfb40e55b8470dc3b7c2892753b466a2ea0
AUX maxima-5.25.1-wish.patch 946 RMD160 d19db10a629a9a9f1fa0799b0be403c8aee090fe SHA1 56f2ad96baed63b27d7c37cfccaf27806a06f20e SHA256 dd535626d5d2d16f249e2c41157f5bbfb030236651d9b0404cc1a69c5fec9e0c
AUX maxima-5.25.1.patch 3263 RMD160 a3fb37685b9481ed1c17a53f027429656371c586 SHA1 774178e2e3cd265d3f0474b0c38fa1230c583619 SHA256 dd7d02c0eaac5a0763363ed46c207bfb40e55b8470dc3b7c2892753b466a2ea0
+AUX maxima-5.26.0-wish.patch 946 RMD160 d19db10a629a9a9f1fa0799b0be403c8aee090fe SHA1 56f2ad96baed63b27d7c37cfccaf27806a06f20e SHA256 dd535626d5d2d16f249e2c41157f5bbfb030236651d9b0404cc1a69c5fec9e0c
+AUX maxima-5.26.0.patch 3263 RMD160 a3fb37685b9481ed1c17a53f027429656371c586 SHA1 774178e2e3cd265d3f0474b0c38fa1230c583619 SHA256 dd7d02c0eaac5a0763363ed46c207bfb40e55b8470dc3b7c2892753b466a2ea0
AUX maxima-ecl-ldflags.patch 1069 RMD160 96b7fec44be8919f6cac44e50e39cae9eb3c0c88 SHA1 719ea4f9f5a8e9384da01882cd0baacd9573c479 SHA256 e4a12120d30389690d2d5c1ac8ae77713e1818950632c2953ac6ec57a9c11976
AUX maxima-imaxima.patch 211 RMD160 24e2b10e59ee1fd5f9307dc8e336fa32beeb6de3 SHA1 f77dceec2dcb4503d1ec86cff7ef4d7d65a0c20f SHA256 b1d07af716f477dedfb011cb8c4fdf154d146db5172664865efc1ec025bfa2ce
AUX maxima-no-init-files.patch 2626 RMD160 ffc34cc7e1d6ade44b100252233e83aa7e383744 SHA1 97497929054fcf6924ac56006c9c4ad28c7b443d SHA256 58b82fa1cdcc2eafc0f912541b350ae7aec8c492be5f6b0ce2174ae01f399d88
@@ -18,26 +17,11 @@ DIST maxima-5.18.1.tar.gz 20440947 RMD160 a1c0f0978ed85ba79ed9ab4e8bf50cf268f46e
DIST maxima-5.23.2.tar.gz 21963705 RMD160 1b5cd22d1dc3dfb72663fe22704e9c006ba9ce9b SHA1 f7300058faf730ce6cf63c18e59ec068df01b4a6 SHA256 7bea62518135caf9ee9afccc1fb9fbc525c9b6bfb8d0614b5bbe4a51e9a1ce74
DIST maxima-5.24.0.tar.gz 25422077 RMD160 46e9ce7dbf8293606ab76b50926fbef922f4cafb SHA1 13586c1221bb5f36067a4cce1e6d5fb31e44e41c SHA256 58eb35806741c3388966a51ccecb7bd82e9a773a06d57276c6bc43e3c4ceec8c
DIST maxima-5.25.1.tar.gz 25864250 RMD160 52c9a6e37adceb1eb653564d3aa5f4b10a4ca06e SHA1 9c9ea66434c9ca96549092c3640c3ba5a4fba44b SHA256 8e98ad742151e52edb56337bd62c8a9749f7b598cb6ed4e991980e0e6f89706a
+DIST maxima-5.26.0.tar.gz 26047841 RMD160 789bb0449d65f6936bb548134ab1f33fe16858d0 SHA1 bc7448486478b217c333605c6d8f6c0bbdd3526c SHA256 887105c99a91122f3e622472aa39bdd1ca8ed6198cf09b49917f63f8396dced9
EBUILD maxima-5.18.1.ebuild 4193 RMD160 b439ed7bb29d010d1ad47f36cc91ab4ec7bf1549 SHA1 b905950feecb341b48b2859265425144286615a3 SHA256 67c46bc80625f5453d27646cabece84ad1087c8c9507ba880ae1080bf729aca2
EBUILD maxima-5.23.2.ebuild 4468 RMD160 17cec6829f97c8956181e4fc847c78a3a92cc9f3 SHA1 e389e233abbc407797a602414ccedfa4a2733725 SHA256 0092fd577c3bde28fa54b4a4a63e29db0a87a2cee7a2d324c75d14750a8f5837
EBUILD maxima-5.24.0-r1.ebuild 4920 RMD160 39f5f3e8ba475dce6de226d45053c22daecff52c SHA1 b94e0189394389d6ce56e41a6d9a8ff7e240c875 SHA256 7c6f312e44ae7be350ff82a8854716e772a8c9b1340965396d1fd7567f9ee4ae
EBUILD maxima-5.25.1.ebuild 5043 RMD160 c93f38f247b553a1843d5349392ab9541805f10b SHA1 570d4a429b70eeb2153453e11b81ed683938104e SHA256 f6cbdaaebdfd3ba57116ca246ea3432a8de5f2f837400be76ae857e158325c94
-MISC ChangeLog 21179 RMD160 043b65ed07cac84093a80ccd1584097b608c0bcf SHA1 276f81fe77d76ebaa0d7a756990de12b4a13e4ea SHA256 b5b58e88a31133f41c3096d21c15785951415872e41d2feef42917f86604c40a
+EBUILD maxima-5.26.0.ebuild 5043 RMD160 d845d17e50552f306c5565f84451420dcaeb62d9 SHA1 f60abec15eb4513c5afe184ac360e52ed52bdd98 SHA256 0a22e75d08dd42b75edb64ba9cd365b53a9a71f1ee7e2ef2bced4fa89c57e57a
+MISC ChangeLog 21357 RMD160 57159c9d2fdb019cac5e7ed35a1750bc95742817 SHA1 e36420940ef7faed46a3688bb0aec115373fc0c0 SHA256 244a54652addc58b5355a8162d63ebf73f14c7abb173cb34a10ce8463e120df8
MISC metadata.xml 1316 RMD160 f616e4170cfd0f93edd782cef54524e15b6397dc SHA1 bad6f2ef034339d00611162a31dd579e57fbf2b1 SHA256 c5b7768087c365de73e5fe1458c72155134c0db19d6d9e22527e7dc0c5f99f50
-Version: GnuPG v2.0.18 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/maxima/files/maxima-5.26.0-wish.patch b/sci-mathematics/maxima/files/maxima-5.26.0-wish.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6fcb0d9ec8e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-mathematics/maxima/files/maxima-5.26.0-wish.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+diff -r -U1 maxima-5.23.1.orig// maxima-5.23.1//
+--- maxima-5.23.1.orig// 2011-01-15 21:54:46.000000000 +0600
++++ maxima-5.23.1// 2011-01-16 21:00:16.000000000 +0600
+@@ -777,6 +777,11 @@
+ [ --with-wish=<prog> Use <prog> for Tk wish shell (default wish)],
+- [WISH="${withval}"],
+- [WISH="wish"])
++ [],
++ [with_wish="wish"])
++case "${with_wish}" in
++ no) WISH="none" ;;
++ yes) WISH="wish" ;;
++ *) WISH="${with_wish}" ;;
++AM_CONDITIONAL(WANT_TK, test x"${with_wish}" != xno)
+diff -r -U1 maxima-5.23.1.orig//interfaces/ maxima-5.23.1//interfaces/
+--- maxima-5.23.1.orig//interfaces/ 2004-04-28 23:34:59.000000000 +0700
++++ maxima-5.23.1//interfaces/ 2011-01-16 20:41:38.000000000 +0600
+@@ -1,2 +1,6 @@
++if WANT_TK
+ SUBDIRS = emacs xmaxima
++SUBDIRS = emacs
+ EXTRA_DIST = bin/xmaxima.iss
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/maxima/files/maxima-5.26.0.patch b/sci-mathematics/maxima/files/maxima-5.26.0.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6309653d6e87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-mathematics/maxima/files/maxima-5.26.0.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+diff -r -U1 maxima-5.23.1.orig// maxima-5.23.1//
+--- maxima-5.23.1.orig// 2011-01-15 21:54:46.000000000 +0600
++++ maxima-5.23.1// 2011-01-16 19:50:55.000000000 +0600
+@@ -294,3 +294,3 @@
+ dnl n.b. openmcl_default_name is hardcoded in "with" message
+ AC_ARG_ENABLE(openmcl,
+diff -r -U1 maxima-5.23.1.orig//src/ maxima-5.23.1//src/
+--- maxima-5.23.1.orig//src/ 2010-12-05 08:06:03.000000000 +0600
++++ maxima-5.23.1//src/ 2011-01-16 20:07:27.000000000 +0600
+@@ -137,5 +137,5 @@
+ if [ "$layout_autotools" = "true" ]; then
+- exec "$MAXIMA_IMAGESDIR/binary-$MAXIMA_LISP/@CLISP_RUNTIME@" $MAXIMA_LISP_OPTIONS -q -M "$maxima_image_base.mem" "" -- "$arg1" "$arg2" "$arg3" "$arg4" "$arg5" "$arg6" "$arg7" "$arg8" "$arg9"
++ exec "$MAXIMA_IMAGESDIR/binary-$MAXIMA_LISP/@CLISP_RUNTIME@" $MAXIMA_LISP_OPTIONS -q -norc -M "$maxima_image_base.mem" "" -- "$arg1" "$arg2" "$arg3" "$arg4" "$arg5" "$arg6" "$arg7" "$arg8" "$arg9"
+ else
+- exec "@CLISP_NAME@" $MAXIMA_LISP_OPTIONS -q -M "$maxima_image_base.mem" "" -- "$arg1" "$arg2" "$arg3" "$arg4" "$arg5" "$arg6" "$arg7" "$arg8" "$arg9"
++ exec "@CLISP_NAME@" $MAXIMA_LISP_OPTIONS -q -norc -M "$maxima_image_base.mem" "" -- "$arg1" "$arg2" "$arg3" "$arg4" "$arg5" "$arg6" "$arg7" "$arg8" "$arg9"
+ fi
+@@ -147,5 +147,5 @@
+ if [ -x "$MAXIMA_IMAGESDIR/binary-$MAXIMA_LISP/maxima" ]; then
+- exec "$MAXIMA_IMAGESDIR/binary-$MAXIMA_LISP/maxima" $MAXIMA_LISP_OPTIONS -quiet -- "$arg1" "$arg2" "$arg3" "$arg4" "$arg5" "$arg6" "$arg7" "$arg8" "$arg9"
++ exec "$MAXIMA_IMAGESDIR/binary-$MAXIMA_LISP/maxima" $MAXIMA_LISP_OPTIONS -quiet -nositeinit -noinit -- "$arg1" "$arg2" "$arg3" "$arg4" "$arg5" "$arg6" "$arg7" "$arg8" "$arg9"
+ else
+- exec "$MAXIMA_IMAGESDIR/binary-$MAXIMA_LISP/@CMUCL_RUNTIME@" $MAXIMA_LISP_OPTIONS -quiet -core "$maxima_image_base.core" -eval '(cl-user::run)' -- "$arg1" "$arg2" "$arg3" "$arg4" "$arg5" "$arg6" "$arg7" "$arg8" "$arg9"
++ exec "$MAXIMA_IMAGESDIR/binary-$MAXIMA_LISP/@CMUCL_RUNTIME@" $MAXIMA_LISP_OPTIONS -quiet -nositeinit -noinit -core "$maxima_image_base.core" -eval '(cl-user::run)' -- "$arg1" "$arg2" "$arg3" "$arg4" "$arg5" "$arg6" "$arg7" "$arg8" "$arg9"
+ fi
+@@ -155,3 +155,3 @@
+ else
+- exec "@CMUCL_NAME@" $MAXIMA_LISP_OPTIONS -quiet -core "$maxima_image_base.core" -eval '(cl-user::run)' -- "$arg1" "$arg2" "$arg3" "$arg4" "$arg5" "$arg6" "$arg7" "$arg8" "$arg9"
++ exec "@CMUCL_NAME@" $MAXIMA_LISP_OPTIONS -quiet -nositeinit -noinit -core "$maxima_image_base.core" -eval '(cl-user::run)' -- "$arg1" "$arg2" "$arg3" "$arg4" "$arg5" "$arg6" "$arg7" "$arg8" "$arg9"
+ fi
+@@ -177,3 +177,3 @@
+ elif [ "$MAXIMA_LISP" = "sbcl" ]; then
+- exec "@SBCL_NAME@" --core "$maxima_image_base.core" --noinform $MAXIMA_LISP_OPTIONS --end-runtime-options --eval '(cl-user::run)' --end-toplevel-options "$arg1" "$arg2" "$arg3" "$arg4" "$arg5" "$arg6" "$arg7" "$arg8" "$arg9"
++ exec "@SBCL_NAME@" --core "$maxima_image_base.core" --noinform $MAXIMA_LISP_OPTIONS --end-runtime-options --no-sysinit --no-userinit --eval '(cl-user::run)' --end-toplevel-options "$arg1" "$arg2" "$arg3" "$arg4" "$arg5" "$arg6" "$arg7" "$arg8" "$arg9"
+ else
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/maxima/maxima-5.26.0.ebuild b/sci-mathematics/maxima/maxima-5.26.0.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0e23aeb88d79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-mathematics/maxima/maxima-5.26.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-mathematics/maxima/maxima-5.26.0.ebuild,v 1.1 2011/12/21 07:25:58 grozin Exp $
+inherit autotools elisp-common
+DESCRIPTION="Free computer algebra environment based on Macsyma"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x86-macos"
+# Supported lisps (the first one is the default)
+LISPS=( sbcl cmucl gcl ecls clozurecl clisp )
+# . - just dev-lisp/<lisp>, <version> - >= dev-lisp/<lisp>-<version>
+MIN_VER=( . . 2.6.8_pre[ansi] 10 . . )
+# <lisp> supports readline: . - no, y - yes
+SUPP_RL=( . . y . . y )
+# . - just --enable-<lisp>, <flag> - --enable-<flag>
+CONF_FLAG=( . . . ecl ccl . )
+IUSE="latex emacs tk nls unicode xemacs X ${LISPS[*]}"
+# Languages
+LANGS="es pt pt_BR"
+for lang in ${LANGS}; do
+ IUSE="${IUSE} linguas_${lang}"
+RDEPEND="X? ( x11-misc/xdg-utils
+ sci-visualization/gnuplot[gd]
+ tk? ( dev-lang/tk ) )
+ latex? ( virtual/latex-base )
+ emacs? ( virtual/emacs
+ latex? ( app-emacs/auctex ) )
+ xemacs? ( app-editors/xemacs
+ latex? ( app-emacs/auctex ) )"
+PDEPEND="emacs? ( app-emacs/imaxima )"
+# generating lisp dependencies
+depends() {
+ local LISP DEP
+ LISP=${LISPS[$1]}
+ DEP=${MIN_VER[$1]}
+ if [ "${DEP}" = "." ]; then
+ DEP="dev-lisp/${LISP}"
+ else
+ DEP=">=dev-lisp/${LISP}-${DEP}"
+ fi
+ if [ "${SUPP_RL[$1]}" = "." ]; then
+ DEP="${DEP} app-misc/rlwrap"
+ fi
+ echo ${DEP}
+for ((n--; n >= 0; n--)); do
+ LISP=${LISPS[${n}]}
+ RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} ${LISP}? ( $(depends ${n}) )"
+ if (( ${n} > 0 )); then
+ DEF_DEP="${DEF_DEP} !${LISP}? ( "
+ fi
+DEF_DEP="${DEF_DEP} `depends 0`"
+for ((n--; n > 0; n--)); do
+ DEF_DEP="${DEF_DEP} )"
+unset LISP
+ ${DEF_DEP}"
+ sys-apps/texinfo"
+pkg_setup() {
+ local n=${#LISPS[*]}
+ for ((n--; n >= 0; n--)); do
+ use ${LISPS[${n}]} && NLISPS="${NLISPS} ${n}"
+ done
+ if [ -z "${NLISPS}" ]; then
+ ewarn "No lisp specified in USE flags, choosing ${LISPS[0]} as default"
+ fi
+src_prepare() {
+ # use xdg-open to view ps, pdf
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-xdg-utils.patch
+ # Don't use lisp init files
+ # ClozureCL (former OpenMCL) executable name is ccl
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}.patch
+ # make xmaxima conditional on tk (wish)
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-wish.patch
+ # don't install imaxima, since we have a separate package for it
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-imaxima.patch
+ # remove rmaxima if not needed
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-rmaxima.patch
+ # fix LDFLAGS handling in ecl (#378195)
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-ecl-ldflags.patch
+ # bug #343331
+ rm share/ || die
+ rm src/ || die
+ touch src/*.mk
+ touch src/
+ eautoreconf
+src_configure() {
+ local CONFS CONF n lang
+ for n in ${NLISPS}; do
+ CONF=${CONF_FLAG[${n}]}
+ if [ ${CONF} = . ]; then
+ CONF=${LISPS[${n}]}
+ fi
+ CONFS="${CONFS} --enable-${CONF}"
+ done
+ # enable existing translated doc
+ if use nls; then
+ for lang in ${LANGS}; do
+ if use "linguas_${lang}"; then
+ CONFS="${CONFS} --enable-lang-${lang}"
+ use unicode && CONFS="${CONFS} --enable-lang-${lang}-utf8"
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ econf ${CONFS} $(use_with tk wish) --with-lispdir="${SITELISP}"/${PN}
+src_install() {
+ einstall emacsdir="${ED}${SITELISP}/${PN}" || die "einstall failed"
+ use tk && make_desktop_entry xmaxima xmaxima \
+ /usr/share/${PN}/${PV}/xmaxima/maxima-new.png \
+ "Science;Math;Education"
+ if use latex; then
+ insinto ${TEXMF}/tex/latex/emaxima
+ doins interfaces/emacs/emaxima/emaxima.sty
+ fi
+ # do not use dodoc because interfaces can't read compressed files
+ # read COPYING before attempt to remove it from dodoc
+ insinto /usr/share/${PN}/${PV}/doc
+ dodir /usr/share/doc
+ dosym ../${PN}/${PV}/doc /usr/share/doc/${PF} || die
+ if use emacs; then
+ elisp-site-file-install "${FILESDIR}"/50maxima-gentoo.el || die
+ fi
+ # if we use ecls, build an ecls library for maxima
+ if use ecls; then
+ cd src
+ mkdir ./lisp-cache
+ ecl \
+ -eval '(require `asdf)' \
+ -eval '(setf asdf::*user-cache* (truename "./lisp-cache"))' \
+ -eval '(load "maxima-build.lisp")' \
+ -eval '(asdf:make-build :maxima :type :fasl :move-here ".")' \
+ -eval '(quit)'
+ ECLLIB=`ecl -eval "(princ (SI:GET-LIBRARY-PATHNAME))" -eval "(quit)"`
+ insinto "${ECLLIB#${EPREFIX}}"
+ newins maxima.fasb maxima.fas
+ fi
+pkg_preinst() {
+ # some lisps do not read compress info files (bug #176411)
+ local infofile
+ for infofile in "${ED}"/usr/share/info/*.bz2 ; do
+ bunzip2 "${infofile}"
+ done
+pkg_postinst() {
+ use emacs && elisp-site-regen
+ use latex && mktexlsr
+pkg_postrm() {
+ use emacs && elisp-site-regen
+ use latex && mktexlsr